McMillin Realty's August 09 Ad in My Hometown Magazine

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Visit our website for complete details of these beautiful homes, virtual tours, more photos, and extras... Plus a complete listing of homes for sale including bank-owned, short sales and foreclosures. We have it all.


H I M M E R C O U R T, 9 1 9 1 3 $429,000

Follow us on Facebook and Twitter for instant news updates on open houses, new listings, current real estate information and community events important to Chula Vista.

S A N R A FA E L P L A C E , 9 1 9 1 4 $369,000

C O P P E R P E N N Y, 9 1 9 1 5 $390,000

CANYON, 91913 $599,900

C O L U S A S T R E E T, 9 1 9 1 3 $479,900

A U G U S TA P L A C E , 9 1 9 1 5 $899,900

M C M I L L I N R E A LT Y I S YO U R N E I G H BO R H O O D R E A L E S TAT E CO M PA N Y Nobody knows Chula Vista better than the company that helped build and support it for over 5 decades... McMillin Realty has over 150 experienced and knowledgeable professional associates that live and work in our community. B O N I TA O F F I C E 6 1 9 4 7 5 . 0 2 3 3 TERRA NOVA OFFICE 619 422.4500

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