Issue 8, Fall 2017 - The Quadrangle

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Volume XCVI, Issue 8

OCTOBER 17, 2017

Bethlehem University Students Tackle Manhattan College RikkiLynn Shields Editor

This summer, five students from Bethlehem University in Palestine came to Manhattan College to participate in the Bethlehem University-Manhattan College Summer Research Program. Students spent the summer researching a topic pertaining to their field of study while being paired with a professor that acted as their mentor. Jane Allawi, a Bethlehem student majoring in biology, spent her summer at MC. Allaw researched how to produce collagen matrices using collagen nanofibrils– the main objec-tive being to create collagen matrices infused with titanium which would be used for transplanta-tions. Allawi worked with Gennaro Maffia, Ph.D., professor of


Five students from Bethlehem University in Palestine came to Manhattan College this summer to do research. RANDA AL-OBAYYAT / COURTESY

Baisden, Lee Hall AC, Takes Leave of Absence Jack Melanson Editor

The Manhattan College community was hit with the news that Area Coordinator of Lee Hall, Toni Baisden, will be taking a six week leave of absence from her duties. This absence is taking effect immediately. Although the reason for her absence has yet to be disclosed, it is apparent that she will return after six weeks. Ryan Bunts, area coordinator for Horan Hall, will be assuming her role in the meantime. “Although I can’t give specifics, I can confirm Toni Baisden

will be taking a leave from the position for six weeks during which time I will be overseeing the staff and students in Lee Hall in addition to Horan Hall,” said Bunts in an email statement. Baisden’s request for time off was unexpected, but ResiToni Baisden d e n c e Life re- MANHATTAN COLLEGE COURTESY m a i n s calm and collected. “I’m confident that with the assistance of the Residence Directors and Resident Assistants

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Religion Matters lecture coverage on p. 3

IN FEATURES: Students intern for SoHarlem on p. 6

the chemical engineering department, and other Manhattan College Students. “Working with the students is always the best part. They were wonderful and enthusiastic and Jane became part of the team very quickly. We managed to publish a paper so Jane’s work was accepted by the scientific community as something novel, using raw material that had not been tried before,” Dr. Gennaro said. For Alawi, the research she conducted with Dr. Maffia and Manhattan College senior Amanda Peterman, was the first type of research she had ever completed. “Unfortunately, we did not have enough time. However, we successfully tested the hypothesis of there being no cor-

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Sanctus Artem to Showcase On-Campus Talent at Art Show Gabriella DePinho & Shannon Gleba Staff Writers

Sanctus Artem, a young art collaborative on Manhattan College’s campus, will be hosting their first art show as an official MC club on Oct. 21 in Hayden 100. The art show will feature submissions from students, faculty and community members, covering a wide array of art forms. The submissions include paintings, drawings, pottery, graphic design, film, poetry, dance, music and other performances. In addition, there will be fashion shows to showcase the design submissions Sanctus Artem has received. Visual and performing arts department chairperson, Mark

The Sanctus Artem art show will highlight the works of Manhattan College students and faculty. SANCTUS ARTEM / COURTESY Pottinger, Ph.D., acts as the faculty advisor for Sanctus Artem and identifies himself as a sounding board for the student leaders of the collaborative. He credits the student leaders with the biggest role in planning the

art show, specifically the president of the organization, Kelsey Quartulli.



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Students join new MC reacts to breakdancing comments by classes on p. 10 Cam Newton on p. 11

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