Issue 10, Fall 2014 - The Quadrangle

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THE Vol.90 Issue 10


UADRANGLE A Student Publication of Manhattan College Since 1924

Oct. 28, 2014

Manhattan College Basketball Athletes to Receive Additional Benefits in 2016 Chris Cirillo Sports Editor

Ashley Sanchez/The Quadrangle

Manhattan College is preparing to grant full cost of attendance for its men and women’s basketball athletes in accordance with a new NCAA ruling.

Ending Assault

Manhattan College will allow its men and women basketball student-athletes to receive the full cost of attendance starting in 2016. The decision, enabled by a federal lawsuit ruling against the NCAA, is estimated to be a 3 percent increase on basketball funding. Ed O’Bannon, a former UCLA men’s basketball player, sued the NCAA in an antitrust class-action lawsuit for using his name, image and likeness in broadcasts and video games without his consent or payment. The court ruled in favor of O’Bannon, which will significantly increase the amount of funding Manhattan College and other Division I schools can pay for its basketball and football teams. One outcome of the court’s ruling will give Division I schools the option to pay for the full cost of attendance, opposed to the full grant-in-aid, for its basketball and football athletes. The additional cost covers an athlete’s tuition, fees, travel, supplies and other educational expenses. The estimated cost is about an extra $3,500 per Manhattan College athlete annually, Athletic Director Noah LeFevre said at the Manhattan College Senate Meeting on Oct. 21. The school is preparing to grant the full cost of attendance for its 28 men and women’s basketball scholarship athletes, LeFevre said. The total cost will be approximately $98,000 a year, starting in September 2016. “We’re going to do what’s reasonable because these sports have been important Continued on page 3

MC Pushes New Policies, Programming to Stop Sexual Assault in its Tracks Michelle DePinho & Luke Hartman News Editor/Managing Editor & Staff Writer Contributor: John Abbatangelo As sexual assault, harassment and dating violence become the topics of a national conversation, Manhattan College is finding ways to tackle the issue and end assault on its own campus. In fact, colleges are epicenters for this type of gender-based misconduct because of situations they can facilitate. “Women in college are especially at risk because of the environment. They are in more situations and places that make assault possible, especially date rape,” Kimberly Fairchild, Ph.D. and associate professor of psychology at the college, wrote in an email. “Drinking and drug use muddle the situation and can leave women in a vul-

nerable position. These are more frequent features of the college environment that put college girls at higher risk than women in other groups.” Fairchild’s areas of research are sexual harassment, street harassment and sexual assault and said that this national discussion may help the cause of ending genderbased misconduct, but that there are many issues left to resolve. “I think [the national discussion] should keep going and not fade away as something else takes it place. It helpfully exposes a lot of the hateful and negative views out there,” she wrote. “These are very complex issues that may not have a single solution. And what works for one college may not work at others. We need to keep in mind sexual assault affects women, men, straights, gays, transgender.” As the college searches for this solution, teams of administrators have assembled a college policy on gender-based misconduct centered on what the law requires and what the college felt its policy should

be. “It’s prevalent. It’s happening,” Director of Residence Life Andrew Weingarten said of gender-based misconduct. “Every week there is a new article or story about sexual assault or a related topic,” Director of Human Resources Vicki Cowan said. “I think the response we are getting is people making sure they are doing the right thing and receiving the right training. Our job is to make sure that everyone does understand the proper responses and resources available, and we are trying to continue to make it better.” What the Law Says The sexual assault and harassment policies on campus are mandated and guided by various federal laws on how colleges manage issues related to sexual assault, harassment and gender equity. The first and most prominent law is Title IX, which was passed in 1972. It “requires gender equity for boys and girls in every educational program that receives federal funding,” ac-

cording to Title IX’s official website. This directly includes universities and colleges such as Manhattan College. Numerous amendments have been since passed that expand the scope of the law to sexual harassment, employment, athletics, education for pregnant students and access to higher education for women. This year Manhattan College has hired a new Title IX coordinator Vicky Cowan. “Title IX has been around for a long time, but in April 2011, a letter came out of the office of civil rights, really explaining that the act goes so beyond gender equity issues in sports, but also about sexual assault, misconduct, stalking, domestic violence and campuses need to remember that in order to have the right infrastructure in place,” Cowan said. Looking at the diverse areas that are covered under Title IX, it is clear that this isn’t a one woman effort, especially in determining on how programming and practices needed to be implemented. Continued on page 2

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Issue 10, Fall 2014 - The Quadrangle by Manhattan College Quadrangle - Issuu