We are always looking at ways to make it easier for you to engage with us at Mid and East Antrim Borough Council.
We welcome your queries, comments and suggestions. You can contact us directly by telephone on 0300 124 5000
You can visit or write to us at any of the offices listed to the right:
Ballymena (Civic headquarters) The Braid
1-29 Bridge Street
BT43 5EJ
Civic Centre
11 Antrim Street
BT38 7DG
Smiley Buildings
Victoria Road
BT40 1RU
Keep up-to-date
You can keep up-to-date with us on social media. We use Facebook, X and Instagram to share the latest news, events and information from Council.
MEA Borough Council X.com/mea_bc instagram.com/meaboroughcouncil
Alternative Formats
If you would like this publication in an alternative format such as large print, please contact us at communications@midandeastantrim.gov.uk or call 0300 124 5000
This magazine will also be printed in limited quantities and presented in our main Council offices, plus available to read online at www.issuu.com/meabc
Summer is in full swing as we introduce our latest edition of Connections, the magazine of Mid and East Antrim Borough Council. Keeping you updated on developments and events taking place throughout our borough – from exciting updates on key funded projects; ways to keep communities and farms safe and secure; business support initiatives for local employers and entrepreneurs plus a range of activities both indoor and outdoor; all help make Mid and East Antrim a great place to live, work and invest. So read on for details of:
Carrickfergus Regeneration
Alderman Beth Adger MBE takes on the role of Mayor and has chosen Air Ambulance NI and Cystic Fibrosis Trust as her nominated charities for the year. “Over the coming year, I plan to engage with local businesses, community groups and residents to ensure that we are working together towards a shared vision for a prosperous future.”
Councillor Bréanainn Lyness has been appointed as Deputy Mayor for the borough.“My time as Deputy Mayor will be characterised by mutual respect and inclusivity, I plan to engage with a wide range of community organisations to ensure the council understands and meets their needs”
Follow their journeys on our social media channels and website.
Packs of sunflower seeds were delivered to local schools so pupils can get sowing and growing for entry into our ever popular, annual In Bloom Tallest Sunflower Competition.
No garden? Don't worry! Sunflowers can be grown in pots if you have a nice bright and sunny space to put them. Protect the young plants from strong wind and water your sunflowers regularly. You may also need to stake them if they’re in an exposed position.
Make sure to take a photo of your sunflower, at its best, to enter into our Tallest Sunflower Competition, which will close on 30 September 2024.
For more details and the competition entry form, please visit:
Supporting those who have had a cancer diagnosis to get active and stay active is the drive behind our Macmillan Move More Programme in the borough.
Becoming more physically active is a positive change when living with or after cancer. As cancer and its treatment can make things feel uncertain, doing something for yourself like becoming more active, can help you feel more in control. Being active before, during and after treatment is safe.
For more information on this programme contact the Move More Coordinator Paula McAuley on:
: 07939 634 434
: paula.mcauley@midandeastantrim.gov.uk
Exercise can:
• reduce tiredness (fatigue)
• help look after your heart
• reduce anxiety and depression
• help you keep to a healthy weight
midandeastantrim.gov.uk/ sunflower School Uniform Scheme running now!
• strengthen your muscles
• improve bone health
• improve your flexibility and ability to stretch
• improve balance
• increase your confidence.
Monday 8 July - Friday 30 August 2024. See online for more details.
The community of Portglenone has recently added a new Multi Use Games Area (MUGA) and upgraded children’s play park to its local amenities.
An all-inclusive offering, this outdoor recreation space will provide increased play opportunities and support the health and wellbeing of those enjoying the facilities.
Located beside the picturesque Portglenone Marina,
this substantial investment of £415K was funded by the Department for Communities (DfC), Department of Agriculture, Environment & Rural Affairs (DAERA) and Mid & East Antrim Borough Council through its Covid Recovery Small Settlements Regeneration Programme.
Look out for projects underway at other locations in our borough – working in partnership to deliver similar enhancements aimed at regenerating rural villages and town centres.
A bright future for a local legacy
St Patrick’s Regeneration Project, led by the Department for Communities has begun to transform this key location spanning 15 hectares, close to the centre of Ballymena.
The completion of St Patrick’s Link road – a key piece of infrastructure, has been central to unlocking access to this expansive site. Along with the construction of 135-mixed tenure residential properties by Radius Housing and Northern Regional College’s new campus at Farm Lodge, the first steps towards the delivery of a high-quality mixed-use development are now visible.
Together with these key partners and others, we aim to deliver a wide range of social, economic and cultural benefits at St Patrick’s through our ambitious plans for:
• An Innovation and Cleantech Centre (Known as the i4C)
• A Leisure, Health and Wellbeing Centre
• New public spaces
• New pedestrian and cycle infrastructure
A recent series of public consultations has helped move us closer to the delivery of these key projects that will improve health and wellbeing, strengthen community bonds and deliver economic growth for Ballymena and the wider Borough.
For more details on this all-embracing regeneration scheme, please visit: midandeastantrim.gov.uk/stpatricksbarracks
The future of Carrickfergus
Carrickfergus is on the brink of a transformative regeneration as part of Belfast Region City Deal (BRCD).
Significant funding of £42 million will bring about major changes to the town, aimed at enhancing its historical appeal plus boost economic growth. To ensure the project aligns
with local community needs and aspirations, a comprehensive public engagement process has commenced, inviting all stakeholders to actively participate and have their say.
The second consultation event is a public dropin session scheduled for Wednesday 28 August from 4pm in Carrickfergus Civic Centre, where proposals can be viewed and feedback welcomed.
The Gobbins, signed and sealed!
Exciting steps for Phase II of The Gobbins as the funding contract has been signed, unlocking £13.6 million of investment.
This ambitious project aims to showcase a spectacular ingress structure over 60m high, a state of the art virtual reality experience, upgrades to the clifftop path plus development of a new welcome hub and improved visitor features.
These sessions are a vital part of the consultation, ensuring the voices of local people are heard and considered in the planning stages. We would encourage those interested in shaping the future of Carrickfergus to participate through this positive engagement.
For more details on how Mid and East Antrim will benefit from Belfast Region City Deal projects, please visit: midandeastantrim.gov.uk/citydeal
What's the word on the street?
Sign up to Farmwatch!
Mid and East Antrim’s PCSP Farmwatch Scheme is hosting a sign-up event at Ballymena Livestock Market to help provide support and guidance to those in rural areas across Mid and East Antrim.
Our staff will be in attendance with support from the PSNI and Vapis NI Ltd. Advice on the reduction of crime and fear of crime in farming and rural communities will be available.
Vehicle and Plant Inspection services will be onsite offering free forensic marking security systems. This will be a pre-booked service, available on Quad machinery only. The quad marking can be completed in under 30mins but must be pre-booked. There are limited slots available, so to avoid disappointment please call to book a slot now.
There will be an opportunity to sign up to the Farmwatch Scheme, which has been developed to support those living or working across all the borough's rural communities. As a member you receive text alerts from the PCSP and PSNI on issues which may affect your community.
The aims of Farmwatch Scheme are:
• To build upon and strengthen community spirit in the rural community, so that everyone works together to protect their property.
• To improve communication between the farming community and the police service.
• To encourage people to report suspicious incidents as they occur.
To book a free quad marking appointment with Vapis NI Ltd, or find out more please contact Emma Morrow, Assistant DEA Officer (Ballymena).
Mid and East Antrim’s Policing and Community Safety Partnership (PCSP) is one of 11 PCSPs in Northern Ireland working to help make communities safer. Ensuring the voices of local people are heard on policing and community safety issues, our aim is to engage and empower communities and develop solutions in partnership to tackle crime, fear of crime and anti-social behaviour.
Part of a wider Action Plan, our local PCSP co-ordinates a Drugs and Alcohol programme across the borough. Delivered by ASCERT, one of the leading charities addressing drug, alcohol and other related social issues, this programme provides support and coordination to drugs and alcohol services, increases awareness of associated effects plus highlight support available.
Over the next few issues of Connections, we will be highlighting and sharing information on some of the key issues impacting our borough in relation to drugs and alcohol. The first article will focus on vaping – the longterm risks, dependency and addiction.
Want to know more about our Farmwatch Scheme? Come along to our sign-up event!
If you know someone in need of support to address drug or alcohol issues please scan the QR code, which will link you to a support organisation:
LEMON launches in our community centres
And no, we don't mean the fruit! Lemon is the new booking facility being rolled out in our local community centres. Making life easier for those looking to utilise facilities, this new online booking system is userfriendly and streamlined.
• Easy to use, online booking and reservation system for all our council managed community centres.
• Customers can immediately see if, and when, a facility is available online and make a booking request.
• Register as a private individual or group.
• Immediate payment or recurring Invoicing.
• Online Calendar.
• Make one-off or repeat bookings.
• Receive e-mail confirmation.
To access the LEMON booking system via our website, please follow the link below: midandeastantrim.gov.uk/community-centres
A bold vision to grow and develop our Borough
Mid and East Antrim Borough Council has launched its latest Corporate Plan. Developed over the past two years and set to guide the area’s growth and development from 1 April 2024 to 31 March 2028, Council’s fourth Corporate Plan is a direct reflection of the voices of MEA residents and businesses.
The Corporate Plan is structured around four key pillars, People, Place, Planet and Performance, each with strategic objectives to be achieved by 2028. These pillars focus on enhancing community wellbeing and engagement, promoting sustainable development and preserving the borough’s unique heritage, committing to environmental stewardship and targets, as well as ensuring excellence in governance and service delivery.
"The success of Council’s ambitious plan hinges on active community participation. We are calling on our residents and businesses to play their part in helping us to achieve our vision. This partnership is vital for success and we encourage everyone to stay informed and engaged with the efforts being made.
It was designed to ensure that Council uses its resources effectively, focusing on delivering high-quality services that offer value for money. This commitment to excellence will drive the strategic objectives and initiatives outlined in the plan."
Valerie Watts, Council's Interim Chief Executive
Available to view at midandeastantrim.gov.uk plus alternative formats on request.
Say goodbye to limitations and hello to success!
Go Succeed is your trusted partner on the journey to business success. Whether you're at the beginning of your entrepreneurial adventure or looking to scale up, a team of industry-leading experts are here for tailored guidance and support.
For established businesses in Northern Ireland, Go Succeed Grow can support with:
• Personalised one to one mentoring
• Insightful masterclasses
• Access to exclusive grant funding
• Peer support networks
Personalised Support
Dedicated business experts understand unique challenges and opportunities in your sector, working closely with you to create a bespoke support plan. Plus, you'll have access to a wealth of learning resources, business webinars and networking events to enrich your journey.
Council MEANZ Business on delivering Net Zero
Council’s MEANZ Business programme is now LIVE and ready to help Mid and East Antrim based businesses accelerate their transition to net zero carbon emissions.
Whether you’re a small business or a large manufacturer operating in the borough, MEANZ Business has a free support programme available to help you reduce your carbon emissions.
Go Succeed
Grant up to £4k!
Grants are now available for businesses enrolled in the Go Succeed programme. If you've identified a growth barrier and completed at least 50% of your mentoring, you may be eligible for funding. Please note this is a competitive process.
Ready to take the next step? Don't miss this fantastic opportunity to propel your business forward with Go Succeed. Register for support today.
Go Succeed Contact Us
Any questions or if you'd like to discuss the support available, please contact Council’s Economic Development Team on:
Through a series of short webinars and events, starting autumn-time, UK-wide technical experts will help equip your business by improving efficiency and saving costs via practical advice and tools to help deliver a more sustainable future.
Sign-up for MEANZ Business news, events, and net zero information by emailing: : invest@midandeastantrim.gov.uk
Mid & East Antrim, a great place for business
Addressing unemployment and economic activity plus improving labour market conditions are key actions within our borough, undertaken through the Mid and East Antrim Labour Market Partnership (LMP). Part of a province-wide approach funded by the Department for Communities (DfC), our local LMP comprises of Council, statutory and local employment stakeholders.
Since the partnership's formation in 2022, it has provided over 530 residents with a variety of intense training programmes, enabling them to obtain the qualifications, experience, or work-ready skills necessary to enter the workforce or advance to better positions in industries such as manufacturing, childcare, construction, health and social services and transportation. With great expectations for another successful year ahead, Mid and East Antrim LMP continues to work closely with employers and local communities to identify skill gaps and collaboratively develop initiatives that directly address them.
Alongside helping employers, programmes such as Enterprise Pathways have been developed providing bespoke developmental support to unemployed residents wishing to start a business or sustain selfemployment. Participants benefitted from business support, a personal Skills Coach and Business Mentor, test trading opportunities and access to finance via the Get Started Fund. Oran Dorman, who successfully completed the Enterprise Pathways programme stated;
"Joining the Enterprise Pathways Programme was a turning point for me, especially after facing a period of unemployment due to an injury at work. With the help from my Business Advisor and Skills Coach, I have been able to achieve my goal of establishing Dorman’s Driving School.
After being successful with my application to the Get Started Fund, I have been able to make essential purchases which I wouldn't have been able to afford otherwise. Such as car signage, software systems, industry registration, safety equipment and technology to help me operate the business.
Thanks to the support from the programme, Dorman’s Driving School is now an established business. I am very grateful for the opportunities and help I got from the Enterprise Pathways Programme.”
Oran Dorman, Enterprise Pathways alumni
A lesson that counts
Wanting to develop your numeracy skills? Whether its improving the household finances, managing budgets at work or helping with your children’s homework - numeracy is a skill used in everyday life.
Multiply was funded and launched by UK Government as a way to encourage employment, boost wages and increase productivity in the workplace. We are working with Department for the Economy on the Multiply NI Programme, through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund to enhance the numeracy skills of the adult population (19+ who have GCSE Grade C or equivalent in Maths). The funding period is 1 April 2024 - 31 March 2025.
Numeracy is a vital skill and the £5.9m Multiply programme will boost competence and confidence of over 3,000 adults and in turn enhance their opportunities for further training and development.
Supporting economic vision for a regionally balanced economy, Multiply holds great promise in advancing critical maths skills and numeracy knowledge. Through a collaborative and fun approach we hope to maximise the impact of these interventions for MEA residents.
The themes for the funding are:
• Bring Your Grown Up
• Numeracy Bootcamps
• Numeracy for Mature Learners
• Industry-led Numeracy Interventions
• Maths for Speakers of Other Languages
Approval has been given for Personal Development Programmes, Hill Walking Skills, Energy Efficient Cooking, Getting to Grips with Numeracy & IT, DIY, Sewing & Design, Gardening & Landscaping, Numeracy Fun Days, Toddler Cook It and a Summer Transition Bootcamp.
If you would be interested in attending any of
Take your conference, meeting or event to the next level, now with all rooms fully hybrid
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Growing food in our local schools!
Harryville Primary Ballymena, Seaview Integrated Primary Glenarm and Cairncastle Primary Ballygally were chosen to receive the Schools Growing Club Programme this year.
Through a programme of 4 sessions, we help each school create or improve their growing area, build structures such as raised beds, bird boxes and sweat pea structures and finally plan, sow, tend and harvest a range of fruit and vegetables.
Pupils also learn about re-using and recycling while making paper pots and creating planters and bird feeders from recycled milk bottles.
Each school also received a useful Schools Growing Club Starter Kit including tools, compost and seeds. After the Growing Club sessions are finished, the schools will continue to put their new knowledge into practice and work on growing, tending and harvesting in their school gardens.
Get to know your local wildlife
Our gardens are a vital resource for wildlife, providing corridors of green space between open countryside, allowing species to move about. In fact, gardens across the UK provide more space for nature than all the National Nature Reserves put together. So why not try to improve your garden for wildlife by planting native plants and trees, providing some water and
Agroforestry, simply the integration of trees and shrubs into agricultural landscapes, offers numerous benefits for profitability, welfare and nature.
Trees act as windbreaks, providing essential shade and shelter from harsh weather conditions allowing animals to be outside longer at both ends of the season. Their roots improve soil structure and fertility by fixing nitrogen and increasing organic matter.
Livestock can selfmedicate by browsing on trees in agroforestry systems, consuming leaves, bark, and herbs that contain medicinal compounds, which help them manage parasites, treat pain and elevate levels of essential nutrients and minerals.
Economically, agroforestry diversifies farmers’ income sources through healthier animals, lower inputs and the option of timber for harvest, fruits, nuts, and other tree products. This diversification reduces financial risks and increases resilience against market fluctuations.
There are a number of agroforestry systems which can be considered for different situations, but overall, it’s very easy to incorporate trees onto farms without losing productive land.
If you’d like further information, contact us via: : trees@midandeastantrim.gov.uk or : 07552 250257.
Healthy Oceans Healthy Minds 2024
Explore the wonders of our blue spaces and forge lasting connections with our wild waters!
This event showcases Northern Ireland's captivating blue spaces and highlights the mental health benefits of engaging with our coastal and inland waterways. This is more than just a campaign; it's a movement that brings people together to enjoy and preserve the incredible blue spaces of Northern Ireland.
According to a 2021 report by the Mental Health Foundation, 65% of adults in the UK reported improved mental health after spending time near water. Yet, the health of these precious waterways is increasingly threatened by pollution and litter.
Findings from Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful's 2021 Marine Litter Report are alarming, with 762 items of litter found per 100 meters of beach surveyed - 81% of which contained plastic.
We believe everyone has a role to play in enhancing the health of our rivers, loughs, canals, and beaches.
By participating in Healthy Oceans Healthy Minds 2024, you can help turn the tide against marine litter and promote the mental and environmental wellbeing of our waterways.
The events will run in August and information will be available at: MEA Outdoors @MEA_Outdoors
If you would like to be notified when booking is available, contact: : juls.hanvey@midandeastantrim.gov.uk.
MEA goes quiet
Hour place every Wednesday and Sunday between 2pm -
Following the success of our pilot in People’s Park, Ballymena, Mid and East Antrim Borough Council are rolling out the ‘Quiet Hour’ scheme across three other main parks in the borough.
The scheme allocates certain times when the playpark and surrounding area is quieter than normal to benefit autistic children and others who would feel overwhelmed by too much noise. Our Parks staff will refrain from using noisy equipment and we ask park users and other stakeholders, to also respect this time to support a more inclusive space.
The parks included in this scheme will be:
• People’s Park, Ballymena
• Carnfunnock Country Park, Larne
• Town Park, Larne
• Marine Gardens, Carrickfergus
The Quiet time scheme is part of the Putting People First Community Planning Autism Friendly Borough initiative. We want to see a more inclusive environment, creating opportunities for autistic individuals and make their families feel welcome.
Within our borough we now have enhanced toilet facilities known as Changing Places located at: People's Park, Ballymena; Carnfunnock Country Park, Larne; Town Park, Larne; Larne Leisure Centre and Glenarm. For more information, visit: changing-places.org
Finding your feet
During pregnancy, women are often at work and their thoughts focused on maternity leave and the birth. Once their baby is born and the fuss has died down, new mums can feel like they have a new identity that is difficult to process, coupled with the sleepless nights and tiredness of parenthood.
In early 2024, MEA Loneliness Network provided funding to our Parks and Open Spaces team to deliver ‘Finding Your Feet’ for mums and babies in Ballymena. Thanks to the success of this, further funding has been granted to run the programme in Larne.
A study by the British Red Cross found that over 8 in 10 mums (83%) under the age of 30 have feelings of loneliness some of the time and 43% of mums under the age of 30 have said they feel lonely all the time.
"Getting outdoors with a wee one can seem overwhelming, particularly as the colder months roll in. We want to share the joy of utilising our green spaces and to hold space for friendships to form during this vulnerable and often lonely time. We are very grateful to MEA Loneliness Network in supporting us to continue to develop ‘Finding Your Feet’ by bringing it to Larne."
Juls Hanvey, Programme Co-ordinator
“Quiet, contemplative play is as important as boisterous and physical play and although children will play in their own way in any given area, their play can be enriched through creating appropriate and stimulating play environments.”
‘Finding Your Feet’ provides new mums and their babies with a fortnightly meet ups in our green spaces. The programme features outdoor walks and other holistic health sessions including nutrition for both mum and baby. It will run Tuesday mornings starting from September at Dixon Park.
Information will be available on MEA Outdoors on Facebook and MEA_Outdoors on Instagram in the coming weeks. These pages are managed by our Parks and Open Spaces development team, a dedicated hub to shine a light on the programmes, events and activities taking place in the blue and green spaces of our borough.
The events will run in August and information will be available at: MEA Outdoors @MEA_Outdoors
Have you got a sustainable site in M&EA?
We have started work on the Local Development Plan (LDP) 2030 – Local Policies Plan (LPP). The Local Policies Plan is the second part of the Local Development Plan after last October’s adoption of the Plan Strategy. It will feature local policies, including site specific proposals, designations and land use zonings.
As part of the LPP process, the Council is undertaking a Call for Sites public consultation to give landowners, developers and other interested parties an early opportunity to suggest sustainable and available sites within the Mid and East Antrim area they would like considered for development as part of the LPP preparation.
Details on where sites are likely to be required plus Frequently Asked Questions can be found at: : midandeastantrim.gov.uk/LDP-CallForSites
An online survey form has been developed to provide the most straightforward and preferable method of submitting suggested sites. This form can be accessed on the Council’s Call for Sites webpage at the address above. Alternatively, you can suggest a site using the downloadable consultation response form, also available on the same webpage. Scanning the QR code on this letter will also take you directly to the ‘Call for Sites’ web page.
We will publish the information received through this consultation as part of the evidence base for the draft LPP. By submitting your response, you are accepting that Mid and East Antrim Borough Council will publish it and the information within it. Published responses will not however contain any personal details of individuals. For more information see the Council’s Privacy Notice.
Should you require further information on this consultation please contact us via:
Or visit the Local Planning Office by appointment at:
: Silverwood Business Park, 190 Raceview Rd, Ballymena, BT42 4HZ.
Consultation open from Fri 28 June 2024 - Mon 30 Sept 2024, closing at 5pm.
The LDP Team will be running a series of drop-in sessions if you’d like to speak to the team in person about the Call for Sites exercise. These drop-in sessions will take place from 6pm - 8pm on:
Tuesday 13 August 2024
The Braid, Ballymena
Thursday 22 August 2024
Town Hall, Larne
Thursday 5 September 2024
Town Hall, Carrickfergus
The 2024 Events Guide
Create your own sunshine in Mid and East Antrim!
Our latest edition of Summer Sorted offers an abundance of events and activities for everyone to enjoy, right through into autumn.
Our beautiful parks and coastal adventures invite you to embrace the great outdoors and nature. If arts and culture is your thing, our museums are a tranquil space to explore the local history while The Braid features an array of talent – from musical theatre to some well-known comedy characters.
Those long summer holidays are covered for kids too, with a jam-packed programme of activities including MEActive Summer Programme; Theatre in the Park; Baby Rave and Biodiversity University - there’s plenty to keep them occupied, even if it rains!
Offering larger accessible toilets, known as Changing Places in five locations across our borough allows everyone to get outside and discover the delights of Mid and East Antrim.
Summer Band
Sundays in August
3pm - 4pm Castle Green or Marine Gardens, Carrickfergus
A summer of alfresco music – offering a variety of outdoor band performances in Carrickfergus, alternating between Castle Green and Marine Gardens each week. These are free events for all ages, weather dependant.
Summer Museum Fun!
Throughout August
Mid Antrim Museum, The Braid
Something to suit everyone, a packed programme of workshops, talks, performance, dancing, live music and exhibitions.
Discover more at: midandeastantrim.gov.uk
Through the Millennia
2 - 30 August Larne Museum and Arts Centre
An exciting exhibition of contemporary artworks by Seanna O’Boyle. Inspired by Irish archaeology, this curated display features alongside local archaeological artefacts. Free admission, see online for museum opening hours.
Feel Good Friday
Music Session
2 August
12.30pm - 2.30pm
Broadway, Larne
Super Saturdays
3 August
11am - 12pm
Carrickfergus Museum
Creative fun for under 5s, capture their imagination of knights, castles and legends of old. Supporting early child development, this is a free event.
Theatre in the Park: The Gondoliers by Gilbert and Sullivan
21 August Shaftesbury Park, Carrickfergus
22 August
People’s Park, Ballymena
3pm - 4pm
Theatre in the Park
Why not while away the afternoon watching this outdoor performance of The Gondoliers by Gilbert and Sullivan, performed by Illyria Outdoor Theatre Company. Attendees are encouraged to bring a picnic, and their own rug or low-backed seating. Coffee and tasty treats will be available for purchase. All children must be accompanied by an adult.
Suitable for all ages.
Tickets are £5 plus booking fee.
Tickets available via Ticketsource, Mid & East Antrim Council
Lace Making
3 August
Arthur Cottage, Cullybackey
Showcasing a month of craftmaking, join us for some lace making skills honed from a bygone era. No booking required.
Feel Good Friday Music Session
9 August
12.30 - 2.30pm
Broadway, Larne
Crochet making
10 August
Arthur Cottage, Cullybackey
Ever wondered about the intricacies of crocheting? Why not drop by the cottage and learn a new skill. No booking required.
Feel Good Friday
Music Session
16 August
12.30pm - 2.30pm
Broadway, Larne
Nature Walks and Talks 16, 23 and 30 August at 11am People's Park, Ballymena
Dementia Friendly Fridays
Mid and East Antrim Borough Council have partnered with Alzheimer’s Society to offer Nature Walks and Talks for people with Dementia and their carers in Ballymena this summer.
We will take a stroll through the park stopping to appreciate our surroundings as we go. The session will finish with tea and coffee with the option of having this indoors or outdoors.
Led by our Parks and Open Spaces Development Team in partnership with Alzheimer's Society
To register email: :outdoor.recreation@ midandeastantrim.gov.uk
Unearth the Past
17 August 11am - 3pm Larne Museum & Arts Centre
Unearth the past with this private collection of fossils, meteorites, artefacts and antiquities.
No booking required, this is a free, drop-in family event.
CRAFT MONTH: Embroidery
17 August
Arthur Cottage, Cullybackey
A needle and thread can create mini masterpieces. Develop your needlework talents under the watchful eye of our local experts.
No booking required.
Feel Good Friday Music Session
23 August
12.30pm - 2.30pm Broadway, Larne
Needle Craft
24 August
Andrew Jackson Cottage, Carrickfergus
Do you know the difference between the age-old skills of crossstitch and embroidery? Why not join our talented crafters and learn the intricacies involved.
Antrim Coast Half Marathon
25 August
Discover more at: antrimcoasthalfmarathon. com
Siege of Carrickfergus
Bank Holiday, 26 August 11am - 4pm Castle Green, Carrickfergus
Relive the historical drama as William’s army laid siege to the town of Carrickfergus. Live reenactment of the Siege of Carrickfergus performed by professional reenactors. The event will also be bustling with market stalls including food and drinks stalls, a variety of local businesses, and historical demonstrations. Free event, suitable for all ages.
Super Saturdays
7 September
11am - 12pm
Carrickfergus Museum
Creative fun for under-5s, capture their imagination of sailors, pirates and legends of old while supporting early child development. This is a free event.
European Heritage Open Days
14 - 15 September
Celebrating local architecture, history and culture, take a step back in time and visit our historical cottages, offering some insights within traditional homesteads.
No booking required, these open days are free of charge.
Griddle Baking Demonstrations
14 September
Arthur Cottage, Cullybackey
Enjoy traditional baking with our griddle demonstration, in the historic Arthutr Cottage building in Ballymena. Learning about local heritage has never been more delicious.
Spinning Demonstrations
14 - 15 September
Andrew Jackson Cottage, Carrickfergus
Learn the amazing art of wool spinning at the beautiful historic Andrew Jackson Cottage.
Corn Dolly Making
15 September
Arthur Cottage, Cullybackey
Step back in time at Arthur Cottage and learn the lost craft of corn dolly making.
From Library to Museum: the story of Larne Museum and Arts Centre
14 September 2pm - 3pm
Discover the history of libraries in Larne. Come along and find out about the very first museum before looking at the building of Carnegie Free Library and the development of Victoria Road.
This is a free event, places are limited. Book in advance by contacting:
: 028 2826 2443
: marian.kelso@ midandeastantrim.gov.uk.
Sex in The City Hall
24 September
Doors 7.30pm, starting at 8pm
Callie, Lottie, Maddy and Sammy are four best friends who work together in City Hall. Well, for now… because apparently one of them is getting fired in the morning! But which one?
Join the girls as they barricade themselves in City Hall overnight and say ’no surrender’ to the powers that be. These women won’t go down without a fight. It’s all for one, and one for all.
Tickets £26.50 including booking fee.
Here Comes The Girls:
Multi - Diva Tribute Show
27 September
Doors 7.30pm, starting at 8pm
With a repertoire spanning five decades, this show is a non-stop party of all your favourite songs from these legendary ladies. Get ready to dance, sing and be swept away by the energy and excitement of this spectacular, fastpaced performance. Don't miss out on this amazing tribute to some of the greatest female artists of all time!
Tickets £26 including booking fee.
The Home of Heritage Mid & East Antrim
Arthur Cottage baking demonstration.
What's on this October at The Braid
As the days get shorter, check out what's on this spooky season at The Braid Arts Centre. We offer an amazing range of shows ranging from musicians to tribute bands and wild events to theatrical performances. Explore some delicious local restaurants and cafe's around Ballymena and make a night out of it.
Book online via: thebraid.ticketsolve.com/shows
JMG Presents: Philomena Begley in Concert
Friday 11 October
Doors 7.30pm, starting at 8pm
Philomena Begley is a name that needs very little introduction and is synonymous throughout Ireland and beyond, she has been at the forefront of Irish Country Music now for 60 years and during this time she has had a glittering career that has seen her achieve countless accolades and scoring dozens of No.1 hit songs that include 'The Blanket on the Ground', 'Truck Driving Woman' and 'The Queen of the Silver Dollar'.
Tickets £28 including booking fee.
Flash Harry
Friday 4 October
Doors 7.30pm, starting at 8pm
Flash Harry are Northern Irelands most enduring tribute band, celebrating the music of super star Freddie Mercury and super group Queen, for over 25 years. Delivering a rock show that will have you rocking in your seat, singing to anthems of one of the greatest bands in history; featuring classics like 'Radio Ga Ga', 'We Are the Champions', 'Bohemian Rhapsody' 'Who Wants to Live Forever' and much more. For a true celebration of the music of Queen, Flash Harry are a band not to be missed.
Tickets £25.50 including booking fee.
The Legend of Luke Kelly
Friday 25 October
Doors 7.30pm, starting at 8pm
The Legend of Luke Kelly is an authentic show celebrating the life and songs of Ireland's most iconic and greatest folk singer.
Created and performed by the renowned Chris Kavanagh the show is not a tribute but a journey through Luke's music that has received rave reviews in Ireland and abroad.
Tickets £25 including booking fee.
Mickey Bartlett: Thicc!
Friday 19 October
Doors 7.30pm, starting at 8pm
The Lurgan comedy colossus has been selling out shows all over the world! With a sold out tour of Australia under his belt. You’ve seen him on podcasts, you’ve seen him on telly now come see him LIVE!
Bartlett is a comic who clearly knows absolutely what he's doing. If you are looking for a rock-solid sure-fire stand-up who is going to get the crowd quaking with laughter look no further.- Beyond the joke
Tickets £17.50 including booking fee.
Stephen Large: Sabotage
Saturday 26 October
Doors 8pm, starting at 8.30pm
Stephen Large, the man behind social media sensation the Dundonald Liberation Army, brings his first-ever solo stand-up comedy show Sabotage to The Market Place Theatre.
After writing a Kindle chart-topping book, BBC comedy sketches amassing 100s of millions of views online, and 5 sold-out stage comedies in venues such as the Grand Opera House.
Tickets £16.50 including booking fee.
Tickets can be booked in person, by post, by telephone and online.
Cllr Matthew Armstrong TUV
cllr.armstrong@ midandeastantrim.gov.uk
Cllr Lawrie Philpott DUP
cllr.philpott@ midandeastantrim.gov.uk
Cllr Rodney Quigley Independent
cllr.quigley@ midandeastantrim.gov.uk
Cllr Reuben Glover DUP
cllr.glover@ midandeastantrim.gov.uk
Cllr Brian Thompson UUP
cllr.thompson@ midandeastantrim.gov.uk
Your Council
40 Councillors, elected in 7 District Electoral Areas, working together to create a better future for all in Mid and East Antrim.
Ald Gerardine Mulvenna Alliance Party ald.mulvenna@ midandeastantrim.gov.uk
Cllr Angela Smyth DUP
cllr.smyth@ midandeastantrim.gov.uk
Cllr Marc Collins DUP
cllr.mcollins@ midandeastantrim.gov.uk
Cllr Bobby Hadden Independent
cllr.hadden@ midandeastantrim.gov.uk
Cllr Peter Johnston DUP
cllr.pjohnston@ midandeastantrim.gov.uk
Cllr Aaron Skinner Alliance Party
cllr.skinner@ midandeastantrim.gov.uk
Ald Andrew Wilson UUP
ald.awilson@ midandeastantrim.gov.uk
Larne Lough
cllr.jamieson@ midandeastantrim.gov.uk
ald.mccaughey@ midandeastantrim.gov.uk
cllr.rae@ midandeastantrim.org
cllr.warwick@ midandeastantrim.gov.uk
Cllr Roy Beggs UUP
cllr.beggs@ midandeastantrim.gov.uk
Cllr Maeve Donnelly Alliance Party
cllr.mdonnelly@ midandeastantrim.gov.uk
Ald Robert Logan Alliance Party ald.logan@ midandeastantrim.gov.uk
Cllr Gregg McKeen DUP
cllr.mckeen@ midandeastantrim.gov.uk
Ald Paul Reid DUP ald.reid@ midandeastantrim.gov.uk
Family access to gym, swim and classes for only Family membership based on up to 2 adults and multiple kids. Terms & conditions apply. Seven Towers Leisure Centre Ballymena, Larne Leisure Centre, Carrickfergus Amphitheatre