THE Volume 91, Issue 1
UADRANGLE A Student Publication of Manhattan College Since 1924
Jan. 20, 2015
MC’s “Dirty Little Secret” The All-American Rejects To Headline Spring Concert Sean Sonnemann Editor-in-Chief
It seems that Manhattan College students can’t get enough of middle schoolera music nostalgia. Following the acoustic performance by members of Boys Like Girls for this past fall’s Quadstock, alternative rock band The All-American Rejects is set to take the stage for this semester’s spring concert. After receiving over 40 percent of the vote in an online survey for the concert’s artist, the group was secured to perform by the office of student activities. “They were voted number one by the students,” John Bennett, director of student activities, said.
While the two bands share a similar musical style, and have even toured together in the past, the fact that both will have played at the college by the end of this academic year was not planned. “It’s a total coincidence,” Bennett said. The All-American Rejects are best known for their hit singles “Swing, Swing,” “Dirty Little Secret” and “Gives You Hell.” In total, they have produced four studio albums since their formation in 1999. In addition to The All-American Rejects, the survey administered in the fall offered a diverse group of possible artists available to perform for the concert. Rounding out the top five vote-getters were Matt and Kim, 3OH!3, Neon Trees and B.o.B. Country artists Kellie Pickler, Craig Campbell and Brynn Marie performed in
The All-American Rejects will be performing at this year’s spring concert. The All-American Rejects/Courtesy Draddy Gymnasium for last year’s spring Bennett said. concert, part of the events collectively The All-American Rejects are set to known as Jasper Days. The 2014 week- play around 3 p.m. on Saturday, April 25. end also included a stand-up performance In addition to the concert, a barbeque has by comedian Brooks Wheelan and student once again been confirmed for students tickets for a New York Yankees game. after being absent from the schedule last The annual weekend of festivities cele- year. “That’s something the students really brating warm weather and the end of class- enjoyed,” Bennett said. es had undergone a name change last year As previously reported by The Quadafter previously being called SpringFest. rangle, the total cost of the spring concert Numerous incidents related to drug and and its related activities will be $120,000. alcohol use surrounding the performance “The budget has remained the same since by DJ Alesso for SpringFest 2013 led the last year,” Bennett said. college’s administration to reformat and Of that sum, $55,000 will be used to rebrand the events. pay the band, according to Bennett. The As of now, the formal name for this rest of the funds will go towards items such year’s spring concert and its related activi- as lighting, security, the stage and related ties is still being decided by the office of events surrounding the concert including student activities. “It’s up for discussion,” the barbeque.