Our team initially came together to create an immersive theatrical experience called “Poe’s Shadows” that was performed at the Moss Arts Center at Virginia Tech. Drawing from two of Edgar Allan Poe’s most well-known works, “The Tell-Tale Heart” and “The Raven,” our 360-degree video installation explored what happens when literary texts are lifted from the “page to the stage” and then reimagined through the use of new technology. Examining the concept of “shadow” through text, image, and sound, the project is inspired by nineteenth-century crankies, an art form in which an illustrated scroll is unwound in a circular fashion, revealing images that complement a spoken story or song.
We then collaborated to turn the Tell-Tale He[AR]t into an augmented reality book.
Learn more about the project here: https://meaghand.com/thetelltaleheart (and find a link to download the free AR app)