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Potential New Member Recruitment Rules Eligibility

a. A woman is eligible to participate in recruitment if she is enrolled as a full-time (12+ credit hours) student at McNeese State University.

b. A woman is ineligible for membership recruitment if she has signed a MRABA since the last Primary Recruitment Perioded ended (COB MRABA) or has previously been initiated into a NPC sorority.


c. Interested woman must register for recruitment and pay the applicable recruitment fee prior to the registration deadline. If a PNM has issues with the recruitment fee, she can contact the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life for Information.

i. No refunds for the registration will be given after July 1st.


a. Letters of recommendations are not required to participate in Primary Panhellenic Recruitment.

i. Letters of recommendation are not a requirement for participation in sorority recruitment. Each NPC member organization has its own policies regarding recommendations.

1. Requiring PNMs to have references constitutes undue pressure. It further implies obtaining references not only is the PNM’s responsibility, but also her participation in membership recruitment depends on her ability to obtain references.

2. It is encouraged that should a PNM seek a recommendation; it comes from someone who is well acquainted with her and her strengths. Alumnae Panhellenic Associations can offer to support and help educate PNMs to first contact those Panhellenic alumnae to whom she is related or knows personally, such as close family friends and neighbors. These are the best sources for positive recommendations.

a. Should a PNM be in need of a point of contact for a recommendation, NPC provides contact information for each of the 26 member organizations on The Sorority Life website (thesororitylife.com/Recruitment101/recommendations.aspx).

ii. The responsibility for providing letters of recommendation for potential new members rests with the members of NPC sororities, and recruitment information distributed through College and Alumnae Panhellenic Association’s shall contain nothing that infers that letters of recommendation must be secured by the potential new member.

1. Individual NPC member organizations will clarify this responsibility with their membership.

2. Remuneration from the potential new member or her family for any such letter is inappropriate.

b. A PNM must contact either her Recruitment Counselor, the Director of Recruitment Counselors, Panhellenic President, or the CPH Advisor if she desires to withdraw from recruitment. She will be asked to complete an exit survey.

c. A PNM shall complete her online orientation, attend Orientation and all recruitment events to which she has received invitations. In the event of illness, she should notify CPH or her recruitment counselor if she cannot attend. If a woman cannot attend recruitment events because of class, work, or other excuse, it is up to individual chapters to determine whether or not to invite her back.

i. CPH will make every effort to schedule a PNMs recruitment parties around her schedule conflicts.

d. PNMs must wear the provided name tag throughout the duration of each recruitment round.

e. PNMs shall not have conversation or contact (verbal, written, typed, or printed) with sororities (including active, new, and alumnae members) outside of recruitment rounds.

i. Strict silence is enforced from the end of the last Primary Panhellenic Recruitment event, preference round unless it is known the PNM is unble to attend preference round, until bid distribution. (See Primary Panhellenic Recruitment Rule 18. Contact with PNMs Item c. Strict Silence Period for explanation of Strict Silence).

f. A woman shall provide her own transportation or use transportation provided by Panhellenic to and from membership recruitment events.

g. If a PNM is found to be not following Panhellenic Code of Ethics, especially bad mouthing any house, she will be removed from Panhellenic Recruitment. Gamma Chis are responsible for following the chain of command when reporting such.

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