Issue 8, Fall 2014 - The Quadrangle

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THE Vol.93 Issue 8


UADRANGLE A Student Publication of Manhattan College Since 1924

Oct. 14, 2014

As Planned, Printing Limits Take Effect Brendan Rogers Staff Writer

Upgrades that track student printing are put in place to make students aware of how much they print. Photo by James O’Connor.

MC to Install Historic Stained Glass Windows in Campus Chapel Anthony Capote & Cara Ledwidge Staff Writer & Senior Writer Manhattan College will soon be the recipient of ten historic stained glass windows that each detail a different story of the life and works of St. John Baptiste De La Salle. The windows will be installed in the Chapel of De La Salle and his Brothers. The windows, originally created for St. Joseph Novitiate in Pocantico Hills, New York, have changed hands only once since their construction in the early 20th century. In 1930, the novitiate changed location to Barrytown, NY where the windows have spent most of their existence. According to the college, the windows were built by Manzuet et fils, a father-son duo, whose stained glass works are featured in many great venues in France including the Notre Dame. Their depictions of the patron saint of educators are considered to be both beautiful and influential. “We have had several stained glass artisans look at the windows and they have all told us to a person that these are very high quality windows,” Andy Ryan, vice president of facilities, said. In 1974, the novitiate was purchased by the Unification Church and the present owners have kept the Barrytown windows intact since their acquisition. However, according to the ‘Christian Brothers Conference,’ a Lasallian publication by the Brothers, the Unification Theology Seminary plans to use the space as college for Unitarian theologians. Because the facility does not need the windows, but the college was interested in their importance to the Christian Brothers and their Catholic faith, they contacted the Christian Brothers regarding the future of the windows. Manhattan College was then selected by the Signum Fidei Society, a group of

These are the chapel windows that will be replaced around September of next year. Photo by James O’Connor. laypersons who are dedicated to the adManhattan College students should be vancement of De La Salle Brothers of the aware that the installation of the windows Christian Schools, as the new benefactors will not have a great impact on the daily of the Barrytown windows. functions of the chapel. “Manhattan College is the quintessen“We may close off a certain section of tial Lasallian school,” James Casey of the the chapel and leave the rest in use,” said Signum Fidei Society said. Ryan. The college is about a year away from However, while life within the chapel seeing the windows in the chapel. should remain normal, Ryan did mention “The target [installation] date is prob- a possible closure of the stairways to the ably in September of 2015,” Ryan said, cit- bridge that leads to Draddy Gymnasium, ing the great deal of work that remains to Horan and Lee Hall. be done. “We will probably lose one of the ap“We haven’t started removing the win- proaches up to Draddy at a time,” Ryan dows from where they are yet,” he said. said. “They won’t be working both sides at Once the windows have been removed the same time. That’s almost a certainty.” from their current location upstate, they Although the college will be receivwill be taken to a stained glass specialist ing new windows, the Barrytown facility to be re-cut and re-sized to fit the existing will have their windows replaced by the space in the chapel. Christian Brothers. “They have reached an Ryan said, “they [the windows] are al- agreement,” Thomas Mauriello, vice presimost 16 feet high by almost six feet wide, dent for college advancement, said. so we have to alter the size of the winMauriello expressed his excitement for dows.” the Barrytown window project. Ryan went on to predict “about a six to “This is the most exciting project of my eight month process” in these repairs be- career,” he said. “For me, the most powContinued on Page 2 fore installation can begin.

A newly-developed program intended to raise awareness of the environmental impact of student printing on-campus was implemented earlier this month, say directors of Manhattan College’s Information Technology Services. “In spring of 2013, IT was approached by the sustainability committee who asked if there was a technological solution to limit printing,” Director of ITS Jake Holmquist said. “We tested different technologies and found something that was cost effective.” After receiving the sustainability committee’s request, Holmquist said ITS began tracking student printing habits so that they could report the habits to the committee. “We implemented a system a year ago to collect data,” Holmquist said. “Halfway through the semester we presented our findings to the sustainability committee.” After reviewing the data, Holmquist said, the committee proposed setting a 1000 page per semester limit on printing. “From our findings, less than 10 percent of students used over 1000 pages per semester,” Holmquist said. Once the limit was established and technology needed to manage it was installed a few weeks ago, students attempting to print from school computers were prompted to input their email and password and confirm their print order. They were also given a number of prints remaining for the semester. Many students expressed confusion about the new system, citing uncertainty about what happens when the 1000 page limit is reached, whether or not they have to pay for prints and why the system was implemented in the first place. Students, teachers and staff said they think better communication could have made for a smoother transition to the new system. “I just assumed you only had 1000 pages you could print per semester,” fourthyear student Alex Benator said. “I just saw a page count when I went to print. Otherwise, I had not heard of anything.” “A lot of students told me it just sprung out of nowhere. A lot of them are concerned that they’re going to get charged,” O’Malley Library clerk Diane Cocurullo said. “Practically everyone felt this came out of the blue and they should have been better informed.” According to Richard Musal, senior assistant director of client services and operations for ITS and O’Malley Library Executive Director William Walters, the 1000 page per semester limit is the standard limit initially given to all students, but additional prints can be added as many times as needed throughout the semester at no cost to students. “I’m happy to report no one will have to pay for extra prints,” Walters said. “We don’t want to limit printing and we don’t want to make money off of students. We just want people to be conscious of their printing.” “When people have 250 remaining prints, they will get an email… directing students to a survey” about what they print Continued on Page 2

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