THE Vol.90 Issue 11
UADRANGLE A Student Publication of Manhattan College Since 1924
Nov. 4, 2014
George Beamon Drafted by the Oklahoma City Blue
Story on Page 10 Daniel Ynfante/The Quadrangle
George Beamon is the reigning MAAC conference men’s basketball MVP and will now join the Oklahoma City Blue, the D-league NBA affiliate of the Oklahoma City Thunder.
LGBT Culture at MC Sean McIntyre Social Media Editor
Manhattan College's LGBT Friends and Allies became an official campus club this fall semester. Ivan Rios, President of LGBT Friends and Allies, created this club as a safe space for members and friends of the LGBT community to bond together and share stories. “Last semester I came back to my room one night to find homophobic slurs written on my door,” said Rios. “I took offense to the slurs and contacted my RA on LGBT resources.” Rios was directed to Resident Director Stephanie Brooks. The two teamed together to design a club that allowed students to have a place to seek help. The process of becoming an official club was rather easy according to Rios. “The faculty was very supportive of our club and even donated money to the organization,” Rios said. The club members fluctuate between 12 to 30 people per meeting, but its email list consists of over 100 names. During meetings, members discuss conflicts experienced and ways to integrate the club into the larger college community. One major event the club hosted was the Coming Out Day on Oct. 11. “This day promoted the sharing of coming out stories, LGBT topics like asexual awareness, discussions of personal conContinued on page 2
The Quadrangle’s Halloween Photo Contest Winners
Madison Brown/Courtesy
Madison Brown and Patricia Colton dress as mermaid man and barnacle boy.
Ilena DeRose/Courtesy
Ilena DeRose dresses as Flo from Progressive Insurance commercials.
Nereida Millan/Courtesy
Nereida Millan and Chris Loof dress as skeletons.