Educate Slovakia 2017 Final report
Content Content
About project Educate Slovakia
Project curricula
Impact research
List of schools engaged with the project
References from schools
Countries of exchange parJcipants
References from exchange parJcipants
References from host families
Partners of AIESEC in Slovakia
Further informaJon
Dear all, it is already more than 5 years since we organised for the first 7me our project Educate Slovakia. The basic thought was to bring interna7onal environment from AIESEC between ordinary young people, regardless of what their opportuni7es are. We managed to create a simple, quick and intensive educa7onal project, in which during 6 weeks pairs of young people - exchange par7cipants will host lectures with different classes on elementary and high schools. At first the project happened only in Banska Bystrica and Bra7slava, from where it year by year spread also to capital ci7es of all regions and from there further, oLen also to small village schools. This year more than 150 schools and more than 20 000 kids aged 6 to 18 par7cipated in the project, which makes it the biggest edi7on we ever organised. Tolerance, geQng to know other cultures and ac7vity of young people are the three main pillars of Educate Slovakia curricula. We believe, that each pillar is at the same 7me a very important and current topic in the society, that is why this project is becoming more and more of a priority also within all ac7vi7es of AIESEC in Slovakia. Interes7ng is also the fact that the whole project from it’s conceptualisa7on up un7l it’s realisa7on and logis7cal arrangements was organised by a team of around 150 volunteers around whole Slovakia. All volunteers are young people, in most of the cases university students that are interested in personal development, geQng prac7cal experience and last, but not least improving their communi7es in Slovakia. In this final report we present all the summarised data that we collected about the realisa7on of the project and it’s impact. In the name of the Member CommiTee of AIESEC in Slovakia, I’d like to thank: • to all partners and supporters that together with us helped with their bit and helped us to organise so far the biggest edi7on of Educate Slovakia, • to all schools, directors and teachers, that understand the need for similar projects and are willing to put extra effort to make sure that their kids will get only the best, • to all host families and parents, that care to make sure that their kids will grow up as a clever and polite young people, • to all members of AIESEC in Slovakia that during the period of 6 months restlessly worked on moving this project and themselves forward, • to all 120 exchange par7cipants, that chose exactly Educate Slovakia amongst all the other projects that AIESEC organises around the whole world and helped us to change at least a bit of Slovakia for beTer. With your contribu7on, we were awarded the Best volunteering project of the year in Slovakia by Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Slovak republic. Thank you once again. We’re already preparing for the 2018 edi7on, that will be without a doubt much, much beTer. Looking forward for our coopera7on! Tomáš Susedík Country Manager AIESEC in Slovakia
AIESEC AIESEC is a plaRorm for young people to develop their leadership. Our leadership development model seeks to prepare youth to take a stand on what they care about and become capable of making a difference through everyday acFons.
AIESEC was founded a6er the 2nd World War by a group of young people from Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Netherlands, Norway and Sweden. Our fundamentals were shaped by the social, economical and poliFcal climate of the Fme. Since then, the world has been changing faster than ever before. We believe that young people hold the key to a beHer future and they must learn to adapt quickly and solve problems. This is why AIESEC strives for Peace & Fulfilment of Humankind's Poten?al. In today’s context, ‘Peace’ does not necessarily mean only avoiding war. Peace can symbolise a world that does not have conflicts that arise from cultural, religious, or other aspects of differences in humanity. Peace can also symbolise being in harmony with yourself. AIESEC strives to build a world where people can work towards their own understanding of peace, while respecFng and understanding the views of others. We place our confidence in youth because they have the passion, dynamism and entrepreneurial spirit that are needed to shape the future. They have the responsibility to improve tomorrow by choosing who they will be today.
Based on the biggest world trends (defined by the World Economic Forum) our acFviFes seek to develop the below menFoned leadership characterisFcs: • Empowering others: - communicated effecFvely in diverse environments, - develops & empowers other people - engages with others to achieve a bigger purpose • SoluFon oriented: - adapts and shows resilience in the face of challenges - transmits posiFvity while moving forward through uncertainty - takes risks when it’s needed • Self-aware: - understands and lives personal values - focuses on strengths over weaknesses - explores one’s passions • World ciFzen: - believes in their ability to make a difference in the world - interested in world issues - enjoys taking responsibility for improving the world
All before-menFoned characterisFcs are developed through the experiences that AIESEC offers. Such experiences can be found in internaFonal exchange or a team experience. AIESEC provides an opportunity for young people to w o r k o r vo l u n t e e r a b ro a d i n n o n - f a m i l i a r environments. This allows them to step outside their comfort zone and expand their worldview, while contribuFng to the community in which they are working. Living such experiences enables young people to build a beHer understanding of how to communicate and capitalise on diversity in an increasingly interconnected world. AIESEC members work in teams to create and manage these cross-cultural exchange experiences. This provides an opportunity for our members to live powerful team experiences and develop their own leadership potenFal.
Educate Slovakia Educate Slovakia is a project focused on improving of inter-cultural understanding and global mindset of Slovak youth to support their development of leadership skills by pu\ng them to an internaFonal environment of a modern non-formal educaFonal program.
Project started 5 years ago as a local project. Since then it got unified as a naFonal project, the concept of which is adapted to needs of the Fme. In 2015 the United NaFons member states agreed to define common goals, that once achieved, will solve the most severe issues of today’s world. Leaders of 193 countries agreed together and commiHed to pursuing the 17 sustainable development goals. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) serve as a global agenda for the upcoming 15 years (unFl 2030), that will ensure measures are put in place for the key, most important areas to take care of the planet and serve the humankind. It is an acFon plan for people, planet and prosperity. It strives to achieve people living in peace and freedom.
Short a6er the approval of Agenda 2030 by all UN member states AIESEC became the first NGO, that hosted a 3-day event in the UN headquarters in New York together with representaFves of different sectors in order to define the role of youth in achieving the SDGs and the commitment of AIESEC to adopt these goals and contribute to their achievement. One of the goals is targeFng i n c re a s e i n t h e q u a l i t y of educaFon and the concept of our project Educate Slovakia was adjusted to contribute to this SDG. Goal no. 4: Quality EducaFon Target no. 4.7: By 2030, ensure that all learners acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development, including, among others, through educaFon for sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles, human rights, gender equality, promoFon of a culture of peace and non-violence, global ciFzenship and appreciaFon of cultural diversity and of culture’s contribuFon to sustainable development. Project is composed from a week-long plan of classes where the lecturers come from different parts of the world and deliver lectures or interacFve workshops, while acFvely using English language develop selfreflecFon, responsibility and tolerance for differences. The classes are delivered by a pair of exchange parFcipants, that are trained through Global Volunteer, one of AIESEC’s exchange products.
The curricula differs based on the age of learners’ group. For now we’re working with 2 ediFons of the project - for elementary and high schools. The main goal of Educate Slovakia ediFon for elementary schools is to build global awareness of parFcipants through different acFviFes and workshops. The topics are adjusted based on the age of learners’ group, which takes part in the project they mostly tackle creaFon of posiFve habits and behaviors or increasing awareness about topics, that concern young people. The main goal of Educate Slovakia ediFon for elementary schools is to build global awareness of parFcipants through different acFviFes and workshops. EdiFon for high schools is different from the previous one due to more advanced content of the lectures. It is targeFng topics that are adjusted to the age group. Content of the curricula is described in the next page. Within Educate Slovakia 2017 we measured the impact, that this project achieves on an individual learner, which takes part in the project. We conducted a research through a survey in schools, which was filled before and a6er the project for comparison of the results. The quesFons in the research were defined according to the age groups of respondents. At the same Fme, it is supposed to evaluate the fulfilment of the project goals. All quesFons were answered on a scale from 0 to 10, where 0 means “completely disagree” and 10 means “completely agree”.
Curricula of project Educate Slovakia Educate Slovakia for elementary schools (1. - 4. grade)
Educate Slovakia for elementary schools (5. - 9. grade)
Educate Slovakia for high schools
Building trust and interest between the Get to know me lecturers and learners. Get to know each and my country other games and acFviFes.
Building trust and interest between the Get to know me lecturers and learners. Get to know each and my country other games and acFviFes.
Building trust and interest between the Get to know me lecturers and learners. Get to know each and my country other games and acFviFes.
Art of the country
PresenFng of the intellectual and cultural heritage of the exchange parFcipant’s country - music, tradiFonal musical instruments, books, writers, history, legends, mythology, actors, modern art.
Building awareness between young people about the differences in specific countries through stories and showcasing of tradiFons and habits, or typical items from the TradiFons of the exchange parFcipant’s country (clothes, country tradiFonal food, nature, famous ciFes, naFonal dances, etc.). The objecFve is to showcase different aspects of the country and learn to respect it.
Building awareness between young people about the differences in specific countries through stories and showcasing of tradiFons and habits, or typical items from the TradiFons of the exchange parFcipant’s country (clothes, country tradiFonal food, nature, famous ciFes, naFonal dances, etc.). The objecFve is to showcase different aspects of the country and learn to respect it.
Lifestyle in a modern world
Showcase examples of acFve usage of spare Fme (hobbies, sports, volunteering, selfdevelopment), help the learners to eliminate their bad habits and behaviors and teach them to focus on the posiFves. Support the learners in their efforts to beHer
Inter-cultural communicaFon
Everyone is different
Show the learners how to communicate with different cultures, discussion about tolerance and differences (through discussions or games).
Breaking prejudice and showcasing, that all of us are different. Final evaluaFon and a summary of learnings from the whole week of project.
Personal know themselves, improve their confidence, development and teach them to define prioriFes and goals and opportuniFes in find a way to achieve them. Group acFviFes life
to learn teamwork.
Inter-cultural communicaFon
Show the learners how to communicate with different cultures, discussion about tolerance and differences (through discussions or games). Final evaluaFon and a summary of learnings from the whole week of project.
Building awareness between young people about the differences in specific countries through stories and showcasing of tradiFons and habits, or typical items from the TradiFons of the exchange parFcipant’s country (clothes, country tradiFonal food, nature, famous ciFes, naFonal dances, etc.). The objecFve is to showcase different aspects of the country and learn to respect it. PresentaFon, discussion about educaFonal systems in the countries of exchange Personal parFcipants and their comparison with development and Slovakia. What are the opportuniFes for opportuniFes in young people (part-Fme jobs, volunteering, life traveling, etc.) in Slovakia and in the world? Discussion about learners’ future plans. Discussion about the issues the world is facing today (wars, environment polluFon, Issues of today’s etc.), presentaFon of those, that influence world and the exchange parFcipant’s country. extremism Comparison with Slovakia. Increasing the awareness about these problems and discussion about acFvism of young people.
Inter-cultural communicaFon
Show the learners how to communicate with different cultures, discussion about tolerance and differences (through discussions or games). Final evaluaFon and a summary of learnings from the whole week of project.
Educate Slovakia for elementary schools (1. - 4. grade) I would like to learn English language more
5,0 %
I would like to visit other countries
2,9 %
I would like to have friends from abroad
5,6 %
I make fun of people that look differently
-0,9 %
I do enjoy group ac<vi<es
1,4 %
I listen to others without interrup<ng them
-3,3 %
I am afraid to perform or talk in front of my class mates
-5,9 %
I want to help other people
-0,5 %
I would like to be more ac<ve in extracurricular ac<vi<es
6,0 % 2,1 %
I always sign up as the first when we can sign up for some ac<vity -25 %
The main challenge with this age g ro u p w a s t h e n e c e s s i t y of assistance for the learners from their teachers.
-18,75 % -12,5 %
-6,25 %
6,25 %
12,5 %
18,75 %
25 %
Before project
A6er project
1. grade
2. grade
3. grade
4. grade
Before project
A6er project
5. grade
6. grade
7. grade
8. grade
9. grade
Educate Slovakia for elementary schools (5. - 9. grade) Talking in English is not a problem for me I would like to learn Ensligh language more I would like to visit other countries I tend to read about other countries and cultures on the internet I would like to learn more about other countries I can name my personal values I know exactly what I am good at I know exactly what I am not good at I make fun of people that look differently I believe that as a team we can achieve more I listen to others without interrup<ng them I can communicate my thoughts and ideas in a way that others understand them I want to help other people I give up easily if an obstacle occurs I would like to be more ac<ve in extracurricular ac<vi<es I always sign up as the first when we can sign up for some ac<vity -25 %
5,8 % 3,8 % 1,3 % 5,0 % 4,9 % 1,6 % 2,3 % 3,8 % -3,2 % 0,3 % 2,6 % 4,6 % 0,7 % 2,7 % 1,9 % 3,1 % -18,75 % -12,5 %
-6,25 %
6,25 %
12,5 %
18,75 %
25 %
Educate Slovakia for high schools
Talking in English is not a problem for me I would like to learn Ensligh language more I think, that I can make a difference in the world (even small) I would like to learn more about other countries I tend to read about other countries and cultures on the internet I can name my personal values I know my strengths and weaknesses I'm interested in what is happening in Slovakia I'm interested in what is happening in the world I do realise and respect that everyone is different I always can put myself in other person's shoes I believe that as a team we can achieve more I listen to others without interrup<ng them I can communicate my thoughts and ideas in a way that others understand them I want to help other people I give up easily if an obstacle occurs If a problem occurs, I always start looking for the solu<on I would like to be more ac<ve in extracurricular ac<vi<es I always sign up as the first when we can sign up for some ac<vity -25 %
5,8 % -0,2 % 5,7 % 1,9 % 4,1 % -1,6 % -4,1 % 1,5 % 4,2 % -2,2 % 2,2 % -1,3 % 0,1 % -2,4 % -0,5 % -0,9 % 5,0 % 4,0 % -18,75 % -12,5 %
Factors that influence the results: • low parFcipaFon in both researches (researches were cleared from answers, that were submiHed either only before or only a6er the project) • unclear parFcipaFon of the same learners from the same class, that answered before and a6er the project (even though the counts of learners are roughly the same, we can’t certainly say that those were the same people) • misunderstanding or the fact that the quesFons were not clear.
-6,25 %
6,25 %
12,5 %
18,75 %
Before project
A6er project
1. grade
2. grade
3. grade
4. grade
25 %
Results of the survey: With the 1. - 4. grade of elementary schools we can see that the learners significantly increased their interest in English language, extracurricular acFviFes and at the same Fme the interest to have more friends from abroad. On the other hand, their fear of presenFng in front of their peers decreased. 5. - 9. grade of elementary schools shows posiFve results in all aspects. With high schools we see significant progress in communicaFon skills in English language and at the same Fme we see increased interest in extracurricular acFviFes.
List of schools that took part in the project Region of Banská Bystrica
Gymnázium Karola Štúra, Modra
Základná škola Miloslavov, Miloslavov-AlžbeFn Dvor
Stredná odborná škola ekonomická, Spišská Nová Ves
Gymnázium Ľudovíta Štúra, Zvolen
Gymnázium Pankúchova 6, BraFslava
Základná škola Pankúchova, BraFslava
Stredná odborná škola Jána BocaFa, Košice
Gymnázium Milana Rúfusa, Žiar nad Hronom
Gymnázium svätej Uršule, BraFslava
Základná škola Pavla Horova, BraFslava
Stredná odborná škola technická, Rožňava
Jazykova škola Forim, Železná Breznica
Obchodná akadémia Račianska, BraFslava
Základná škola Pohraničná, Komárno
Stredná priemyselná škola, Komenského, Košice
Spojená škola v Detve
Obchodná akadémia, Dudová, BraFslava
Základná škola s vyučovacím jazykom maďarským Alapiskola, Tomášov
Stredná škola úžitkového výtvarníctva, Košice
Stredná priemyselná škola dopravná, Zvolen
Obchodná akadémia, Veľký Meder
Základná škola s vyučovacím jazykom maďarským Alberta Molnára Szencziho, Senec
Stredná škola, Michalovce
Súkromná pedagogická a sociálna akadémia EBG, Brezno
Pedagogická a kultúrna akadémia, Modra
Základná škola Sibírska, BraFslava
Stredná zdravotnícka škola sv. Alžbety, Košice
Súkromná pedagogická a sociálna akadémia EBG, Žiar nad Hronom
Spojená škola SNP 30, Ivanka pri Dunaji
Základná škola Tbiliská, BraFslava
Stredná zdravotnícka škola, Moyzesova, Košice
Základná škola Adely Ostrolúckej v Budči
Spojená škola Tilgnerova, BraFslava
Základná škola Tomášov, Tomášov
Súkromné gymnázium FUTURUM, Košice
Základná škola J. Alexyho, Zvolen
Stredná odborná škola dopravná, BraFslava
Základná škola Za kasárňou, BraFslava
Súkromné gymnázium Katkin Park, Košice
Základná škola Jozefa Horáka, Banská ŠFavnica
Stredná odborná škola podnikania, BraFslava
Základná škola, Biskupická 21, BraFslava
Súkromné športové gymnázium, Užhorodská 39, Košice
Základná škola Karola Bieleka, Lovčica-Trubín
Stredná odborná škola vinársko-ovocinárska, Modra
Základná škola, Karloveská 61, BraFslava
Základná škola J. Neposuckého, Rožňava
Základná škola Klokočova 742, Hnúšťa
Stredná odborná škola, Pezinok
Základná škola, Mudroňova 83, BraFslava
Základná škola Jozefa Ubrana, Jenisejká 22, Košice
Základná škola M. Rázusa, Zvolen
Stredná priemyselná škola elektrotechnická, BraFslava
Základná škola, Nová Dedinka - Nová Ves pri Dunaji
Základná škola Kežmarská 28, Košice
Základná škola s materskou školou Alexandra Vagača, Detva
Stredná priemyselná škola, Komárno
Region of Košice
Základná škola nad Medzou, Spišská Nová Ves
Základná škola s materskou školou Juraja Slávika, Dobrá Niva Súkromná základná škola Harmónia, BraFslava
Cirkevná základná škola sv Michala, Michalovce
Základná škola sv. Cyrila a Metoda, Košice
Základná škola s materskou školou Mateja Bela Fun†ka v Očovej
Súkromná základná škola S.E.N.E.C., Senec
Gymnázium T. Akvinského, Košice
Základná škola Z. Nejedlého, Spišská Nová Ves
Základná škola s materskou školou, Pliešovce
Súkromná základná škola Waldorfská, BraFslava
Gymnázium, Alejová 1, Košice
Základná škola, Bukovecká 17, Košice
Základná škola s materskou školou, Brusno
Škola pre mimoriadne nadané deF a gymnázium Teplická, BraFslava
Gymnázium, Exnárova, Košice
Základná škola, Družstevná pri Hornáde
Základná škola Slobodného slovenského vysielača, Banská Bystrica
Základná škola a gymnázium s vyučovacím jazykom maďarským, BraFslava
Gymnázium, Javorová 16, Spišská Nová Ves
Základná škola, Harichovce
Základná škola, Jilemnického ulica č.2, Žiar nad Hronom
Základná škola, Cádrova, BraFslava
Gymnázium, Kráľovský Chlmec
Základná škola, Krosnianska 4, Košice
Základná škola, Lieskovec
Základná škola Jozefa Gregora Tajovského, Senec
Gymnázium, Park mládeže 5, Košice
Základná škola, Polianska 1, Košice
Základná škola, P. Jilemnického 1813/1, Zvolen
Základná škola Kráľová pri Senci, Kráľová pri Senci
Obchodná akadémia, Polárna 1, Košice
Základná škola, Požiarnická 3, Košice
Region of BraEslava
Základná škola Malinovo, Malinovo
Premonštrátske gymnázium, Košice
Základná škola, Slobody 1, Košice
Gymnázium Ivana Horvátha, BraFslava
Základná škola Malokarpatské námesFe, BraFslava
Spojená škola sv. košických mučeníkov, Košice
Základná škola, Spišský Hrhov
List of schools that took part in the project Region of Nitra
Cirkevná základná škola sv. Petra a Pavla, Stropkov
Základná škola, Šmeralova, Prešov
Základná škola Rudolfa Jašíka, ParFzánske
Obchodná akadémia Bolečkova, Nitra
Gymnázium Konštan†nova, Prešov
Základná škola, Terňa
Základná škola Smetanov Háj, Dunajská Streda
Obchodná akadémia, Zlaté Moravce
Gymnázium, Vranov nad Topľou
Základná škola Ul. 17. novembra, Sabinov
Základná škola, Šaš†n Stráže
Stredná odborná škola hotelová, Nové Zámky
Hotelová akadémia, Prešov
Základná škola, Važecká, Prešov
Stredná odborná škola Veterinárna, Nitra
Hotelová akadémmia, Humenné
Region of Trenčín
Stredná odborná škola, Levice
Life Academy, Poprad
Gymnázium J.Jesenského, Bánovce nad Bebravou
Stredná priemyselná škola elektrotechnická, Nitra
Obchodná akadémia, Prešov
Stredná odborná škola strojnícka, Považská Bystrica
Stredná zdravotnícka škola, Nitra
Pedagogická a sociálna akadémia, Prešov
Základná škola, Dubnica nad Váhom
Súkromná stredná umelecká škola dizajnu, Nitra
Stredná odborná škola Jarmočná, Stará Ľubovňa
Základná škola, EnergeFkov Prievidza
Základná škola a materská škola s vyučovacím jazykom maďarským, Šaľa
Stredná odborná škola obchodu a služieb, Prešov
Základná škola Jána Amosa Komenského, Púchov
Základná škola Alekšince, Alekšince
Spojená škola Ľudmily Podjavorinskej, Prešov
Základná škola, Rozkvet, Považská Bystrica
Základná škola Benkova, Nitra
Stredná priemyselná škola elektrotechnická, Prešov
Základná škola svätého Augus†na, Považská Bystrica
Základná škola Fatranská, Nitra
Stredná umelecká škola, Prešov
Základná škola, Brezová pod Bradlom
Základná škola Golianovo, Golianovo
Stredná zdravotnícka škola, Prešov
Základná škola, Trenčín (Na Dolinách 27)
Základná škola Kniežaťa Pribinu, Nitra
Základná škola Bartolomeja Krpelca, Bardejov
Základná Škola, Ul. Gorazdova, Bánovce nad Bebravou
Základná škola s materskou školou Bernolákova 1, Šaľa
Základná škola, Československej armády, Prešov
Region of Trnava
Základná škola s materskou školou sv. Gorazda, Nitra
Základná škola, FinFce
2. základná škola, Senica
Základná škola Sv. Marka, Nitra
Základná škola, Hrnčiarska, Humenné
3. základná škola, Senica
Základná škola Svätoplukova, Nitra
Základná škola, Letná, Poprad
Stredná odborná škola technická, Galanta
Základná škola Škultétyho, Topolčany
Základná škola, ĽuboFce
Stredná odborná škola záhradnícka, Piešťany
Základná škola Veľký Kýr, Veľký Kýr
Základná škola Mirka Nešpora, Prešov
Stredná priemyselná škola, Trnava
Základná škola, Mojmírovce
Základná škola Pod Papierňou, Bardejov
Súkromná stredná odborná škola SD, Šamorín
Region of Prešov
Základná škola, Prostejovská, Prešov
Sukromná stredná odborná škola, Senica
Cirkevná základná škola, Sabinov
Základná škola, Sedlice
Súkromné maďarské gymnázium, Dunajská Streda
Cirkevné gymnázium sv. Mikuláša, Stará Ľubovňa
Základná škola, Stropkov
Základná škola Felčana, Hlohovec
All together we engaged 171 elementary and high schools in the project from 7 regions of Slovakia.Some schools work with us since the first ediJon of Educate Slovakia, some started to parJcipate over the last 5 years, or for some Educate Slovakia 2017 was their premiere. We would like to thank you, that together we can create memorable experiences for so many young people and together raise them as clever, responsible, polite and acJve people.
References from schools “Learners and teachers of the shool experienced unconvenJonal week, that was an excepJonally enriching of our school life. Everyone who parJcipated got the change to learn a lot of new informaJon, that are not usually accessible. Through the parJcipaJon in this project our school would also like to send the message, that we’re interested in educaJng our students also through non-formal and experienJal methods of learning. Everyone saw, that the lecturers, whose naJve language is not English, don’t have any problem to talk in a foreign language, even though they are not always flawless while using it. This is an important moJvaJon for our students, that are oVen afraid to talk in a foreign language because they are convinced that they won’t always talk 100% correctly.” High school of Janko Jesenský, Bánovce nad Bebravou
“... And the project Educate Slovakia is over. Thrilled expression in the faces of our kids says it all. CreaJve presentaJon of other countries in a way that really made it interesJng for the kids (and also the teachers) the Asian culture, colorful tradiJons (musical instruments, dances, songs), unique architecture and historical heritage (amongst others some of the 7 World Wonders), food we’ve never heard of, protected animals, or incredible beauty of the nature.” Elementary school Tajovského, Senec
“Friendly approach of the exchange parJcipants supported the kids’ effort to communicate in English language without any fears or barriers. The learners commented, that they have a very good feeling from the courses and that they would like to parJcipate in it also in the next year. Proof of the immense success of this project is also the fact that even though on Friday, 27.1. we decleared a special flu-illness holiday, majority of the learners that took part in the roucses came to school anyway and use the change to a]end the project for the last day.” Business academy Račianska 107, BraFslava
“Our students were excited to discover the new way of learning English language and new methods, that were adjusted to the different age categories. The main goal was to eliminate barriers and prejudice, learn to tolerate each other and communicate, even though it might be seemingly hard. Team spirit was high and we made sure that also the shy kids got the chance to speak up. (…) PresentaJon of the tradiJons and habits, such as the clothes, food, dances or other were enriching informaJon to create a picture about Brazil and Indonesia also for the teachers, that had the chance to pracJce understanding a class hosted in a foreign language or communicate in their non-naJve language. In the end of the project some teachers made connecJons with the exchange parJcipants and agreed on a la]er communicaJon. Even a month aVer the project we’re in contact with our lecturers through e-mails or social media.” Elementary school of St Michal, Michalovce
“Project is already a tradiJonal contribuJon to our school, because it offers the learners the opportunity to test their theoreJcal knowledge in real life. OVen it is the first experience to really communicate with a foreigner. Project is a form of experienJal learning and successfully develops connecJons between different subjects, since the kids are not confronted just with the foreign language, but also their knowledge in geography, history or civic educaJon. From the perspecJve of the cross-secJon topics we can say, that it is a pracJcal implementaJon of the mulJcultural educaJon. Students learn how to get to know the other cultures and their mentality. Friendly atmosphere during the meeJngs with the foreigners is also leading to develop their tolerance and decrease their fear from the unknown. Extra things that we liked on the projects - the students got the chance to really develop their communicaJon skills, especially acJve listening during the presentaJons and talking during the games. Language acJviJes were ideally complemenJng the meeJngs and classes and got also the shy learners to take an acJve part.” Elementary school, Benkova, Nitra
Countries of exchange parEcipants
South Korea
New Zealand
s t n a ip c F r a p e g n a h 120 exc from 18 countries!
References from exchange parEcipants “This project put a great impact on my self-awareness and helped me to improve my communicaJon skills. With the help of the project I knew more about other countries and their tradiJons and culture. It is easier for me to find the approach to students and make them interested in what I am talking about. I got lots of feedbacks from teachers of the schools I was working at during my stay in Slovakia. Also with support of AIESEC team I opened new countries and places. I'm really grateful for this experience.” Iryna Balyo, Ukraine
“Now when the project has come to an end, I can proudly say, it was a life changing experience for me. You only get few changes in life to truly feel diverse environment and opportunity to empower others. This is exactly what Educate Slovakia offered me this winter. Thank you AIESEC for constant care before and during the project. From finding someone to pick me up from the project on my first day, I knew I did not choose the wrong enJty to take my internship in. Thank you.” Chiang Ching Oh, Malaysia
“I had 100% of development in all ma]ers and even more. I personally have learned things I did not even expect I would have before I came to Slovakia. I have grown so much in the Self-awareness and SoluJon OrientaJon aspects. The more I taught, the more I learned about how much impact I had in these peoples lives. The whole experience made me more conscious about how things can be tricky and how to not lose my mind when something goes wrong. I understood how to keep calm and think of a soluJon instead of trying to change something that's already happened or be angry about or desperate. I am extremely thankful for the experience. I sJll have a few things to learn. Perhaps in another Global project opportunity.” Fernanda, Brazil
“This was my first Jme teaching children who do not speak my language (Latvian), and I do not speak theirs either (they are Slovak). But we managed to communicate in English. A challenging, but an amazing experience!” Katrina Lea Prince, Latvia
“This environment really made me to be more tolerant to people, try to accept them, their weakness & strengths – how to complete that, to be tolerant, reflecJve - I didn’t expect this. This internship revealed that it is really challenging, but fun to meet so many new people, different languages, educaJon is nice and I adapted really fast. They were very welcome, super kind, no problem, really enjoyed it.” Diah Adhelia, Indonesia
“I found out that when we are in a different environment it is important to open your mind to accept different things. And it is important to try to be opJmisJc because there are lots of things that will happen during the project. I was shy before, but aVer this project I became more acJve. I am trying to be more talkaJve and I can try to find the comfortable way to communicate with different kind of people.” Catherine Lu, China
References from host families As a part of the project we also offered to some families the opportunity to accommodate in their home one or more exchange parFcipants. Host families play a unique role in their ge\ng to know the everyday life during their volunteering in Slovakia. The host families take care of accommodaFon and other things that are required. Welcoming the exchange parFcipant in their home as a new temporary family member is on the other hand an opportunity to refresh everyday acFviFes, ge\ng to know a new culture and pracFce a foreign language without the need of actually travelling abroad. PresenFng Slovakia to a foreigner at the same shows new perspecFve also to one’s own country.
“I have only posiJve memories about the experience of accommodaJng Fernanda. Foreign person in our home can bring a new wind and refresh the standard schedule of our household - but this wasn’t the case. Despite the fact that we do not speak English, we were able to somehow communicate about everything, that was necessary, which just confirms, that it is not important wiether we speak 1 language or 50, but if there is effort on both sides, we will manage to communicate one way or another. Fernanda was already the third exchange parJcipant that stayed with us and she for sure wasn’t the last one. We’re looking forward for the next project!” Štupák family, Prešov
“From my experience with accommodaJng an exchange parJcipand I enjoyed the most the fact that we share the same space with them, the communicaJon with them (also in their naJve language), intensive sharing of cultures, cooking of tradiJonal meals, showing them the environment and also our cultural heritage.” MarFn Vasko, Harichovce
“From my experience of being a host family I’m the most thankful for the invitaJon from our exchange parJcipant to his country. I learned a lot about Brazil and I also improved my English language.” Michal Urban, Levoča
“I am very saJsfied with the girls. I am happy that I had such an opportunity. Yesterday we were talking with them about folklore, our naJonal heroes, etc. Everyone is impressed by them.” Monika Tóthová, Senec
“From the opportunity of becoming a host family I’m the most thankful for improving my English language” Orsolya Hacková, Veľké Kapušany
AIESEC Slovensko civil society registered at the Minitstry of Internal Affairs under No. VVS/1-900/90-14626 Štúrova 3 811 02 BraFslava IČO: 30845823 DIČ: 2020851316 Partners of AIESEC in Slovakia