THE Volume 93, Issue 2
UADRANGLE A Student Publication of Manhattan College Since 1924
Feb. 2, 2016
L.O.V.E. Trips Return After Blizzard Delays Travel Plans
College Drafts Petition, Condemns Islamophobia Stephen Zubrycky Editor
Catherine Goodyear Staff Writer
Participating on a trip with the Lasallian Outreach Volunteer Experience club, or L.O.V.E., is a rewarding opportunity offered by Manhattan College. Each trip takes months of planning in advance to ensure an amazing experience. Flights, housing, itinerary, and budgets are all accounted for well ahead of time but some things you just cannot plan for. When record breaking snow storm Jonas hit, L.O.V.E groups New Orleans and Ecuador’s months of planning unraveled. According to The Weather Channel, Blizzard Jonas brought more than 2-feet of snow to New York and over 1-foot to at least 14 states. Because of the high volume of rapid snowfall, New York City was under a travel ban, no one could get in or out. Over 10,000 flights were cancelled nationwide including New Orleans’ and Ecuador’s returning flights. A problem arose with school reopening Sunday and classes starting Monday and no way to get home. Jenn Edwards Robinson was the first one to receive information that the team from Ecuador’s flight from Miami to New York was cancelled. When she found out on Friday, she immediately took action. “When I got news that they were set to
arrive during the major point of the blizzard I contacted Rostro de Christo and they contacted American Airlines and got everything cleared up,” Robinson said. “Part of the group had to leave early Sunday morning and fly into Miami and stay a night there while three people stayed behind in Ecuador, the three that stayed took a red eye into Miami and met up at the airport early Monday morning.” “Everyone flew home together but they could not fly directly to New York. They ended up flying from Miami to Indianapolis had a small layover and then flew from Indianapolis to New York.” “When Saturday came around, I got news that New Orleans flight was automatically cancelled for Sunday. In all actuality it was a best case scenario to have known it was cancelled at least a day or two ahead of time. I called my travel agent and she got on the phone with Jet Blue but we weren’t able to get an earlier flight for then until Tuesday.” After dealing with the group’s flight schedules, Robinson contacted everyone’s parents or guardians and explained the situation. She also contacted Rostro de Christo and Project Homecoming and arranged housing situations for the groups’ prolonged stays. “There isn’t really a protocol when you are at the mercy of airline cancellation due to weather. The airlines do not reimburse
L.O.V.E./Courtesy you because the weather is not their fault. I called up enterprise and made sure they can have the vans extra days,” Robinson explained. “The main goal was to make sure everyone had the food they needed, a roof over their head, and a way to get everyone home safely. L.O.V.E. doesn’t have a budget, the budget is whatever is fundraised but we keep about a $25 per person contingency fund for potential emergencies. This is a little buffer for situations like this.” Despite the travel setbacks the group was able to make the most of every part of the trip including the people who had to stay behind in Ecuador. Michael Dugan was one out of three chaperons on the Ecuador trip and one of the three who remained behind. “As soon as we found out about the storm and the housing situation we got the group together and planned out our course of action. I stayed behind with the other male on the trip and a bilingual girl because it made sense to have someone who spoke Spanish with us,” Dugan said. “We got to do another home visit and hang out because it elongated the experience. It was nice to have a chance for it to be with just us and the volunteers. We never had a feeling of being a nuisance. We were happy continuing our work there.
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A controversial statement made by presidential candidate Donald Trump in early December sparked a conversation here at Manhattan College and nationwide, which ultimately led to the circulation of a petition condemning Islamophobia and Arabophobia among the College community. The petition, entitled “Statement on an Inclusive Community,” was sent via email through MC Announcements in the dying days of finals week on December 17 and 18. Meghan Dinegar, a senior English major and RA in Lee Hall, is one of nearly three hundred Jaspers to have signed the petition as of January 27. “The inclusive community statement basically encompasses what being an RA is all about,” Dinegar said. “Creating and fostering an inclusive community is one of the most important parts of being an RA.” Eoin O’Connell, Ph.D., an associate professor in the philosophy department and co-director of the Center for Ethics was one of the leaders of the initiative. “[Trump] made that inflammatory comment in December and that was very much the impetus here,” O’Connell said. O’Connell also argued that there is a growing Islamophobic sentiment in the United States which extends far beyond the Republican presidential frontrunner. “It’s not just Trump. This is an appealing thing to a certain segment of the population and that’s troubling,” O’Connell said. “There are groups which are actively promoting Islamophobic and Arabophobic ideas. There’s a lot of people that are I think tempted to adopt these views and that I think is just a dangerous and bad thing. It’s divisive and it’s discriminatory. It’s bigotry.” Appalled by the popularity of these ideas, O’Connell and a few of his colleagues felt the need to act. O’Connell worked closely with Sarah Scott, Ph.D., an associate professor in the philosophy department, and Brother Jack Curran, FSC, Ph.D., Vice President for Mission, in the drafting of the statement. “The first idea was to try to make a statement,” O’Connell said. However, the project quickly took a different route, and the group opted instead for a petition. “It was from the actual people,” O’Connell said. “And that’s why it took the form of a petition… It seems like a democratic thing.” The movement is very much a grassroots one – started by members of the College community and intended for the College community, without the help of many of the higher-ups in the administration. “I feel like things have to come from below, not always come from the top down,” O’Connell said. Despite their limited involvement, College President Brennan O’Donnell, Ph.D.,
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