5 HEALTHCARE TRENDS FOR 2021 2021 may feel like a breath of fresh air, yet many issues linger and solutions for efficient and quality healthcare are out there. Here are some healthcare trends for 2021.
VALUE-BASED CARE | Value-based care is
a form of reimbursement that has emerged as an alternative and potential replacement for fee-for-service reimbursement which pays providers retrospectively for services delivered based on bill charges or annual fee schedules. Value-based care aims to advance the triple aim of providing better care for individuals, improving population health management strategies, and reducing healthcare costs.
allowed patients to receive the same level of care at home as they would form a visit to the doctor’s office. The number of virtual visits has gone up during the pandemic and Forrest predicts they will hit one billion by the end of 2020. Telehealth reduces the risk of the spread of the virus and allows physicians more patient consultations.
SMART HOSPITALS | A hospital’s ability
to optimize, redesign or build new clinical processes, management systems and potentially even infrastructure, enabling its underlying digitized networking infrastructure of interconnected assets, to provide a valuable service or insight which was not possible or available earlier, to achieve better patient care, experience, and operational efficiency. A critical component for smart hospitals will be the ability to provide a valuable service of insight, which was simply not possible or available earlier.
mize exposure to infectious diseases, more hospitals will rethink personal protective equipment (PPE) and modernize standards to include hands-free communication technology. In addition to protecting people, hands-free communication can save valuable time and resources.
MENTAL HEALTH | Mental health will
become an even bigger issue as the breadth of individuals experiencing depression during the pandemic is fully realized. There will be efforts to address issues such as loneliness, depression, and social isolation. The pandemic has pushed the importance of progress in mental health and communitybuilding to the forefront.
7 FREE RECIPE APPS ON IOS & ANDROID TASTY | Through their great videos on social media, Tasty provides great step-by-step instructions and keeps your phone’s screen awake while it does so. You will get the earliest access to the latest Tasty videos plus filters allow you to search vegan, vegetarian, and gluten-free recipes. BBC GOOD FOOD | Yes, you heard right, not just news! BBC Good Food brings you over 10,000 recipes from both users and tested recipes. Its easy to create and save your favorite recipes for later use. SUPERFOOD | Great app that offers very tasty and healthy recipes using ingredients in line with where you live. The app allows for saving of grocery lists plus each recipe allows you to see the nutritional information to ensure a healthy diet. Great for using on a tablet. NYT COOKING | With over 19,000 saved recipes, beautiful photography, and easy to follow instructions, NYT Cooking is a must use app. BIG OVEN | This app has over 350,000 recipes! You will be able to add snapshots of your recipes and even make a grocery list in the app. Big Oven has a social media component that allows you to share and check out what family and friends are making. YUMMLY | Through a great search engine, Yummly allows you to tailor searches to fit your needs and eating. EPICURIOUS | One of the first and most recognizable cooking apps, Epicurious proves over 35,000 members rated and tested recipes through a beautiful interface. The app allows you to manage shopping lists and recipes across multiple device platforms.
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