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Trustees hear presentations on ELOP, gun safety training
By Jacob Hoffman Express staff writer
The Winters Joint Unified School District Board of Trustees approved the development of the Expanded Learning Opportunities Program for outside-classroom learning and a pay increase for the Superintendent, and heard a presentation on gun safety education at the July 20 meeting.
Assistant Superintendent Phoebe Girimonte presented trustees a presentation on the school district’s Expanded Learning Opportunities Program (ELOP).
Providing a definition of the term, Girimonte explained, “expanded learning, under the law, means before school, after school, summer, or intersession learning programs that focus on developing the academic, social, emotional interests of students through hands-on and engaging learning experiences.
Continuing, she said, “it is the intent of that law that expanded learning programs are people centered, results driven, that they include our community partners and organizations…they should also complement, but not replicate, the activities that students experience during the school day.”
Regarding ELOP at Winters JUSD, Girimonte described the program as “keeping and maintaining learning environments that are physically and emotionally safe” and that “our ELOP focuses on grades (Transitional Kindergarten) through sixth…I would think of the ACE program and the Summer Munchkin Camp as the core of ELOP, those are the programs that allow us to extend the school year by the required thirty days, and to extend the school day to nine hours.”
Girimonte noted that with the program’s growth “we do anticipate that there could come a time when demand exceeds space in the program…should we find ourselves in a position where we cannot provide access to all students in the UPC, we would seek to expand the program and identify additional staffing.”
Trustee Everado Zaragoza questioned what the anticipated limit of ELOP may be, Girimonte answered, “right now we are set to expand and include an additional grade level and three additional classes from last year’s offering…if those classes were to fill,” which is most likely in Kindergarten through second grade, “we do have additional space to accommodate students, but as of right now we don’t have additional staff.” If that were to occur, Girimonte said Winters JUSD could, if provided the resources to train additional staff and find sufficient facilities, expand to meet a higher need.
Rody Boonchuoy added, “the challenge is building out the infrastructure in order to accommodate a variety of… students, but also to produce really dynamic partnerships with the community…the work right now is building out the partnerships, figuring out what those partnerships might look like…and then developing ways to scale so that not only our unduplicated students can participate but as many as possible.”
Girimonte concluded saying, “ELOP presents a way to really build true partnerships where members of the community’s appearance or organizations can really have a handson interactive experience supporting student learning and in partnership with our school district.”
The fiscal impact is $792,000 budgeted from the ELOP grant. Trustees unanimously approved the ELOP plan.
Gun safety education
Laura Hackett, the local BeSMART, a gun safety advocacy group, lead, and member of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America presented information about the
See TRUSTEES, Page 5
Lake Berryessa water levels down
The water level of Lake Berryessa went down during the past week by 0.58 feet, with a decrease in the storage of 10,255 acre-feet of water, according to Ken Emigh of the Solano Irrigation District. On the morning of Tuesday, Aug. 1 the lake
Almuerzo gratuito para los estudiantes
Especial para Express El Distrito Escolar Unificado Conjunto de Winters anunció hoy su política para servir comidas a los estudiantes bajo el Programa Nacional de Almuerzo Escolar/Desayuno Escolar para el año escolar 2023-2024. Todos los estudi- antes recibirán almuerzo y desayuno sin cargo en los siguientes sitios: Escuela Preescolar Estatal Winters, Escuela Primaria Waggoner, Escuela Intermedia Shirley Rominger, Escuela Intermedia Winters, Escuela Secundaria Winters y Academia Profesional Wolf- skill. Para obtener información adicional, comuníquese con Cathleen Olsen, Directora de Servicios de Nutrición, Distrito Escolar Unificado Conjunto de Winters, 909 West Grant Ave., Winters CA 95694, 530-7956109 o colsen@wintersjusd.org.
Comienza búsqueda del administrador de Winters
Por Crystal Apilado
Traducido por Carol Alfonso
La búsqueda del próximo administrador de la ciudad de Winters está oficialmente en marcha, y los miembros del consejo de la ciudad están pidiendo a la comunidad que comparta su opinión sobre lo que les gustaría ver en el próximo administrador de la ciudad.
En Abril pasado, la administradora de la ciudad, Kathleen Salguero Trepa, anunció que se jubilaría este otoño para poder pasar más tiempo con su familia. El Ayuntamiento de Winters (Winters City Council) aprobó por unanimidad que Bob Murray & Associates asumiera la tarea de buscar un candidato calificado.
El alcalde Bill Biasi y el alcalde pro tempore Albert Vallecillo forman parte de un comité ad hoc para los esfuerzos de búsqueda del administrador de la ciudad.
Un video de reclutamiento del administrador de la ciudad que muestra a los miembros del consejo compartiendo sobre la comunidad de Winters y la ciudad está disponible en https:// youtu.be/X76m3-RaEdA.
Los esfuerzos de reclutamiento se abrieron la semana pasada y la descripción del trabajo y la información sobre cómo postularse están disponibles en https:// tinyurl.com/388vjaab.
Los posibles candidatos pueden postularse en la página del administrador de la ciudad de Winters de Bob Murray & Associates antes del 24 de Agosto. Según el sitio web, el salario actual del administrador de la ciudad de Winters es de $194,250, y la ubicación del salario para el candidato seleccionado depende de sus calificaciones y experiencia.
Aporte de la comunidad
La ciudad está realizando una encuesta para recopilar información de los resi- dentes sobre las calificaciones y el tipo de experiencia que creen que debe tener el candidato elegido como próximo administrador de la ciudad. La encuesta de opinión de la comunidad está disponible en Español en https://tinyurl.com/45s48ymk y en Inglés en https:// tinyurl.com/3kfzjxjp. El acceso a las encuestas también está disponible en el sitio web de la ciudad de Winters, cityofwinters.org. La encuesta se cerrará el 21 de Agosto. level was 426.60 feet above sea level, with storage computed at 1,307,253 acre-feet of water. Evaporation on the lake averaged 303 acre-feet of water per day. The SID is diverting 455 cubic feet per second of water in the Putah South Canal, with 44 cubic feet per second flowing at the Diversion Dam.
Trepa dijo que las respuestas de la encuesta se compartirán con el Ayuntamiento y el reclutador para que se pueda considerar el aporte de la comunidad al evaluar a los solicitantes durante el proceso de entrevista.
Las preguntas indagan sobre lo que los residentes creen que son los temas importantes que la ciudad debe abordar, la experiencia profesional y los atributos vitales.