3 minute read

Myth Five: “My clients will only work with me— only I can deliver quality service

I could afford that risk. What happened was by the end of three months profits had increased more than enough to cover the additional $2,500 “When I hired an assistant, my business took off. My advice is don’t try to do it all yourself. Go get people.” Jill Rudler Millionaire Real Estate Agent Westerville, OH Sales volume—$58 million

a month in increased costs. By the end of the year, even after the additional $30,000 I’d invested in wages, our net profits were still markedly higher than the previous year.


Any dollar you spend that increases your net profits is ultimately a dollar well invested. For one person that dollar represents cost. For another it represents an investment. Millionaire Real Estate Agents understand the difference between costs and investments. They play Red Light, Green Light and add costs incrementally, hold them accountable to incremental gains, and then and only then, move forward. Overcoming the “It’s too risky” MythUnderstanding is about evaluation, engagement, and patience.



Totell you the truth, this is probably the number one reason great real estate agents don’t succeed to their highest potential. To become a Millionaire Real Estate Agent you will have to hire additional help. Some Millionaire Real Estate Agents have small staffs. Others have six or more

people helping them with the work involved with producing spectacular sales volume. Eventually, to reach your highest sales potential, you will have to learn to delegate responsibilities and authority to others.

Please hear me and hear me well. If you get nothing else out of this book, please consider this important point: Whatever services you provide, as specialized as they may be, can be duplicated through the right people implementing systems to achieve standards you approve.

What’s all this talk about standards, you ask? Your unique services are a by-product of your standards. Whether you realize it or not, you have set beliefs on how quickly you should respond to a buyer inquiry, how a listing interview should be conducted, or how a difficult contract negotiation should be handled. Most successful real estate agents hold themselves to unwritten personal standards in these areas without always being able to articulate them quickly. Yet they all seem to be able instantly to recognize the moment their standards have been breached.

The right approach to delegating tasks is to determine, clearly, what experience your clients (and you) expect your services to deliver and then articulate that to your staff so they, too, can deliver that experience. Any task can be defined. And if it can be defined and have standards attached to it, it can also be delegated. Systems are simply road maps, instructions that allow these standards to be repeated and duplicated easily.

If systems and standards could not ensure the duplication of a particular level of service, then all companies would be made up of one person. When you think about quality standards in the service industry, what companies do you think of? Nordstrom, the Ritz Carlton, Tavern on the Green,

“We sell the team concept. We say meet the CC Sells specialists.” Chris Cormack Millionaire Real Estate Agent Ashburn, VA and all the other companies that place a premium on the quality of

Sales volume—$70 million their customers’ experience. These companies stake their reputation on their standards, and they teach their employees how to duplicate them.

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