Status Of Women In Domestic Laws In Bangladesh
COMPARATIVE STUDY BETWEEN MUSLIM, HINDU AND CHRISTIAN Legal Status for Muslim Women in Bangladesh The legal status of the Muslim women in Bangladesh is defined by the principles of Sharia through Muslim Personal Law along with the general law which is non-religious and secular in its character 1. The Muslim personal law covers the field of marriage, divorce, maintenance, guardianship of children and inheritance whereas the general law covers the rights under the Constitution, penal codes, the civil and criminal procedure codes, evidence act etc. It is necessary to examine the legal status of the Muslim women in Bangladesh in the context of these two sets of law as in both cases women are supposedly fortified with theoretical legal rights, but there is a gulf of difference existing between theory and its actual application. Most important of all, it must be seen that some of these laws though excellent in theory prove largely elusive in practice. The main hurdle that lies in the way of the practical application of the legal rights of women in Bangladesh is obviously the inherent contradiction of attitude that permeates the male oriented society considerably supported by religious beliefs. In this discussion, however, I shall mainly refer to those statutes or those provisions of a statute which treat men and women differently. Matters not covered herein after should be understood to have egalitarian principles giving women the same rights and obligations as the men. Let us discuss the legal rights of Muslim women in Bangladesh under the following heads: 1. Succession and right to property 2. Marriage, divorce and connected matters 3. Maintenance 4. Guardianship of children, and 5. Fundamental rights. Before going onto specific rights we must know that the large majority of people in Bangladesh are Muslims and of these most are Hanafi Muslims while an only small minority of them belongs to any other sects2. Thus in general when a point is made about the law relating to Muslims it will be referring to the law which governs the majority. Therefore, we should note that historically the
85.47 per cent of the total population in Bangladesh are Muslims according to the Bangladesh Statistical Year Book 1975- 76, P.29; and Women constitute 48.1 percent, Bangladesh Population Census, 1974 Buylletin 2, P.1. 2 91 per cent of the total Muslim Population is Hanafi Muslims.