1 minute read
Task force to begin revisions on
English Learner Master Plan
By Jacob Hoffman Express staff writer Assistant Superintendent Phoebe Girimonte and English Learner Specialist
Delia Garcia Espinoza presented trustees with an informational item to propose revising the English Learner (EL) Master Plan for English learners and gave an update from the Winters Joint Unified School District’s English language advisory committee at the July 20 school board meeting.
Girimonte explained what the “EL Master Plan is an operational guide for district staff” with “the aim of the English Learner Master Plan is to steer the implementation of effective programs for English learners, and to ensure that these programs achieve the district’s goals for their learning.”
An important part of the district’s master plan is its District English Language Advisory Committee (DELAC), which helps advise on policies related to English learning. “Each California public school also is required to form a District English Language Advisory Committee if they serve 51 or more English learners,” Girimonte said, “composed of a majority of parents or guardians of English learners, provides review and comment and advises the district governing board on services for English learners.”
Espinoza explained DELAC’s goal of revising the EL master plan and expounded on DELAC’s responsibil- ities, which includes, “the development of the EL master plan which is one of the major objectives of the 2023-24 school year.” The next responsibility is the conducting of a district-wide needs assessment survey, of which, “DELAC reviews the questions which make reference to initial identification, monitoring, and reclassification of English learners.” Other responsibilities include, “reviewing the establishment of the programs and services for English learners” and “the development of a plan to ensure teachers and instructional aids are qualified to work with English learners,” as well as, “reviewing and giving feedback on the reclassification
See PLAN, Page 3