Issue 7, Fall 2014 - The Quadrangle

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THE Vol.93 Issue 7


UADRANGLE A Student Publication of Manhattan College Since 1924

Oct. 7, 2014

Building Bridges

Engineers Put Their Studies to Use in Cameroon

Students to Vote for Upcoming Jasper Days Artist Kelly Burns Asst. A&E Editor/Production Editor

David Pecorini and Anita Hot are members of Engineers Without Borders , the club that is planning to build a bridge in Cameroon. Courtesy of the Engineers Without Borders Manhattan College Chapter Facebook page.

Claire Leaden Managing Editor/Features Editor Volunteering is a significant part of the much-celebrated Lasallian mission at Manhattan College, made clear from the past and present opportunities for students to offer their time through L.O.V.E. trips, Hurricane Sandy relief efforts and the postgrad program Lasallian Volunteers. Though all of these ventures undoubtedly give back, it is rarer to find an opportunity that utilizes the exact skills and talents students explore during their studies in their majors. MC’s chapter of Engineers Without Borders is one of the few that does, and the club is taking their real-world experience one step further with their project to design and build a bridge in Cameroon.

Engineers Without Borders (EWB) is a national nonprofit organization that partners in-need communities around the world with aspiring engineers to design and complete “sustainable engineering projects.” The college established its chapter of EWB in 2011. Student chapters can adopt volunteer projects through the national organization, and a short time after the club started, the MC members applied - and were later accepted - for the project in Cameroon, which involved building a proper bridge over a river in the village of Mbirbua. David Pecorini, a second year civil engineering graduate student, has been involved with the club since it began during his undergraduate years. “We decided to do Cameroon, in Africa, mostly because it had the cheapest

projected listing price on the site,” Pecorini said. Each chapter has to fund the entire project—from travel expenses to the actual cost of supplies–entirely on their own. “It was also because at the time there was one chemical engineering student in the club and eight civil engineers, and a lot of the projects had to do with water quality. So, we felt the strength of the group then was better suited for a civil engineering project,” he said. Now, Pecorini said, the group is a strong mix of chemical, mechanical and electrical engineering students, with a slightly larger number of civil engineers due to the club’s history. Anita Hot, a transfer student from SUNY Oswego who is now a senior chemContinued on Page 2

Fundraising for Student Commons Nearly Complete Sean Sonnemann & Joseph V. Cusmano Web Editor and Senior Writer With approximately $43 million out of $45 million dollars raised, Manhattan College expects to complete fundraising efforts for the new student commons on campus by June of 2015. “The building is basically paid for, we are just in the clean-up stage at this point,” Vice President for Advancement Thomas Mauriello said. “We raised enough contributions to build the Kelly Commons without creating any stress on our operating budget, and that is all because of the generosity of our alumni.” While the commons will not be officially dedicated until Oct. 15, it has been fully operational since this past August. Visitors may have noticed the recent installation of signs and plaques outside of doorways throughout the building. These signs are inscribed with the names of alumni and organizations that made significant donations to the fundraising campaign. Most notable among these displays is the donor wall located by the elevator bank

Plaques like these are displayed in the commons showing the names of major donors. Photo by James O’Connor. on the entrance floor of the building. This Mauriello said. wall includes a breakdown of leading doAt the top of the list on the donor nors by dollar amounts. wall is a $10 million donation by Thomas “The final version comes in the spring. O’Malley, former chairman of Manhattan We still have this campaign running with College’s board of trustees. O’Malley’s this ‘get your name here’ kind of thing,” Continued on Page 2

This spring, students will have a say in the artist that is chosen to perform at the Office of Student Activities’ annual Jasper Days concert in the event formerly known as SpringFest. The idea to use a survey came after complaints from students saying that they had little to no say in last year’s performance from country singer Kellie Pickler. “I feel like with Student Activities there’s no students involved,” junior Allyson Vena said. “I think that including all the students population vote is a good idea.” Student Activities had chosen Pickler to prevent a rowdy and disorderly crowd of students. In 2013, Alesso performed at SpringFest, but his electronic dance music resulted in the widespread use of drugs and alcohol by the student body. However, Pickler’s morning performance did not draw as large of a crowd as Alesso’s evening concert two years ago. “I don’t want a country star. Maybe a rock concert or a DJ, something that we can dance to and that’s not at 11 in the morning,” sophomore Will Lamparelli said. The survey will be sent out by the end of this week by Student Activities. Students will be able to vote on the artist they would most want to perform at school. The link to vote will be posted on all the office’s social media accounts. There will be about five artists to choose from, two of them being O.A.R and 3OH!3. According to John Bennett, director of student activities, the artists that are going to be listed are within the office’s budget. “Those are realistic in aspect that they’re in our price range, appear to be available at this time, are currently taking dates with their management and will play college shows,” Bennett said. Other plans for the weekend will be the return of the afternoon barbeque. In previous years, students enjoyed plenty of free food on the quad, though the barbeque was missing from Jasper Days in 2014. “We’re looking to have the barbeque back. A lot of students were vocal about that so that will be at the top of the list,” Bennett said. Dorm Wars was also a part of last year’s Jasper Days, but Bennett said he is unsure if it will be included in this year or saved for a separate weekend. In addition, the Yankees are playing a home game against the Mets that Saturday night, April 25, so tickets to that game are in the works. Students will have to wait until the end of the week for information on potential artists. But for now, John Bennett has only a few requests for the day. “First of all, that the weather is nice,” Bennett said. “And that the students are civil to each other and enjoy the events that we call for them on campus.”

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