Issue 4, Fall 2017 - The Quadrangle

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SEPTEMBER 19, 2017

Volume XCVI, Issue 4

Manhattan College Honors College Enrolls Smaller Freshman Class Amid Victims of September 11 Demographic Changes 772 ENROLL IN CLASS OF 2021 Rose Brennan & Alexa Schmidt Asst. Editor & Staff Writer

Student government placed flags on the Quad to honor the victims of the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks in New York, Virginia and Pennsylvania. AARON MAYORGA / THE QUADRANGLE

Catherine Goodyear Asst. Editor

On Sept. 11, 2001, nearly 3,000 lives were lost due to organized terrorist attacks on the United States. Sixteen years later, the Manhattan College community honors the brave men and women who died tragically that day. Patrick Maurer, vice president of club administration, student government and the Veterans Club placed flags on the Quad early Monday morning, representing the victims and service people who died in the attacks. The school had a moment of silence on the quad for when each World Trade Center tower was hit. “It is important to still remember 9/11 sixteen years later for a numerous amount of reasons. A big one to me is how sudden and tragic human life was taken on that day from


that evil act. As we look back on that day every year it’s important to take note about how we came together as Americans in wake of an evil terrorist act,” said Maurer. Traditions, services and museums that memorialize that day are important - especially to people whose lives were directly affected including junior psychology major, Eva Pugliese. “I think it’s great that we acknowledge 9/11 and I love what we do on the quad and the visual representation of the flags does it well because even though it is something people read in a textbook, it is something that really affected us especially being from New York City and that day is something that really brought everyone together and unified the city. People were helping strangers on the street and the flags makes you realize the depth of who died, who served, and who was there that day,” said Pugl-

iese. Many students faculty and staff from MC remember where they were and what they were doing when they heard the news about the World Trade Centers and the Pentagon. Brother Robert Berger began a tradition of his own that still holds to this day. “On September 11, 2001 many members of the Manhattan College community gathered on the roof of Jasper Hall to look across the city and watch with tears as the smoke rose over the two World Trade Center buildings. Since that time every September 11 has turned the roof of Jasper Hall into a sacred space. Sixteen years later, present-day students with little or no actual memory of the event gather on the roof to remember those who have died and those who risked their lives to save others. Every year is the same: prayers, awe and, for some,

During Manhattan College’s opening weekend, 772 new first-year students started to call its campus their home away from home. These new students came from an applicant pool of 7,622 prospects, out of which 5,746 were admitted, according to figures provided by Caitlin Read, the college’s executive director of admissions & enrollment operations. These numbers demonstrate an increase in the college’s admission rate, rising from 71 percent for the class of 2020 to 75 percent for the class of 2021. The above numbers are subject to change until Sept. 29, when the college census is finalized and the numbers become official. Phoebe Torsilieri, a senior tour guide, talked about the number of students [for the class of 2021] that showed an interest in MC before they

Freshman Freshman Enrollment Enrollment by Admission Year by Admission Year Source: Admissions Office, Source: Admissions Office, TheThe Quadrangle Quadrangle --------------------------------------------------

905 747



814 772



committed. “I gave a tour during one of the open houses to about 50 people, which is crazy. And I wasn’t the only one who gave a tour that size, there was maybe ten other tour guides out who were giving out giant tours. This was a huge, huge group that came and looked at the school.” The class of 2021 is slightly smaller than the preceding class of 2020, which welcomed 814 students during this time last year. However, Vice President of Enrollment Management William Bisset, Ph.D., explains that there is no reason for concern. “Right now, in terms of undergraduate enrollment, the college is bigger than it’s ever been,” Bisset said. “This was the fourth largest class in the last 20 years.” According to Bisset, the incoming class was purposefully designed to have a slightly smaller enrollment from years in advance. The ultimate goal was to have a freshman class of around 800 students entering the college in fall 2017. “When we’re designing our enrollment strategies, it’s around keeping the undergraduate enrollment at an optimal level,” Bisset said. This ‘optimal level’ is anywhere between a total enrollment of 3,400 to 3,600 students. Currently, the college’s undergraduate student body is comprised of 3,463 students. This decline in both applications and enrollments is not specific to MC. According to Bisset, the U.S is currently experiencing a demographic decline in college-age citizens. This means that there are less people to apply for higher



Continued on Page 5

Continued on Page 4


MC voter turnout Lights! Camera! Action! MCTV is surges in 2016 back on p. 7 on p. 3

IN FEATURES: MARS begins with Robert Greens on p. 10


Talia Price does Jaspers Talk on p. 11

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