Issue 4, Fall 2014 - The Quadrangle

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Vol. LXXXXIII Issue 4

UADRANGLE A Student Publication of Manhattan College Since 1924

Sept. 16, 2014

Drive-by Shooting Near OV Still Under Investigation by Police

Michelle DePinho, Kristie Killen & Kyleigh Panetta

News Editor/Managing Editor & Staff Writers NYPD officers responded to a 911 call at 445 West 238th St. at 11:51 p.m. on Sept. 7 to investigate a report of shots fired. The shot was fired at An Beal Bocht, a bar located next door to the Overlook Manor dormitories. No one was injured in the incident. A report from the 50th precinct stated that the responding officer was met by a male who said he had heard shots fired. Officer Cordero of the 50th precinct said that the incident is still under investigation and the detectives on the case do not know whether the shot was fired from a BB gun or an actual gun. Manhattan College students were made aware of this incident through a public safety email that was sent on the morning of Sept. 8. “On Sunday, September 7, 2014 at about 11:45 p.m. unknown passenger(s) in a black auto possibly a Honda Civic drove by the "An Beal Bocht Cafe" and fired one gun shot from the auto toward the front of the An Beal Bocht Café,” the email stated. Kelly Commons security footage from that night shows a dark sedan speeding down Waldo Avenue towards Manhattan College. Three students also appear in the video walking down the sidewalk. Juan Cerezo, director of public safety, said that one of the students seen in the footage was interviewed regarding their account from that evening. “Patrons of An Beal Bocht who were there the night of the incident said that the shooting happened very quickly and that there was a lot of confusion afterwards as

The shot was fired in front of An Beal Bocht, a popular local bar. Photo by Kieran Rock. to what actually happened. “The witnesses that cooperated with the police that day, the people that were sitting inside the bar, were not students,” Cerezo said.

Cerezo said that Manhattan College is cooperating with the 50th precinct by providing them with video footage and any other information possible. Locals and employees of the various

establishments, including An Beal Bocht, were surprised by the incident. They think it was more of an initiation thing because they could have shot at the windows,” Bronagh Harmon, employee of An Beal Bocht, said. She said the shot was fired at a dog bowl on the ground and there was no other damage to the property. “The cops haven’t been up since and there’s been no investigation,” she said. “We just heard that there was a black car, someone was in it,” Khalid, employee of New Riverdale Deli, said. “But we do not know who the target was.” Shootings like this one in the Manhattan College area are not a common occurrence. “This is a great neighborhood,” Cerezo said. “We’ve always considered this the country club of the Bronx.” Cerezo has worked at the college for many years and said he only recalls one other shooting incident in the neighborhood that occurred off-campus at the Lounge, a bar across the street from Horan Hall. Crime statistics for this area are on the decline as a whole according to data provided by Inspector Rasa of the 50th precinct. Robberies, assaults and transit crimes are down from last year. There was only one homicide in that same time frame and it resulted from a shooting. Rapes have increased, but grand larceny relating to autos has grown the most in the past year and remains one of the biggest challenges for this precinct. Cerezo said public safety will keep students informed on any updates they receive on the investigation. Individuals with any information related to the incident are encouraged to contact Detective Dunn at (718) 543-9315. Any public safety concerns on campus should be directed to the Office of Public Safety by calling (718) 862-7500.

Students Question Fire Alarm Safety as Public Safety Repairs, Maintains Systems Lauren Carr A&E Editor The first few weeks of being back at school, everyone is still trying to work out the kinks of being back in the swing of things. What students did not expect was the same situation for their dormitory fire safety measures. “The day I came back to school the fire alarm in my room was off the wall and sitting on top of the closet,” junior Kelly Cucciniello said. “Not only was it off the wall but the battery was dead. It was as if no one checked them at all.” Situations like these can rub students the wrong way and can raise questions about how safe their living environment is. If there was something to happen in a dorm room that did not have the proper fire alarm there would have been serious consequences. Coming back to school to see a fire

alarm not only off the wall but also not working can raise the question of just how often are fire alarms checked. “The alarms are tested twice annually and we bring in a company to test them,” Robert DeRosa, Associate Director of Public Safety said. “We check the alarm panels three times a day to make sure there is not an alarm status. That means everything is working.” The tours that are made three times a day by public safety start at midnight, seven in the morning and then again at three in the afternoon. Within their shift, they check to make sure that the panels at their designated stations are not showing an alarm mode. An alarm mode would mean that there is an issue with one of the alarms and after finding that they would fix it as quickly as possible. One problem that seems to be recurring on campus is the fire system located in Overlook Manor. “It’s an old system that is going to be

replaced,” DeRosa said. “Because it is going to be replaced there are some problems with it, but it’s safe.” Just because the system may be old it that doesn't mean that it is broken. As of now, the sprinklers, the standpipe and the water flow all work in the building. Public safety staff has been instructed to go floor to floor to evacuate students if there were to be an emergency. However, students when system’s bells do ring, they are not as loud as they could be. That is one of the reasons why the entire system is going to be replaced sometime at the end of the year. “There have been some issues in OV,” senior Nereida Millan said. “The other night we had an alarm go off at 4 a.m. and no one knows why and its very annoying.” During this 4 a.m. drill public safety was banging on doors and trying to evacuate people as quickly as possible. Students living on OV never got an explanation as to why the alarms were going off at that time. “There were some saying that it was a

drill which is even more annoying,” Millan said. “Its also ridiculous because people have class in the morning.” As for the rest of campus, students living in the residence halls may have heard some fire alarms go off in the past week. Public Safety is required, by law, to do three drills a year. “We run a drill very early on because some students are new to the building and need to know where to go. We run another one around November and then when students come back after winter break we have another drill,” DeRosa said. Starting this week Public Safety will be running fire drills in all academic buildings. They are doing this so students know what doors to use and what staircases to use if there were ever an emergency during their classes. For more information regarding fire safety, log onto and click on Public Safety to read their annual report.

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