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Get the best lawn in your own backyard

Love your lawn

The grass doesn’t have to be greener on the other side of the fence. You can have the best lawn in your own backyard with a minimum of eff ort.


If you’re in the market for backyard turf that will withstand the rough and tumble of kids and dogs, it’s best to choose a variety with a high wear tolerance and self-repairing characteristics. Moama residents Stuart and Janine Milgate are living proof that magnifi cent results can be achieved by choosing a low-maintenance turf variety that’s well suited to your conditions and lifestyle. The couple, who own two Labradors, installed Sir Walter DNA Certifi ed Buff alo on the recommendation of the Coolabah Turf team — and they’ve never looked back. “It’s just such a beautiful, hardy and drought-tolerant grass; I don’t put much water into it,” Stuart said. “I simply follow Coolabah’s seasonal maintenance guide to the letter to keep it strong and healthy. “We have two monstrous Labs who are very hard on the lawn, but it holds up so well, you wouldn’t even know they were there.” Sir Walter DNA Certifi ed Buff alo is an all-round turf variety that’s great with pets and kids and is well suited to the Australian climate. Easy to install, drought-tolerant, selfrepairing and non-invasive, the Sir Walter is very low maintenance. It has a broad, soft, luscious leaf that’s a great performer in high wear areas and is the number one seller and bestperforming grass for Aussie backyards. Sir Walter is renowned for being the most versatile turf grass available for residential yard environments, performing well in both full sun and part shade. The team at Coolabah Turf is well versed in providing for all properties — whether it be servicing professional landscape, commercial, council or DIY projects for homeowners — throughout regional and metropolitan Victoria. For more information, visit: www.coolturf.com.au

No worries: Stuart and Janine Milgate on their low-maintenance turf.

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