MCP Application booklet 1819

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MCP 18 - 19 AIESEC in Slovakia

Dear AIESECer, it feels like it was yesterday when I was in your shoes. Having strong passion and commitment but ques=oning myself if I was the best candidate to step up for this challenge. One year later I s=ll don’t have the answer for it and I don’t think I ever will. But at any given moment you have two choices. To step back into safety or step forward into growth. Which one will you choose?

- We don’t grow when things are easy. We grow when we face challenges. And I can guarantee you that the MCP term will be a challenge. Maybe the biggest one you will ever experience. The level of responsibility & impact is enormous. But then again, AIESEC in Slovakia needs people like you. For the country. For Slovakia. Enjoy the process and rock it!

Katka MCP

Application booklet This is the content of the applica/on booklet: 1. MCP job descrip=on 2. 1819 term informa=on 3. Applica=on process 4. Applica=on package 5. Ques=onnaire 6. Addi=onal ques=ons 7. Selec=on process 8. Addi=onal informa=on

MCP Job description MC team management: • team standards delivery, • team selec=on and development, • plan co-crea=on and delivery, • responsibili=es division and review, • educa=on & training, • tracking & coaching. Board of Presidents (LCPs) management: • team development, • plan co-crea=on, • JD review, • training & educa=on, • building accountability, • reflec=on & evalua=on - LEAD. Strategy co-crea:on and planning: • alignment to global direc=on, • downscaling suitable global ini=a=ves, • full 2020 implementa=on and review, • organising na=onal planning, • overseeing local planning, • tracking progress towards the plan.

Legality and governance: • compendium management, • overseeing LC membership criteria, • working with the Supervisory group, • financial and legal accountability. Representa:on in global associa:on: • representa=on of the en=ty in the global plenary, • a`endance at interna=onal conferences, • en=ty representa=on at interna=onal events, • contribu=ng to global decision making, • fulfilling global membership criteria, • possibility to be a part interna=onal bodies. External representa:on: • presence at events of strategic importance, • represent en=ty in front of Alumni associa=on, • represent en=ty at events hosted by AIESEC. Sustainability: • ensure financial sustainability of the en=ty, • ensure long-term development, • review budgets and track progress.

18.19 Term information Dura:on of the term: • 1st of August 2018 - 31st of July 2019 • the elected MCP might be required to start earlier, in case the current MCP will con=nue in next AIESEC leadership posi=on Accommoda:on: • provided and covered from the MC budget • the flats can host up to 11 people • address is Mudrochova 2, 835 27 SK-Bra=slava, Slovakia Office: • furnished, with 1 permanent working room, several mee=ng rooms, kitchen and toilet • office costs are covered from the MC budget • address is Štúrova 3, 811 02 SK-Bra=slava, Slovakia Salary: • the salary of all MC members is up to 200 EUR based on planned budget, that will be approved by the LCPs Workload: • approx. 40-50 hours a week • weekends and Slovak na=onal holidays are free, except na=onal conferences and events • 15 paid holidays and 10 “faci” days - based on policy agreed with the MC team Addi:onal benefits: • the public transporta=on card for travelling within Bra=slava is covered • mobile phone with Slovak number is provided

18.19 Term information Slovak na:onal conferences: • these are the conferences happening in the 1819 term: • SumCo, mid-August to mid-September • Dare, late-October • Lead, mid-January • Brave, late-March • the =meline of the conferences might be adjusted ajer an agreement with the MC team and BoP • the transporta=on, accommoda=on and meals at all na=onal conferences are covered Regional and interna:onal conferences: • these are the conferences happening before the 1819 term: • (delegate) Interna:onal President’s Mee:ng, 11. - 18.2.2018 - Romania • (possible faci) EuroXpro, mid-April - Greece • (delegate) Europe President’s Mee:ng, mid-May - Croa=a • (delegate) Interna:onal Congress, July - Egypt • these are the conferences happening in the first half of the 17-18 term: • (possible faci) EuroCo, mid-October - place to be defined later • (delegate) Europe President’s Mee:ng, mid-November - place to be defined later • (delegate) Interna:onal President’s Mee:ng, mid-February - place to be defined later • the transporta=on, visa and conference fee for the interna=onal or regional conferences is covered based on the budget plan fulfilment - in some scenarios the MCP might be required to cover a part or en=re fee from personal budget • no addi=onal allowance is provided for the interna=onal trips • keep in mind that the =meline, objec=ves and existence of all conferences might be a subject of change

6.12.2017 Applica=ons release

Applica:ons release: • applica=ons were released: • on the fan page of MC Slovakia • in an e-mail addressed to the MC team and the BoP of AIESEC in Slovakia SubmiYng the materials: • all materials should be sent in an e-mail addressed to • current MCP of AIESEC in Slovakia, Katarína Kubáňová - • MCP elec/on manager Anna Kotova - • all materials should be submi`ed within the given deadline - late applica=ons will not be accepted • all materials should be submi`ed in a complete zipped package - incomplete packages will not be accepted

8.1.2017, 20:00 GMT+1 Applica=on deadline

Application process

Application package General requirements for all applica:on documents: • file format - PDF • language - English • if a part of the package doesn’t fulfil the given criteria, it will not be accepted • use a readable font of your choice of minimal size 10pt 1. Applica:on form: • A4 page limit - the applica=on cannot exceed 8 pages of content and 1 page of execu=ve summary • adding one more page of cover =tle is op=onal • create the structure of the applica=on as you wish, but you have to answer all the ques=ons in order as they were asked 2. Curriculum vitae: • A4 page limit - the CV cannot exceed 1 page • containing your relevant professional and personal experience, educa=onal background and personal informa=on 3. Blank paper challenge: • A4 page limit - the challenge cannot exceed 1 page • use the challenge to showcase your vision for the upcoming term

Application package 4. Endorsements: • A4 page limit - the le`er cannot exceed 1 page • 3 le`ers from current or past AIESEC members: • 1 le`er from a person you led • 1 le`er from a person who led you • 1 le`er from a person that worked with you • for interna=onal applicants (applicants, that are not a part of AIESEC in Slovakia in the 1718 term) - at least one of these endorsements must be from your home MC • 1 le`er from external - a person outside of AIESEC that you have worked with 5. Video: • uploaded to Google Drive or Youtube - link will be sent in a separate PDF document • length from 3:00 to 5:00 minutes • content: 1. introduc=on of you as a person 2. summary of your AIESEC experience (learnings, successes) 3. your mo=va=on to be the MCP 1819 of AIESEC in Slovakia

Questionnaire In the following 3 pages there are ques=ons that have to be included in the applica=on form. The extent of each answer is not defined, but the overall applica=on has to have answers for all the ques=ons and keep all of the applica=on package requirements. All ques=ons need to be to the point and specific. Keep in mind, that you need to show your perspec=ve to the na=onal plenary in a simple and understandable way. Your answers can be clarified later in one of the Q&A rounds, but only if the audience asks for your clarifica=on.

Questionnaire You: 1. Personal informa=on: a) Name b) Surname c) Date of birth d) Na=onality e) E-mail f) Phone no. g) Skype ID h) Your en=ty i) Year of joining AIESEC j) Current (or most recent) role in AIESEC 2. Who are you? Why are you standing the posi=on of MCP 17-18 of AIESEC in Slovakia? What do you expect to get out of this experience? 3. How do you role model the organisa=onal values? 4. List and describe 3 areas that you have the most exper=se in. How can this be beneďŹ cial in the role you’re applying for?

Questionnaire Relevance: 1. Why is AIESEC needed in Slovakia? 2. Which trends do you see shaping 1) the World, 2) Europe, 3) Slovakia in the following years? What opportuni=es and threats do they represent for our organisa=on? 3. Are we true to who we say we are as an organisa=on? How would you make sure that our en=ty will be living 1) the AIESEC Essence, 2) the organisa=onal values in the 18.19 term and beyond?

Questionnaire Vision & Strategy: 1. Create an SW analysis of our en=ty. Which strengths would you exploit and which weaknesses would you fight in the upcoming term and how? 2. Evaluate current contribu=on of AIESEC in Slovakia to AIESEC 2020’s Roadmap. How do you imagine to lead the successful implementa=on of AIESEC 2020? Specify your approach towards 1) MC team, 2) LCPs and 3) na=onal plenary. 3. Propose your goals for all exchange products in 18.19 and outline your strategy to reach these goals. What are the main milestones that you need to watch out for in order to make this a reality? 4. Assess the current culture & behaviours of our en=ty. What needs to stay and what needs to evolve? How will you lead the MC team and LCP commission to ensure the desired culture and behaviours? What will be the MC and LC role division? 5. Introduce the structure of the MC team in 18.19 and briefly outline the role of each posi=on in the team. Describe one most important priority (strategy) per each posi=on, it’s most important MoS and an es=mate of specific KPI to evaluate the performance of each posi=on for the 18.19 term.

Additional questions These are examples of ques=ons that the applicants should answer for themselves. They don’t need to be submi`ed anywhere, but they will provide a deeper perspec=ve: •

What is the organisa=onal development of the en=ty in the past 5 years? What is the growth path, the plan fulfilment and individual performance of each LC? What is your understanding of the AIESEC basics - the AIESEC way, vision, mission, BHAG, LDM, I&O journey, EwA, ELD, LLC, AIESEC 2015, AIESEC 2020, impact model, etc.? What are the current corporate and non-corporate partners? What is the value proposi=on we provide for them? How does the financial model of AIESEC in Slovakia work? What are the benefits and the bo`lenecks of it? What does the current organisa=onal development model look like? Why is it like that? Who are the en=ty partners of our en=ty? How are the partnership models set up? What is the implementa=on level? And many, many more.



10.1.2018 Public announcement of applicants

End of virtual Q&A

14.1.2018, 8:00 GMT+1

13.1.2018, 8:00 GMT+1 Deadline for submirng ques=ons for virtual Q&A

11.1.2018, 8:00 GMT+1 Start of virtual Q&A

Selection process

Selection process Virtual Q&A: • the Q&A will happen on ongoing basis from a start date to an end date in an online Google Document • the access to this document will be granted to: • LCPs (both current and elected) and MCP of AIESEC in Slovakia • MC team of AIESEC in Slovakia • MCP 18.19 candidates • LCPs and MCP: • have the right to ask ques=ons • ques=ons can be submi`ed ajer the start date and before the end date • all ques=ons have to be submi`ed in the deadline - ques=ons submi`ed later will not be accepted • a ques=on can be asked to selected candidate(s) or general for all candidates • MC team: • has right only to view the given document - not the right to ask or answer ques=ons • the MC elec=ons responsible has the right to ask the ques=ons on behalf of the MC team • MCP 18.19 candidates: • have to answer the ques=ons, each one of them less than 24 hours from the date of submirng • the extent of the answer will be defined within the document where virtual Q&A will happen Elec:ons: • the elec=ons will be held on Day 0 of Lead - na=onal conference of AIESEC in Slovakia happening on 17.1.2017 • the procedure consists of: • speech - 10 minutes (presenta=on is op=onal) • Q&A - form and =ming depends on the number of applicants and will be specified latest on 15.1.2018 • panel discussion - topic and =ming will be specified latest on 15.1.2018 • closing speech - 3 minutes (presenta=on is op=onal) • in case there will be an MCP candidate a`ending the elec=ons virtually, the condi=ons will be specified ajer the applica=on deadline

Additional information The elected MCP is required to: • host a space with the BoP at the Lead conference ajer the elec=ons to set up next steps • a`end the Interna=onal President’s Mee=ng (more info in 18.19 term informa=on) • a`end the Europe President’s Mee=ng (more info in 18.19 term informa=on) • a`end the Interna=onal Congress (more info in 18.19 term informa=on) • be physically present at Brave - na=onal conference of AIESEC in Slovakia happening on 21. - 25.3.2018 • be available for individual transi=on (can be conducted online in case of need) in February - June 2018 with the current MCP • be physically available for individual mee=ngs with the key strategic partners of AIESEC in Slovakia (NGOs, government organisa=ons, etc.) • be available for individual mee=ng with the chair of the Supervisory Group • be physically available for the MC team transi=on in June 2018 • a`end all the events and conferences in the 18.19 term based on the agreement with the elected MC team and the BoP

Additional information All other ques/ons and clariďŹ ca/ons should be submiKed in a wriKen form of an email to and The informa=on in this applica=on booklet are binding, yet they might be a subject of change. In case of change or adjustment of any of the informa=on it is the job of the MC elec=ons responsible.

Submission checklist Applica:on form Curriculum Vitae Blank paper challenge Endorsements Video

Good luck!

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