THE Volume 92, Issue 12
UADRANGLE A Student Publication of Manhattan College Since 1924
Nov. 24, 2015 Taylor Brethauer & RikkiLynn Shields Staff Writers
Mike Posner Performs in Smith Auditorium Kevin Fuhrmann/The Quadrangle
Musician Mike Posner performed an acoustic set for students in Smith Auditorium this past Saturday for Quadstock, an annual campus concert. Students began filing into the auditorium around noon, and the intimate crowd grew in size as students trickled in after hearing the music from outside. Quadstock’s feature act, Posner, was only announced to the student body last week in preparation for the weekend. For this college-aged crowd, students remember his older songs like “Please Don’t Go” and his most famous song “Cooler Than Me” from their high school days. “I was really excited. I remember a couple of his songs from back in high school,” student Sarah Poons said. The crowd started getting excited and started chanting ‘Mike’ as they waited for him to come out on stage. Students began crowding the front of the stage in anticipation. “I’m looking forward to seeing him. I want to hear all the new songs he has out,” student Veronica Roman said before the concert began. When Posner finally stepped out on stage, the small but energetic crowd erupted in cheers. He started with one of his songs from his first album, “Bow Chicka Wow Wow.” Exchanging his guitar for a piano halfway through his set, he showed his musical versatility and range. He also showcased his talent of freestyling by including Manhattan College references in a many of his verses.
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College Endowment Increases By Four Percent Tara Marin Staff Writer
In 2014, Manhattan College’s endowment was $73 million and this year it rose to $76 million, increasing by just over four percent. How does this happen and where does the money go? It all starts with the donors and the college advancement staff, who work closely with alumni relations as well as the different academic departments here at MC. Assistant Vice President for College Advancement Steve White explains where this money comes from and the role his office plays in handling the college’s growing endowment. “Our alumni are our biggest supporters - most of the money that comes in comes from them. We also develop relations with corporations, foundations, parents and other people who become involved with the college,” White said. He also explains that the unique programs we have here draw donors in as well, such as the Lasallian Outreach Volunteer (L.O.V.E.) Program and The Holocaust, Genocide and Interfaith Education Center. College Advancement and Alumni Relations both host events in states that have a large amount of Jasper alumni. “We try to keep in touch with our alumni throughout the country. When there’s a crossover it works better - something that
draws them to an event - such as a basketball game,” White said. “If the Jaspers are coming to play out there, it’s not often that that happens, so it’s great. They’re also more inclined to come out when the president travels,” he said. For many years, MC was a commuter school, so when students graduated they would tend to stay fairly local. White says that about 70 percent of the school’s alumni live in the tri-state area with New York being the biggest, followed by New Jersey and Connecticut. Florida is also a popular state for alumni, as many choose to retire to the state known for its warm weather and frequent sunshine. It is a very active state even when college representatives are not hosting events themselves. “In Sarasota, the alumni have a quarterly luncheon. Usually once or twice a year someone from our office gets down there, but they still have it without us, which is great because that’s what we want. We want them to connect, exchange stories and keep up on what’s going on here, even if no one here is able to join them. It’s a positive experience because it’s connecting Jaspers with each other,” White said. Since there are a lot of job opportunities in California, there are many alumni who live there as well. Just two weeks ago, there were a series of alumni events held in California.
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Michael McManness/Courtesy