r e m o t s u c a f o ge T he a Dear reader, in AIESEC we understand that we fully entered the age that is defined and led by our customers. The quesFon then arises. How much do we truly keep obsessed by our customers when execuFng our tasks and operaFons? How much do we put customer’s succession before we look at what does it bring to us? The key is not being customer focused. Here, the interesFng word is obsession. To obsess means to think very deeply about it, to never let it out of your thinking, and to use it as the constant cornerstone of approach. Most organisaFons don’t truly obsess about anything — they think about it, they may even act on it, but they are not obsessed. Being customer obsessed doesn’t just mean that you value and appreciate your customers. It means knowing your customers as well as, if not beQer than, they know themselves. But there is a huge difference between realizing and understanding what is wriQen above and making customer obsession a genuine part of the approach AIESEC in Slovakia has. It requires processes and mindset that need to be developed. #oneskia counts on you to make AIESEC in Slovakia truly customer obsessed. How? ConFnue reading the applicaFon. Katka
m ea t n o i s es s b o er m o t s u National c We are opening applicaFon for posiFons in the Na4onal customer obsession team that will ensure 100% customer obsessed processes in each local enFty and help to develop the mindset that is needed to execute those processes. There are two types of JDs with rough descrip5on on the next pages. General profile
Benefits & Learnings
• VP/LCP/MC experience required • ProacFve approach (it’s a new concept - everything needs to be created from the scratch) • Independent • Self-driven • Finisher • Available for approximately 5h/week
• BeQer overview and understanding of AIESEC in Slovakia - part of naFonal plenary • Challenging work • CreaFon of something new - taking and idea and making it happen • Diverse team (new perspecFves, learning from each other)
es s s ce o r p ed s es s b o er m o t Cus Posi4ons open: 2-3 Profile: • • • • •
Strong understanding of processes HolisFc view on the organisaFon and processes Strategic thinking AnalyFcal thinking Enjoys responsibility
Approximate responsibili4es: • • • •
Analysis of current processes we have in connecFon with our customers CreaFon of standardised flow in processes Mentoring & tracking of 2-3 local enFFes Proposing recommendaFons how to improve customer obsession in enFty you are responsible for
n o i s es s b o er m o t s u c f o e r u Cult Posi4ons open: 1-2 Profile: • Capable of visual feeling (no special skills required) • Innovator (easily coming up with ideas that engage people) • Strategic thinking Approximate responsibili4es: • Mindset change strategy creaFon and execuFon • CreaFon of engaging posts (in form of pictures, challenges, videos, etc.) • CreaFon of evaluaFon system and award criteria
e r i a n n o i t es u q n o i t a c App li Applica4on form: (ques'ons are the same for both posi'ons, but please formulate your applica'on around your chosen posi'on) 1. Mo4va4on leDer/video - please introduce yourself based on the proďŹ le that is needed (both general and speciďŹ c for your chosen posiFon) and explain why do you want to be in the team and on the chosen posiFon. No longer than A4 / 5 minutes. 2. Blank paper challenge - you have max two empty A4 pages. You are completely free to express whatever you feel it’s important (no need to use both pages). Please, take into the considera5on the posi5on you are applying for.
Please send your applica0on package containing mo0va0on le6er and blank paper challenge OR link for video and blank paper challenge to
Deadline: 15.11.2017 20:00 CET
! k c u l Good In case of any ques'ons, please ask.