Check out the
Manifestos inside now Vote at
Ben Edwards Nathan Brembah Simba Lkaderi (Sulaiman) Zowwi Ranford
VICE PRESIDENT Art & Design and Media & Performing Arts Becky Sykes Cristina Mihalachi Denizali Ustundag Joe Cox Malak Aya Petrana Zemanovรก Urszula Kwasniewska Vakaris Vladimirovas
VICE president Health & education and science & technology Hafsa Momin Lujain Ammar Mary Sanderson Raquel Marques Roel van den Berg MDXSU Elections 2017
vice president business & law Ben Brickley Erica Ramos Hafsa Hajir Louise Marquis (Lou) Poppy Heap Sahil Joshi Stefan Iftode Talha Nomani
E T O V ! W O N ww
w. m d xs m
School Voice Leader Science & Technology
School Voice Leader Business
Adeleke Osinaike Anjelina Qureshi Chirstopher Skordis Dinesh Jebaraj Tash White Sara Raju
Ami Dhakan Khawaja Khalid Ronit Jayesh Himatlal Sumaiyah Rafah Chowdhury Talha Nomani Yashraj Mayursinh Bhatti
School Voice Leader LAW
Adriana Lourenço Maimoona Aslam Naim Ali
School Voice Leader ART & DESIGN Amy ‘Maier’ Perrin Steph Stevens
School Voice Leader media & performing arts Kristine Clark Petrana Zemanová Vera Azevedo
School Voice Leader health & education
Student Trustee (one position available) Maria Tkacenko Minoo Mirzaei Naim Ali Tash White Ronit Jayesh Himatlal Summer H White Talha Nomani Themis Efthimiou Yash Bhatti
Democracy and Involvement Committee (five positions available) Naim Ali Tash White Patricia Neves Steph Stevens Talha Nomani Petrana Zemanová Yash Bhatti
Amy Satterthwaite Shahina Rafique Zahrah Lalmahomed
Voting opens at 10am on Monday 13th March and closes 1pm on Friday 17th March The MDXSU Elections are your chance to elect the students who will lead your Students’ Union in 2017/18! This guide includes the details for all candidates, plus the manifestos submitted by students standing for full time positions. Vote online now at
QUESTION TIME Want to find out more about the candidates and ask all your burning questions? Come along to our Question Time!
DATE: Monday, 13 March
5pm - 7pm
The Quad
Follow Question Time live as it happens on our Twitter feed @MiddlesexSU. Tag your tweets with #mdxsuQT to get involved!
candidate shout-outs Come for lunch at MDX House on Wednesday to hear from your candidates and grab a chat.
DATE: Wednesday, 15 March TIME: 12pm - 1pm
MDX House
RESULTS NIGHT Once voting week has come to a close, make sure you’re the first to hear who gets elected - head to MDX House from 6pm on Friday 17th March for excitement, celebration and the all-important results! Head to to find out more about Results Night. MDXSU Elections 2017
MDXSU Elections 2017
CANDIDATES – PRESIDENT I am a postgrad photography student in my 4th year at Middlesex University. It's clear from my achievements and the amount I am involved with across campus, that I am passionate about this university. However I do believe it could be better, and it will be if you... Vote Zowwi #1 for President!
- Became a Student Voice Leader. - Been voted as ‘runner up’ in the Student of the Year Award 2016. - Been a part of Team MDXSU in 2016. - Served as an Events Intern during 2016/17. - Became a Volunteer at the MDXSU Community Kitchen. - Served as Vice President of the Women’s Liberation Assembly during 2016/17. - Served as Trampoline Captain and Coach between 2015 - 2017. - Been voted as Captain of The Year in 2016. - Successfully campaigned for free sanitary products on campus. - Contributed towards the anti-sexual harassment campaign, Hear Me Out. - Graduated once already!
STUDENT SERVICES - Raise awareness of the Student’s Union within Middlesex University and encourage engagement among students. - Introduce a bar & music venue to the Grove, ran by the SU. - Introducing sexual health and family planning clinics on campus. - Promising to continue the fight against Prevent! - Improve UniServices by collecting feedback and auditing them. - Continue the lobbying for 2 graduations a year and free graduation.
SECURITY - Self-defence classes (Mixed and Women’s only). - Increase security around halls of residence. - Hold Viridian accountable for who is gaining access to halls. - Security staff to be easier to contact during quieter hours on campus. - Lobby to keep students safer when travelling between campus and halls, especially at night.
ACCESSIBILITY - Ensure all lifts and step-free access routes are actually accessible for all. - Increase the amount of accessible printers on campus. - Introduce translated textbooks for non-English native speakers.
SPORT INCLUSIVITY - Introducing more ‘Include U’ sessions at Middlesex. - More ‘Women’s only’ timeslots in the Gym. - Ensure the corridor between the gym and the changing rooms is also restricted during ‘Women’s only’ gym hours. - Ensuring there is disabled access to the gym on weekends and late in the evenings.
Election details
MDXSU Elections 2017
CANDIDATES vice president art & design and Media & performing arts
CANDIDATES – VP art & design and media & performing arts ART & DESIGN // MEDIA & PERFORMING ARTS My name is Becky, I am a Dance Performance student in my final year, and I am running to be your next Vice President of Art & Design, Media & Performing Arts. I am standing because we are a LONDON University yet lack some of what makes our city the best. I want a more vibrant, lively and empowering campus that will improve the university life of ALL students who study here.
#BECKSHASDELIVERED Summer Fest Organising Team
Team MDXSU 2015-17
MDXmas Market Organising Team
POW! Showcase Co-Founder
Superbowl Event Organising Team
Cheer Dance Member 2015-16
24hr Food in Sheppard Library Weekly Open Society Nights Sexual Harrassment OFF Campus
Microwave and Kettle Stations
Grove Event Bar Grove Locker Bases Course Collaboration External Workshops
Becky Sykes
for Vice President AD&MPA
#BACKBECKS 13th - 17th March
MDXSU Elections 2017
CANDIDATES – VP art & design and media & performing arts
CANDIDATES – VP art & design and media & performing arts
MALAK AYA #1 Vice President of Art and Design, Media and Performing Arts
"Malak's ability to campaign tirelessly as a full time student, whilst staying principled is an inspiration to many. I really could not imagine a better Vice President that would fight for all Women at MDX than Malak" Hareem Ghani - NUS National Women's Officer
• Co-Leader of the MDXSU Islamophobia Awareness Month • Vice President of MDX Journalism Society • PR and Student Affairs Officer of MDX Arab Society • Student Voice Leader for Year 3 Media and Journalism • Film Editor, POW Media
1 We are Creative Students. We will be heard!
・ Campaign for MDX to help finance 3rd year projects. ・ Demand bigger lockers & creative spaces in the Grove. ・ Increase funding & resources for the Media Loan Store. ・ Group Art Therapy sessions to tackle mental health.
2 Women as
Changemakers at MDX! ・ Lead a ‘This Girl Can’ Campaign for Women that play Sport. ・ Demand action on tackling Sexual Harassment on campus. ・ Strengthen alliances between all Women on campus. ・ Campaign to tackle Gendered Islamophobia & hate crime.
3 Education is a Right,
is Our Campus!
not a Privilege!
・ Lobby to release the Academic timetable earlier & scrap the 10min rule. ・ MDX to create more Joint Honours Degree Courses ・ POW Media, Societies & Sports should be recognised as co-curricular. ・ Campaign for an increase in financial grants.
・ Campaign for a Quiet Contemplation Room in the Library. ・ Bun Chartwells. Campaign for a Student-led, Student-run Coffee Shop on campus. ・ Increase lighting, CCTV and security personnel around the Grove Park. ・ Tackle Exam Stress by Puppy, Kitten & Tea Rooms. MDXSU Elections 2017
CANDIDATES – VP art & design and media & performing arts #StandWithStudents
Petrana Zemanova for Vice President Arts and Design Media and Performing Arts Believe.Improve.Support.Trust Who Am I? My name is Petrana Zemanova. I believe I am a positive listener with encourage to motivate others. I will become as a support for students to improve or solve any ideas. Everything is possible to reach if we listen, understand and help each other. I am candidate for position Vice President Art and Design Media and Performing Arts to stand for students voices and help them. I study Media and Journalism. I am teacher of singing and part of POW TV and FM involved as a presenter . Thank you for your time and vote.
Email address: PZ067@live.mdx. Twitter: @6petrana Thank you.
What Will I do?
Private Tutorials About Changes
Support Student’s Advices
Improving Your Self Awareness Through Societies
Make a MyUniHub More Understandable
Get More People Involved In Societies
CANDIDATES – VP art & design and media & performing arts
MDXSU Elections 2017
CANDIDATES – VP art & design and media & performing arts
CANDIDATES vice president business & law
CANDIDATES – business & law
CANDIDATES – business & law
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MDXSU Elections 2017
刀愀椀猀攀 洀漀爀攀 愀眀愀爀攀渀攀猀猀
CANDIDATES – business & law
HAFSA HAJIR Vote for me for a better Middlesex Vote on MDXSU.COM/VOTE 13th-17th March
CANDIDATES – business & law
MDXSU Elections 2017
SAHIL JOSHI THE MAN WITH THE PLAN Hello MDX!!! My name is Sahil Joshi. I am 3 student studying B.A. LAW.
Targets: rd
I am running for a sabbatical role because I really care about Student Union. MDXSU is one of the things that made my university experienced so great, I would really love to help others to get such a positive university experience. WHY ME? I am passionate about student life and believe that our days at university should be some of the best days of our lives. Through my life I have experience of influencing people at all levels and will use this skill to represent STUDENT VOICE.
1. SECURITY, safe and secure campus and halls for Students. (More security shuttles and student accommodation security improvement) 2. Longer laptop loans (saving time of students for renewal everyday) 3. In quad ALL TILLS should be open at least during lunch time. 4. Regular toilet cleaning. (Specially Girls toilets) 5. Supporting all the societies throughout the year for their events and also more live music events in uni. 6. Provide work placements, job opportunities and internships. 7. Helping students with problems they face throughout their courses. 8. Better relationship between students and STUDENTS' UNION. (Every student should know their RIGHTS).
Student Voice Leader 16 – 17 Event organiser for various parties during 16 – 17 Helped societies with their events Stood up for MDXSU ELECTIONS 2016 Stood up for NUS Delegates elections for MDXSU 16 – 17 to Represent university Representing the University Cricket Team for 3 years Good relationship with Sports Department and Teams
CANDIDATES – business & law
MDXSU Elections 2017
CANDIDATES vice president health & education and science & technology
CANDIDATES – health & education and science & technology
MDXSU Elections 2017
CANDIDATES – health & education and science & technology
Middlesex University has helped shape me into the person I am today. The support and strength I have found in this community have taught me the confidence, courage and conviction I need to stand up for what I believe in. It is these strengths I will bring as your VP of Health & Education and Science & Technology. I will stand up for what you want, for what I believe in, to make this community better, so that everyone can gain as much as I have, which is far more than a degree. Every student deserves to feel supported and valued at this university. It is for that reason I will do the following:
Why I will make a good VP
Founded and ran the Charitable Society at MDX Dubai
Was elected onto the first Student Council at MDX Dubai
Intern at MDXSU for the past year
Addressed the Deputy Mayor for Crime and Policing about the new policy for London
Get more Halal, vegan and Kosher food on campus
Improve communication between students and staff
Increase placement opportunities, and get the university to pay expenses placements including for travel and uniforms
Make this campus a zero tolerance area for harassment of all forms
Get more prayer rooms on campus, available for all faiths
Vote at from March 13th to March 17th
Lujain Ammar
CANDIDATES – health & education and science & technology
MDXSU Elections 2017
CANDIDATES – health & education and science & technology You want someone second to none? Vote the suited-up Dutchman!
Roel van den Berg #1
Vice President Health & Education and Science & Technology Hey, my name is Roel, your friendly neighbourhood Dutchman. I’m a Master’s student in Biomedical Science. My experiences have led me up and down, and eventually here before you. A degree is only a formality these days, as experience is more valued. Don’t give up or go below your level, but define yourself. I chose Middlesex, a university I came to love. But know its flaws. Inadequate university service, caused finance related stress. Student voice leaders, like myself, are a formality and cannot really change policies. And more. I want to change this. I want to give back to you, what all of you have given me. An experience of a life time.
My experience - BSc Biomedical Sciences in the Netherlands with a dissertation in botany. No Major subject, self-taught through willpower, versatility and diversity. - Assistant manager for 9 years. Presence in management, striving for the best outcome for the store, client and employee, taught me communication and decision making. - Student Voice Leader this year, gave me insight in the university´s structure.
“The highest activity a human being can attain is learning for understanding, because to understand is to be free” - Baruch Spinoza, Dutch philosopher, 1632-1677
National campaign Maintain and lower tuition! Campaign against the increased tuition and rent to stabilise student expenses. Lobby for discussion of UK and European education systems. European governments partially pay the tuition. A great education for a fraction of the tuition!
Academic -
Improved assessment timetabling
Restrict the amount of coursework and exams to two per week maximum, on different dates.
Campaign for two graduation per year
One graduation in July will benefit most students, but placement and Masters students will most likely finish after the summer. Adding a second graduation day in the winter will enable those students to enjoy their graduation sooner.
Improved access and knowledge for equipment
More advanced access to accommodate students needs for equipment in Hatchcroft, Grove and Ritterman. Improved access provides students with better organisation of research and dissertation projects
University service Self-improvement -
Campaign for student-friendly food, drinks and services
From choices, like Halal, Kosher, Vegan, to pricing. We are treated like we have a 40 hour/week job. I will lobby to make paid edibles and services more worthwhile.
Improve Unihelp services
Unihelp cannot handle the number of students, especially in the first weeks. Rushed service and unelaborated answers can cause stress, making it difficult to get everything in order.
Increase amount of bookable rooms
Unused rooms within College and Williams buildings should be available for reservation, the same way as rooms in Sheppard library, to students for private group work.
Introduce more school specific careers fairs
The Business & Law careers fair was introduced this year, and I don´t want it to stop there. Every school needs its own careers fair to increase your chance for a job.
Improve course feedback system
Increase the number of Board of Study meetings, reviewing of course/module integrity by student and staff. Make your feedback more important.
Equality of students and staff
Experience is key. Some students have the same knowledge as the staff, but can still be treated as kids. Empower students and create equality.
HAVING your say is easy!
voting opens 10AM MONDAY 13th MARCH
voting CLOSES 1pm Friday 17th MARCH