THE Vol.90 Issue 12
UADRANGLE A Student Publication of Manhattan College Since 1924
Nov. 11, 2014
Manhattan Madness
Kicks Off Basketball Season Sean Sonnemann & Joseph V. Cusmano Web Editor & Senior Writer
Kevin Fuhrmann/The Quadrangle
Clyde’s Bid for Congress Sheds Light on Underdog Campaigns Michelle DePinho News/Managing Editor
When Provost William Clyde was shut out of a debate among major party candidates during his recent congressional bid in Connecticut, he did not let that stop him from having his voice heard. Instead, he staged his own debate right next door in a law firm’s parking lot. “I arranged to have speakers, lights, supporters and all of that come and it came together at the very last minute,” he said of the evening. Clyde, who recently ran for Congress in Connecticut’s 2nd district on the Green Party ticket against incumbent U.S. Rep. Joe Courtney D-2nd, experienced these and other setbacks that characterize third party campaigns attempting to break through the two party system. The election on Nov. 4 resulted in the Courtney’s reelection by a majority of the vote, while Clyde took only 1 percent of the vote. Clyde said one of his biggest struggles in the campaign was finding room in a two party system. “The selection mechanism for choosing the person to fill the job in different places is of different quality for finding the person who’s qualified,” he said. Oftentimes, the limitless funds that mainstream campaigns can raise brings them to the forefront of that process. The Citizens United Supreme Court decision, which removed limits on corporate funding of political campaigns, allows mainstream candidates to raise enough money to extend and bolster their campaigns. Julie Leninger Pycior, Ph.D. and professor of history at the college, said that the Citizens United ruling has changed how politics in the U.S. operate. “We are in a new era in one sense, which is money in politics,” Pycior said. “I’m sure that England, for example, limits how much you can contribute to a cam-
paign. They want one person one vote, one dollar one vote. You can’t do that here because of court decisions.” Clyde said that in his large district of 63 towns, that money translates into presence. Being associated with a major party also provides more money and resources, such as volunteers and immediate access to the media. “If you can’t put another ad up, that assertion in ads go unchallenged,” Clyde said of his opponents’ ads, which leaves voters with “incomplete information.” Instead, Clyde’s campaign ran radio ads when he could afford them and relied heavily on social media to spread his message. “I was counting on social media,” Clyde said, although the social platforms did not reach a very wide audience. As of Nov. 9, his campaign’s Facebook page had 178 likes and its Twitter account had 21 followers. “People who are smart about politics are looking today at how to make use of social media,” Margaret Groarke, Ph.D. and associate professor of government at the college, said. She said the Obama campaign is a good example of effective social media and that it was an innovator in using social media as part of its effort to build something political. Clyde relied on these alternative media outlets because of his tight budget, which is part of his philosophy and a major component of his platform for campaign reform. According to his campaign website, no donations to the campaign over $100 would be accepted. “Campaign costs have become so high that elected officials are continually preoccupied with campaigns and fund-raising, even after they are in office,” Clyde’s website reads. “And this preoccupation often drives them to adopt extreme ideologies that are divisive, which plays out in our government.” Without the funds to run an expensive
campaign, Clyde tried to drum up his own media. “I did press releases to try and get visibility,” he said. But “as a third party candidate, I was not taken seriously,” Clyde said. “Free media wasn’t really offered,” he said. “The problem is that I hadn’t been given the opportunity to be an alternative.” Although media interest in Clyde was minimal, a few local newspapers and radio shows invited him to be interviewed. While the media outlets all endorsed other candidates, the Norwich Bulletin wrote that Clyde would have been “more formidable opponent if he were the GOP challenger in this contest. He has clearly demonstrated a better understanding of the issues. His decision to run as a Green, and the selfimposed ban on fundraising, are principled stands in favor of campaign finance reform, but the undoing of his candidacy. Without the financial resources, his ability to engage in the dialogue is severely hampered. One need not abandon principle to be practical.” The one event that did stir up some attention was when he staged his own debate with Libertarian candidate Dan Reale next door to the debate both third party candidates had been excluded from. “I was creatively trying to get as much visibility as I could,” Clyde said. While Clyde admits his reach and influence were limited during the campaign, he said “basically everyone who we talked to at all was really excited” about what he had to say. Clyde’s platform included term limits for politicians, serious campaign reforms, finding a moderate approach to handling climate change, committing to national defense, improving health care and providing education free of socioeconomic disparities, according to his website. Historical patterns of third party candidates and campaigns, however, show that
As it got closer and closer to 9 p.m. on Thursday night, streams of students decked out in kelly green headed towards Draddy Gymnasium from every direction of Manhattan College’s campus. It could only mean one thing: Manhattan Madness had returned. An enthusiastic pep rally, Manhattan Madness officially begins the season for both the men’s and women’s basketball teams. While based around the formal introductions of the basketball teams’ roster and coaches, the event also includes performances by the school’s pep band, cheerleaders, dance team and a surprise musical guest. “It’s the number one event for school spirit,” Director of Student Activities John Bennett said. “Attendance wise, it’s the number one event of the semester, and possibly the year.” Bennett and his office began preparing for the occasion before the semester even began. Not only does it require the coordination of a multiple college departments including athletics, communication and the performing arts, but also 10 outside vendors. When the doors finally opened, lines of excited students entered the gym as the pep band played a medley of pop hits. Before finding their seats in the stands, each made sure to pick up a free t-shirt emblazoned with “The Sixth Borough,” the name of the student fan section. The event staff also handed out glow sticks to the crowd, many of which were later thrown onto the court by students as the night progressed. After the lights were dimmed, the emcee immediately began revving up the already buzzing energy in the gymnasium. “This is not Manhattan ‘Relax.’ This is not Manhattan ‘Take it Easy.’ This is Manhattan Madness,” he said. Members of the college’s Air Force ROTC chapter served as the color guard for a rendition of the national anthem. An impromptu “U-S-A!” chant followed before the women’s team was introduced. Each player on the roster had their name and hometown individually called out to the crowd. With a human tunnel made up of cheering Jasper dancers and cheerleaders marking out their path, the athletes danced and strutted their way to center court. Every player had a unique entrance song, many choosing titles and lyrics that reflected their personalities or names. Freshman basketball player Taylor Williams decided to enter to Montell Jordan’s 1995 hit “This Is How We Do It” for her first Manhattan Madness. “I was a little nervous, but you know, I had to bring it all old school,” she said. After each member of the women’s team and coaching staff was introduced, head coach John Olenowski addressed the crowd before beginning his sixth season at the helm of the program.
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