THE Volume 91, Issue 12
UADRANGLE A Student Publication of Manhattan College Since 1924
April 21, 2015
MC Players Present “Company” See Pages 6-7 Kevin Fuhrmann/The Quadrangle
After Outside Media Coverage, A Closer Look at the Impacts of MC Nightlife Michelle DePinho & Sean Sonnemann Editor & Editor-in-Chief
Recent negative media attention about the off-campus behavior of Manhattan College students has been centered on complaints from Riverdale residents. One report from CBS News portrays the situation as “college students gone wild” with “night after night of out-ofcontrol partying” lowering the surrounding neighborhood’s quality of life.
Conflicts between students and the communities surrounding colleges are common occurrences in college towns acrosss America. However, the situation is more complex in an densely-populated, urban area complete with several bars. “The large majority of our students are decent and respectful, but I think we have an issue we have to deal with,” Dean of Students Michael Carey said. “We can’t be in denial about it.” The issue of noise and ensuing complaints to the college has not just been limited to the recent on-campus discussions
brought on by the CBS News piece and additional local media coverage. Rather, Carey’s office and the college have been working with community members, students and police since the fall to address the situation. “We’ve actually been doing a lot of work that maybe wasn’t portrayed in that CBS news piece,” Carey said. This includes facilitating regular meetings with the 50th Precinct and installing additional security cameras near the Overlook Manor residence hall. These cameras, as well as private foot-
age provided by area residents, have been used recently to handle individual cases of student misconduct, at times resulting in punishment. In some instances, the office has not been able to identify individuals from the footage specifically as Manhattan College students, leading them to question if it is only Jaspers responsible for the disruptive behavior. “It’s not all just Manhattan college students. I don’t want to bash our students,”
received somewhat mixed reviews. “I was disappointed in last year’s SpringFest because no one really went to the concert,” student Danielle Kleinhans said. “I was expecting something like Alesso.” This year, the spring concert will change again. “It will include the barbecue and the carnival,” John Bennett, director of student activities, said. “We are really happy to have been able to add that, and that is a reflection of student behavior at some larger events this year, such as the Iona game.” The Quadrangle announced earlier this semester that The All American Rejects would be headlining the main show. The opening act will be indie rock band Circa Waves. The spring concert schedule will take up most of the day, according to Bennett. “The spring concert day, the entire
schedule is really going to last from 11:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.,” he said. The carnival and barbecue will be taking place throughout the day, with the doors opening to Draddy at 1:30 p.m. and The All American Rejects taking the stage at 3 p.m. The day will be filled with other opportunities for students to have some fun on campus. “We are having a special guest, Dave Santia, a speed painter,” he said. Santia is an artist who will be painting on the steps of Smith on the quad during the carnival portion of the spring concert day calendar. “Everything is free for Manhattan College students,” Bennett said. “There’s no signing up for anything, no tickets required, just make sure you have your student IDs.” The student activities office will also
be selling guest tickets this week, for those students interested in bringing a person who does not attend MC. Student expectations for this year are higher after last year’s Jasper Days did not impress. “I hope it’s like other college’s concerts,” Connor Clarke said. “I hope that everyone has a good time, and that no one gets hurt and everyone is safe,” he said. Bennett and Student Activities are trying to fill the day with exciting events on campus to encourage students to make the most of what is offered on the school. “One thing we are trying to focus on this year is making sure students are staying on campus and enjoying everything,” Bennett said. “The feel this year will be ‘you will be missing out if you’re not on campus and you’re out in the neighborhood.’ Where as in years past, students may have felt otherwise,” Bennett said.
Continued on page 3
Spring Concert Revamped
Kelly Burns & Kieran Rock Editors
As the spring semester comes to a close and Manhattan College students look forward to the end of classes, one major events stands between Jaspers and the end of the year: the spring concert on April 25. Though the annual spring concert may no longer bear the name of SpringFest (and later Jasper Days) now promises to return to its fun-filled atmosphere this year. After the events of SpringFest 2013, during which multiple students were brought to the hospital and Manhattan College received various complaints from Riverdale residents, the spring concert was toned down for last year’s Jasper Days. Student Activities and school administration removed the carnival and barbecue portions of the schedule and booked an all -country line up for the concert. The day