THE Volume 92, Issue 3
UADRANGLE A Student Publication of Manhattan College Since 1924
Sept. 15, 2015
Residence Never Forget Halls at Mc Remembers 9/11 Capacity Ally Hutzler Assistant Editor
Kevin Fuhrmann/The Quadrangle
A Unionization Effort At MC and Across the U.S., Adjunct Professors Push for Collective Bargaining as Administration Pushes Back Anthony Capote Assistant Editor
It always starts the same; disgruntled workers, compounded by economic downturns and the constant fear of illness or termination, and then someone mentions the unthinkable: a union. That’s precisely what adjunct professors at Manhattan College said four years ago, in 2011, when a group of part-time faculty members filed with the college to open an election for adjuncts to form a union. The New York State United Teachers (NYSUT), a union organization that represents most public colleges and universities in New York, namely SUNY and CUNY schools, supported the professors. “Adjuncts at Manhattan College and at other institutions increasingly have been finding themselves working very hard without the benefits that they need and deserve,” said Carl Korn, a spokesperson for NYSUT. “The best way for workers to make gains is to organize and work collectively towards a common goal.” Holly Hepp-Galvan, M.P.A., has been an adjunct professor at MC since 2003 and has been involved in the unionization efforts since 2009, a full year before President Brennan O’Donnell first addressed the issue in 2010. Hepp-Galvan is teaching six classes this semester between MC, Hunter College, Marymount Manhattan College and Fordham University. “I would never recommend teaching at a million different places,” she said. “It’s
not that I’m not recommending teaching, teaching at the college level is one of the most incredible things.” Hepp-Galvan was contacted by NYSUT six years ago and was initially hesitant about joining the effort. “I’m not an idiot, I understand that a union would come in here and we would have to pay them dues, I get that,” she said. “But then when I started hearing more about it and I started researching and seeing that other universities had adjunct unions and how that worked I started saying ‘Hey this is kind of a good thing.’” Hepp-Galvan said she, and her colleagues, never set out to create an adversarial relationship between part-time faculty and administration, as is the stigma often associated with unions. “I want to be more in the Manhattan College community and I feel that I don’t like the dynamic that is being set up,” Hepp-Galvan said. “I think all adjuncts want to be a part of the Manhattan College community, I mean, we are here because we like the school. I think unionizing is going to be a good thing all around. No one is going to make ridiculous demands.” Jeff Horn, Ph.D., is a tenured professor of history at Manhattan College and former chair of the department. As a former chair he was in charge of hiring and firing adjuncts in his department and had extensive experience with the unionization effort of adjuncts. “In many ways there are several sets of issues. There is the issue of allowing adjuncts the rights to unionize,” he said. “There was a long effort to stop that and to
get the adjuncts to vote against the union, which is something that many institutions choose to do but an election was held and votes were cast but as [O’Donnell] has indicated on the website, the administration chose to challenge that effort and they have been challenging it ever since.” Manhattan College set out on a longstanding mission to stop the adjunct union effort, and while O’Donnell legally could not comment on what the College has done and hopes to do to help adjuncts, there has been some progress. “Manhattan College has made some good changes since we started the unionization process,” Hepp-Galvan said. “We have had some small raises and now we get paid every two weeks instead of once a month, so there have been some changes.” Horn said that most professors would, realistically, have to teach seven or eight courses to make a truly livable wage in New York City. “This is not an adversarial thing. We want to be here, we want to be with the students,” Hepp-Galvan said. “We just more of a say in certain things like wages and healthcare and I don’t even know if a union is the perfect way to do it but it’s the only way that’s been presented.”
The Investigation Another thing that always starts the
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Manhattan College has one very clear advantage over other urban colleges and universities, and that is its multiple oncampus housing facilities. Housing is made available and is guaranteed for each undergraduate student during his or her four years at the school. However, as the college has been successful in turning its focus from a commuter to a residential student population, residence halls are nearing their maximum capacity. “As of Sept. 1 we are at 99.7 percent capacity,” Andrew Weingarten, director of residence life, said. While the percentage seems daunting, there is some leeway in how the school is able and will continue to meet the needs of each student who wishes to live on campus. “It’s 99.7 percent after being able to accommodate all of the single room requests that I possibly could and all of the requests for graduate students to live on campus that I possibly could,” Weingarten said. There are about 45 students paying an additional surcharge for single rooms, most of which are located in Horan Hall, with a waiting list for single rooms. It is also not expected for the undergraduate population to increase drastically, according to the college’s master plan. Currently every single dorm space on campus is being utilized and Overlook Manor has reached its full capacity, housing a total of 393 students. “This year we have made every room available on campus, when in years past some would occasionally be used as a show room for admissions tours,” Tiffany French, area coordinator for Horan Hall, said. Although the room to make adjustments is limited, faculty and staff have not experienced any significant problems. “At least once a day, everyday we talk about where we’re at with different things and what is essential in terms of student needs,” AJ Goodman, area coordinator of Jasper, Chrysostom and Overlook, said. In recent years the college has undertaken various initiatives to investigate the state of campus housing, including surveying students and gathering feedback, which concluded there was cause for change. “When it was all condensed down it became quite obvious that we needed to do some things in housing. Housing is a major component of the campus master plan going forward,” Vice President of Facilities Andrew Ryan said. The college intends to run a study within the next few weeks, through an outside organization, to further quantify housing needs. “Part of the housing study will be looking at all the housing we currently have and looking at where the college should go with housing in the future,” Ryan said. This research will include the type of
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