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Volume C, Issue 13
RA Hiring Process Now to Include Rising Sophomores Rose Brennan A&E Editor
MC Prepares for Thanksgiving Holiday The leaves on the campus change to fall hues as the fall semester comes to a close. BRIAN ASARE/ THE QUADRANGLE
O’Malley School of Business To Offer Real Estate Development Course Maria Thomas & Anna Woods Asst. News Editor & Staff Writer
The O’Malley School of Business is launching its first real estate development course for the Spring 2020 semester, offering both a graduate and undergraduate option for the course. The course is listed as a special topics course in Finance. The program was developed upon recommendations from Manhattan College alumni. Dean Donald Gibson of The O’Malley Business School began working on this idea in August of 2018. “This initiative began based on conversations with Manhattan College alumni who are professionals working in real estate. They reached out
Gourmet Dining offers internships to students p. 2
to me and urged us to develop programming in the area. I did some further investigation and I became convinced that Real Estate is a potentially very promising area for our students to consider,” said Gibson. Richard Ross, the visiting instructor for Real Estate and Director of External Graduate Programs, will be teaching the class. He is helping to guide the development of the program and helping in alumni outreach. “The beginning class will center around real estate development, which includes acquiring properties, doing feasibility analysis, forming a development team, constructing the building and managing that process, and property management and asset management,” said Ross. The course will center around sustainability and affordable housing - two topics that Ross specializes in. “I have been exposed to sustainable building for many
IN FEATURES: Meet attendees at the DACA Vigil on p. 5
years now. It is an integral part of affordable housing here in New York City,” he said. Ross says it is important to tie sustainability and affordable housing into the course because it aligns with Manhattan College’s values. “The Lasallian mission of the college is to have a humane approach to everything we do, and to care about people. Affordable housing is a huge problem throughout the United States, particularly in urban centers like New York, San Francisco, Chicago, where there is great wealth, and then there are the individuals who service those wealthy people who also need a place to live,” Ross said. In addition to affordable housing, sustainable housing is a prevalent issue given the current concerns about how to prevent or diminish climate change. __________________________ CONTINUED ON PAGE 3
The role of a resident assistant (RA) is one of the most sought-after positions at Manhattan College. In addition to the chance to become a student leader, the position is also compensated through free room and board. Now, the coveted position is opening up to more potential applicants. The Office of Residence Life recently announced that the RA hiring process for the 2020-2021 academic year would be opened to rising sophomores. Previously, the position was restricted to rising juniors and seniors. Charles Clency, director of Residence Life, had the idea of opening the position to rising sophomores since he was hired to his position. “It was always my intent to basically expand [the process] to sophomores. I would have done it last year, but I actually wanted to see what it looked like in terms of [what] are common practices,” he said. “In this case, I will tell you … there’s very few campuses around that I’m aware of that only [allow] RA position to be occupied by juniors and seniors. But, then again, that was a Manhattan College thing, historically, here, and I wanted to see … the success rate before I [went] changing it: what the applicant pool would be like and how competitive it would be.” There were three main reasons why Clency planned to open the position to rising sophomores. The first of these reasons was to make the RA position more competitive. “It’s really designed for anybody who has a desire to give back and make it part of their academic experience. And so we’re looking for people who are enthusiastic about being peer mentors, and … more than anything else, I wholeheartedly believe peer mentors can be anyone who’s served and been in this institution, or any institution, to be honest with you, for a year or more,” Clency said.
Sanctus Artem hosts annual art show on p.6
The second item on the agenda was to address the pending residency requirement program, which will go into effect next academic year and will require all students not living within a certain radius of the college to live on campus for their first two years as a student. “It’s kind of unfair to … tell students that they must live on campus but not give them an opportunity to take on a leadership role in the department as well. So expanding this opportunity for them to apply and compete makes all the sense in the world to me,” Clency said. Finally, Clency believes that opening the application to rising sophomores will present the best opportunity to hire the finest potential employees the college has to offer. “We want the best, so some of the opportunities for people to be an RA over the years, having only two shots in order to have that happen has probably served as a disadvantage for some people who’ve never really got the opportunity to become an RA, but having three opportunities in their tenure here ... heightens the probability for them to have the opportunity to get … chosen for the position,” he said. Opening the application to rising sophomores will undoubtedly make the process more competitive, allowing students who apply to vie for one of 50 potential positions. Furthermore, Clency anticipates there will be a number of current RAs who will return for another year of employment, making the process even more competitive, especially for rising sophomores. “We are expecting, and we will continue to expect, to have returner RAs come back to us. So it’s going to be more competitive at the end of the day, and although you can apply, it doesn’t mean that you’re going to get the job. It just means that they have the opportunity for the position, just like any junior or senior would,” Clency said. Freshman Luis Chavez is __________________________ CONTINUED ON PAGE 3
Men’s basketball wins two home games on p. 8