Ask McMillin Joe Harrison III Summer

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Spring 2016

Two Great Names One BETTER Company

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On the northeast corner of the Southwestern College campus, near the SWC football stadium, you can see major construction underway. What will be there? You will be excited to hear that Southwestern College will have a Wellness and Aquatics Center on that corner, with an accompanying large building, all at an estimated cost of $52 Million. The facility will include a competitive gymnasium that can hold 2500 people, fitness and cardio workout area, two Olympic-sized 50-meter pools as well as one 25-meter pool. Existing adjacent buildings will be demolished to make room for the new building, that will house the Math, Science and Engineering classrooms.

w w w. m c m i l l i n r e a l t y. c o m

What’s Happening at the Corner of Otay Lakes Road and H Street?

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