The AIESEC Experience

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The  Refreshed AIESEC Experience The experiences we provide to engage and develop leadership in young people.

Table of Contents Disclaimer Our Essence As We Progress What is the AIESEC Experience? Tools Used Improve & Invent Plug & Play What does each phase do? EWA ELD LLC AIESEC Membership


DISCLAIMER This document was created to give you an understanding of the first set of products AIESEC brings to the market in 2016. What can I find in this document? •An explana)on of the AIESEC Experience •The refreshed visual of the AIESEC Experience •The tools used for its refreshment •Understanding the concepts of Improve & Invent •Understanding the concept of Plug & Play •The refreshed phase defini.ons of the AIESEC Experience •The first set of products we defined to be introduced to the market in 2016 •Evolu&on of TMP& TLP What can I not find in this document? •The validated business models of the products •The measure of success of each product •The refreshed brands for each product


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add icons of 2020

We are a movement with one cause: peace and fulfillment of humankind's potential. We easily engage youth & like minded organizations around the globe to act as one. When people think of leadership development, they think of AIESEC. 5


Being aware of global and local issues, we act quickly to respond to them by offering powerful leadership experiences. We collaborate with like-minded organizations that, like us, strive for a better world. Through this, we take part in global and local decision making processes.


Doing the same things is not enough to one day engage and develop every young person in the world. Being disruptive means for us to challenge the way we think and act as an organization. We ďŹ nd innovative ways to grow faster and be better. Every AIESECer seeks for solutions and acts upon them every day. We are an AIESEC that is able to grow from 5 to 500 within a few weeks.


Anyone can experience AIESEC, be it physically, virtually, directly or indirectly. We actively break our geographical and social barriers to make it possible for every young person in the world to live an AIESEC experience.

The Refreshed

e c n e i r e p x E C E S E AI


What is

e c n e ? i r e p x E C E S E I A e h T The AIESEC Experience is simply the experiences we provide as an organization to engage and develop leadership among young people. The complete experience consists of three phases: Engagement with AIESEC Experien(al Leadership Development Life-­‐Long Connec)on A young person may choose to either go to phase one first or jump straight to phase two. The choice is theirs. However, in order to experience phase three, one should have been through either the second phase or been a member of AIESEC. With the introduc-on of AIESEC 2020, we asked ourselves what kind of experiences we could provide to take us closer towards achieving our mid-­‐term ambi5on. And thus began our journey of improving what we currently have and inven(ng what fits against our customer profile. This process doesn’t stop un-l we reach AIESEC 2020. The refreshed AIESEC Experience aims at making AIESEC flexible and adaptable to trends and different market reali&es as we embark on our journey towards becoming a youth leadership movement.


e c n e i r e p x E The AIESEC The evolu)on of the AIESEC Experience graphic from 2011 to 2016 represents the new trends in the organiza4on. As we strive to engage and develop every young person in the world, the Engagement with AIESEC stage became highly important. We diversified our products in the Experien3al Leadership Development stage and gave the Life-­‐Long Connec6on stage to be managed by AIESEC Alumni Interna5onal. The infinite sign represents that each young person can take an unlimited number of experiences. There is no entry or exit point. It is completely up to the young person whether he/she wants to just take one product and move on outside of AIESEC Experience or take mul1ple of them. The AIESEC Experience 1617 graphic on the following slide includes our first set of products. The whole structure supports the plug and play concept and it is meant to be evolved as we progress to achieve the AIESEC 2020 mid-­‐term ambi9on. One of the major changes in The AIESEC Experience is excluding membership from the ELD stage which is reflected in this graphic. Please refer to the following pages of this document to understand how it has remained in The AIESEC Experience, but became a strategic part outside of any product.




e c n e i r e p x AIESEC E The Set of Products for 2016


The We’re Using Tools The Value Proposi/on Canvas This helps you create value for your customers. It helps you design and test great value proposi0ons in a con0nuous search of what customers want. It is a never-­‐ending process in which you need to evolve your value proposi0on(s) to constantly keep it relevant to customers. The Business Model Canvas This helps you create value for your business. It helps you design and test your business in an search of what your organiza(on needs to be successful. It is a never-­‐ending process in which you need to evolve your business model(s) to keep it relevant to keys trends market, industry and macro-­‐economic forces. Embed your value proposi1on (VP) in a viable business model to capture value for your organiza2on. The VP canvas integrates with the BM canvas as a plug-­‐in that allows you to zoom into the details of how you are crea1ng value for customers, in our case, young people.


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Improve & Invent As we move towards AIESEC 2020, it is necessary that we as an organiza)on focus on two complementary forces. •Constantly reviewing our products and their business models in order to improve them to fit the needs of our customers and markets while aligning them to AIESEC 2020. •Constantly absorbing trends in the world to invent new products and business models that take us closer to AIESEC 2020 This is the chosen approach towards working with the refreshed phases of the AIESEC Experience. Adop6ng this approach of constantly improving and inven4ng lets us plug in and plug out products that work for AIESEC and play with them accordingly. This simply means that the AIESEC Experience is meant to constantly evolve during the course of the next 5 years where we execute, forecast and plan for our current products while we search, experiment, learn and pivot for new products.


Plug & Play The concept of Plug and Play is a reference towards a system that allows AIESEC to not be limited by the products presented in this documents but treat it merely as the first set of products we’ve chosen to bring to the market. It means we constantly introduce new products to the AIESEC experience and get rid of ones that simply don’t work thus making us flexible to market trends and customers needs. Where to plug and play a product? A product can be plugged into the phase defini4on of EWA & ELD. Simply 4ck off all the boxes in the EWA & ELD Product box to plug a product into the phase. Once your product fits the requirements of the phase, then it’s up to you to test how it works in the market and real life. If the product is successful, then great-­‐ we’ll see how to bring it to more markets. If not, then we simply plug it out and that’s it. How to plug and play? Use the Value Proposi0on & Business Model Canvas to Design-­‐Test-­‐Evolve–Introduce Products to plug into the AIESEC experience and play with the product 7ll the market and Customers are willing to and then back to the drawing board.


Plug & Play DESIGN Design products that meets the requirements of the phases and the needs of your customer


TEST Test the prototype of the product in the real world with customers

EVOLVE Gather the learning's from the tes*ng phase and evolve your product accordingly

INTRODUCE Launch & Learn

What do we do in each Phase of The AIESEC Experience


Engagement with AIESEC Sparks an interest in young people to develop themselves to contribute to a be7er world

Experien(al Leadership Development Enables young people to develop their leadership through learning from prac7cal experiences in challenging environments.

Life-­‐Long Connec,on Every person who has gone through AIESEC’s Experien8al Leadership Development Phase or has been a member of AIESEC embodies what we envision while being a leader in everyday life.


ENGAGEMENT WITH AIESEC In this phase we spark an interest in people to develop themselves by contributing to a better world.


t n e m e g a Eng with AIESEC What does it mean? The purpose of this phase is for a young person to get a sneak peak into the value proposi/on ( ie Lea d ers h ip Devel o pm ent) AIESEC could deliver for him/ herself. As an organiza"on it requires us to take a part of our leadership development model and deliver it in this phase. EwA Product Check Box ✓ Inner & Outer Journey ✓ One or More LDM Quali/es ✓ Clear Call To Ac+on ✓ Showcase More Opportuni2es


How do I know I’m delivering an EwA Product? Spark an Interest: The product facilitates inner & outer journey that sparks an interest in a young person to develop themselves further and care for a world. The external environment created by the product sparks a want for internal change in a young person Develop Themselves: The product inten.onally begins to develop one or more of the leadership development quali3es we want to see in young people i.e. Self-­‐Awareness, Solu6on Orienta(on, Empowering Others and World Ci(zenship Contribu)ng to a Be/er World: The product transmits a clear call to ac'on and introduces opportuni'es that a young person can take in order to start their contribu0on to a be1er world. It can be a another product in the EWA phase, ELD phase or with another likeminded partner organiza1on It is not important in which order the products are experienced. A person can take as many as they feel is important for their leadership development.

t c u d o r P EwA YouthSpeak Forum YouthSpeak Forum powered by AIESEC is a forum run by youth for youth. It is a forum where inspira1on and collabora1on convert into ac#on. Both young and senior leaders are brought together to form a diverse cross-­‐sector and mul1-­‐genera1onal space for inspiring conversa)ons around pressing global, na)onal and local issues. It is an a"rac%ve and engaging approach to making AIESEC relevant to any young person and a way to get involved with no barriers and low commitment. How do we spark interest through this product? The agenda for the forum creates a environment for intellectual s"mula"on and inspira"on for any a0endee. It triggers thought towards important issues and encourages the a2endee to par3cipate in the conversa-ons and collaborate with other a2endees to create ac#onable outcomes.


t c u d o r P EwA YouthSpeak Forum How does a person start developing themselves? By engaging in conversa.on with his/her fellow a5endees, a young person begins to iden%fy poten%al solu%ons for the issues being discussed while empowering others to do the same. Thus, YouthSpeak Forum touches two of AIESEC’ Leadership Development Quali/es: Solu/on Orienta/on and Empowering Others. How can they contribute to a be0er world through this product? At the end of the forum, an a/endee is given a clear call to ac6on to start ac6ng upon the issues discussed at the project through the crea0on of a project or par0cipa0ng in a project tacking similar issues. As support, at the end of the forum, he/she can choose one of the (AIESEC ELD products or partner products) that he/ she considers to be the most suitable to start their contribu1on towards a be3er world. What can a young person gain through this product? •Connec&on with like-­‐minded people who care for the issues discussed at the forum •Iden%fica%on of how he/she can contribute via crea%on and par%cipa%on in projects •Understands the importance of conver2ng inspira2on and collabora2on into ac2on Please refer to Blue Book for more informa1on about branding.


t c u d o r P EwA Local Volunteer What is Local Volunteer ? Local Volunteer is an EwA product which gives a “sneak peak” into what a Global Volunteer experience looks like. It allows locals to volunteer on a project or in an NGO addressing one of the SDGs for 6-­‐8 weeks, alongside Global Volunteer par8cipants. The aim is to empower young people to develop LDM characteris8cs by volunteering together with the par0cipants of Global Volunteer product. How do we spark interest through this product? We provide an opportunity for young people to begin developing the global mindset by volunteering to address the SDGs alongside par$cipant of Global Volunteer product and to acquire leadership and so# skills while direct impact in their local communi'es.


t c u d o r P EwA Local Volunteer How does a person start developing themselves? By volunteering on a project or in an NGO to address the SDGs, young people work in a global and diverse team, a new and challenging environment. They develop so6 skills, leadership quali;es and cri;cal thinking through a prac%cal learning experience. How can they contribute to a be0er world through this product? A"er 6-­‐8 weeks volunteering experience on a project or in an NGO to address the SDGs, young people begin to see how they can impact their local communi2es every day. The aim is for them to wish to con2nue impac2ng the society by joining one of our ELD products, partnering organiza9ons or by contribu9ng to a be:er world with the skills and learning acquired through their Local Volunteer experience. What can a young person gain through this product? •Gain leadership quali/es and so1 skills by volunteering on a project or in an NGO for 6-­‐8 weeks •Awareness and knowledge about the SDGs and importance of posi:ve impact on the society •Team experience in a global and diverse team •Connect with likeminded young people •The chance to impact their local community and contribute to the SDGs Please refer to Blue Book for more informa1on about branding.


t c u d o r P EwA Immersion What is Immersion? Immersion is a mini taste of what life as an entrepreneur could be. The aim is to empower young people with tools and 3ps of star3ng up, while they iden+fy solu+ons for the world they want to be part of. This product is powered by Source Ins4tute. How do we spark interest through this product? We provide an environment for young people to iden3fy problems in the world they would like to fix and how to use tools and techniques of an entrepreneur to go from an idea to a business.

IMPORTANT: STILL IN TESTING PHASE!! Immersion as a product is yet in tes1ng phase, once we know the product work in the market, it will be launched and further informa2on shall be provide to the AIESEC Network.


t c u d o r P A Ew Immersion How does a person start developing themselves? By immersing themselves in an intense environment, a young person would exercise quali9es of solu9on orienta(on. By iden(fying a global problem they would like to tackle, they take responsibility as a world ci(zen. How can they contribute to a be0er world through this product? A"er going through immersion, par2cipants get a clear call-­‐to-­‐ac2on to join one of our ELD products or products of partnering organiza-ons. They now have the op-on of doing something that contributes to a be:er world with the tools and -ps they have learnt, while further developing their leadership quali-es. What can a young person gain through this product? •Gain skills and confidence needed to be solu1on oriented towards global problems through their business idea •Connect with likeminded young people wan4ng to do similar things •The chance to test a business idea in a team

Please refer to Blue Book for more informa1on about branding.



EXPERIENTIAL LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT This phase enables young people to develop their leadership through learning from practical experiences in challenging environments.


l a ( n e i r e p x E

Leadership Development

What does it mean? The purpose of this phase is for a young person to go through an inner and outer journey as they develop their leadership of Self Awareness, Solu.on-­‐Orienta(on, Empowering Others and Global Ci#zenship while taking advantage of the prac)cal experiences AIESEC offers in challenging cross-­‐cultural environment.


ELD Product Check Box ✓Delivery of LDM ✓Interna'onal cross-­‐cultural & social environment ✓Access to a global network ✓Opportunity to make societal impact ✓Personal and Professional development

How do I know I’m delivering an ELD Product? Develop their Leadership: The product facilitates an inner & outer journey and meets the standards and sa/sfac/on for our customers in this phase as outlined in the latest Exchange Program Policies. The EP uses LEAD as a catalyst towards developing the leadership quali2es outlined in our leadership development model. The customer has the opportunity to make posi%ve societal impact. Learning from Experiences: The product allows an EP to learn and apply personal and professional skills, knowledge, a"tudes and value in the work he/she is doing, while providing them the opportunity to also contribute to their personal and professional goals. An EP also has access to a global network. Challenging Environment: The product is delivered in a cross-­‐ cultural and social environment with the aim of developing intercultural competencies. The EP develops awareness and knowledge of social issues of the en2ty in which the products are being delivered while learning different prac1ces of the work place. It is not important in which order the products are experienced.

Who can be an ? t n a p i c , r a P Exchange

An EP must be between the ages of 18 and 30 and demonstrate the following: A. Understanding of the purpose of the Exchange Product the applicant is applying for; B. Language proficiency in English and/or any other language necessary for an exchange; C. Capability of living and working in a foreign culture; D. Academic and/or working qualifica4ons and skills suitable to his/her desired type of exchange; E. Understanding of his/her role as an ambassador of his/her Sending En)ty.


An EP may: A. Take up a maximum period of 36 months of Exchange Product in total. These 36 months can be allocated whenever and in whichever order, so long as they follow the minimum and maximum dura)on of AIESEC exchanges as outlined in the “Dura&on Sec&on” of each ELD in this document, and respect all XPP; B. Apply for an Exchange with any country or territory in which he/she has lived for a minimum period of six (6) weeks; C. Have an Exchange in any en.ty with the excep.on of in which they have lived for more than two (2) years the last ten (10) years. The star0ng date of the last ten (10) years should be considered from the date that the EP applies to the Exchange selec,on process. CEED/MC/AI experiences may be excluded from this two-­‐year period. An individual does not have the right to apply for the AIESEC Exchange Product: A. If he/she does not have the capacity to enter into legal agreements in his/her Sending En0ty, cannot legally travel abroad independently with or without parent/legal guardians formal authoriza-on and without requiring the Hos-ng En-ty to have legal power of a.orney over the individual; B. If he/she previously violated the XPP.

Who can be an r e k a T y t i n u t r Oppo in ELD Phase? To qualify as a OP Taker a company/organiza8on must: A. Be legally registered company/organiza4on in the territory of opera(ons B. Support AIESEC’s values C. Aim to create or support direct posi/ve impact in communi'es through their ac'vi'es, ini'a'ves, or projects. Can be from public, private, or social sector, or a project. D. Aim to enhance their organiza/on through involving an EP, improving their processes or growing their organiza2onal performance. E. Be able to provide an adequate working environment to ensure the EP is not being discriminated by race, color, gender, sexual orienta0on, creed, and religion, na0onal, ethnic and social origin, age, their life put at risk or where they would be harassed.


An organiza*on does not have the right to apply for the AIESEC Exchange Product : A. If it cannot meet the XPP due to any reasons; B. It has been recognized by an authorita3ve AIESEC en3ty and/or the ICB as having previously broken the XPP

How do we run this product? We partner with academic ins0tu0ons, civil society organiza0ons, private sector and the government to provide young people global volunteer experiences on projects contribu/ng to the SDGs, through which they can develop themselves while impac0ng local communi0es and organiza0ons.

Global Volunteer is an opportunity for a young person to develop leadership quali&es of self awareness, solu&on orienta(on, empowering others and world ci)zenship while by living a cross-­‐cultural volunteer experience. In the product a young person volunteers abroad on social impact projects that c o n t r i b u t e t o t h e S u s t a i n a b l e Development Goals. Dura%on: 6-­‐12 weeks approx. Acronym: GV


What can an organiza-on gain from this product? Global Volunteer host and partner organiza4ons: • Aim to create or support direct posi/ve impact in communi/es through their ac)vi)es, ini)a)ves, or projects • Together, we co-­‐create opportuni/es for young people to develop leadership among themselves while providing direct posi3ve impact. • CSR solu)ons • Global Perspec-ve on local issues What can a young person gain through this product? With this product a young person: ▪Experiences a cross-­‐cultural living and working experience in a social development environment ▪Delivery of AIESEC’ s Leadership Development Model ▪Has the opportunity to create posi1ve societal impact ▪Develops so*-­‐skills which influence personal and professional development Global Volunteer Product offers different types of volunteer experiences and projects with different methodologies. Par6cipants may work in an organiza6on, school and other ins.tu.ons or take part in a project, as long as their experience contributes to their personal development and posi3ve impact on society through contribu,on to the SDGs. Please refer to Blue Book for more informa1on about branding.

How do we run this product? We partner with academic ins0tu0ons, civil society organiza0ons, private sector and the government to provide to young people professional internship experience, through which a young person contributes to the goals of the organiza2on, completes a job descrip2on requiring special exper/se or skills, and receives supervision and evalua&on on his or her professional development.

Global Talent is an opportunity for a young person to develop leadership quali&es of self awareness, solu&on orienta(on, empowering others and world ci)zenship while by living a cross-­‐cultural professional experience. In the product a young person works abroad to advance their goals. Dura%on: 6-­‐78 weeks Acronym: GT


What can an organiza-on gain from this product? Global Talent host and partner organiza3ons: •Support AIESEC’s values •Enhance their organiza.on through involving young global top talent, improving processes or growing organiza0onal goals. •Co-­‐create for young people to work, learn, develop their leadership and contribute to the organiza3on's goals. What can a young person gain through this product? With this product a young person: ▪Experiences a cross-­‐cultural living and working experience in a professional environment ▪Delivery of AIESEC’s Leadership Development Model ▪Develops so*-­‐skills and hard skills which influence personal and professional development GT par'cipants can have different types of internship experiences as long as their role and supervision clearly contribute to their professional development. Please refer to Blue Book for more informa1on about branding.

How do we run this product? We partner with startups to provide young people an entrepreneurial internship experience, through which a young person contributes to the goals of the start up, work with mul3ple job descrip3ons usually in diverse fields, and receives mentorship and evalua4on on his or her entrepreneurial development.

Global Entrepreneur is an opportunity for a young person to develop leadership quali-es of self awareness, solu%on orienta%on, empowering others and world ci/zenship while l i v i n g a c ro s s -­‐ c u l t u r a l s t a r t u p experience. In the product, a young person works abroad in a startup with entrepreneurs to advance their goals and grow. Dura%on: 6-­‐12 weeks approx. Acronym: GE


What can an organiza-on gain from this product? Global Entrepreneur host and partner organiza4ons: •Support AIESEC’s values •Enhance their startup through involving fresh, young global talent, that brings new ideas and solu1ons for growth •Co-­‐create for young people to work, learn, develop their leadership and entrepreneurial skills and contribute to the organiza(on's goals What can a young person gain through this product? With this product a young person: ▪Experiences a cross-­‐cultural living and working experience in a startup environment ▪Delivery of AIESEC’s Leadership Development Model ▪Develops so*-­‐skills and hard skills which influence personal and professional development GE par'cipants can have different types of startup experiences as long as their roles and mentorship provided clearly contribute to their development of working in startups or becoming an entrepreneur themselves. Please refer to Blue Book for more informa1on about branding.

n o . a . n e r e  i D  t c u d o r P *

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*By compendium, these remain according to XPP. This graph is simply for product positioning.

n o * c a f s * a S & s d r a d n Sta For Exchange

In order for ensure delivery of quality experien'al leadership development e x p e r i e n ce s , t h e o rg a n i z a 1 o n legislated a set of standards to be followed for for any experience in the ELD phase. Pleaser refer to the most updated version of the XPP for details on each standard.


LIFE-­‐LONG CONNECTION Every person who has been a member of AIESEC or gone through an AIESEC ELD XP embodies what we envision while being a leader in every day life.




What does it mean? The purpose of this phase is for a p e r s o n t o co n * n u e t h e i r o w n leadership journey while staying connected with like minded people who share the common values and leadership quali-es of self awareness, solu%on orienta%on, empowering others and world ci/zenship. People in this phase embody what AIESEC envisions: Peace & Fulfillment of Humankind's Poten0al .


In this phase, a young person accesses AIESEC Alumni Interna'onal’s pla.orm Alumnet, which offers: •Access to a global network •Opportunity to make posi0ve societal impact by contribu0ng to AIESEC, the world and other alumni •A chance to con*nue your personal and professional development through AIESEC and it’s network These different value proposi2ons are lived and experienced differently through the products, each of which offers a different kind of prac,cal experiences. As of 2016, AIESEC Alumni Interna'onal offers 3 sets of products: Alumni to AIESEC, Alumni to the world and Alumni to Alumni. It is not important in which order these products are taken. A person can take as many as they feel is important to con2nue their leadership, personal and professional development. Who is considered eligible for the life long connec1on phase? An person who has been a member of AIESEC or been part of the Experien+al Leadership development phase of AIESEC is considered an AIESEC Alumnus. Any AIESEC Alumni is considered eligible for the life long connec0on phase.



AIESEC Alumni, the world’s largest leadership network, ac#vates leaders through its Signature Programs.

ALUMNI-­‐ALUMNI Global Business Exchange Global Job Exchange Global Meet-­‐Ups Interna'onal Start-­‐Ups Mee#ngs ALUMnites A-­‐Groups Alumni Mentoring/Coaching Leadership Conferences


LLC Products ALUMNI -­‐ WORLD Global Change Agents Ac#va#ng Leadership World Ci)zen Forums

ALUMNI -­‐ AIESEC Alumni Internship Referrals AIESEC Advisory Boards Transi'on from AIESEC to Alumni Youth Mentoring/ Coaching

AIESEC Â MEMBERSHIP The membership of AIESEC manages and runs the organization on a local, national and global level. They are placed within key parts of the organization's business model to ensure the smooth functioning of AIESEC.




The membership is divided into : Team Leaders: Anyone taking a leadership posi%on within the organiza%on (local, na)onal and global level) with a minimum of there members in the team Team Members: Anyone fulfilling a job descrip5on within a team in the organiza.on (local, na)onal and global level)


r e d a e L m Tea


What is the Team Leader experience? A Team Leader experience is an opportunity for a young person to develop AIESEC’s leadership quali?es through leading and guiding others in their work and experience at a local, na5onal, regional or global level. How does AIESEC provide a Team Leader experience? We provide prac,cal learning and development to a young person through the experience of managing a team and delivering the minimums for a team experience. Team Leaders contribute to the development of others while ensuring AIESEC’s performance and the delivery of its experiences. What can a young person gain through a Team Member Experience? A young person gains: • The opportunity to go through AIESEC’s Leadership Development Model and develop quali>es of Self Awareness, Solu.on orienta.on, Empowering Others and World Ci.zenship • A prac'cal team leader or execu've leadership body experience • Personal and professional development • Prac%cal hard and so- skills development • Ac#vi#es which develop an entrepreneurial and responsible a5tude towards being a be7er leader A Team Leader can have different types of team-­‐based leadership experiences such as leading a team or ac<ng as a part of the execu-ve leadership body of an en-ty.


r e b m e M Team


What is the Team Member experience? A Team Member experience is an opportunity for a young person to develop AIESEC leadership quali?es by living a prac+cal team experience at a local, na+onal, regional or global level. How does AIESEC provide a Team Member experience? We provide a prac,cal learning and development experience to a young person, who takes part in a team and takes towards managing AIESEC’s performance and the delivery of its experiences. What can a young person gain through a Team Member Experience? A young person gains: • The opportunity to go through AIESEC’s Leadership Development Model and develop quali>es of Self Awareness, Solu.on orienta.on, Empowering Others and World Ci.zenship • A prac'cal team experience • Prac%cal hard and so- skills development • Access to a global network • An entrepreneurial and responsible a0tude towards being a be3er leader A Team Member can have different types of prac7cal team experiences, such being a part of a project team, a func%onal team, the organizing commi3ee of an event, or an execu%ve team of a an en%ty.


s m u m i n i Team M How do we ensure strong team experiences? By providing minimum standards (Standards for Team Experiences), young people will have the opportunity to go through the inner and outer journey to develop leadership. Through the compliance of minimum standards in our team experience we ensure that Inner & Outer Journey is being delivered, and therefore leadership is being developed.

For a young person to go through a team member experience with AIESEC, the following principles needs to be fulfilled:

Key Elements


Key Ac'vi'es

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