The February 2012 Digital Edition of Pharmacy Practice News

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The Pharmacist’s News Source

Volume 39 • Number 2 • February 2012

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Survey: More Work Needed To Boost Role of Technicians New Orleans—Although progress has been made in providing greater responsibilities and more comprehensive training for pharmacy technicians in the hospital setting, two surveys conducted by the American Society of HealthSystem Pharmacists (ASHP) suggest there is still much room for improvement. More than 90% of the 372 pharmacists responding to one of the surveys agreed that “pharmacy technicians who have appropriate education, training and credentials could be used much more extensively to free pharmacists from drug distribution activities.” Along those same lines, 91% of the respondents agreed that by freeing pharmacists from drug distribution, technicians “would make it possible to redeploy pharmacists’ time to

in this issue Up Front

Capsules FDA rule takes aim at drug shortages.


In Brief New tools for CAM therapy, NEJM turns 200 and FDA approvals/recalls.


Operations & Mgmt

Leadership in Action The servant leader, round 2: Who do you want to follow?


Workflow For ambulatory pharmacy services, a little outside help now available.


see PHARM TECHS, page 18


CDC Launches New System for Tracking Antibiotics in Hospitals


or the first time, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) will be electronically tracking hospitals’ use of antimicrobial medications, using a new national system known as the AU (antimicrobial use) Initiative, part of the CDC’s National Healthcare Safety Network. The new system requires very little additional effort on the part of hospital pharmacists: Data on antimicrobial use can be automatically captured and reported from the medication administration record via clinical document architecture. For a hospital to participate, it must be using pharmacy software from a vendor that participates in the AU Initiative—a list that’s growing longer almost daily, and is available online from the Society of Infectious Diseases Pharmacists (SIDP) at The new national system overcomes several problems that have plagued antimicrobial stewardship in hospitals, according to Elizabeth

see TRACKING, page 13

Cutting IV waste yields major savings.



Reimbursement Matters Knowledge is power: the ABCs of new CMS payment rules.

Fiscal Stars That Glitter In Health-System Firmament new orleans— A few thousand here, a few hundred thousand there, and pretty soon you’re talking about real money. That sentiment—paraphrased from a line attributed to a U.S. senator in the 1960s—is taken seriously by health systems seeking every possible costcutting advantage. In this second installment of a three-part series that debuted in December, PPN highlights the imaginative, successful and sometimes relatively simple programs that hospitals are using to rack up millions of dollars in savings annually. The strategies, ranging from minimizing the waste of costly drugs to internalizing functions that had previously been farmed out to external vendors, were presented at the 2011 American Society of Health-System Pharmacists Midyear Clinical Meeting.

The Christ Hospital Saves By Cutting ESA Waste Pharmacists at The Christ Hospital in Cincinnati saved more than $250,000 by determining the most appropriate dose-conversion ratios between two erythropoiesis-


Educational Review

Methotrexate Drug Interactions: Are They Slipping Under Radar?

O Psychiatric Drug Interactions Explored: From the Literature to Clinical Practicality See page 7

see FISCAL STARS, page 20

n Dec. 21, the FDA issued a warning to physicians and pharmacists that administering a proton pump inhibitor (PPI) in conjunction with IV methotrexate could lead to elevated serum levels of the IV agent, potentially resulting in methotrexate toxicity. The warning cited case reports and pharmacokinetic studies.

But experts say that PPIs represent just the tip of the iceberg in terms of commonly used medications that may pose serious hazards when given concomitantly with methotrexate, a chemotherapy drug that also is used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). “It’s pretty scary how many of these

see METHOTREXATE, page 25

New Product American Regent announces the launch of Tranexamic Acid Injection.

See pages 5 and 21.

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