THE Vol.90 Issue 9
UADRANGLE A Student Publication of Manhattan College Since 1924
Oct. 21, 2014
Jasper Dedication Ceremony Held for Raymond Days Artist Kelly '63 Student Commons
Selection is Underway Kieran Rock & Kelly Burns Asst. Features Editor & Asst. A&E/Production Editor
James O’Connor/The Quadrangle
Gov. Andrew Cuomo, Raymond Kelly and President Brennan O’Donnell were in attendance to celebrate the dedication of the new student commons with approximately $43 million raised as “The Kelly commons is the jewel in Michelle DePinho & Daniel of the beginning of October. Repeat bene- the crown of twenty plus years of strategic factor and namesake of the college library, planning,” O’Donnell said.” The college Molina Thomas O’Malley '63, contributed $10 has been carefully laying the groundwork News/Managing Editor & Staff Writer million for the building and requested that for this building and for what it represents. it be named after Raymond Kelly. That is, our successful transformation from The recently opened Raymond Kelly “This building is a great building be- a majority commuter college to a majority ’63 Student Commons was officially dedi- cause of what it does. It really joins the residential college.” cated to the alumnus and former NYPD campus together,” Kelly said. “This is also “It’s exciting to consider the fact that police commissioner in a ceremony held open to the community. I think they were our next generation of leaders….will meet on campus last Wednesday. very wise in involving the community both and exchange ideas in this grand place,” “The services that Commissioner Kel- in the planning and in giving them total ac- Kelly said. ly has performed for city and for country cessibility.” “Manhattan is a great school, very makes him a shining example of the best of Kelly’s involvement was limited in the good to me. I never expected this. And reour tradition,” college President Brennan planning process for the commons because ally Tom O’Malley, major benefactor of O’Donnell said to a crowd of students, of laws surrounding how public servants this school, is the primary reason for it. I benefactors and community members. can fundraise for private causes. very much appreciate it,” Kelly said in a The nearly $45 million building opened “I did go to certain events but I was statement after the close of the ceremony. this semester and features a new fitness careful not to ask for resources,” he said. The dedication ceremony featured a center, extensive club and student meeting The building will serve as a link be- number of speakers, notably New York space, dining facilities, the campus book- tween the upper and lower parts of campus state Gov. Andrew Cuomo who attended in store and a ballroom. Fundraising for the as well as a place for students to gather and support of Kelly. commons is ongoing but nearly complete, mingle with the larger community. Continued on page 2
Students may have voted for their top choices for a Jasper Days artist, but securing an artist is not as simple as that according to John Bennett, director of student activities. Bennett said his office will be conducting negotiations with the artists over the next two months in an attempt to secure one of the top five choices from the student survey. “Just because you want to go on a date with someone and you have the money, that doesn’t mean they’re going to say yes to you,” Bennett said of the negotiation process. The top five choices from the student poll are All American Rejects, B.O.B, Neon Trees, 3OH!3 and Matt and Kim. “There’s this huge misconception that if XYZ band comes in first place they should be coming, and if they’re not coming it’s because Student Activities doesn’t want them to,” Bennett said. The reality is that securing an artist for Jasper Days is based on the artists availability first and then whether or not they want to perform at Manhattan College. “We’re trying our hardest to get one of them [the top 5]. We have to sell [the idea of performing at] our school and we have to sell [performing in] Draddy,” he said. The budget for Jasper Days is $120,000 according to Bennett. It has been this amount in years past as well, “It’s a monetary independence bill which means every year you get that amount and you don’t have to request it every year. Which is good because it secures the livelihood and makes sure it happens every year.” Bennett also said that the artist is not the entirety of the budget. “The artist doesn’t use most of the budget for Jasper Days. It’s the largest single item, but it’s not the majority,” he said. Things like agent fees, professional sound companies, the Continued on page 2
MC’s First Woman in the Hall of Fame Kyleigh Panetta Staff Writer
Marianne Reilly, a member of the Manhattan College women’s basketball team, entered the game against St. Francis in 1981 with just about 980 points under her belt. She left that game with the title of the first woman to score 1,000 points in the short history of the women’s varsity basketball program at MC. “I remember looking at the oval pictures that were in Draddy Gymnasium,” Reilly said. “I just stood there innocently, and I looked at Junius Kellogg, Brother Jasper, Vincent Draddy and I went, ‘I wonder when the first female will be.’” Eleven years later, Marianne Reilly was the first woman inducted into MC’s Athletic Hall of Fame with a career high of 1,305 points and 860 rebounds.
Reilly was one of the original members of MC’s varsity women’s basketball team but said that she owes a lot of the credit to the women’s basketball club program. “Certainly the women that went before me laid the groundwork and actually did a lot of hard work being trailblazers in creating a women’s program at Manhattan,” Reilly said. Reilly was recruited for MC’s first ever women’s varsity basketball team in 1978 and was the first woman to receive an athletic grant-in-aid at MC, according to a MC press release from August 1978. Michele Blatt, the first appointed coach for the women’s basketball team, said in the same press release, “with players like [Reilly], the future of women’s basketball at Manhattan College should be exciting.” In Reilly’s point of view, Blatt had a tough job taking on a program that was Continued on page 7
Manhattan College Archives/Courtesy
Above, Marianne Reilly plays against Providence College.