Issue 9, Fall 2017 - The Quadrangle

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Volume XCVI, Issue 9

OCTOBER 24, 2017

October Senate Meeting Continues Debate Over Columbus Day STUDENT GOVERNMENT TO SEND SURVEY Haley Burnside Asst. Editor


The Manhattan College Players put on their annual murder mystery Saturday night, centering on two murders in a boarding house. FULL COVERAGE ON PAGE 7. PHOTO BY LEON WU / THE QUADRANGLE

Veterans Success Center Opens in Thomas Hall Stephen Zubrycky Editor-in-Chief

Manhattan College’s growing population of student veterans now has a place to call its own. The Veterans Success Center, which opened with a ceremonial ribbon cutting last Monday, is located on the second floor of Thomas Hall in the room vacated by the Games Club. The center offers Manhattan’s veteran students a place to meet, study and lounge. “All the veterans on campus,[…] we all have very different, unique stories. We’re a very diverse group. And there’s 100 of us,” said senior Kirsten Battochio, president of the Student Veterans Organization. “But, out of all of us, all of our stories, there’s two things we have in common: one, our de-


Horan & Lee introduce bathroom cleaning on p. 3

Located on the second floor of Thomas Hall, the new center will serve as a lounge and meeting space for veterans. STEPHEN ZUBRYCKY / THE QUADRANGLE cision to serve and enlist into space for veterans to both work the military, and two was our and unwind. decision to come to Manhattan The room will serve as the College.” headquarters for Carly CumBattocchio envisions using mings, an MBA student who the space for meetings for her serves as the graduate assisorganization, and as an all-day tant for veterans’ services.

The Manhattan College Senate met for their monthly meeting this past week. Among the many agenda items, the issue of Columbus Day, which was tabled at September’s meeting, was discussed once again. The meeting began as usual with a roll call and approval of the agenda and minutes, after which Provost William Clyde gave a brief presentation about high impact practices (HIPs). “There’s been a lot of conversation on [HIPs] but only in a small group that talks about this stuff all the time. Unfortunately people who are not in this small group don’t necessarily know what HIPs are,” said Clyde in his opening remarks. He continued this discussion. “The American Association of Colleges and Universities is the big organization for liberal arts education. It is this group that started studying the teaching techniques that colleges use that are incredibly beneficial to students. They came up with ten different ones and named them high impact practices,” said Clyde. The ten HIPs are: first-year seminars/experiences, common intellectual experiences, learning communities, writingintensive courses, collaborative assignments/projects, undergraduate research, diversity/ global learning, service learning/community based learning, internships and capstone courses and projects. Clyde went on to show various charts and graphs com-

piled from research proving that HIPs are ultimately beneficial to students in terms of success in and after undergraduate years. “If you look at the list of high impact practices, you will notice [Manhattan College] is doing a lot of them already in things like the Arches program, First Year Seminar courses, summer research grants, study abroad, and others,” said Clyde. Following Clyde’s presentation, the Senate heard brief reports from the Educational Affairs Committee and the Campus Life Committee before moving to a discussion on last month’s main point of business. The previous month’s Senate meeting, Robert M. Geraci, Ph.D., chair of the religious studies department proposed that the college cease its observance of Columbus Day and instead close for Election Day. Some of the s e n a tors at the most recent meeting believe that the debate Emmanuel Ago was misPHOTO COURTESY MANHATTAN COLLEGE represented. Senator Emmanuel Ago was among those who thought the meeting was characterized too strongly in its coverage. “I believe that the Quadrangle did a good job of report-



Continued on Page 4

Continued on Page 3

IN FEATURES: KnowMore Campaign talks domestic violence on p. 5


Sanctus Artem holds art show on p. 6


A look into women’s rowing on p. 11

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