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Rikkie-Lee Tyrrell was elected as one of five upper house members for Northern Victoria at last year’s state election.
She is based at Invergordon, just north of Shepparton. Rikkie-Lee said her family loved regional Victoria and chose to make it her home after living in country NSW, where she worked in the tourism and hospitality sectors as well as a property manager in real estate. She was also a volunteer in the State Emergency Service and Rural Fire Service.
A working mum with two school-aged children, RikkieLee used to own a dairy farm in the Murray-Goulburn region with her husband Aaron, a fifth-generation dairy producer.
Unfortunately like many farmers in the region, RikkieLee said she and Aaron were hit with unsustainably high water and feed costs during the drought and they were forced to sell up.
Since then, Rikkie-Lee has been helping out on the farm her husband now manages and working to bring the impacts of Murray-Darling Basin water reform under scrutiny
Rikkie-Lee said her priorities as a member of parliament were to see Australians live their best lives, contributing to their communities and having the freedom to produce what they needed to survive and thrive as a first world nation.
She said she had a passion for people and would prioritise working as a representative to her constituency, Victoria and “having our resources available to us first, enriching our quality of life and sustaining liberty and democracy”.
Rikkie-Lee is looking forward to meeting the community at site E6 at the expo.