2 minute read

A message from the president:

Dear Potential New Members,

I want to start off by congratulating you on your decision to attend Mcneese State University, and on deciding to go through Panhellenic recruitment. This decision may be scary for some, but I promise you are making a great decision Personally, throughout high school I told myself I would never join a sorority. That obviously wasn’t the case, because I signed up an hour before recruitment started, and fast forward 3 years I’m the Panhellenic President. Even though it was a last minute decision, it was one of the best decisions of my entire life Because of Greek life, I have gained some of my best friends, met my future bridesmaids, and have grown into the person I am today. All I hope is that you can gain just a fraction of what I have by joining the Panhellenic community. Recruitment is just a beginning. This week may feel like the longest week of your life but I promise it will feel like the shortest by the time you are a senior No matter what the outcome is on bid day, the memories you make will last forever. Around you may be some of your future sisters, best friends, and bridesmaids.


In the next upcoming years you will make some of the best memories of your life and they may be with the girls going through recruitment with you. The biggest piece of advice that I can give you is to be yourself and to follow your heart. The decision you have to make at the end of the long week will be for you and for nobody else Don’t worry about where your friends are going if it doesn’t feel like the place for you You should go where you feel comfortable Each of the houses, Alpha Delta Pi Chi Omega and Phi Mu, have amazing things to offer and you would gain so much from joining any of the houses. However you should go where you feel the most at home, because doing anything else would be cheating yourself from the best experience possible. If your friends go to another house, it may feel like the end of the world but I promise its ok. There are many women in the other chapters that I have met that I love. I can’t wait for you to open your bids and join not only your chapters, but the Panhellenic community I am so proud of your for taking this big step in your life and trying something new, and I can’t wait to help each of you find your home. Don’t be afraid to come to me or the rest of the exec board with any questions or for advice. I wish you luck on this journey and I cannot wait to see you thrive and grow!

With love, Alexis Bradley

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