o.a.e. An Outdoor Adventure Experience to Remember
A Process Book
Table of Contents
Design Brief
7 Process
13 Product
27 Marketing
Business Considerations
Environmental Considerations
Engineering Considerations
The goal of O.A.E. is to design an experience for teens that gets them outdoors and puts them in contact with mental health professionals and mentors who have also struggled with depression, anxiety and obesity. O.A.E. makes it easy and enjoyable for teenagers to learn how to regain balance in their lives.
RESEARCH Experts have found that wilderness and nature-based experiences resulted in a range of benefits including positive changes in behavior; enhanced connectedness to nature; and improved knowledge and skills acquisition. “The number of overweight children was 27-41% lower for children who spent more time outdoors.” – ChildrenAndNature.org (2001)
People shy away from the unexpected and go towards where there is guidance (i.e. religion, high school cliques, etc.) and a higher chance of survival. Often irrational fears, or phobias, can be cured and improved with knowledge, exposure, and guidance.
PRECEDENTS Birch Creek Service Ranch—a sleep-away camp to help kids gain consistent work ethic
OLVF is a strong cause to help kids and teens get outdoors Hamlin Camp taught kids how to get around San Francisco and gave an intro to the outdoors Nevada’s COBoR has a very strong marketing campaign
Zooey, 15 Years old 3.6 GPA, budding fashionista, social butterfly, can get across NYC in rush hour in record time. Struggles with depression.
Jake, 17 Years old 4.0 GPA, All-American athlete, competitive, and ambitious. Suffers from extreme anxiety.
Paul, 13 Years old 3.1 GPA, computer genius, mastered all CODs & can beat anyone at any N64 game. Has extremely limited social skills and unhealthy eating habits. 11
Benefit Based Curriculum: Curriculum Elements are combined to reach a goal each day, week, and session depending on the needs of the camper. By doing this, it allows each camper to get the most out of their experience. The activities for each curriculum element change to fit into each Group Block (GB), Activity Block (AB), Day, Week and Session.
Over the course of a session, campers are granted gradually more freedom and the rules begin to loosen. This helps them become more comfortable with a less rigid schedule and understand that they’re capable of doing things independently. Also, by allowing more agency, it helps the campers gain self confidence and develop decision making skills. Mental health professionals and alumnae of mental illnesses are constantly available in place of camp councilors and always available to talk when needed. Developing confidence in social situations is crucial and will be heavily encouraged.
Lessons, classes, and
Activities, how-to’s,
groups that encourage
games, adventures and
creativity and hands-
sports that encourage
on participation
movement and active participation
Activities are
Some activities
Campers are
chosen for
are chosen for
allowed to pick
campers by
campers, but
all of their own
mentors and
options are
activities within
staff to reach a
also offered.
a certain range.
specific goal.
Times are set aside, and made available for both one-on-one and group therapy sessions that will be both prescribed by the on-staff therapist as well as requested by campers and/or parents.
CURRICULUM ELEMENTS BALANCE Teach campers the importance of having balance in life. That taking time away from screens and city life, and gaining perspective will benefit them mentally, physically, and emotionally.
Independence Allow campers to learn that they can do things on their own, become their own person, and do what they want while knowing that there is support if needed.
Responsibility Teach campers the importance of taking care of our environment and what we have. Demonstrate good sustainable habits and provide examples of how to continue responsible behavior outside of a camp setting. 18
Friendship Develop social skills and assist campers in understanding what it means to be a good friend, including loyalty, compassion, and empathy.
Discipline Teach campers self-control for developing and improving skills and training instead of drilling them with rueles and regulations.
Teamwork Work with campers to coordinate efforts to efficiently complete a task or project. Stress the importance of utilizing all team members’ skills and talents.
CURRICULUM ELEMENTS Creativity Allow campers to think beyond traditional ideas and create a safe space for new, potentially weird thoughts to grow.
Imagination Help kids face and resolve difficult issues in new ways by using games, activities and projects to demonstrate.
Accountability Teach campers the importance of being responsible for their actions, and guarantee that they are acting for the right reasons. Ask campers about their decisions, help them understand their choices. 20
Observation Assist campers in gaining perspective and seeing more of their world while understanding the importance of detail, in nature, life, and everyday interactions.
Cooperation Teach campers the importance of working together to complete a common goal.
Social Skills Help campers learn the people skills they need to communicate their feelings, thoughts, and ideas successfully.
EXAMPLE SESSION: ANXIETY * Find Correlating Curriculum Element on Previous Pages
WEEK 1: Goals: Responsibility, Imagination, MON
Day Trip
WEEK 2: Goals: Cooperation, Discipline, MON
Day Trip
WEEK 3: Goals: Independence, Accountability, MON
WED Day Trip
Friendship, Observation FRI
SAT/SUN Weekend Trip
Teamwork, Social Skills FRI
SAT/SUN Weekend Trip
Balance, Creativity FRI
SAT/SUN Weekend Trip
DAILY SCHEDULE * Campers + staff are invited on sunrise hikes daily, both one-on-one or in groups
7:30 am — Wake Up Call Time for a nature walk, meditation, etc. Get dressed, clean personal space, brush teeth
8:00 am — Breakfast Campers eat with others from their bunks
9:00 am — Chores Clean breakfast dishes, sweep/mop lodge + bunks, take out trash, start laundry, etc.
10:00 am — Group Block** Campers are divided into classes for the morning
12:30 pm — Lunch Campers eat with others from their morning classes 24
1:30 pm — Activity Blocks** Campers divided into groups for activity based teams to climb, hike swim, play sports and more
4:30 pm — Down Time* Z
Never structured, no technology allowed. Suggested time slots, 100 percent their time to write letters, read, craft, explore, or nap
6:00 pm — Dinner Campers eat with others from their afternoon groups
7:30 pm — Campfire* Storytelling, group activities, camp songs
Lights out by 11:00 pm * Therapy opportunity ** Campers may switch if unhappy with the group, but must explain why 25
C=11 M=0 Y=98 K=0 R=234 G=230 B=20 C=84 M=30 Y=37 K=3 C=9 M=6 Y=14 K=0
R=1 G=134 B=148
R=228 G=228 B=216
C=66M=37 Y=99 K=24
C=78 M=56 Y=56 K=38
R=86 G=109 B=49
R=52 G=74 B=77
Typeface DINPro Bold ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz.?!
DINPro Medium ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz.?!
DINPro Light ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz.?!
DINPro Bold used for logo. DINPro Med used for all posters, fliers, t-shirts, etc. DINPro Light to be used for correspondence. i.e. business cards, stickers, etc Colors can be used in any combination EXCEPT yellow & creme together. Main logo should include green. 29
BRANDING Emblem Development
Sundance 2015 30
Camp Location & Year
Touch points & Collateral
• • • • • • • • •
Bookmarks T-Shirts Trading Cards Sponsored Gear Water Bottles Treasure Chests Snacks Posters & Postcards Pins & Merit Badges
Branded GORP given before camp & during hikes and trips 32
OAE 2014
Kaleidiscope kit examples
Treasure chest with book mark, kaleidiscope, games, trading cards, games and some sponsored gear 33
Key Partners A variety of partnerships are used for optimization and acquisition of the use of intellectual property, technology, discounts, and knowledge. Main Partner Types: • Strategic alliances with non-competitors • Joint ventures
Key Resources • Marketing items are used to keep in contact with customers • Eventual ownership of land • Corporate sponsors/partners provide consistent financial, intellectual, and human resources
Customer Relationships • Initially an automated relationship • Becomes very personal and customized driven by customer retention • Dedicated personal assistance (councilor/ mentor to camper) • Community relationship
Customer Segments Niche Market: •Middle-class families with teens 13-17 years old •Teens 13-17 years old suffering from mental illnesses brought on by an imbalance in their lives often due to over use of technology
Channels • Print ads in high schools, middle schools, and therapists offices • Web-optimized ads targeted to parents and teens • Brochures/fliers distributed at schools & therapists offices • Thorough information on website • Two ad campaigns run simultaneously. One for parents and one for teens/campers 38
Value Proposition • Novelty in the systematic approach to camp curriculum and structure • Customization of curriculum for each campers’ individual needs • Superior design in the thoughtfulness of each and every detail • Price to value ratio is reasonable, subsidized by partners and corporate sponsors • Discounts offered for return campers/ families • Combining therapy and the outdoor experience creates a new, fairly novel opportunity for campers/patients • Website must run seamlessly and link easily from both ad campaigns and referrals from therapists offices.
Key Activities Production: • Branding touch points - Posters - T-Shirts - Merit badges - Smaller detailed pieces • Ad Campaigns - Physical & digital
Problem Solving: • Specific programming for each camper based on personal needs • Hiring knowledgeable, intelligent professionals • Work closely with mental health
professionals, camp directors, and patients to ensure the greatest outcome
Platform: • Develop the curriculum so it can be developed in individual camps around the country, the framework is identical, but personalized based on location. 41
Cost Structure O.A.E. will benefit most from a cost structure that is value-driven. The benefits greatly outweigh the relatively high cost of attendance which could hopefully be subsidized by insurance companies (for therapy), partners, sponsors, and donations.
Fixed costs: • Salaried employees (Therapists, directors, mentors, support staff) • Land maintenance
Variable Costs: • • • •
Insurance Food Utilities while camp is in session vs. out Marketing
Revenue Stream Several options available for revenue stream depending on direction the service takes: • One-time registration/tuition/therapy fee online (insurance co-pay potentially included) • Licensing from 3rd party companies using O.A.E. curriculum structure and related IP • Asset sales could take place down the road with the sales of O.A.E. merchandise
Pricing Mechanisms: Fixed per each season, with deals for “early bird purchase,” variable insurance costs being the only difference
O.A.E. will make environmentally friendly choices for the camp whenever possible. Campers will be taught the importance of reducing, reusing, and recycling to prolong the life and health of the earth. Alternative energy sources will be utilized, and the basic structure of the camp will be that of sustainability. On day and weekend trips, campers will be taught the importance of Leave No Trace, including properly disposing of human and food waste, preparing, learning ahead, and the importance of staying on trail. Education will be key to these lessons making an impression on the campers. Not only will they be taught how to be environmentally friendly, but they will also learn why it is 46
important. O.A.E. staff will work hard to make sure that the campers realize and understand that their actions impact more than just themselves; including animals, plants, and the earth as a whole. By educating the campers now, hopefully it will make a lasting impact on them, and empower them to share their knowledge with friends and family, increasing the overall environmental impact and helping improve quality of life for the future. Examples of how O.A.E. can teach about our impact now are: planting a garden and teaching campers how to grow their own food. Discuss how reducing emissions from shipping food around the world will help with air quality and pollution. Learn how using solar energy and enforcing turning off lights when leaving a room makes a difference. 47
Flow Diagram: Who’s doing what, when, where, and how. The following are the steps necessary for O.A.E. to happen. It could become a reality in roughly 6 months to a year. Allowing campers to register in February/ March for sessions in July/August.
Designed by Stella Liechty as a complete guide to the Outdoor Adventure Experience in process book form. It is presented as an artifact for the Multi-Disciplinary Design archives at the University of Utah for the DES 3611-001 class, Spring Semester, 2014. Typefaces: Aleo (Regular) / Gotham HTF (Book) Photos: Š Devaki Murch / Stella Liechty Printing: Rose Printing Co., SLC, UT