THE Volume 92, Issue 7
UADRANGLE A Student Publication of Manhattan College Since 1924
Oct. 20, 2015
The Food Issue Taylor Brethauer/The Quadrangle
Logistics of Locke’s MC’s Rooftop Garden Daniel Molina
Distribution Manager Most of Manhattan College’s students swipe into Locke’s Loft, fill up a plate and sit down to eat without thinking twice that the trays will be full the next time they return. Feeding 2,043 people a day is not an easy task. Assuming every person eats three times a day (sometimes more with unlimited meal swipes for most residents) that would be roughly 6,000 meals every 24 hours. So how does it all happen? Behind the scenes, it is in many ways an organized chaos. The first step is deciding what food to prepare. The chefs and dietitian gather once a month to create the menu and try not to repeat in one day the food that is cooked for dinner and lunch. “Locke’s has a four week menu cycle that never repeats anything for those four weeks unless there is a request. The cycle can be found online,” Brian Conway, assistant general manager of Gourmet Dining at Manhattan College, said. Once the menu is set, the raw ingredients and supplies have to make their way to the kitchens. Feeding 2,043 people translates into just a bit more than your typical Sunday shopping list. The carving station alone can cook and serve 12 whole turkeys and up to 140 pounds of flank steak.
Regular crowd favorites like French fries and chicken fingers have three deliveries a week consisting of 60 pounds of fries, 60 pounds of onion rings and 60 pounds or more of chicken fingers. Fresh fruit and vegetables are delivered daily, including five types of lettuce alone. “It’s in our contract that we are required to only use fresh fruit and vegetables, nothing is frozen,” Conway said. “There’s not a lot of fridge and freezer space so everything is always fresh.” Before Gourmet Dining utilizes a new produce supplier, they run background checks to see if the company is socially conscious and investigate where their supplies come from. Most of the fruits and vegetables come from Plainfield Produce, a locally sourced supplier based out of New Jersey. Once this daily delivery of produce joins the other many pounds of food that have been delivered and stored on campus, it is time to sharpen the knives and fire up the ovens. By contract, all food offered on campus must be made in the kitchens located in either Thomas Hall or the Kelly Commons. However, there are a few exceptions, such as the sushi available most days in Locke’s. More than a hundred rolls are ordered and delivered the day. But just who is behind the scenes turning those raw ingredients into the food that ends up on your plate?
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Abi Kloosterman Staff Writer
Pockets of The Bronx and Yonkers are considered food deserts, which is a basic term to describe a community that lacks constant and accessible sources of fresh produce for healthier meal options. As one walks down Broadway, it is easy to see that discount supermarkets do not always carry a sufficient amount of fresh and affordable produce. However, at Manhattan College, students and faculty have created a sustainable garden atop the school’s parking garage to slowly reverse the food desert affect locally. The rooftop garden at MC was started in June 2012 by Nathan Hunter, who is now an alumnus of the college. “We started it really as a cool project and as a pilot project for what could be done with the space above the rooftop. At the time I was beginning to read and learn about the cool methods of growing food in an urban setting and wanted to be a part of that movement,” Hunter said. He now works for Groundwork Hudson Valley, a company that deals with community development. Groundwork partners with the college’s rooftop garden and the Yonkers farmers’ market to bring local communities freshly grown produce. Nathan said that he “wanted this credible organization to help guide the summer interns and in return receive produce from
the rooftop farm to help fuel their healthy community initiative.” The fifteen beds of greenery atop the parking garage have created a relationship with the community that provides even more than the basic knowledge of the importance of fresh food. It all starts with planting different types of food and periodically harvesting throughout the summer and autumn. During the summer, students take internships with the garden. The interns do everything from planting food and harvesting to building brand new plots to grow more food. “Weekly, we usually did watering in the garden, keeping up in the garden and planting,” Lilliana Calix, a summer intern at the garden, said. “Usually Thursday or Friday we would harvest vegetables from the garden and go to Yonkers and sell the food at a local farmers’ market for a low income area,” Calix said. Not only does the garden provide food to the local farmers’ market, but those who work at the garden teach kids in the community the science of how their food is produced. “We went to Marble Hill Community Center three times a week and taught the kids about gardening…and healthy eating,” Angela Benevia, a summer intern at the garden, said. “One thing about working in food des-
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