THE Volume 92, Issue 1
UADRANGLE A Student Publication of Manhattan College Since 1924
Sept. 1, 2015
Trading Spaces: The MC Master Plan Student Services Move, New STEM Building a Future Possibility
Michelle DePinho Editor
Over the next few months the first phase of Manhattan College’s master plan will be implemented when several student services offices move into the now-vacant Dante’s Den, a former cafeteria located in Thomas Hall. The master plan, completed in June, also includes ambitious plans to revamp STEM facilities on south campus. Dante’s Den, which used to be buzzing with students grabbing a snack or studying, fell quiet last fall when it was closed to accommodate the new dining options in the Kelly Commons. But the vacant space will see new life over the course of this year as several student services offices move in. These offices include the Office of Academic Support, Graduate Admissions, Student Financial Aid, and the Centers for Career Development and Graduate School and Fellowship Advisement.
The vision for the space is a more visible hub of student services. “The space that was available there [in Dante’s] was very large space and centrally located,” Andrew Ryan, vice president of facilities, said. “There are probably times when people did not utilize those services because of their locations.” Currently, these student services offices are scattered amongst academic and administrative buildings across campus. In Miguel Hall alone, several student services offices are split between the basement and the fifth floor of the same building. “It’s going to help what we do,” Rachel Cirelli, director of the Center for Career Development, said of the move to the new space. “I think our office is an underutilized resource.” Cirelli also said the additional, renovated space her office will gain in the move will present a more professional image to potential employers who often pay visits to the Center of Career Development.
The master plan also kicked off a STEM study, a campus-wide analysis of what facilities upgrades are necessary for the STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) programs offered at the college. Ryan said the study will look at which areas need to be upgraded, how personnel and departments will be reshuffled and where these STEM programs are headed in the future. The results of the study will determine what new facilities are needed and how current facilities will best be repurposed or enhanced for the college’s STEM programs. Tim Ward, dean of the School of Engineering, sat on the advisory committee for the campus master plan and calls the possible upgrades a “major project.” Feasibility studies are also being conducted to determine what some of these upgrades will cost and what is financially possible. Right now, Ward said that possibilities include building a new 30,000
square foot STEM building to replace the current Leo Building parking lot, constructing student dormitories where the Physical Plant building is currently located and remodeling both Leo and RLC. “The college recognizes that improving the facilities down here will not only aid in engineering but aid in trying to build our science area and the rest of the STEM,” Ward said of the master plan. “[It would] also add more for the entire campus, for having a more connected campus and more uniform campus all the way across. It’s not just for engineering students, but it’s for all the students on campus.” Ryan said that pending the approval and feasibility of the plan, the goal is to have a new STEM building built and operational on south campus by 2020. “We do not have a campaign yet. We are trying to build some excitement over it,” Ward said. “I think we’re moving in the right direction.”
Unveiling the Common Interest Communities Luke Hartman Editor
Starting this fall, the Arches program will no longer monopolize the residence community scene at Manhattan College. New common interest communities centered on shared themes will allow students to share extracurricular and academic experiences while living together on the same floor. “This will be a pilot year so it is a very exciting year to be a part of a common interest community,” Andrew Weingarten, director of Residence Life, said. “Students in them now will be able to help develop and shape the communities and have the opportunity to really leave their own mark.” During the housing selection process last spring, the Office of Residence Life unveiled its common interest community
plans. Over the summer, Residence Life staff along with resident assistants continued to organize, plan and finalize what these communities would look like for the fall. “Our primary focus over the summer was recruitment,” Weingarten said. “Our intent all along was to have students do a lot of the planning and development for the common interest communities, and sure enough they got a lot of this done throughout the spring 2015 semester, especially for Nuestra Casa, Performing Arts, and Entrepreneurship.” The locations of these communities in the various residence halls have also been finalized. Weingarten said that the Performing Arts & Visual Culture community is located on the 10th floor of Lee Hall. The Entrepreneurship, Nuestra Casa and Envi-
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Kevin Fuhrmann/The Quadrangle
Quadstock Cancelled Due to Construction Kyleigh Panetta Staff Writer
The Saturday of Labor Day Weekend has been known as Quadstock, a day packed with live musical performances on the campus quadrangle. This annual musical event is cancelled for this year but will be replaced with another event later this semester or this year. “No, students didn’t do anything wrong. It’s actually more of the fact that the entire quad is a construction site and has been all summer,” John Bennett, director of Student Activities, said. Previous artists for Quadstock include Boys Like Girls, Teddy Geiger and Taking Back Sunday. Bennett, however, said that contracts could not be signed with artists or bands because it was not guaranteed that the construction would be completed. The quad and Walsh Plaza restoration project began May 18 and was planned in
three phases. An email from Public Safety on May 15 stated, “It is anticipated that construction in all areas will be substantially complete in August in advance of the start of the fall semester.” Bennett also said that he has looked into other venues like Gaelic Park and the lawn in the back of Jasper Hall but said they would not work out. “We could have had it indoors, but that kind of defeats the purpose of an event that has the word ‘quad’ in its name itself and it’s supposed to be an outdoor day of music,” Bennett said. The budget for Quadstock is $60,000 and is partially made up of the Student Activities fee that every student pays for with tuition. In place of Quadstock this weekend, Student Activities is offering students discounted tickets for two off-campus events. Students can purchase $10 tickets for Madame Tussauds Wax Museum for the Saturday of Labor Day weekend. U.S.
Open tickets are also being offered to students for $20 on that Sunday. Ryan Flynn, a sophomore mechanical engineering major, said he remembers going to discounted events last year such as a Yankee game and a ski trip. “If they used the money and offered more discounted events to the students, that would be cool,” Flynn said. To solicit ideas from students on how to spend the Quadstock budget, Bennett said that the Social Life Commission will be asked to plan a new event with that money. Nicholas Weyland, student body president, said there are no plans right now for the Quadstock budget. “I will be working hard with Social Life and the rest of student government to plan and bring an event that will be just as fun and successful as Quadstock,” Weyland said. An unofficial survey on MC’s social media accounts may also be conducted in order to gauge the opinions of students.
“A welcome back weekend for everyone, not just the freshman, would be cool but it’s kind of too late now,” Jaclyn Marchetta, a sophomore chemical engineering major, said. “We have nothing in the fall like Spring Fling so something like a big Halloween dance would be fun,” Lisamarie Nilaj, a sophomore civil engineering major, said. Other students like Jared Boyles, a senior double majoring in economics and management, said he was not impressed with last year’s SpringFest and would like the money to be spent there. “They should use all the Quadstock money for a SpringFest artist with someone more high profile than The All-American Rejects,” Boyles said. Bennett wants students to know that the $60,000 is not being lost and that it will be added to a “Springfest-type weekend” later in the year or next semester. “I wouldn’t make any decision without consulting students first, but that’s where we kind of stand now,” Bennett said.