Art Matters

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t ar matters

Sunday, March 31, 2013

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■ April 2013

■ Covering the Arts throughout the Philadelphia Region


‘Outsiders’ on the inside


By Burton Wasserman

here are numbers of people in the world who regularly decide to pursue formal study in art. After experiencing such instruction, they tend to take pride in what they’ve learned and communicate this attitude to others. Generally, these individuals feel their studies have guided them to acquire the skills needed for making artworks at a high level of quality, one sufficiently appropriate to meeting the expectations of serious art collectors. Consequently, they often find various outlets for marketing their creative output. By comparison, there are individuals who may not have undertaken any formal art instruction. For whatever the reasons, they feel it is not necessary for them. Instead, they are primarily driven to make art by impulses deep within their sinews. More often than not, they

look upon taking lessons and following some designated masters as a process of imposing an aesthetic straitjacket upon themselves. Consciously or otherwise, they believe that virtually any kind of academic study is negative in nature because it restricts the free flow of their own spontaneous expressive drive. Furthermore, they feel such instruction would prevent the exercise of their most imaginative and independent creative resources. Whether or not they find opportunities to sell their work is not generally an issue of primary significance for them. Instead of perpetuating some sort of uniform, authoritatively approved academic disciplines from the past, they aim to avoid aesthetic conformity by going their own separate way. Generally, they invent a language of unique artistic expression that only obeys demands they insist upon for themselves. Often, they employ such unorthodox materials as scrap pieces of wood, Please see Outsiders on a12

“Boffo.” William Hawkins, American, 1895-1990. Alkyd house paint on Masonite with fiberboard horns; textured mane and raised body made of alkyd paint mixed with broken starch chunks (possibly dried glue), 44-1/2 x 51-1/2 inches (113 x 130.8 cm). Signed along bottom: WILLIAM L HAWKINS.BORN.KY.JULY.27.1895. Philadelphia Museum of Art, The Jill and Sheldon Bonovitz Collection.

Sunday, March 31, 2013

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by Burton Wasserman

Art driven by deep impulse

“Landscape with River and Exotic Church.” Bruno Del Favero, American, 1910-1995. Alkyd house paint on Masonite, 24 x 48-1/4 inches (61 x 122.6 cm). Philadelphia Museum of Art, The Jill and Sheldon Bonovitz Collection.


“Great and Mighty Things: Outsider Art from the Jill and Sheldon Bonovitz Collection” will be on display at the Philadelphia Museum of Art, 2600 Benjamin Franklin Parkway, Philadelphia, PA 19130, through June 9. Info: 215-763-8100 or

Outsiders, from A11

discarded cardboard, saliva, metal sheeting and wire, left-over house paints and even black soot from chimneys and stove surfaces. Frequently unrecognized by society at large, they comprise a group called naïve or outsider artists. Incidentally, they shouldn’t be confused with folk artists who generally follow stylistic patterns that are passed along from one generation to another. At this time, the Philadel-

phia Museum of Art is offering visitors an exhibition of a little more than 200 objects from one of the country’s most outstanding accumulations of outsider art. The show is titled “Great and Mighty Things: Art from the Jill and Sheldon Bonovitz Collection.” It consists of exceptional pieces in two and three dimensions by 27 artists who each pursued an independent vision, one from outside the mainstream of both the traditional academic community and the sophisti-

“Family Band.” Jon Serl, American, 1894-1993. Oil paint on fiberboard, 43-3/4 x 104 inches (111.1 x 264.2 cm). Philadelphia Museum of Art, The Jill and Sheldon Bonovitz Collection.

catedly modern world of the serious fine arts. The installation is open to the public through June 9, 2013. Mr. and Mrs. Bonovitz

have lavished more than 30 years on putting the overall collection together. Following the closing date of the show, all the pieces on view

will pass into the hands of the museum. Offering appreciation for Please see Outsiders on a13

Sunday, March 31, 2013


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Outsider art shines at PMA “Quit Blowing Your Horn Down There. Don’t You See My Hands Are Full,” #2,118, 1981. Howard Finster, American, 1916-2001. Paint and glitter on plywood; artist-made frame of Douglas fir branded with artist-made metal stamps, 39-1/4 x 51-1/4 inches (99.7 x 130.2 cm) with frame. Signed lower right: BY HOWARD FINSTER WORLD MINISTER OF/FOLK ART CHURCH INC. MAN OF VISIONS; dated on reverse: Aug. 4 – 1891. Philadelphia Museum of Art, The Jill and Sheldon Bonovitz Collection. “Jail Was Heat.” Purvis Young, American, 19432010. Paint on weathered Masonite with nailedon pieces of various types of weathered scrap wood, including yellow pine and plywood, 43 x 34 inches (109.2 x 86.4 cm). Signed upper right: Young. Philadelphia Museum of Art, The Jill and Sheldon Bonovitz Collection.

Outsiders, from A12

this generous gesture, Timothy Rub, the director of the museum has said, “We are delighted to be able now to share with the public the creative achievements of artists who hitherto rarely found a place where they could exhibit their work in the galleries of American museums.” From religious scripture to the most private areas of individual, personal reflection, the works in the show, currently on

display in the Dorrance Galleries, are quite varied in expressive content and aesthetic style. Many of the artists represented in the exhibition flourished between 1930 and 2010. While several of them do not have highly esteemed reputations beyond the field of outsider art, a few such as William Edmondson, Martin Ramirez and Bill Traylor have long enjoyed a measure of recognition alongside such well-respected outsider figures from the history of art as Edward Hicks, John Kane, Grandma Moses,

Horace Pippin and Henri Rousseau. The very special feature of outsider art I find especially appealing is the presence of a certain charming sense of innocence. There is also something idiosyncratic about the shapes and feeling for scale in many examples of outsider art that is endlessly fascinating to me. The response I speak of doesn’t really lend itself to adequate explanation in words. However, it is somehow characteristic of a naïve spirit that surpasses pedestrian ap-

pearances and lifts my internal sensations to a plane above and beyond the ordinary. Because the forms take on an identity of what the poet Robert Frost called “the road less traveled,” they provide a wonderful measure of soothing grace and relaxed well-being. Mysteriously, they generate an air of suspended tranquility. In a manner unlike anything else I know, they transform themselves into a state of mind filled with balanced order and beneficial harmony.



by Adam Crugnale

A Portrait of Peace at Woodmere

leaders as they forged an of various materials. White conte sticks – graphite pencils international organization that oncentrated composed of charcoal blended would last into the present. Oakley captures an arguably with wax – are used to good efforts at effect, making for striking and sardonic look on the face of peace have always been highly contrasted images. On the Mexican ambassador. He top of the difficulty of execut- rests his head on one hand, a priorleans back in his chair and ing this style well, Oakley ity among manages to insert quite a bit of squints at the viewer with one nations. eye closed. Oakley did this character into her drawings. Perhaps one in red chalk, or sanguine, One example features the one of the on buff paper, giving the work ambassadors from Australia earliest and most recognizable peace sum- and Brazil. The representative a different texture and warmer mits in the West was the 1814 of Brazil glances over calmly, feeling. “The Promise of Peace: VioCongress of Vienna, when the a small smile tugging at his let Oakley’s United Nations lips. We find ourselves wonleaders of Europe sought to heal the continent after the Na- dering: what were they talking Portraits” speaks volumes to Oakley’s dedication to peace poleonic Wars. Just more than about? and highlights the theme of Another piece from Wood100 years later, the League of international accord. Living mere’s collection features Nations was formed after the in the United States, Oakley Andrei Gromyko, a Soviet First World War. When the actually journeyed to Europe statesman during the Cold league fell apart, the United once before to do the same Nations took its place in 1945. War. Oakley did this one in thing with the members of the charcoal pencil and white Each of these historic events League of Nachalk on buff was documented in its own tions. paper (buff way. Relating back referring to The Congress of Vienna to the era of the cream was recorded via personal “The Promise of the exhibit, the or off-white letters, paintings and other Peace: Violet Oakmuseum is also coloring of written accounts. Our United ley’s United Nations hosting more than the paper). Nations, when formed, was Portraits” 15 events, which The statesdocumented by Philadelphia will be on view at the includes “Friday man seems to artist Violet Oakley. BeginWoodmere Art Museum, 9201 Germantown Ave., Night Jazz” sesbe irritated, ning March 30, Woodmere Chestnut Hill, PA 19118, sions, lectures by his eyes Art Museum will have its March 30 – June 30. Ambassador Joown collection of U.N. history looking off Hours: Tuesday – Thursday, seph M. Torsella the painting. on view in “The Promise of 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.; (the U.S. ambasPeace: Violet Oakley’s United Again, with Friday until 8:45 p.m.; sador to the U.N. a minimal Nations Portraits.” Saturday until 6 p.m.; for Management amount of Whether you’re familiar & Sunday until 5 p.m. and Reform), lines, Oakley with Oakley’s work or not, Tickets: $10, adults; movie screenings incorporates chances are you’ve seen it $7, seniors; free for of “The King’s before. She was born in 1874 masterful skill students. Info: 215-247-0476 or Speech” and and was a leading figure in the into each one, www.woodmereartmumore. so each dark art world for women. Oakley Woodmere has was the first woman to receive line carries put together an a public mural commission — more weight impressive body against a stained glass and two murals of work that is worth explorbackdrop of negative space. by Oakley are featured at All ing. A self-described “pilgrim These stellar works are Angels Church, New York representative of many things. seeking peace,” Oakley’s work City. Additionally, more than captures an era when internaA shift in the era, peace and 40 of her works hang in the tional peace was made a top, if mutual benefit are a few that Pennsylvania State Capitol not the top, priority among the come to mind. Oakley manBuilding in Harrisburg. nations. aged to capture our nations’ The portraits are made up By Adam Crugnale

Sunday, March 31, 2013

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Violet Oakley’s portrait of Soviet statesman Andrei Gromyko at the U.N. in 1946.


Violet Oakley’s portrait of the Australian and Brazilian ambassadors at the U.N. in 1946.

Sunday, March 31, 2013

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by Diane M. Fiske

New pedestrian traffic plan for the Parkway


By Diane M. Fiske

f you are risking your life as you try to travel on the Benjamin Franklin Parkway from one green circle to the Philadelphia Museum of Art or another museum, just remember the noble history of the road as you hope no car or truck hits you as you cross the road. The Parkway was planned between 1907 and 1917 by innovative architects led by Paul Cret and landscape designer Jacques Gerber, both French citizens. Cret, who also served as the head of the University of Pennsylvania School of Design, said, at the time, that the road was designed to restore the city’s natural beauty and ease industrial congestion. The route was set to travel from City Hall to the hill that is now the location of the Philadelphia Museum of Art, called Fairmount, at the time. Gerber designed the road to emulate the Champs-Elysees in Paris and give a “slice of Paris” to Philadelphia. An international flavor was created by flags from many countries lining the path from center city to the the site of the art museum. The ovals along the route provided green spaces and broke up the long boulevard. The most prominent circle was Eakins Oval, named after Thomas Eakins, at the foot of the art museum. Since the early 20th century, wonderful museums and buildings have been constructed along the Parkway from the art museum through

the most recent Barnes Foundation. The list includes the Franklin Institute, the Free Library, the Academy of Natural Sciences and the Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul. The problem is that pedestrian traffic between these stellar attractions has also increased. Attempts to improve pedestrian traffic may be eased by the fact that the Parkway has been relieved of some of its role as a vehicular route between the Schuylkill Expressway and the Benjamin Franklin Bridge by the Vine Street Expressway, which links the two major throughfares. Now there is an attempt to make the route more pleasant (and safe) for pedestrians in a

plan called “Less Park, More Way” from PennPraxis, the research and development department of the University of Pennsylvania’s School of Design. The plan calls for about $20 million in improvements on the Parkway, which will help correct the pedestrian noman’s-land between the Rodin Museum and the Philadelphia Museum of Art. According to Harris Steinberg, the director of PennPraxis, one of the first steps will be getting rid of the cars that are now parked on Eakins Oval. There will be other steps to make it less of a life-threatening activity to try to travel from the oval to the art museum. Many of the aspects of this

plan were derived from a series of community meetings PennPraxis held with people in various neighborhoods throughout the city. Steinberg said initial improvements would be made to four green spaces along the Parkway. In addition to Eakins Oval, the spaces would be Iroquois Park, in front of the Philadelphian, Von Colln Field, and the area in front of Park Towne Place apartments. Other proposals include adding a connection between bike lanes on Spring Garden Street and the recreational paths along the Schuylkill. Mayor Nutter has been quoted as saying that he would like the proposals to go into effect by the time he

leaves office in 2015. He has said he would commit money, with no specific amount, from the capital budget to fund the planning and implementation of the project. The director of the Parks and Recreation Department, Michael DiBerardinis, said the parking could be eliminated from Eakins Oval as soon as Memorial Day. Once the oval is no longer a parking lot it could host entertainment such as dance groups and movies, DiBerardinis said. There are any number of suggestions for improvements and additions to the circles. One is adding a puppet theater to Iroquois Park, the area around the red orange

sculpture. Others include a volleyball court at Park Towne Place and refreshment stands for coffee or ice cream or other snacks. The playing fields at Von Colln would remain open. It will be interesting to follow the announcements to see how many aspects of the proposal are implemented and how soon. Any improvements to the almost 100-year-old Parkway’s relationship with pedestrians would surely be welcome. — This is a monthly column about architecture, urban planning and design. Diane Fiske can be contacted at

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Call for Artists Information: CFA Open Juried Pastel Exhibition May 6 - 27, 2013 For prospectus send SASE to CFA/SNJ, 123 S. Elmwood Road, Marlton, NJ 08053 Telephone: 856-985-1009

runs from Wed., Jan. 29 to Sun., Feb. 2! Do you, or someone you know, want to participate? Jury Applications are NOW AVAILABLE! For details & application visit or E-mail All forms due Sat., May 4. Jurying will take place June 3, 4, and 5

WAYNE ART CENTER CRAFT FORMS 2013 CALL FOR ENTRIES Craft Forms 2013, 19th International Juried

Exhibition Contemporary Fine Craft. December 6, 2013 – January 25, 2014. Juror: Lena Vigna, Curator of Exhibitions, Racine Art Museum. $6,000 + Awards. On-line Digital Entry Fee $40, Deadline, September 12, 2013.

Mark your Calendars

Malvern Retreat House’s ArtShow 2014

CALL FOR ENTRIES 70TH ANNUAL AWARDS PAINTING SHOW April 14th, 2013 - May 11th, 2013 Cheltenham Center for the Arts

439 Ashbourne Rd. Cheltenham, PA 19012 Joan Wadleigh Curran- Painter, Guest Artist/ Lecturer-University of Pennsylvania - Cash Awards & Prizes Visit for a prospectus or call 215.379.4660

ARTISTS & CRAFTERS WANTED 25th Annual Lansdale Festival of the Arts Saturday, August 24, 2013 Memorial Park, Lansdale, PA A juried exhibit & sale of fine art, handmade crafts, performing arts, cash awards, & more. Jury will be held Saturday, April 27th. For prospectus & jury Information 215-361-8353, or visit

Sponsored by Lansdale Department of Parks and Recreation

C��� ��� E������ Annual Juried Art Show

April 27 - May 11, 2013

Croft Farm Arts Center 100 Borton’s Mill Road Cherry Hill, NJ Art Blooms is a two-week long festival of the arts that includes a juried exhibit of twodimensional works, an Earth Festival with crafters and vendors, coffee house and a concert. Submissions are being accepted for artists, crafters, poets and musicians. Contact us for submission information.

PHOENIX GALLERY FELLOWSHIP COMPETITION: 2013-2014 PHOENIX GALLERY FELLOWSHIP COMPETITION: JUROR: Carl E. Hazlewood, Multimedia Artist, Writer, Curator, Co-founder of Aljira, Center for Contemporary Art, Newark, NJ, born in Guyana, South America. Fellowship includes: sponsored membership in Phoenix Gallery for 18 months, 2013-2014 with a SOLO exhibition June 19-July 13, 2013. Deadline: April 22, 2013. Prospectus: or or send SASE to: Phoenix Gallery, #902, 210 Eleventh Ave., NY, NY 10001 or 856-488-7868


We invite you to submit to Jenkintown’s Festival of the Arts for a Juried Art Show September 22nd, 2013 12:30pm to 6:30pm Prizes Awarded Application and information is available at or call 215-517-5507 Application Deadline: June 15, 2013

Sunday, March 31, 2013

55 Years & Older ~~ Show & Sale ~~ May 17, 18 & 19

Works Eligible: Photography, Oil, Acrylic, Water Color, Pastel, Lithograph, Mixed Media, and Sculpture.

Please call for an application


PINE RUN COMMUNITY 777 Ferry Rd., Doylestown, PA 18901

ARTISTS AGAINST HUNGER EXHIBIT TO BENEFIT THE FOOD TRUST Delivery Dates: Sunday, April 28, 10 AM- Noon & Monday, April 29, 10 AM- Noon Pick up work not selected by juror Moe Brooker, artist, teacher and head of Mayor’s Commission of the Arts: Wednesday, May 1, 10 AM- Noon Exhibit Dates: May 2- 5 2013 Gala Opening Reception*: Thursday, May 2, 6- 8 PM, First Friday, 6-8 PM, Saturday and Sunday 1-5 PM ART Sales: Cash & checks to Da Vinci Art Alliance. No credit cards. Pick up Date: Sunday, May 5, 5-6 PM & Monday, May 6, 10 AM to Noon The fee for participating in this exhibit is $35 for one or 2 piece(s) All checks from artists should be made out to smART business consulting. There will be a 40% commission retained on all works sold. Cash and checks will be accepted. No credit cards.

Your resource for finding artists, soliciting entries, renting art studious and for promoting your service. For more information call 215-628-9300, ext. 226

April 2013 Listings … DELAWARE COU .NEW CASTLE COUNTY THE BLUE STREAK GALLERY 1721 Delaware Ave. Wilmington DE, 19806 p: 302-429-0506 Tues-Fri 10am; Sat 10am-4pm Become a Fan on Facebook Exhibit info The Blue Streak Gallery will be having an Opening Reception on April 5 from 5-8 called "Measure the Distance" Stan Smokler and Kevin Bielcki wil exhibit their scultures and paintings the show will continue until April 30 April is the Blue Streak Gallery's 25 year Anniversary. come celebrate with us refreshments served


2301 Kentmere Pkwy., Wilmington, DE 19806 p: 302-571-9590. Wed-Sat 10am4pm, Sun 12pm-4pm. Free admission Sundays. State of the Art: Illustration 100 Years After Howard Pyle On view thru June 1. This exhibition examines the work of eight important illustrators who have built on the traditional skills of Pyle's era. Gertrude Käsebier’s Photographs of the Eight: Portraits for Promotion On view thru July 7: This exhibition explores how the Eight—John Sloan and his contemporaries—used Gertrude Käsebier’s photography to promote themselves and their revolutionary 1908 exhibition.

CAMDEN COUNTY COLLEGE ART GALLERY 200 College Drive, Blackwood, NJ 08012 Hours: Tues – Thurs: 1pm – 3pm Additional hours by reques p: 856-227-7200; ext 4201 Exhibit info: Annual Student Art Exhibit Dates: April 17 – May 10, 2013Hours: Tues.-Thurs: 1:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m.Artists’ Reception: April 17, 2013, 5:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m.

BURLINGTON COUNTY… CENTER FOR THE ARTS IN SOUTHERN NEW JERSEY 123 South Elmwood Rd. Marlton, NJ 08053 Mon-Fri 10am-3pm; Wed 7-9pm p: 856-985-1009; fx: 856-985-7555 Annual Open Juried Watercolor Exhibition April 1 - 22, 2013 Exhibit Reception: Thursday, April 11 from 7p to 9p


Stone Harbor, New Jersey PRESENTS

For more information call 302.571.9590 or 866.232.3714 (Toll free) visit


101 Vera King Farris Dr. Galloway, NJ p: 609-652-4214 Exhibit info: April 7 – May 3 BA/BFA Senior Exhibition featuring painting, photography, printmaking, sculpture, and visual communication Reception to Meet the Artists April 14, 1-3pm



CLAY COLLEGE CERAMIC ARTS STUDIO, Cumberland Co College 108 High Street, Millville, NJ 08332 phone: 856-765-0988 Exhibit: "Major Ceramics" Students majoring in ceramics. Classes: Jewelry Making Saturdays, April 6-May 11, 1-3 pm, $150 Mom & Me Saturday, April 20, 10 amNoon, $25 Sat, May 4, 10 am-Noon, $25 Pottery Wheel Friday, April 5, 6-8 pm, $25; Friday, April 26, 6-8 pm, $25 Clay Wall Pocket Saturday, April 27, 10 am-Noon, $25 Third Friday: April 19: Browse the Millville Glasstown Arts District

1501 Glasstown Rd., Millville, NJ 08332 p: 800-998-4554 Open Tues-Sun 10am-5pm; Exhibit info: Through January 5, 2014 in the Museum of American Glass: Wheaton Glass: The Art of the Fellowship. In celebration of the Creative Glass Center of America Fellowship Program’s 30th Anniversary this invitational exhibit illustrates the wide variety of glass created by this diverse group of international artists, many of whom remain linked by their fellowship experience. Through January 5, 2014, in the Museum of American Glass: Celebrating 50 Years: American Studio Glass. This exhibit accompanies “Wheaton Glass: The Art of the Fellowship” by showcasing selected works made during the fellowship sessions of the featured artists.

Inside the Artist’s Studio April 13, 2:30pm: Join illustrator Sterling Hundley and Professor Allan Comport for a lively discussion about illustration. Free for students.




Imagined Places: The Art of Alexi Natchev On view thru Aug 4: Explores the imaginary world of children’s book illustrator Alexi Natchev.


Photography Show. Awards Reception Friday, April 12, 7 pm to 8:30 pm May--Artist Mary Ann Kline, "Meet the Artists Recept." Fri, May 10, 7 to 8:30 pm Register for Art Camps by visiting Ocean City Arts Center, 1735 Simpson Avenue, Ocean City, New Jersey 08226, 609 399-7628

Two Sides, oil on canvas by Sarah Canfield Open daily, year ‘round 9400 Second Avenue Stone Harbor, NJ 609-368-6361

OCEAN CITY ARTS CENTER – 1735 Simpson Ave. Ocean City, NJ p: 609-399-7628 fx: 609-399-6145 Mon-Fri 9am-9pm, Sat 9am-3pm admission Free; parking available in adjacent lot. Exhibit info: April --Annual Juried

Through May 5, 2013, in the Gallery of Fine Craft: Paul Stankard: Celebrating the Native Flowers and Honeybees of Southern New Jersey. Paul J. Stankard unveils his most recent work in addition to early work from the 1970s and 1980s. His newest work includes exciting new orb designs focusing on botanicals native to southern New Jersey. We congratulate Paul as he is honored with the James Renwick Alliance 2013 Masters of Medium Award for glass.

..GLOUCESTER COUNTY GLOUCESTER COUNTY COLLEGE ART GALLERY 1400 Tanyard Rd, Sewell, p: 856-4152236 Mon-Fri 8am-10pm, Sat 8am-3pm

Exhibits: Emerging Young Artists from Gloucester, Cumberland and Salem Counties. Youth Art Month Exhibition at Gloucester County College features work by area students. Free admission. Through April 25, 2013

…MERCER COUNTY…... EDUCATIONAL TESTING SERVICE 660 Rosedale Rd., Princeton, NJ, All exhibits are Free to the public. Hrs: Mon -Fri 9am-4pm p: 609-921-9000 Exhibit info: Brodsky Gallery: Call for information Conant Hall,Lounge B Gallery: Call for exhibit information

.PENNSYLVANIA. . …BERKS COUNTY…...... FREEDMAN GALLERY – Albright College 13th & Bern Streets, Reading, PA p: 610921-7541 fx; 610-921-7768 Hours: Tues 12-8pm, Wed-Fri 12-6pm, Sat & Sun 12-4pm Exhibit info: James Hyde Through April 14, Freedman Gallery Working primarily in the styles of abstraction and minimalism contemporary artist and New Yorker, James Hyde, will exhibit new work in a solo exhibition.


500 Museum Rd., Reading, PA p: 610371-5850 fx: 610-375-5632 Tues - Sat 11am-5pm; Sun noon-5pm Exhibits: Now through May 5, 2013 – Science & Art – See, hear and interact with works of art that illustrate how science and art intersect in real life. You're encouraged to listen to your inner scientist and indulge your inner artist. Now through May 5, 2013 – Barbara Morgan Photography – The Museum's Works on Paper Gallery features 22 black and white photographs from the 1930s through 1950, documenting her primary subject matter: dancers, portraits, landscapes and photomontages. The images are part of a recent gift/purchase. Now through May 5, 2013 – Jelly Belly® Masterpieces of Jelly Bean Art – This unique show includes eight masterpieces of art made entirely from Jelly Belly® jelly beans — each a sweet replica of a classic painting found in some of the world’s most prestigious museums. Now through May 26, 2013 – Jules Olitski: On An Intimate Scale – 30 small canvases from each stage of the artist's career beginning in the early sixties through 2007, the year of his death. The artist's Stain, Spray, Baroque, High Baroque and Late Orb paintings trace his exploration of abstraction through a variety of techniques.

GoggleWorks Center for the Arts 201 Washington St. Reading, PA 610.374.4600 Hrs: Open Daily - 11am-7pm. email: Exhibition: Cohen Gallery: Cohen Gallery Linda Celestian: Oceans, Isles and Shoals Through April 14, 2013 Celestian’s imagery portrays earth’s yin and yang qualities. “. Doris Sams: A Retrospective Through April 14, 2013 Doris Sams distills the essence of natural and human form through rigorous inspection and sometimes mystical contemplation in her exquisite sculptural work. Berks County Intermediate Unit High School Annual Art Exhibit April 18 – May 2, 2013 The Berks County Intermediate Unit (BCIU), sponsors the annual art show featuring works of many Berks County area high school students. Artwork categories include printmaking, oil, watercolor and acrylic painting, calligraphy, dimensional works, fiber arts, photography, pottery, original computer art, jewelry, basket weaving, pastel and drawings. Schmidt Gallery Jeff Grabert: Photography


138 S. Pine Street, Doylestown, PA p: 215-340-9800 Hrs: Tues-Fri 10am4:30pm, Sat 10am-5pm, Sun. 12-5pm Exhibit Info: The Mind’s Eye: 50 Years of Photography by Jerry Uelsmann Through April 28, 2013 The first retrospective in 40 years of celebrated master of contemporary photography and darkroom magician Jerry Uelsmann includes iconic examples of his famous technique: seamlessly fabricating photographs from apparently unrelated negatives, creating scenes both imaginary and intensely real. Paton | Smith| Della Penna-Fernberger Galleries; Fred Beans Gallery – Infinite Mirror: Images of American Identity April 13 through July 7, 2013 More than 50 multi-media works by renowned artists such as Paul Keene, Tomie Arai, Luis Jimenez, Jacob Lawrence and Faith Ringgold depict experiences of multicultural populations in present-day America. Pfundt Gallery Transformations II: Works in Steel by Karl Stirner Through June 16, 2013 Commonwealth Gallery- The Brush Is Mightier than the Sword: TwentiethCentury Works from the Michener Art Museum Collection-Through May 26, 2013

April 2013 Listings DOYLESTOWN ART LEAGUE p: 215-348-2166 fx: 215-2301799 Membership: 215-997-9573 Classes: 215-257-7190 DAL m The April 4th meeting of the Doylestown Art League will feature Emily Thompson. She spent 10 years working as an art director for the In-house Advertising Department of Bloomingdales NY and after that a year as senior graphic designer of marking at Playboy Enterprises. She also had a successful career as an editorial illustrator. As a fine artist she enjoys plein-air painting but mainly in an abstract style. DAL's 54th Annual Members Spring Show runs from April 15th through April 26th, 2013. There will be no reception this year due to courthouse restrictions. Location of show Bucks County Courthouse ,Court & Main St.,3rd Foor Rotundra. For any other info DAL meets at the James Lorah Home at Broad and Main Streets, Doylestown.The meeting begins at 7:30pm and ends with a light social. For info. - Henery - 215-348-4065

…CHESTER COUNTY... . BRANDYWINE RIVER MUSEUMU.S. Rte. 1 & Creek Rd., Chadds Ford, PA p: 610-388-2700 Hrs: Daily 9:30am4:30pm Exhibits: Through May 19, Andrew Wyeth’s “Ides of March:” The Making of a Masterpiece. This exhibition focuses on one of Andrew Wyeth’s famous tempera paintings. Over 30 preliminary studies and the final painting offer a glimpse into the artist’s creative process. CHESTER CO. ART ASSOCIATION100 North Bradford Ave. West Chester PA p: 610-696-5600 fx: 610-918-1327 Hrs: Tues-Sat 9:30am-4pm Free Note the schedule of exhibitions on our website. West Chester: Through April19, 2013 CCAA’s Poetic Landscape Show and Sandra Severson's Solo Show Living Among Us: Glimpses of the Animal Realm April 21, 2013 - Fighting Bear-Short film by Chris Staley-Hutchinson and Installation: A Child's Fight Against Cancer 5:30-8:30 pm April 27 – May 4, 2013 - High School Art Show Opening Reception: Saturday, April 27, 1-4pm Free Gallery Hours: Tuesday – Saturday, 9:30am - 4pm / Free Exton Square Studio: Annette Alessi Solo Show Capturing A Moment in Time: Dedicated to A Brave Little Soul; April 21May 31, 2013 - Opening Reception:

Saturday, April 20, 2013 1-5pm Free Hours: Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday, 11am-5pm


40th Annual 2013 Yellow Springs Art Show: April 27 through May 12, 2013 Lincoln Galleries at Historic Yellow Springs; 1685 Art School Road Chester Springs, PA 19425 Time: Open 7 days. Show hours are 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily; Fridays to 8 p.m. Free and open to the public For more information or for reservations for the Opening Party, call (610) 827-7414 or visit us on line at The Opening Gala is Friday April 26th with the Early Preview party starting at 5:30. Tickets are $100 in advance; $120 at the door. Regular Opening Party admission is $60 for non-members and $35 for HYS members. There will also be a special wine and cheese happy hour Friday, May 3th from 5 to 8 p.m. with a $5 donation. Also Showing: Chester County Area High School Student Clothesline Art Show April 28th and 29th on the porches of the Lincoln Building. All proceeds benefit arts education, environmental protection and historic preservation of the 300 year old village of Historic Yellow Springs.




COMMUNITY ARTS CENTER – 414 Plush Mill Rd., Wallingford, PA : 610-566-1713 Mon-Thurs 9am-7:30pm, Fri 9am-3pm, Sat 10am-2pm. Closed Sun Spring Classes: Spring Adult Classes - Register for classes and workshops in painting, drawing, ceramics, sculpture, jewelry, mixed media, printmaking, photography, music, and yoga online at or call the office for more info at 610-566-1713. Duke Gallery: Through April 26 Exhibition: Paper Space - Works on Paper, Curated by Ron Rumford Lounge Gallery: Through May 13 Spring Semester Featured Teachers; 2 Dimensional Art: Matiko Mamaladze oil painting 3 Dimensional Art: Cathy Larkin, ceramics Stairwell and Fay Freedman Galleries Through April ARTstart Exhibition: the Art of the Youngest Artists at the Arts Center Mezzanine and Library Galleries April 4 thru June 8; An exhibition of the works of the Community Arts Center’s Young Artists-Recept: April 7, 2 - 4 p.m BEAdazzle Gallery Wall April Georgi Gentzenberg – ink and colored pencil - Dreams and Memories Reception: April 4, 6 – 8 p.m. Special Events Spring Seed Swap and Workshop April 6 - Presented by the Philadelphia Seed Exchange Children and families are welcome. Noon – 2 p.m. Free

Children’s Fashion Show in the Ballroom: April 7, By the Community Arts Center’s Young Artists, 3 p.m. Tri-State Jazz Society Concert April 21, 2 – 5 p.m. Friday Night Live Concert April 26; Brings together live music and live art - Featured musicians – Scott Paynter – Singer-songwriter of World music and Kwesi Kankam – Acoustic Folk and R & B Featured artists –Sally Paynter, Rinal Parikh and Andres Lora -7 – 10 p.m. BYOB, light refreshments $10 Donation Yoga with Kim Deane April 27th, 10:00 – 11:30 a.m. Donate any amount you wish and all of the proceeds will be given to Half The Sky Movement, an organization that aims to turn oppression into opportunity for women worldwide.

DARLINGTON ARTS CENTER – 977 Shavertown Rd., Boothwyn, PA p: 610-358-3632 fx: 610-358-2018 Gallery Hours: Mon-Fri 9am-9pm, Sat 9am-4pm, Clsd Sun Heidi Hayes – Cabaret – Coffee House Concert, Saturday, April 13: tickets and info online Exhibit: Congressional Art Competition – District 7. Featuring works by local high school students. The winner’s artwork will be framed and displayed in the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C. Opening reception: Monday, April 22nd 6:30pm-8:00pm. Exhibit runs through April 29th. Family Ballroom Dance Workshop – Friday, April 19 For ages 7+ with adult. Beginner ballroom instruction, open dancing, and a special photo booth! Pre-registration required. Photoshop Workshop – Sat., April 20 For teens and adults, $25, from 12:303:30pm. Pre-registration required. Arts Salute to Spring Fundraiser – Sunday, April 28 Annual live and silent auction with cocktails, performance Fused Glass Pendant Workshop – Saturday, May 4 Ages 15 & up. Discover the art of fusing glass into beautiful pendants for necklaces, earrings, and broaches. Preregistration required.

...LANCASTER COUNTY. CHRISTIANE DAVID GALLERY 112 N. Prince Street, Lancaster, PA 17603 The gallery hours during the month of April are Tuesday through Thursday and Saturday 10:00 am to 5:00 pm, Fridays 10:00 am to 6:00 pm, and on the 1st Friday of the month 10 to 9 pm. Phone: 717/293-0809; or email: Exhibition: Fine Art Exhibit “Painting Without Fear” - April 5, 2013 to April 30. Christiane David will be featuring her most

recent abstract oil paintings in her gallery this month. She is calling this exhibit “Painting Without Fear” because this is an adage she uses everyday as she paints, and credits it to allowing her creative process to have no limits. These vibrant paintings are puzzles of color with lots of texture and careful attention to composition. David draws her inspiration from music, dance or just day to day living, and with palette knife in hand she brings these bold painting to life with emotion and movement.

LANCASTER COUNTY ART ASSOCIATION149 Precision Ave., Strasburg, PA 17579 p:717-687-7061 Hrs: Wed-Sun 1pm-5pm All exhibits are Free, open to the public & handicapped accessible. Exhibit information: Emerald Expressions (ending April 18) and Spring Membership Show (April 28) In the Kauffman Gallery, the Lancaster County Art Association will host a judged, membership art exhibit; open to the public. The public opening reception for the Spring Membership show will be held on Sunday April 28th, from 1pm to 5pm. Refreshments will be served. The public is invited. Admission is free. Please call for further information, (717) 687-7061, or to become a member of the art association. In the Steinmetz Gallery M. Tinnin Portwood solo show There will be a reception on Sunday, April 28th. The public is invited and admission is free.

PENNSYLVANIA COLLEGE OF ART & DESIGN 204 North Prince Street, Lancaster, PA p: 717-396-7833 Main Gallery Hrs. Mon-Fri 8am - 4:30pm; Sat. Hrs. 9am – 5pm during School year. Exhibit Info: Apr. 1- 19: "Reflections," an exhibit of works by Zeuxis, an association of still life painters. April 5 from 5 – 9 p.m.: "Reflections" open during Lancaster’s First Friday. "Reflections" exhibit and panel discussion are made possible through a generous grant from The Richard C. von Hess Foundation. April 5 only from 5 – 9 p.m.: "Exploring the Theme of Reflections" features various media by Fine Art majors in our Chestnut Street Space. May 3 from 5 – 8 p.m.: “Senior Show & Celebration,” Lancaster’s largest one-day gallery event by a single organization. 60,000 sq. ft. of senior thesis projects by the Class of 2013; live music, friends and family. for details.



The public is invited to the demonstration! Jury for Penn Medicine @Radnor and Valley Forge - Friday, April 19 10 AM- 2 PM Oil Painting Workshop: Paoli Presbyterian Church, 225 South Valley Rd, Paoli, PA 19301 April 26, 2013, 6- 9 PM Opening Reception for St. David’s Church, Festival of the Arts, April 26 - May 5, 2013 DVAL Juried Members Art Exhibition featuring ART Galore!! 763 S. Valley Forge Road, Wayne, PA Artist of the Month Series; Tredyffrin Township Building in Chesterbrook 1100 DuPortail Road, Berwyn, PA. Monday- Friday – 8 AM- 4:30 PM Closed Weekends DVAL, founded in 1947, is a non-profit association of professional artists that exists to promote interest in the fine arts within the community & to advance the skill and creativity of its membership. Check for more exhibits, workshops and information about membership: LIKE us on Facebook at

THE GREAT FRAME UP302 West Lancaster Ave. Wayne, PA 19087 p: 610-687-3060 fx: 610-995-2215 Hrs: Mon-Fri 10am-6pm, Wed. 10am-9pm, 1st Fridays 10am-8pm, Sat 10am-5pm Exhibit Info: First Friday Show will feature oil paintings and photographs. Valentina Sokolskaya will be showing her photographs and Angela Scully will be showing her paintings.The opening reception will be from 5pm to 8pm on April 5th 2013. We will have refreshments for the opening, and the show will be up until April 30th. This is our fifth year of monthly First Friday Shows and we would like to express our gratitude for all the support from the local arts community as well as our loyal customers. We have free parking in back of our building. Come enjoy the art and meet the artists!

LAWRENCE GALLERY – Rosemont College 1400 Montgomery Ave, Rosemont PA p: 610-526-2967 Mon-Fri 9am-8pm; and weekends by appointment. on=ViewSinglePublic&LinkID=751&ModuleID=19 Senior BFA/BA Exhibitions:1. Nancy Harner Di Mattia and Gina Donnelly 2. Sinead Brown, Ryan McElroy and T'ara Wright 3. Katrina Palmer and Will Rosen



Spring Juried Show at Penn Medicine @Radnor- March 3- May 4, 2013: 250 King of Prussia Rd., Radnor, 19087 Friday, April 12, 2013, 1-3 PM: Membership business meeting followed

746 Panmure Rd, Haverford, PA phone: 610-525-0272 fx: 610-525-5036 Hrs: Mon-Thurs 10am-8pm; Sat 10am-4pm, Clsd Sun. For information on activities: Lots of Free pkg.

April 2013 Listings Exhibit Info: Urban Pop: Betsy Meyer Memorial Exhibition - Thru April 12 closing Reception: Thurs., April 11, 6-8 pm. Featuring artists Leslie Friedman, DISTORT, and Jay Walker, Urban Pop, an exhibition of works influenced by Pop Art and urban culture. For more information, visit or call 610.525.0272. Mid-Week Mingles: Mosaic Coasters Wed., April 3, 7-9 pm Schedule a date night or call up your friends for our new BYOB mid-week sampler workshops! Add flair to any coffee table with colorful mosaic coasters using tiles and broken glass. Techniques learned can be used to mosaic a variety of objects in your home. Call to register: Please register in advance; space is limited. $25 M/$30 NM Artini: Pinot and Prints Leslie Friedman Thurs., April 4, 6:30-9 pm Into graffiti art and colorful expressions of creativity? Then you won’t want to miss our next Young Friends (ages 21-49) event! Urban Pop features artists who are influenced by Pop Art and urban culture. Urban Pop artist Leslie Friedman will walk the group through the process of screen printing. RSVP to Free for Young Friend Members/ $15 General M & NM Graffiti Lettering Workshop DISTORT Thurs., April 11, 4:15-5:45 pm Young artists, ages 11-18, learn basic graffiti art lettering styles with Urban Pop artist DISTORT. Call 610.525.0272 to register today: $25 M/$30 NM Jewels & Treasures: A Fine Art and Jewelry Exhibition and Benefit April 20May 12 - Jewels & Treasures is a stunning exhibition featuring professional and affordable 2 & 3-D visual works of art to treasure, juried by Mary Anne Dutt Justice, Proceeds from Jewels & Treasures benefit Main Line Art Center’s award-winning arts education and community outreach programs. The exhibition opens with a festive Preview Party on Friday, April 19 from 6:30-10 pm. The evening of opulence will feature elegant hors d'oeuvres, indulgent cocktails, live music and raffles of unique experiences and goods. For more information and ticket prices, visit or call 610.525.0272.


816 S. Valley Forge Rd, Devon, PA 484-341-8014 or visit for info/directions Hrs: Mon-Fri 9am-4:30pm; Sun 9am-2pm The Public is Welcome! Exhibit: AMIE POTSIC through April 28th - Area artist and Director of the Main Line Art Center, Amie Potsic, will exhibit Made In China, in the Fireside Gallery. Her photographic series of trees in the throes of seasonal change utilizes the aesthetics of traditional Chinese scroll paintings to focus attention on China’s current political, economic, and social conflict. The show runs through April 28th In the Main Meeting Room, later in April, Amie Potsic will exhibit her photoinstallation Endangered Seasons, offering an experience of the fragility of our seasonal cycle under pressure from climate change in honor of Earth Day. The piece involves a site-specific installation utilizing 200 feet of silk imprinted with imagery from the forest canopy. The public is invited to a reception for the artist on April 7th, 12:30 to 3:00

ST JOSEPH’S UNIVERSITY GALLERY Merion Hall, Maguire Campus, 376 N. Latches Lane, Merion Station p: 610-6601845 Hrs: Mon-Fri 9am-7pm, Sat 10am1pm Exhibit Info: University Gallery Merion Hall, Maguire Campus 355 N. Latches Lane, Merion Station, April 12 - May 31, 2013 "Captured" 2013 Senior Art Thesis Exhibition featuring digital photography by Madelon Crosson, Nehru Ganeish, and Nora McGuire and paintings by Lisa Sucharski Reception: Friday, April 12, 5-9 PM Boland Hall Alumni and Student Gallery, Lapsley Lane at City Ave. (Merion Campus) Junior Art Majors Exhibition April 12 - 22, 2013 Reception: April 12, 4-6 PM Student Art Exhibition April 29 - May 9, 2013 Reception: April 29, 1-4 PM


413 Maplewood Ave, Wayne, PA p: 610-688-3553 f: 610-995-0478, visit for full schedule of events, pricing and to register for classes. Exhibitions: Davenport Gallery: Reigning Cats & Dogs April 5 – May 4, 2013 A Juried Exhibition of 2D and 3D Companion Animal Artworks. Portion of Proceeds Benefit Main Line Animal Rescue. Juried by Garth Herrick and Jennifer Frudakis - Opening Reception, Friday, April 5, 6 –9pm. Call for tickets. Companion Animal Vendor and Artist Fair & Demonstrations, Sat, April 6, 10am – 3pm. Free and Open to the Public. Ethel Sergeant Clark Smith Gallery: The Tori Collection April 13 – May 4, 2013 Exhibit of Sculpture by Japanese Artists Opening Reception with Japanese Koto Music and Jazz Fusion, Saturday, April 13, 5:30 – 7:30 pm Artist Gallery Talks, Sun, April 14, 1 – 3pm Japanese Flower Arrangement Demonstration, Saturday April 20, 1 - 3pm Japanese Kimono Fashion Show, Sunday, April 28, 3:00 – 5:00 pm Japanese Tea Ceremony Demonstration, Saturday, May 4, 2:00 – 3:00 pm ESCS Gallery Shops: Gallery Shops: Open Monday – Saturday, 10:00 am – 4:00 pm Classes & Workshops: Ceramic Open StudioDay: Mon/Thurs/Fri, 1:00 – 4:00 pm and Evening: Mon 6:30 – 9:30 pm Spring Classes: For adults and children begin April 8, 2013th, 2013. High School students are welcomed to join our adult classes. For full schedule, please see our website, Adult Workshops: Introduction to Zentangle with Katy Abbott April 11, 7-9PM Please visit to register. $40/members; $50/nonmembers; $5 material fee. Alla Prima Figure Workshop With David Shevlino - April 20nd-21th, 10AM-3PM: Please visit to

register: $300/members; $345/nonmembers Culinary: Call for learn about our great Culinary workshops. Coming in May-Plein Air Festival, May 6 – 10, 2013. Call for information Music Lessons: Weekly private music lessons are available through the year.

VILLANOVA UNIVERSITY ART GALLERY – Connelly Center, 2nd Flr., 800 Lancaster Ave, Villanova p: 610-519-4612 fx: 610519-6046. Open daily 9am-5pm. Call for weekend and extended hrs., or visit website: Exhibit info: Listing: "Nature's Gifts", Oils on Canvas and on Board by Susan Stefanski-Exhibit Dates: April 26 - June 8 Reception to meet the Artist: Friday, April 26, 5-7 PM 10% of total sales will benefit Fiorenza's Food for Friends (F4) assisting in serving meals to homeless shelters.

25th to 27th. An Artists Reception will be held Friday Evening. For more information visit us at Our May meeting will be looking at Tattoo Art. The May meeting is on Wednesday May 1, 2013 at 521 W. Main St., Lansdale. The doors open at 6:30 and the presentation starts at 7.

CHELTENHAM CENTER FOR THE ARTS 439 Ashbourne Rd. Cheltenham, 19012 Gallery hrs. 10am – 3pm, Mon – Fri., call for weekend hrs. Phone: 215.379.4660 Exhibit Info: Annual Juried Painting Show : April 14 – May 11, 2013 Opening Reception: Sunday, April 14th 2pm -4pm Art In Bloom: Sat, April 27th 5pm -7pm Our first Spring Floral Fundraiser, $25 per person


MONTGOMERY COUNTY GUILD OF PROFESSIONAL ARTISTS (MCGOPA) JOIN MCGOPA Send email to Montgomery County Guild of Professional Artists (MCGOPA) "Violence" -- A Juried Exhibition Sponsored by the Womenʼs Caucus for Art, Philadelphia Chapterin collaboration with the Montgomery County Guild of Professional Artists Exhibit Dates: April 9 thru May 3 Public Reception: Sat, April 13, 5-7 pm MCGOPA SPP Galleries in The Inquirer Building. 800 Schuylkill River Road (Rt. 23), between Rts. 202 & 320, Conshohocken, PA. Tel: 610-803-3248. FREE & OPEN DAILY Onsite Representative: 11am-1pm Mon. & Fri. Join MCGOPA. For more info, send e-mail to "Like" MCGOPA on Facebook: for timely art news. MCGOPA, founded in September 1998, is a 501c3 non-profit organization

NORTH PENN ART ALLIANCE – All meetings are at 521 W. Main Street, Lansdale for a prospectus. All presentations and meetings are open to the public. Please visit us at or call us at 215-393-9110. The North Penn Arts Alliance will be holding the 19th Annual Spring Members' Exhibition at the Elm Terrace Gardens at 660 North Broad St., Lansdale, PA. April

GNAL offers week long art camps for 6 to 14 year old students. Professional artists teach drawing in the morning and a variety of hands on projects such as collage, paper making, and 3D design in the afternoon.10am to 2pm, Monday through Friday

Plein Air Workshop with Doug Tweddale Saturday April 6, 10am to 3pm $40 members, $50 non-members GNAL Art Sale All artwork is $150 or less Saturday April 6th, 10am to 5pm Sunday April 7th, 12 to 4pm GNAL Days at Rainbow Arts and Crafts Special Discounts for GNAL Members and New Member Sign Up Saturday April 6th, 10am to 5pm, Sunday April 7th 11am to 5pm Monthly Meeting Zachary Byrd Winsor & Newton Watercolor Presentation. Samples will be given to the audience Tuesday April 9, 7pm Free and Open to the Public 4th Annual Art Trail April 27 – 28 Local Artists Open their Space to the Public For more information call 610-5393393 or visit 800 W Germantown Pike, East Norriton, PA

JOHN JAMES AUDUBON CENTER AT MILL GROVE 1201 Pawlings Rd, Audubon p: 610-6665593; ext 101 Hrs: Tues-Sat 10am-4pm; Sun 1pm-4pm; Clsd Mon & major holidays

Exhibit Info: Tattoo’ed Nature by Troy Timpel and Billy Ho, Mar.17 through– Aug 25 8th Annual Juried Art Show & Benefit Sale, April 13-28, T-Sat, 10-4, Sun, 1-4,

Closed Mondays. Free Admission. Prospectus available at


Ambler Center, 45 Forest Avenue Ambler, PA. Secure parking lot! Elevator! Beautiful facility! Call for brochure. 215-653-0878 Visit us at our new location -- call or check our website for directions. Watercolor classes with Howard Watson 6 weeks, Mon. from 10 a.m. -1 p.m. $100 for members. Howard is a celebrated artist. He will explain color design and more as he creates a painting. Come have fun and learn! April 4 -- Tree Painting Demonstration with Diane Maurer:1:00 - 3:00 p.m. FREE! This demo will explore trees of all kinds in all seasons. And more. Plus ideas on mixing all that green and how to depict various seasons and distance. NOTE: Diane is interested in hosting evening classes in her private studio. Call at 215-885-1645 for information on dates and fee. April 9 -- MASA Paper workshop with Kass Freeman.....Tuesday, 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. $35.00 ($45 non memb.) Learn about the fascinating technique of crinkled paper painting with ink and watercolor. You will love this workshop! Bring a bag lunch. See our recent brochure for more details. This workshop is great for all levels!! NEW--EVENING PROGRAMS IN THE SPRING!!

April 24 -- How To Paint A Portrait - demo by Michael Adams. 7 p.m.-9 pm. FREE to members and guests! Michael will demonstrate using techinques transparent watercolor showing form and details. Michael is a well known illustrator and teacher May 22 -- Quick And Easy Flower Painting a demonstration by Kass Freeman, AWS. 7 p.m.- 9 p.m. FREE to members and guests! Kass will show us her quick and easy special techniques to paint flowers. She has won many awards for her work. Come and enjoy a fun evening! Also, could you please add a line to our boilerplate info: "Like us on Facebook"

NORTHAMPTON COUNTY LEHIGH UNIVERSITY ART GALLERIES 420 E. Packer Ave., Bethlehem, PA p: 610-758-3615 Exhibits: MAIN GALLERY - ZOELLNER ARTS CENTER: THRU May 19: JOAN MITCHELL: AN AMERICAN MASTER, Courtesy of Joan Mitchell Foundation, NY. Paintings and works-on-paper by the noted Abstract Expressionist DUBOIS GALLERY, MAGINNES HALL Through May 24: ABSTRACTION X 7: PETER BERG, GORDON HOUSE, MARÍA MARTÍNEZ-CANAS, CONRAD MARCA-RELLI, RALPH GIBSON, AARON SISKIND, MARK TOBEY Photography and prints from the LUAG Teaching Collection

April 2013 Listings THE GALLERY AT RAUCH BUSINESS CENTER Through May 24: ABSTRACTION X 2: KAREL APPEL, LOUIS STETTNER Prints and photography from The LUAG Teaching Collection SIEGEL GALLERY, IACOCCA HALL Through May 31: AREA ARTISTS 2013 a biennial exhibition. ADRIANO FARINELLA – paintings – landscapes as metaphors of change LES FLETCHER - paintings & works on paper – formal organization of pictorial space DANIEL PAASHAUS - photography elaborate constructed portraiture KRISTA STEINKE - photographic series on “Purgatory Road” Artists’ Gallery Talk & Artists Area Reception: April 18, 5-7pm

…PHILADELPHIA.. …CENTER CITY…___ ARTISTS AGAINST HUNGER Exhibition to benefit The Food Trust Da Vinci Art Alliance, 704 Catharine St Philadelphia, PA 19147 May 2- 5, 2013 Gala Reception: May 2, 6-8 PM, Hours: First Friday 6-8 PM Sat and Sun: 1-5 PM Once we knew that in some areas of Philadelphia over 50% of the children go to bed hungry, we decided to create change in the only way we know how- through our art. Let art nourish your soul to fed our children


235 S. Camac St.between 12th & 13th, Locust & Spruce Sts. Wed., Fri - Sun 1 - 5pm Visit our website for up to date listings. call 215-545-9298 Where artists grow. 4

April 6 to April 21 149th ANNUAL SMALL OILS JURIED EXHIBITION An annual exhibition of Small Oil paintings from Philadelphia’s premiere artists.

Reception: Sunday, April 14, 2 to 4pm April 1 to April 30 Works by Materese Roche May 4 to May 19 2012 PSC MEMBERS SHOW Reception: Sunday, May 6, 2 to 4 PM Visit above website for life, clothed model and print workshop schedules.


Openings thatmatter

1234 Market St., Suite 1800, Phila. PA p: 215-563-6417. Hrs: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm Exhibit info: Through April 19 Fresh Eyes/Fresh Artists An exhibition featuring work by Philadelphia students who have partnered with Fresh Artists to leverage their creativity to support funding of school art programs. Fresh Artists reproduces the student work to enliven corporate workspaces, with the proceeds used to fund art supplies and innovative programs. In this way, the students become both philanthropists and agents of change .

Friday, April 5 Blue Streak Gallery, 5 – 8pm, Wilmington, DE Wayne Art Center, 6 – 9pm, Wayne, PA Muse Gallery, 5 - 8pm, Philadelphia, PA The Great Frame Up, 5 - 8pm, Wayne, PA Third Street Gallery, 5 – 9pm, Philadelphia, PA Sunday, April 7 Manayunk-Roxborough Art Center, 5 – 8pm, Phila., PA Main Line Unitarian Church, 12:30 – 3pm, Devon, PA Thursday, April 11 Center for the Arts in Southern New Jersey, 7 – 9pm, Marlton, NJ Main Line Art Center, 6 – 8pm, Haverford, PA Friday, April 12 Saint Josephs University Art Gallery, 5 – 9pm, Merion Station, PA Saint Josephs University Art Gallery, 4 - 6pm, Merion Station, PA Ocean City Art Center, 7 – 8:30, Ocean City, NJ Saturday, April 13 Wayne Art Center, 5:30 – 8:30pm, Wayne, PA Montgomery County Guild of Professional Artists (MCOPA), 5 – 7pm Conshohocken, PA Sunday, April 14 Cheltenham Center For The Arts, 2 – 4pm, Cheltenham, PA Richard Stockton College, 5 – 7pm, Galloway, NJ Third Street Gallery, 2 – 4pm, Philadelphia, PA Philadelphia Sketch Club, 2 – 4pm, Phila., PA Wednesday, April 17 Camden County College, Art Gallery, 5 – 7pm, Blackwood, NJ Thursday, April 18 Lehigh University Art Gallery, 5 – 7pm, Bethlehem, PA Saturday, April 20



9201 Germantown Ave. Corner of Germantown Ave. and Bells Mill Rd. p: 215-247-0476 Hrs: Tues-Thurs 10am5pm; Fri 10am-8:45pm; Sat 10am-6pm; Sun 10am-5pm Visit website for information on exhibits, lectures, events & classes: Fridays through April 26: Friday Night Jazz. 6:00-8:00 p.m Tuesdays through April 30: Tuesday Night at the Movies. 7:00-9:00pm. Doors open at 6:30pm. On-going through May 5, 2013: The Philip Jamison Collection. This exhibition celebrates Jamison’s transformative promised gift of almost one hundred works of art from his collection to Woodmere. On-going through May 5, 2013: Philip Jamison Watercolor: The Spirit of Chester County. Ongoing : Selections from the Charles Knox Smith Collection.

Chester County Art Association, 1 - 5pm, West Chester, PA Monday, April 22 Darlington Arts Center, 6:30 – 8pm, Boothwyn, PA Friday, April 26 Community Arts Center, 6 – 8pm, Wallingford, PA Saint David’s Church Festival of the Arts, 6 – 9pm, Paoli, PA Historic Yellow Springs, 5:30pm - , Chester Springs, PA Saturday, April 27


Chester County Art Association, 1 - 4pm, West Chester, PA

419 Green Lane(rear), between Mitchell & Pechin Sts., Phila PA, 19128 Beginning Painting and Children’s Classes. For info: 215-482-3363; hrs: Sat & Sun 10am-4pm Admission is free –donations encouraged. Exhibits: The charcoal and pastel works and photography of Amanda Driscoll will be featured in April at the ManyayunkRoxborough Art Center (MRAC), in an exhibit titled “Rewind And Review” along with new work in various media and styles by members of the ManayunkRoxborough Artists’ Co-Op. Opening reception: Sunday, April 7, 2013 from 5:00 to 8:00 P.M. MRAC is located at 419 Green Lane (rear), Philadelphia, PA 19128. For more information phone 215. 482.3363 or see on the web. Admission is free, donations accepted. This exhibit runs through Sunday, April 28th. Gallery hours are Saturdays and Sundays, 10:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M.

Monday, April 29 Saint Josephs University Art Gallery, 1 - 4pm, Merion Station, PA


…. .

5th, 5-8 pm Gallery Hours: Wednesday-Sunday: 12-5pm

The Muse Gallery is the oldest cooperatively run gallery in Philadelphia. APRIL 3rd THROUGH APRIL 28th Opening Reception: First Friday, April



INSTITUTE OF CONTEMPORARY ART – University of Pennsylvania

THE MUSE GALLERY – 52 N. 2nd Street, Phila., PA 19106 p: 215627-5310 Hrs: Wed, Thurs 3-8pm, FriSun, noon-5pm. Exhibit: During APRIL 2013 Muse Gallery will feature ceramic sculpture by Philadelphia artist, Etta Winigrad.


THIRD STREET GALLERY – 58 N. 2nd Street p: 215-625-0933 Hrs: Wed-Sun, noon-5pm Exhibit info: 3 April 3 thru 28, 2013- First Friday Reception: April 5 , 5-9 pm; Artists' Reception: Sunday April 14, 2-4 pm "Opus Novum" New work of mixed media, by Associate Members of 3rd Street Gallery

118 S. 36th Street(at Sansom) 215-8985911 Hrs: Wed-Fri, noon-8pm, Sat & Sun 11am-5pm Exhibit Info White Petals Surround Your Yellow Heart through July 28, Karla Black April 24 – July 28, 2013 Each One As She May April 24 – July 28, 2013 Facebook: Twitter: @ICAPhiladelphia

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