Issue 14, Spring 2015 - The Quadrangle

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THE Volume 91, Issue 14


UADRANGLE A Student Publication of Manhattan College Since 1924

May 5, 2015

Relay for Life on The Quad

When Job Offers are Too Good to be True Chris Cirillo & Natalie E. Sullivan Senior Staff Writers

While many Manhattan College students look for jobs and internships, it’s important to realize which of them might be too good to be true. Pyramid schemes disguised as legitimate businesses can take advantage of eager college students looking for work. Many pyramid schemes are marketing companies that ask for a payment upon joining the company and then the sale of a product. They also promise a share of money for every member the employee recruits to join the company. Job offers can be found on all the major recruiting sites from LinkedIn, and While it is easy to apply, it is easier to be called in for an interview. A white flag should be raised if an employee goes in on a first and second interview to see a lot of other potential employees also waiting to be interviewed. The volume of employees adheres to the pyramid model of rewarding those at the top and duping those at the bottom. “Pyramids are bad guys,” Joe Mariano, the president of the Direct Selling Association, said to the Chicago Tribune. “Their mere existence confuses the marketplace and makes it more difficult for legitimate direct-selling companies to do businesses and to be understood.” While pyramid schemes are illegal,

Continued on page 3 Vanessa Sanchez/The Quadrangle

Commencement Tickets Remain a Contentious Subject for Graduating Seniors Cara Ledwidge Senior Staff Writer

Graduation is just days away, but for many seniors, their plans for the big day are still undecided. Many graduating students are struggling with the limit that has been placed on the number of loved ones they are allowed to invite to see them in their caps and gowns at commencement. Graduating seniors are receiving three tickets for the ceremony on May 17. The college earlier in the year put to a vote the location of the commencement ceremony, with President O’Donnell saying, “The number of prospective 2015 graduates has prompted discussions concerning the number of guaranteed guest tickets that we could possibly provide for family and friends of the graduates. As part of that discussion, we are investigating the possibility of relocating the 2015 commencement exercises.” The plan would have been to choose

Madison Square Garden, where graduations used to be held years ago, but “moving to Madison Square Garden would require significant changes in the traditional format,” O’Donnell said. This would include having the Baccalaureate Mass late Saturday afternoon, followed by a reception. The undergraduate commencement would take place the next day on Sunday afternoon. “This location does not provide space for a reception or diploma distribution, therefore, diplomas will be distributed by mail,” O’Donnell said. “If we were to move Commencement to the Garden, we could provide each student with two extra tickets, for a total of five guaranteed guest tickets.” According to a poll of the senior class, these changes were found to be favorable for a majority of the class. But this option fell through when Madison Square Garden became unavailable to host the event. The plan would have then been to move the graduation ceremony to a location in Westchester. This alternative was

eventually scrapped as the graduating class decided it would rather graduate here on campus, but now this decision has come into question once again as the event is no longer a day on the horizon, but is now less than two weeks away. Alyssa O’Braskin is seriously considering this predicament. “The number of graduation tickets we are receiving isn’t enough,” O’Braskin said. “There are families that have two parents and three children and that then leaves the graduating student to choose either one sibling to come, or having neither come, which is unfair.” As of right now, the only way to get extra tickets would be for students to ask friends and other classmates for the tickets they are not using. For students with large families, like Lindsey Pamlanye, who is one of five children with two parents and multiple grandparents, most of her immediate family would have to be left behind if enough tickets are not found. Ciara McGinley, one of five siblings,

made suggestions for alternatives the college could offer to students with large families. “I would just really love if we could somehow get one or two more tickets, but if that is not possible, at least allow for multiple places on campus, like the Great Room in the Commons or the auditorium in Smith to live stream our graduation ceremony so that our entire families can attend and be on campus for our special day,” she said. Senior Katy Tkach said she is happy that commencement is taking place on campus, a familiar place, but “I feel bad for anyone who wants to have more family attend,” she said. “Overall, it is great to utilize a more familiar space.” “I find it absurd,” Kelly Cousins said. “We had the opportunity to have more tickets if we had a different location, but because we are on campus we are forced to limit this day that is meant to be the culmination of everything we have done here, a celebration of our work and the school itself.”

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