Carrickfergus Urban District Council Records of Title of the Corporate Property 1911

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1 39 Solomon Faith 2nd March 1669 Lease of a house stead and garden of 3 1/2 roods in the West & Suburbs (late Christopher Fords) Surrounded on the West by a small ditch on the North by Lord Donegall's land on the East by a little river and on the South by the highway to Belfast. For 61 years from 1669. 0 4 3

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4 34 Henry Oakford 1st May 1610 Lease of a tenement in Cronagh- bane opposite Governor's walk being 73 feet westward from the water course and 28 feet deep on the West side to Lyndon's ground on the North and 46 feet on the East side. Duties 2 fat hens. For 99 years from 1610. 0 6 0



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3 Not in Catalogue John Byrt 10th July 1673 Lease of the office of Water Bailiff. For 21 years from 1673. 0 2 0


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14 2 Richard Taaffe 4th February 1609 Lease of five acres of Edengraney. For 61 years from 1609. 0 8 6 This was granted in 1669 to Thomas Thralcoft forever (No. 20 Fee Farm Grants)





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5 50 William Storr 5th April 1619 Lease of a plot of ground in Essex Street containing in front 52 feet and extending back to the Town Hall 52 feet. For 99 years from 1619. 0 1 0 This plot was afterwards granted to Cornelius Crymble for ever. No.17 Fee Farm Grants.

6 33 Joseph Davys 7th July 1628 Lease of plot on the West side of Cheston's Lane 34 Feet in front. For 106 years from 1628. 0 1 0

7 65 John Bulworthy 27th January 1653 Lease of 48 acres of land in the West Division being one fourth part of lands under the Knockagh with Jordanstown. For 99 years from 1653. 1 4 0 This lot had been leased in 1631 to Mr. Jordon (Expired Leases No.56) and in November 1707 it was granted to Robert Gardiner for ever (Fee Farm Grants No.132.

8 37 Carew Harte 2nd June 1620 Lease of a plot of ground containing 12 feet in front between his own house on the East and Dermott Haynes house on the West extending backwards North West 126 feet as the course of the small steam now goes. Reserving a passage for said River. For 99 years from 1620 0 2 0

9 42 Henry Davys 4th July 1671 Lease of a piece of ground on the Quay. For 41 years from 1671. 0 3 4 A watch house was afterward built on this ground.


10 80 Anthony Horsman 22nd Feby 1659 Lease of a parcel of land with houses thereon on the North side of the West Street in length to said street 72 feet. Bounded on the West by the Lane leading from the Church to Cheston's Lane on the East North East by the lands and tenements of Thomas Witter extending backwards towards the Church yard 61 feet containing in length on the North side 77 feet between the lands of said Thomas Witter and the Lane aforesaid. Also one other tenement with backside and garden on the South side of West Street containing by estimation half a burgage according to the ancient custom and measure of said town. Bounded on the East by Wills land & on the West by Scullys land in occupation of Cornelius O'Kane. Also the whole Gallery or Chamber lately built over the Lane aforesaid. For 99 years from 1658 1 4 0 This was leased in 1610 to Clement Forde and in 1625 to Ingram Horesman (Expired Leases Nos 55 & 24) 40 feet of it was granted in 1684 to Ezekiel Davys for ever. (No 2. Fee Farm Grants)

11 40 Edward Johnston 1st May 1629 Lease of a plot of ground on the North East side of North Street extending back to Thomas Kilpatricks holding 128 feet and in front to said Street 48 feet. Bounded on the South by lands set to Dudley Yerworth and on the North by Anthony Dobbins lands. For 99 years from 1629 10s 0d This lot is said to be the one granted in 1670 to William Dobbin for ever. See No. 8 Fee Farm Grants missing in 1911. In 1739 it was a waste held by Roger Wharton


12 53 John Edwards 20th December 1682 Lease of a plot of ground with houses thereon near the outer gate of the Castle in front 30 feet and extending back to the Town Wall on the South 79 feet. Bounded on the West by a house of Thomas Savage on the East by John Gardiner's house (late in possession of Robert Witter) and now in possession of said John Edwards. For 99 years from 1682 10 0 This plot had been granted to Robert Savage in 1612 for 61 years. (See No. 14) On the expiration of that Lease the premises were divided. One portion being granted to Francis Clements for ever (No.142 Fee Farm Grants missing in 1786 & the remainder to John Edwards.

13 71 William Burgess 1st May 1660 Lease of a plot at the far end of the Church Yard next the river running from the Sluice to the East Gate in front 32 feet. For 51 years from 1660 6 8

14 52 Robert Savage July 1612 Lease of a parcel of land estimating 87 feet on the South side of the Street of said Town joining the Quay Gate on the West. Richard Witters house on the East the High Street on the North and extending back to the Town Wall on the South. For 61 years from 1612 9 0 This was afterwards leased to John Edwards. See No. 12.

15 48 Daniel Buchanan 30th May 1683 Lease of a plot in the East suburbs by estimation 6 perches containing in front 30 yards and extending backwards 23 yards. Bounded on the North by the Spittal Park on the East by

141Donegall's land on the Lord South by the Road to Islandmagee on the West by John Purdy's house. Reserving out of the front thereof a sufficient highway to Lord Donegall's lands. For 41 years from 1683 1s 0d

16 32 John Redworth 2nd February 1656 Lease of plot of ground near the North Gate containing 48 feet in front and extending back 162 feet to the lands of Lord Chichester. Bounded on the North by John Byrtt's lands & on the South by William Dobbins. For 99 years from 1656 15s 0d This was granted to Harriott Dalway in trust for the Dissenting Minister in 1771 for ever. (No. 133 Fee Farm Grants) and the rent was subsequently secluded to a Peppercorn

17 8 Richard Russell 4th June 1668 Lease of a plot of ground on the South side of West Street containing 38 feet in front and extending back in front to the Street leading to Essex Mount. 61 1/2 feet. For 61 years from 1668 6s 8d At the expiration of this Lease it was sometime held by John Chaplin and on it stood a Clay house. In September 1771 a grant for ever was made to Alex Gunning (No.135 Fee Farm Grants)

18 4 Roger Lyndon 14th May 1661 Lease of 350 acres of SleiveCrue For 99 years from 1661 Rent ÂŁ10:0:0 This was previously leased to Roger Lyndon and John Davies for 99 years in 1633. See No. 34 and on 15th September 1681 was granted for ever to John Lyndon (No. 68 See Farm Grants)

142 19 12 James Brytt 1st May 1620 Lease of a tenement near the North Gate. For 99 years from 1620 15s 0d This was granted to a James Brytt in 1695 for ever. No. 104 Fee Farm Grants

20 51 Matthew Gray 1st February 1671 Lease of a tenement on the North side of the Street leading from the Town to Kilroot containing in front to said Street on Highway 150 feet from a small stream running in a ditch between the lands of Henry Davys and George Gravatt on the North East and extending back to said Gravatt's land 26 feet and on the North West ranges with said Gravatt's land 150 feet. For 99 years from 1671 4s 0d This is Bonneybefore and was again based in 1771 to

21 Not in Catalogue of 1786 John Johnston 12th March 1660 Lease of a plot of ground with the houses thereon situate in the Street leading from the West Gate to Essex Mount or Cronnaghbane extending from North to South 42 feet and back from said Lane on the West 40 feet. For 72 years from 1659 13s 4d This plot had been leased on the 20th January 1611 to Richard Russell for 61 years from whose representatives Johnston purchased in 1638. That lease has been lost and the one to Johnston is not referred to in the Catalogue of 1786. The plot came into the possession of Robert Willliams and in 1669 he got a grant for ever. No 97 Fee Farm Grants.

22 29 Richard Shuckburgh September 1636 Lease of 300 acres at the skirt of the Commons joining the territory of Magheramore. For 61 years from 1630 ÂŁ11 5s 0d

143 The foregoing became Lord Dungannon's but no rent was ever paid nor is it again noticed.

23 1 Nathaniel Byrtt 5th December 1723 Lease of the office of Water Bailiff during life ÂŁ3 0s 0d

24 31 Ingram Horsman 1st May 1625 Lease of a plot of land bounded on the East by the Church Yard on the West by lands in occupation of William Butcher For 61 years from 1625 10s 0d This plot had been leased to Clement Forde in 1610 and again in 1656 to Anthony Horsman. Expired Leases Nos. 55 and 10. and in 1684 a grant for ever was given to Ezekiel Davys who had purchased 40 feet of it. No. 2 Fee Farm Grants.

25 30 Robert Wills 1st May 1627 Lease of two tenements on the North side of West Street. Bounded on the East by the Lane leading to the Church Yard on the West by Lord Chichester's lands and extending back to the Church Yard. For 99 years from 1627 10s 0d These tenements were released in 1722 to Wm. Wills for 99 years. Expired Leases No. 28 and in 1787 were granted to Abraham Woods for ever. No. 138 Fee Farm Grants

26 Not in Catalogue of 1786 James Brytt 25th February 1684 Lease of the Office of Water Bailiff. For 41 years from 1684 ÂŁ2 0 0 This lease is not mentioned in the Catalogue of 1786


27 75 Richard Stacy 1st August 1671 Lease of a house shed and garden in the West Suburbs on the West side of the High way leading to Antrim containing in front to said High way 210 feet Eastwards in breadth on the North thereof 67 feet. Bounded on the West by the lands of Henry Davys. For 99 years from 1671 4d 3s This was released in 1771 to Richard and Thomas Stacy No. 149 Leases.

28 170 William Wills 22nd May 1721 Lease of several houses and tenements on the North side of West Street late in possession of Robert Wills. Bounded on the South by the Street leading from the Market Place to the West Gate and extending back to the Church yard on the West with a house of the Earl of Donegall on the East with a house of Ezekiel Davys Wilson. For 99 years from 1722. 10s 0d These had been leased to Robert Wills in 1627. Expired Leases No. 25 and was granted in 1787 to Abraham Woods for ever. No. 138 Fee Farm Grants. On the death of Woods it came to his daughter Sarah who in 1790 sold it to John D McQuillan. His widow afterwards married John Barryhill whose representatives sold it to William Robinson, Flesher

29 23 Thomas Whittaker 12th March 1634 Lease of one third part of the Customs of Bangor and Donaghadee. For 21 years from 1634 ÂŁ20 0s 0d

30 79 John Byrtt 18th December 1669 Lease of three tenements in the West suburbs on the North side of the street leading to Antrim within 20 feet of the Town Wall on the East containing in front along said road to John

145 land 96 feet and Lyndon's extending back to the back of the hithermost Mill Pond. For 91 years from 1669 10s 0d In 1768 this was held by William Jernfrey. In 1773 it was with the lot leased to Amos Derby (No. 31 granted for ever to James Cobham No. 136 Fee Farm Grants.

31 74 Amos Derby 20th January 1669 Lease of a plot without the West Gate ranging on the High way leading from said Gate to Antrim. Bounded on the East by the Town Wall and extending back to the old Rampier North East thereof on the West by a house of John Byrtt Alderman. For 99 years from 1669 6d 1s This was previously Charles Magee's who bequeathed it to his nephew John Hinch who in 1661 had a new lease made out in his own name (No. 39). Hinch soon after sold to Amos Derby for ÂŁ5. He got the above deed. In 1773 this plot along with the one leased to John Byrtt was granted for ever to James Cobham. No. 136 Fee Farm Grants

32 38 Robert Walsh 2nd February 1664 Lease of a parcel of ground on the West side of North Street commonly called Garden Cambe containing in front to said Street 72 feet and extending backwards 112 feet to a small stream on the West which divideth the premises from the Parson's lands of Knockfergus aforesaid. Bounded on the South by the lands of Thomas Richardson deceased and by a way laid out by said land and the Town Wall on the North. For 99 years from 1663 5s 0d This had been leased in 1634 to William Happer for 99 years (No. 46) whose representatives sold it to Robert Walsh who got the above lease in

his own name. It afterwards became George Walsh's who in 1675 got a grant for ever. No. 7 Fee Farm Grants.

33 14 Richard Taaffe 12th February 1609 Lease of a parcel of land containing 5 acres more or less commonly called Edengraney. Bounded on the East by Copeland Water on the North by the High way leading to Kilroot on the South by the Sea and on the West by other lands of said Richard Taaffe. For 61 years from 1608 6s 8d This was granted in 1669 to Thomas Thralcoft for ever. No. 20 Fee Farm Grants.

34 13 Roger Lyndon & John Davies 20th September 1633 Lease of 358 acres above Bryan Tang. For 99 years from 1633 0d ÂŁ10 0s This was leased in 1661 to Roger Lyndon for 99 years (No.18) and in 1681 was granted to Roger Lyndon for ever. No. 68 Fee Farm Grants.

35 6 Adam Denison 1st November 1676 Lease of the Pound For 87 years from 1676 1s 0d This was granted in 1722 to Fras. Clements for ever. No. 13 Fee Farm Grants

36 54 Ingram Horsman 20th July 1625 Lease of two plots in the West Suburbs on the South side if the road to Woodburn viz:One plot in length from Patrick McCollin's house on the East 120 feet and in breadth from the Road to full sea mark 20 feet. Another plot bounded by the Pinfold on the East and extending West 72 feet between the Sea and the Street ranging on the Street with David Meachan and Francis Turnbrell's lands


and no further to the Street. 147 For 99 years from 1625 5s


37 64 Clement Bashford 2nd February 1660 Lease of a tenement in the West Suburbs on the South side containing in front 41 1/2 feet. Bounded on the East by the lands of Edmond Davis on the West by the lands of Thomas O Kane on the North by the Road and on the South by the Sea. For 99 years from 1660 7s 6d

38 170 William Wills 22nd May 1721 This is the original of No. 28

39 19 John Hinch 3rd July 1661 Lease of a parcel of land bounded on the North West by the High way to Antrim and joining the lands of John Byrtt. For 99 years from 1661 This was sold for ÂŁ5 to Amos Derby who got a new lease in his own name. No. 31. In 1773 it was granted for ever along with the lot held by John Byrtt. No. 39 to James Cobham. No. 136 Fee Farm Grants.

40 43 John Purdy 1st May 1658 Lease of a plot of ground in the East Suburbs near the Spittal Park containing in front to the High way heading to Kilroot 50 feet and extending Northwards from the lands of Robert Purdy now in possession of said John Purdy. For 61 years from 1658 5s 0d In 1719 this was held by Widow Legg

41 78 Ezekiel Davys 13th January 1610 Lease of a parcel of land containing 4 acres more or less between the East end of said Town's lands and Copeland Water. Bounded

on the East by the lands of Richard Taaffe on the West by the little river running into the sea on the North by the High way leading to Kilroot and on the South by the Sea. For 61 years from 1610 6s 8d This parcel was granted in 1671 to Henry Davys for ever. No. 115 Fee Farm Grants

42 73 Thomas Kilpatrick 8th July 1622 Lease of a plot for a house and garden on the old Rampier containing in front to the Street 50 feet and extending backwards 160 feet. Bounded on the North East by lands set to William Butler and on the South West by the lands of Nicholas Dobbin. For 99 years from 1622 15s 0d

43 63 James Savage 1st April 1673 Lease of a tenement near the Quay Gate containing in front to the Street leading from the Castle to the Custom House 44 feet. Bounded on the East by the house of Thos. Savage and on the West by the Street leading from Cheston's Lane to the Quay and extending back to the Town Wall. For 99 years from 1670 4s 6d It is believed this lot is included in the Fee Farm Grant to Francis Clements (No. 142 Fee Farm Grants missing in 1786) along with the lots leased to John Edwards and Robt. Savage Nos. 12 & 14.

44 56 Anthony Horsman 4th July 1656 Lease of a plot of ground near the Church Yard containing in length from Cornelius Harman's back house on the South to the old Rampier on the North and between the Church Yard on the East & the Water course on the West. For 99 years from 1656 10s 0d See note to No. 61



45 67 William Butler 7th July 1622 Lease of a plot on the old Rampier containing in front to the Street 44 feet and extending backwards 126 feet. Bounded on the North East with other two houses and rooms betwixt the same and Lord Chichester's Brew house. For 95 years from 1622 15s 0d For the first 17 years the rent was to be only 12 pence

46 47 William Happer 17th April 1634 Lease of a plot on the West side of North Street lately Thomas O Conlan. Bounded on the South by the lands of Thomas Richardson on the North by the way laid out behind said land and the Town Wall containing in front 63 feet and extending back to a small river on the West which divideth the premises from the Parsons land of Carrickfergus. For 99 years from 1634 5s 0d This was leased to Robert Walsh in 1664 (No. 32) and nine feet more added to it which was probably taken from the breadth of the way reserved by the Town Wall and granted to George Walsh in 1675 for ever. No. 7 Fee Farm Grants.

47 66 Andrew Willoughby 27th September 1653 Lease of three parts of the Great and Little Knockagh together with the Four score Acres. For 99 years from 1653. ÂŁ12:1:3 This was granted in 1684 to John Willoughby for ever. No. 35 Fee Farm Grants

48 76 Richard Conlan 1st May 1654 Lease of one fourth part of the Great and Little Knockagh as now laid out with the limits mears and bounds of Andrew

150 Willoughby. For 99 years from 1654 Rent ÂŁ3:0:4 This was granted in 1685 to Richd. Conlan for ever. No. 38 Fee Farm Grants.

49 10 Robert Young 30th September 1672 Lease of a house and small plot of ground adjoining late in possession of Humphry Davenport containing in front to the Town Wall on the North West 86 feet and extending back Eastward to the Glebe lands in possession of Thomas Pemberton 60 feet and on the South West and South East rangeth with the water course running from the Mill Pond through the Town. For 21 years from 1672 6s 8d This was previously held by Humphry Davenport. In 1675 it was again leased to Thos. Pemberton and John Torbery (No.70). On its East was the garden of George Walsh. In 1729 a new lease was made to Neal Mulholland for 21 years and in 1780 to Hugh Mulholland No. 163 Leases and in 1866 to Jane Gunning. No. 207 Leases

50 7 Solomon Faith 2nd February 1664 Lease of sundry parcels of land without the North Gate For 99 years from 1664 7s 0d These were granted to Solomon Faith for ever in 1684. No. 42 Fee Farm Grants

51 70 William Bell 1st September 1665 Lease of a plot in the East Suburbs adjoining his dwelling house containing 70 feet in length by 22 in breadth For 80 years from 1665 3s 4d 52 62 John White 22nd May 1721 Lease of a parcel of ground on the East side of the High way from the West Gate towards Straid containing 3 roods. Bounded on the

151 West by John Davies lands in possession of Henry Dunn. For 61 years from 1721 1s 0d In 1779 this parcel was granted to William Boyle for ever. (No. 145 Fee Farm Grants)

53 61 Edmond Davys 1st November 1659 Lease of a plot in the Irish Quarter on the South side of the Street containing in front 46 feet and extending backwards 50 feet to the lands of Richard O'Cahan. Bounded on the West by Clement Bashford's land next the Pound. For 99 years from 1659 5s 0d

54 41 Joan Coppie 20th July 1675 Lease of a Housested containing 19 feet by 16. Bounded on the East by a house of Edward Halls and on the West by a house in possession of Robert Young. For 41 years from 1675 1s 0d This must have been the plot afterwards possessed by Daniel McHall and sold by him in 1800. In 1823 it belonged to Henry Eccleston.

55 59 Clement Forde 14th January 1610 Lease of a plot or parcel of ground on the North side if West Street (now in possession of Richard Taaffe) containing in front 72 feet. Bounded on the West by the lane leading from the Church to Cheston's Lane on the East North East by the lands of Thomas Witter and extending back 61 feet to the Church Yard and containing on the North 77 feet. Also another plot on the South side of said Street being a half Burgage. Bounded on the East by Wills's land and on the West by Scully's land now in possession of Cornelius O Kane. And also the Gallery lately built by said Richard Taaffee over the lane aforesaid. For 99 years from 1610. 19s 0d

152 The foregoing plot was leased to Ingram Horsman in 1625 and again to Anthony Horsman in 1659. Nos. 24 and 10. In 1684, 40 feet of the above mentioned 72 was granted to Ezekiel Davys for ever. No. 2. Fee Farm Grants

56 9 William Jordan 1st September 1631 Lease of a parcel of land under the Knockagh For 45 years from 1632 ÂŁ3:1:60 This was again leased in 1653 to John Bulworthy for 99 years. No. 7 and was granted in 1707 to Robert Gardiner for ever. No. 132 Fee Farm Grants.

57 44 John Edwards 10th August 1687 Lease of a house and garden near the West Gate containing in front to the North West from John Fowels house to the river 120 feet and extending back 106 feet. Also 3 1/2 roods of land in the West Division neat the two mile stone. For 99 years from 1687 18s 4d This includes what was leased in 1632 to Edward Hodgson (No. 78) and it was released in 1772 to Edward Dawson (No. 154 Leases). In 1845 the land in the West Division was leased to Charles Kelso (No. 188 Leases) and is now held by the Representatives of Robert Kelly. The tenement near the West Gate was leased in 1880 to the Trustees of the First Presbyterian Church for 999 years.

58 11 Sir Robert Colville 20th March 1684 Lease of a plot of land called the Pringle containing a1: r3: p18. Bounded on the North the lands of William Johnston

153 on the East by the lands of John Edgar Plumber and part of the Spittal Park, and on the West by Millmount acre. For 99 years from 1684 10s 0d This became the property of Richard Newton and afterwards Andrew Newton. At a meeting of the Assembly held on the 3rd June 1771 it was resolved to grant a renewal if the Lease to Andrew Newton but no renewal was ever executed. In 1872 an application was made for a further renewal and a difference of opinion as to whether the second lease was to commence from the expiration of the first or from the date of the resolution. Eventually Alexr. Taylor purchased the interest of the Newton's and a lease was made to him (No. 195 Leases).

59 168 William Bell 22nd May 1721 Lease of one moiety of a house situate on the North side of West St viz: one room called the old Dining room and the room adjoining to it over the old kitchen with the Gallery over it together with the old kitchen and half of the garden yard and backside. For 99 years from 1722. 5s 0d This is the West end of a burgesses half share leased to Henry Upton for 99 years in 1628 (No. 80). In September 1746 Anne, widow of the above William sold his part to Samuel McDowell whose representatives afterwards purchased the East end which had been leased Edmond Williamson No. 82. McDowell bequeathed it to his brother Andrew who bequeathed it to his daughter Jane who was married to James Thompson. He in January 1817 sold it to William Stevenson Tanner. In 1820 the Assembly granted a lease

to William Stevenson for 99 years. No. 168. Now held by W. A & D. Woodside.

60 46 Matthew Johnston 17th April 1634 Lease of a plot of ground near the West Gate being in breadth on the Street leading to the Quay 56 feet and extending back to the Town Wall on the West 81 feet. For 99 years from 1634 15s 0d In 1625 this plot had been granted to Thomas White No. 79. It became Charles Davy's and afterwards Lord Blayney's. In October 1754 the West part was leased to Thomas Logan for 31 years or three lives. In 1773 being out of Lease Thomas Logan and Edward McCann presented a petition to have a renewal and the Assembly agreed unless Lord Blayney should make out a proper title before next Assembly. On the 27th November of that year Logan was granted 35 feet to West Street for 99 years and McCann had a lease of the East part for a like number of years (Nos. 151 & 161 Leases). About 1796 McCann sold his part to James Cobham whose son Alexander sold it to Charles Murphy in 1818. This part afterwards became Hugh Catherwood's who in 1857 applied for a renewal which was granted for 75 years (Nos. 184 & 185 Leases). This is now held by J.L. McCartney (184) and Wm. Vint Sons (185).

61 22 John Bulworthy 1st November 1639 Lease of a small parcel of Commonable lands on the North side of


155 the Road leading to Belfast near Lord Chichester's lands. For 61 years from 1631. 5s 0d About 1606 this lot was leased to Roger Lyndon & was then described as 42 feet in front and 181 in rere. In 1655 it was held by a James Preston. In July 1656 it was leased to Anthony Horsman No. 44. About 1720 an Anthony Horsman mortgaged this with his other property to Henry Mage. Middle Division from whom it descended to his daughter Ann. In 1771 being out of Lease and a waste Francis Shaw (husband of said Ann) petitioned the Assembly for a renewal who agreed to grant him a lease for 99 years at 6 d per foot. This offer was not accepted yet Francis Shaw or his representatives continued to lay claim to the ground until the 2nd August 1808 when the Assembly leased it to the Methodist Society at a rent of 6/6. (Pages 122 and 270) to build a Chapel on. The plot granted was 40 feet in the front and 80 feet in the rere and a passage was reserved through the ground to garden Northward then a waste and out of lease. This garden the Methodist Body soon after took possession of. It was sold to the Trustees of the Methodist Church on the 15th April 1867.

62 55 Edmund Davys 20th October 1653 Lease of three parcels of land containing 150 acres part of the Commonable lands. Bounded by James Byrtts lands on the North of Straid Bally Thomas on the East of Ralph Hillman on the South & by the Commons on the West. For 99 years from 1653. ÂŁ2: 6: 8 These were granted for ever to Samuel Davys in 1684. No. 24 Fee Farm Grants


63 36 Gowry Duff 2nd July 1627 Lease of a plot of land in the West Suburbs containing 48 feet. For 99 years from 1627 2s 0d In 1688 this was held by George Duff. It was afterwards granted to Henry Davys for ever (No. 160 Fee Farm Grants missing om 1786).

64 49 John McBride September 1672 Lease of a small plot on the East side of the Quay within the Dam containing in front to said Quay 28 feet and extending back 20 feet to the Dam. For 99 years from 1672 1s 0d This was afterwards added to the Dam to enlarge it.

65 72 James Dobbin 23rd July 1622 Lease of a plot of Commonable land at the East end of the Town (near that part of Edengraney granted to Richard Newton) containing about one acre. Bounded on the East by a small stream dividing it from Edengraney on the North by the lands of said Newton and Colonel Arthur Hill approaching a highway whereby was a brick yard which led to Colonel Hill's land on the West by part of said waste lands and on the South by the Sea reserving a sufficient High way as usual to be kept in repair by said James Dobbin. For 99 years from 1622 4s 0d

66 169 John Davys 4th September 1723 Lease of a parcel of ground called Cooper's Land containing by estimation 150 acres. Bounded on the East by the lands of Edward Lyndon called Slievekrue on the West with part of Slievekrue and on the North by the High way leading to Bruslee and by the Commons and on the North East by the High way aforesaid and on the South by the lands of the Executors if Marmaduke Newton. For 99 years from 1723 ÂŁ7: 10: 0

157 The foregoing was leased to Thomas Cooper in 1616. No. 69

67 45 Anthony Dobbin 1st May 1629 Lease of a plot on the North East side of North Street containing 48 feet in front and extending backwards 128 feet. Bounded on the North East by Thomas Kirkpatricks holding on the South West by North Street on the North by John Redworth's holding and on the South by Edward Johnston's. For 99 years from 1629 10s 0d In 1670 this was held by William Fitzanthony Dobbin. On its South was the house of Edward Johnston. This was afterwards made a freehold and in 1739 was held by William McCartney and was held by Lord McCartney to Sir Wm. Kirk.

68 77 Richard Johnston 22nd February 1669 Lease of a tenement near the East Gate containing 12 feet in front and 26 feet in the rere joining a house of said Johnston and the house of John Whitager. For 99 years from 1669 6d This tenement afterwards became the Marquis of Donegall's

69 17 Thomas Cooper 1st November 1616 Lease of 150 acres on the North East side of the Road to Antrim. For 99 years from 1619. ÂŁ7: 10: 0 This was released in 1723 to John Davys. See No. 66

70 81 Thos. Pemerton & John Torbery 10th December 1675 Lease of a plot of land within the walls of Carrickfergus

158 adjoining the North Flanker containing one rood. Bounded on the East by George Walsh's garden and on the South West by the water course containing in length from East to West 232 feet in breadth at the West end 17 feet and at the East end 33 feet. For 99 years from 1675 1s 0d This was previously held by Humphrey Davenport and was leased in 1672 to Robert Young No. 49

71 16 Thomas Cooper 4th February 1609 Lease of a tenement on the North side of West Street containing in front to the Street 73 feet and extending back to the Church 80 feet adjoining John Plunketts on the East and the little river between the tenement now in possession of Dermott Haynes on the West. For 99 years from 1609 ÂŁ1: 0: 0 The West part of this lot was soon after let to Thomas Gravatt and part of his house being built above the stream it was called Gravatt's river. In May 1671 Thomas Gravatt bequeathed it with his other lands to his heirs. In 1769 Chas. Davys bequeathed it to Lord Blayney and in 1826 was purchased by D. Bowman. In 16 the East part was granted to Marmaduke Newton and on the 14th August 1685 a grant for ever was made to Sir Robert Colveil (No. 21 Fee Farm Grants) which afterwards became Andrew Newton's of Coagh.

72 68 Thos. Savage 1st April 1673 Lease of a tenement containing 44 feet in front to the Street leading from the Castle to the Custom House and extending back to the Town Wall on the South. Bounded on the West by

159 the lands of James Savage on the East by the lands of Robert Witter. For 99 years from 1673 4s 6d This is believed to be portion of what was comprised in the grant to Michael Savage. No. 23 Fee Farm Grants.

73 57 James Parkes 2nd February 1662 Lease of a plot on the North West side of High Street near Castle Worrall containing in front 26 feet and extending back to the North West part of the land late in possession of Shane O' Dornan 49 1/2 feet where it is in breadth 21 feet. For 99 years from 1662 4s 0d This afterwards became the Revd. Philip Gayers. In 1778 the Corporation gave his representatives ÂŁ50 for its site on which to build the County Antrim jail. It was then called McQuiston's house.

74 171 Andrew Clements 1st May 1696 Lease of a plot at the further end of the Irish Quarter on the right hand of the way leading to Straid commonly called the Brick Kiln yard and also another plot thereto adjoining on the South side thereof extending in front to said Street 17 perches more or less and extending backwards to John Lyndon's farm of Killacroft and the lands of Ensign Garrett Reilly. For 99 years from 1696 4s 0d This lease was not referred to in the Catalogue of 1786. The plot was granted in 1722 to Francis Clements for ever. No. 13 Fee Farm Grants.

75 60 John Fowell 16th July 1669 Lease of a tenement in possession of Samuel Trehorn and Thomas Quinn containing in front to the Street towards the Town Wall West 55 1/2 feet

and extending back 94 feet to the lands of Henry Upton. Bounded on the South by a house of Anthony Horsman's in occupation of said Fowell on the North by a house of Edward Edwards. For 99 years from 1659 14s 0d This is on the North side if West Street near the Irish Gate. The adjoining ground Southward was a waste near which the Horse Market was held. On this waste the Mayor and other members of the Corporation received the Judges of Assizes on their coming into town.

76 69 Robert Walsh 4th July 1670 Lease of a plot of ground in the West Division. Bounded on the South by the High way to Belfast on the West by certain lands in the tenure of Ensign John Kane on the North by Lord Donegall's lands and on the East extending to a ditch which fenceth the lands of the said John Kane. In length 15 perches by 1 1/2 in breadth. For 61 years from 1670 6d This is on the East side of Troopers Loaning and called 'Walsh's Glen'. It is now the Earl of Shaftesbury's.

77 2 Hugh Fegan 7 July 1623 Lease of a plot of ground in the West Suburbs containing in breadth 52 1/2 feet and extending back to the Sea 63 feet. For 81 yeas from 1623 3s 4d This was granted in 1685 to Richard O'Kane for ever. No. 59 Fee Farm Grants

78 18 Edward Hodgson 6th September 1632 Lease of a tenement on the old Rampier. For 84 years from 1632 10s 0d This was released in 1687 to John Edwards. No. 57



79 35 Thomas White 1st May 1625 Lease of a plot near the West Gate containing 52 feet in front to the Street. Bounded on the North by lands set to William Storr on the South by lands set to James Savage. For 99 years from 1625 0d 10s The lessee covenanted to build a good house on it within 7 years and leave a way to the Town Wall. It was afterwards leased to Matthew Johnston. See No.60.

80 58 Henry Upton 2nd July 1628 Lease of a plot on the North side of West Street containing in front to said Street 42 feet and extending back to the lands of the late Edward Edwards. Bounded on the East by the lands of Dermott Haynes and a small river which runs on the North and North East side of said Haynes house on the West by the Towns lands in possession of Robert Lyndon and Edward Hodgson. For 99 years from 1628 10s 0d In 1722 this plot was divided the West end being leased to William Bell and the East to Edward Williamson. No. 59 & 82

81 3 Henry Hare 10th June 1675 Articles of Agreement for a plot of ground on the Road towards Antrim called Joy's Castle. For 99 years from 1675 2s 0d This plot was granted to Francis Clements for ever (No. 142 Fee Farm Grants missing in 1786) and now held by Lord Downshire

82 Not in Catalogue of 1786 Edmund Williamson 20th September 1721 Lease of a house on the North side of the Street leading from the Market Place to the West Gate late in possession of Thomas Wadman. Bounded on the

162 West with the house of Anthony Horsman. For 99 years from 1721 5s 0d This is the East end of a Burgesses half share granted to Henry Upton for 99 years in 1628 No. 80. In 1820 the Assembly granted a new lease to William Stevenson for 99 years. No. 168. Now held by W.A. & D. Woodside

83 William Bell 22nd May 1721 This is the original of No. 59


Extracts from Expired Leases returned in the Catalogue of 1786 as being then missing Number in Catalogue of 1738

3 Sir Robert Colvin Lease of a plot of ground with houses and tenements & containing one acre, three roods and eighteen perches. Bounded on the North by Johnston on the East by John Edgar and part of Spittal Park on the South by the Sea and on the West by the Millmount Acre. For 99 years from 1683 10s 0d

Extracts from Expired Leases returned in the Catalogue of 1833 as being then missing

Number in Catalogue of 1786

5 Roger Lyndon Lease of sundry parcels of land neat Loughmourne and Straid. For 99 years from 1636 ÂŁ10: 5: 0 These were granted to John Lyndon for ever in 1681. No. 68 Fee Farm Grants

28 John Dalway Lease of a house late in possession of Edward Brown. Alderman on the West Side of High Street between the lands of William Dobbin on the South and Richard Conlan on the North containing in front 63 feet and extending back to the French Rampier or Town Ditch or Wall towards the West. For 99 years from 1590 4s 0d About 1606 a grant of this was made to Sir Arthur Chichester for ever but it is not previously referred to.

NOTE: All the Counterparts of the ""Expired Leases"" referred to in the Catalogue of 1833 are now forthcoming.


165 Extracts of the Different Fee Farm Grants made by the Mayor Sheriffs Burgesses and Commonalty of Carrickfergus.

NOTE: At foot of the Extracts are observations showing as far as can be traced the history of the premises to the present time.

Number in Catalogues of 1833 & 1911; Number in Catalogues of 1738 & 1786

1 101 Nicholas Wills 1st December 1670 Deed of a parcel of land called Carnekelly containing 30 acres in the East Liberties of the said town. Bounded as mentioned in Grant. Also a tenement in Scotch Quarter in possession of John Patterson containing in front to the Street of said Quarter 154 feet more or less and extending back to the Sea. Bounded as mentioned in Grant. Also one Castle or pile and entry on the South side of the Street leading from the Market Place towards the West Gate. Bounded as mentioned in Grant with common of turbary and heath proportionable. From 1670 for ever English Rent 8d 6s Mentioned in 6/H2/1 Nicholas Wills sold Carnekelly to William Dawson Innkeeper. The Castle became the property of James Wills and some years after of Davys. Davys had 3 daughters one of whom was married to Taylor, another to Hamilton and the third to William Pedin, Lurgan. He bequeathed the Castle to the daughter married to Taylor and Hamilton the East end to Hamilton whose representatives sold it to Miss Martha Mitchell. The West end was held by John

Watson who married a natural daughter of Dr. Taylor Carrickfergus, now Lord Downshire. The tenements in the Scotch Quarter were originally granted to Thos. Lougge. No. 94

2 110 Ezekiel Davys 14th October 1684 Deed of one plot of ground west side of the Lane leading from North Gate towards Glenarm purchased by said Davys from Jacob Household containing in front to said Lane 74 feet and extending back to the lands of George Walsh Burgess. Bounded as mentioned in Grant. Also a house on the North side of West Street and a whole gallery over the Lane leading from Cheston Street to the Church (lately purchased by said Davys from Anthony Horsman, Alderman) containing in front to said Street 40 feet. Bounded as mentioned in Grant. With common of pasture, turbary heath, and all other fuel on the commonable lands in proportion. From 1684 for ever Rent Eng. 11s 4d The house in West Street had been granted to Clement Forde, Ingram Horsman and afterwards to Anthony Horsman (Expired Leases No. 55, 24 & 10). In 1833 it belonged to Davys Bowman.

3 6 James Savage 1st December 1670 Deed of a plot of ground formerly allotted to Robert Burgess then in the possession of the said James Savage in the fields between Glenarm way on the East and the High way to Masserene on the West containing in length from the Glen of Drumrover on the South and extending to the Commons on the North 250 perches more or less and in breadth at the South of said Glen of Drumrover 238 perches more or less and at Maiden's Mount on the North


167 104 perches and from thence forwards to the Commons containing in breadth 33 perches more or less. Bounded as mentioned in Grant. With due proportion of Commons turbary heath etc. From 1st Dec 1670 1s 6d This was formerly granted to Thomas and Elizabeth Witter and Ellen Bowman, her daughter. No. 57 and regranted to John Brown by deed dated 1st Novr. 1705. No. 37. See note to that number.

4 90 Ezekiel Davys 1st November 1695 Deed of one parcel of land on the West side of Cheston's Lane in front to said Lane 34 feet and extending backwards to the corner of a late castle formerly belonging to one Sandall, then a garden in possession of Solomon Faith. Bounded as mentioned in Grant From 1675 Rent Eng. 1s 0d

5 89 Richard Horsman 1st November 1676 Deed on one parcel of ground containing 4 acres in the West Division near Nunn's Bridge underneath the house of Andrew Gardner Burgess. Bounded on the South East by the Sea on the North West by the way to Belfast & on the North East and South West by the commonable lands belonging to the town now in possession of said Richard Horsman. From 1676 13s 4d This is now held by the Representatives of Austin Cornwall

6 27 Thomas Wadman, Clerk 13th March 1685 Deed of one house on the North side of the Street leading from the Market Place to the West Gate (commonly called the Swan) together with the Brew house, stables & gardens

containing in front to said Street 43 feet and a half extending back towards the North 157 feet where it makes a mere point. Bounded as mentioned in Grant. Also one cellar with a lodging room and two closets over it adjoining the house of said John Wadman in length backwards by 26 feet by 19 feet in breadth then in possession of William Tisdall. From 1685 7s 6d This soon afterwards came into the possession of Dr. William Tisdall who bequeathed it to his son William who in 1740 sold it to John Magowan, Belfast whose son Anthony sold it in 1788 to John Bashford, Belfast who in May 1795 sold it to Ann Bowman, Carrickfergus who same year sold it to William Stevenson, Tanner who afterwards sold it to W.A. & D. Woodside. At present occupied by Dr. James Huston. No rent however seems to be paid. Portion of this conveyed back to Council 28/02/1924. See 9/ G9/1

7 25 George Walsh 1st November 1675 Deed of one plot of land with the houses thereon in possession of said George Walsh on the West side of North Street anciently called Garden Cambe containing in front to said Street 72 feet more or less and extending back to a small stream on the West which divides the premises from the Parson's land of Carrickfergus aforesaid 102 feet more or less. Bounded on the South East by another house in the possession of the said George Walsh and on the North West by a way adjoining the Town Wall. From 1675 5s 0d This was leased to William Happer for 99 years in 1634. No. 46 Expired Leases, whose representatives sold it to Robert Walsh who in 1665 had a renewal for 99


169 years at the same rent. No. 32 Expired Leases. It is situated between the 1st Presbyterian Meeting house and the North Gate.

8 28 William Dobbin 4th May 1670 See Extracts from Grants missing in 1911

9 60 Richard Taaffe 20th July 1613 Deed of that half share of land lately allotted to Thomas Vaughan on the first division a half share of the Towns lands situated between the River Woodburn and Copeland Water containing in length 78 perches by 72 in breadth more or less. Bounded as mentioned in Grant. With common of turbary pasture & proportionable. From 1613 2s 0d By the rebellion of Richard Taaffe or his son of the same name these lands were forfeited to the Crown. In May 1878 they were granted to Ezekiel Davys for ever No. 55

10 57 Thomas Witter 17th November 1609 Deed of a tenement on the North side of West Street (between said Street and the Lane to the Church) in front to said Street 61 feet. Bounded on the West by the tenement in occupation of Richard Taaffe and on the East by the Street leading from said tenement to the Market Place. From 1609 Rent Eng. 7s 6d This is now held by the Representatives of Austin Cornwall ad occupied by the Y.M.C.A.

11 109 John Roy 6th July 1629 Deed of all that parcel of land south side of the West Street in front 42 feet by 92 in length. Bounded as mentioned in Grant, together

with the use and occupation of the stream running between said half Burgage and the lands of Richard Spearpoint provided said Roy should not divert the course or annoy the same to the hindrance of his neighbours. From 1629 Rent English 3s 4d In 1678 this lot with 9 acres of land then called two tenements was granted to Cornelius Bashford for ever, at a Rent of 4s 1d (No. 16) An Arthur Adair soon after marrying a daughter of said Bashford at his death it became Adair's who left it to his son Ben at whose death in 1817 they became his nephew's Robert Gamble, Belfast, who afterwards sold to Sir William Kirk, Now the Representatives of George E. Kirk. Occupied by the Salvation Army.

12 167 Hercules Ellis of Innishrush 5th August 1736 Deed of a small plot of Commonable land bounded on the North and East by the Commons on the South by the said Ellis's lands in the Middle Division and on the West by John Lyndon's lands 30 perches in length by 22 in breadth in the Middle Division From November 1736 6d This never was enjoyed by said Ellis as the Freemen rose and would not suffer it.

13 23 Francis Clements 20th June 1722 Deed of a parcel of ground at the further end of the Irish Quarter on the right hand of the way leading from the West Gate to Straid (commonly called the Brick Kiln Yard). And also one plot thereto adjoining on the South End


171 (commonly called the Pound). Also another plot adjoining the North West end of said Brick yard into a gap or way leading into Garrett Reilly's field alias the heirs of Richard Conlan all which parcels contain in from to said High way 20 perches and extend backwards to Edwd. Lyndon's fence of Killycroft and to the said field of the said Richard O'Conlan. From 1722 4s 0d The first and third lots were formerly leased to Andrew Clements (Expired Leases No. 74 and the second was formerly Adam Denison (Expired Leases No. 35). Now held by the Marquis of Downshire.

14 175 Richard Shuckburgh 22nd September 1613 Charles Monk. Wm Penry Thomas Whittaker. Edmond Hunt. Roger Lyndon. John Parry. Hugh Lyndon and John Davys. Commissioners amongst other things under the Great Seal for seeking forth a convenient place for a Crane and Wharf at Carrickfergus by virtue of which Commission they made choice of a parcel of ground being part of the Quay of Carrickfergus and part of the Strand where the Sea ebbs adjoining said Quay which ground with triangular ways and is bounded in length from the East side of the shore on said Quay to the sixth post from the King's Castle lying South 180 feet and in breadth from the said post unto the said Castle North and by East 140 feet and from thence unto the said shore North and by West 104 feet and desired by them to be granted in Fee Farm for his Majesty's special grace in securing his customs grants to said Commissioners for his Majesty's use the plot of ground before mentioned with free passage for his Majesty's Officers for the Mayor. 22nd September 1613 1s 0d


15 31 Richard Tennison. Clerk 10th January 1670 Deed of one house on the East side of Cheston Lane in front of the Street 30 feet by 45 feet in the rere. Bounded on the South by James Savage's house and on the North by a house of the late Thomas O'Cahan. Burgess. From 1670 2s 0d This was originally granted to Hugh Fegan on 29th April 1622. No.88. Richd. Tennison left this house in trust to the Minister & Churchwardens for the poor of Carrickfergus. In 1729 it was agreed at the Assembly with the consent of the Minister & Churchwardens that in regard and consideration that Henry O'Hare and William O'Hare were near relatives to the donor and extreme poor the rents issues and profits of said houses during the space of twenty one years be consecrated and given ti the use of said Henry O'Hare, he paying yearly thereout such proportion as the Minister and Churchwardens should think necessary to keep the children of said William O'Hare from being a charge to the Parish. The tenement was long in the possession of William Poag and afterwards came into the possession of Anthony Carrey who a few years ago sold it William Robinson, Flesher.

16 116 Cornelius Bashford 30th July 1678 Deed of two houses and one parcel of land viz: - the two houses adjoining to each each other. East side of High Street containing in front 41 feet and extending back to the Town Wall seaward. Bounded as mentioned in Grant. Also nine

173 acres of land consisting of two small plots sometime in the tenure of Edward Godeson Burgess and afterwards in the possession of Mary Richardson, Widow. Bounded on the East and South by the lands of Michael Savage in the West by the lands of the heirs of Richard Spearpoint, Alderman and on the North by the lands of the said Mary Richardson, purchased from Thomas Conlan. From 1678 Rent English



The houses in High Street were where the Mansion House of John Dalway stood and at the date of the above grant were occupied by Andrew Willowby and Alexander Stacey, Merchant. The land is now known as Hogeys land and is in the occupation of James McDowell. See Note to Grant to John Roy No.11.

17 17 Cornelius Crymble 1st May 1678 Deed of one house garden and appurtenances containing in front to the lane leading from Cronaghbane to the West Street 52 feet extending backwards from said Lane on the East to the Town Wall on the West where it contained in breadth 52 feet. Bounded as mentioned in Grant. Also three plots of land situate under or near the Great Knockagh containing 129 acres more or less. Bounded on the East by the lands allotted for His Majesty's Troop horses on the West by the Silver Stream on the South by the lands of the Earl of Donegall, and of the late Richard Taaffe, Alderman (then in possession of Thomas Thralcott) and on the West by other lands of Lord Donegall. From 1678 ÂŁ14: 0: 0 with four couple of Fowl or seven shillings in money. The house in Essex Street was formerly

held by William Storr. Expired Leases No. 5. This lot along with that granted to Richard Pendleton. No. 53 was sold in 1792 by Chas. Crymble to James Craig of Scout Bush for £2500 who had also purchased the Grant to Thomas Calvert. No. 70. About 1832 these were again sold the purchasers being. Daniel Blair No. 17 (Now I.A. Bowman) £14:7:0 H.D.D. Wilson "" 53 £0:6:8 Robt McCreevy ""70 (Now Lord Downshire) £0:1:0 £14:14:8"

18 39 Francis Ellis 6th September 1735 Deed of six perches of ground bounded on the East by Woodburn River on the South & South West by the lands of John Lyndon & on the North by the Road to Straid. From 1735 6d Now held by the Marquis of Devonshire

19 52 Philimy Roe Magee 17th April 1637 Deed of a tenement or house stead South side of High Street in front to said Street 21 feet more or less and extending back to the Town Wall 21 feet. Bounded on the East by the lands of Richard Spearpoint on the South with the Town Wall and on the West by the lands of the heirs of Thomas Stevenson now in occupation of William Williams and the said High Street on the North. From 1637 Rent 3s 4d English. This was acquired by Sir Arthur Chichester and sold by the Urban District Council to Lord Shaftesbury."

20 65 Thomas Thalcott 22nd February 1669 Deed of a parcel of land containing by estimation 5 acres more or less called Edengraney situate on the East Quarter of the



Corporation then in the possession of the said Thalcott. Bounded on the North East by the lands of Kilroot on the South East by the sea and on the North West by the other lands he held from the Corporation. From 1669 Rent 6: 8 English This was formerly granted to Richd. Taaffe and subsequently acquired by Marriott Dalway and sold by the Municipal Commissioners to M. R. Dalway about 1887.

21 113 Sir Robert Colville 14th August 1658 Deed of several tenements and parcels of land viz: one house on the North side of West Street in front 36 feet & extending back 96 feet to the Church Yard Wall. Bounded as therein mentioned. Also a tenement in the West suburbs on the South side of the Street leading to Belfast late in the possession of Arthur O'Harran in front to said Street 41 1/2 feet and extending back to the Sea. Bounded as therein mentioned. Also 15 acres of land then in the possession of John Lyndon under the Little Knockagh formerly Ralph Storeys. Bounded as therein mentioned. Also common of turbary heath & in proportion. From 1685 Rent 19s 0d English This is the East end of a tenement leased to Thomas Cooper on 4th February 1609 (Expired Leases No. 71) and in 16 - was again leased to Marmaduke Newton. Now held by the Representatives of Andrew Newton of Coagh.

22 68 Richard O'Kane 1st July 1617 Deed of one quarter Burgage of land North side of High Street extending back from said Street on the South to the old Rampier on the North 257 feet at the left. Bounded

as therein mentioned. From 1617 Rent 2s 0d English

23 87 Michael Savage 1st August 1671 Deed of three tenements near the Quay Gate fronting on the North from the way leading to the Quay Gate to the Custom House store 79 feet. Bounded on the West by said Custom House on the East by the Street leading from Cheston Lane to said Quay Gate and extending backwards to the Town Wall on the South. Also one other house and small parcel of ground adjoining. Bounded on the East by the Street leading from said Quay to Cheston Lane in breadth 19 1/2 feet on the North by the Street leading from Cheston Lane to the Custom House. 60 feet in length on the West by a passage 7 feet broad leading from the Custom House to the store house aforesaid in like breadth as on the East and on the South by the way aforesaid leading from the Quay Gate to the Custom House store in like length as on the North. From 1671 Rent 7s 6d English This is now held by the Trustees of Gill's Charity occupied by James McGifford and called the "Anchor Inn".

24 98 Samuel Davys 14th October 1684 Deed of 140 acres of Commonable lands called Serkin O'Maddy. Bounded as therein mentioned, together with common of pasture turbary heath & proportionable. From 1684 Rent ÂŁ2: 6: 8 English Now held by the Representatives of W.D.D. Wilson decd. "

25 26 Moses Hill & Alice his wife 10th November of 1st James I. Deed of all the parcel of land containing 60 acres near Braide Tangue. Bounded on the East


177 by the High way to Massereene on the West by the Glen and Brook called Torninigrane. From 1603 To the heirs of the said Alice Rent 3s 0d

This grant being made in 1603 when Moses Hill was Mayor he probably discovered afterwards that the same was not good in law and therefore had a new grant made to him in 1608. No. 81

26 97 Anthony Dobbin 25th September 1608 See Extracts from Grants missing in 1911

27 129 William Liddall 10th November 1603 See Extracts from Grants missing in 1911

28 88 Edmond Davys 23rd September 1656 Deed of a plot of ground in the West suburbs south side of the way to Belfast joining the Mill race running into the sea extending towards the Town Wall to a house in possession of Henry Sawyer in front 125- feet more or less and extending back to the Sea From 1656 Rent 6s 0d

This is where the Salt Works belonging to the Salt Union Ltd. are erected in the Irish Quarter South. Now held by the Representatives of W.D.D. Wilson.

29 121 Dudley Yerworth 25th July 1613 See Extracts from Grants missing in 1911

30 105 James Dobbin 1st November 1659 Deed of two tenements on the West side of Cheston Lane containing in length from North to South 87 feet in

breadth at the North End 29 feet and at the South end 26 feet more or less. From 1659 Rent 6s 8d This was formerly a Castle and had been granted to Robert Sendall and afterwards sold by him to James Smith. It was afterwards granted to James Dobbin at the same rent with the addition of two fat hens to the Mayor each Christmas or 1/= in lieu. Dobbins heirs sold to James Bowman who bequeathed it to his widow who left it to her children. John the eldest held the North end and Whitney the other. The North end about 1789 was sold to John McBrinn who died intestate in 1798 and on the death of his widow it became his nephews William McBrinn who sold it to Davys Bowman. Now the Representatives of David Gray who pay 3/6 1/2 per annum. It was recently occupied by D. Black & Co. Drapers. The South end was held by William Bowman now Edward L. Rowan-Lgg and occupied by I & D. Weatherups Coal Merchants.

31 114 John Davys 14th July 1684 Deed of a tenement South side of West Street formerly Christopher Russell's late in the tenure of Jasper Happer Burgess in front to street 37 feet and extending back 110 feet. Bounded on the East by the house of John Hinch and on the West by a house in possession of John Brown together with common of pasture proportionable. From 1684 10s 0d English This had been previously granted to Sydney Russell who bequeathed it to his eldest son Christopher who sold or mortgaged it to


179 Jasper Happer and removed to Shanes Castle. It was regranted to John Brown No. 37 whose representatives sold it to Thomas Gunning.

32 118 Henry Clements 14th October 1684 Deed of that parcel of land formerly demised to John Bulworthy and purchased from John Gardner executor or legalee of said Bulworthy by said Henry Clements containing 80 acres more or less commonly called Serkin O' Maddy. Bounded on the South by the High way to Antrim on the North by another parcel of Commonable lands lately demised to Edmond Davys Alderman on the East by the Commonable lands then unset and on the West by the lands of Shaw. Bally Thomas, with common of pasture & proportionable. From 1684 Rent ÂŁ1: 6: 8 English This was acquired by Henry C. Ellis & afterwards by the Marquis of Devonshire who is now the Council's tenant

33 84 Patrick Savage 7th July 1628 Deed of two parcels of land which were allotted to George Savage said Patrick's father as a quarter share on the first division viz:- one parcel containing ten acres. Bounded as therein mentioned. Another parcel of land containing ten acres. Bounded as mentioned. From 1628 1s 0d This appears to be now held by the Trustees of Gills Charity.

34 132 John Savage 10th November 1603 Deed of four parcels of land between Glenarm way & Woodburn River viz: one parcel containing 40 perches in length by 15 in breadth at the South end and 2 perches at the North and bounded as therein mentioned. Another parcel containing in length 133 perches by 39 in breadth. Bounded as therein mentioned. Another

parcel containing in length 122 perches by 44 in breadth. Bounded as therein mentioned. Another parcel containing in length 100 perches by 30 in breadth. Bounded as therein mentioned. With common of pasture From 1603 5s 0d

In 1849 a.1 r.3 p.7 was conveyed to the Belfast & Northern Counties Railway Co. the entire rent to be payable out of the remainder of the lands. The remainder is now held by the Trustees of Gill's Charity, and row of houses are built on portion of it.

35 112 John Willoughby 14th July 1684 Deed of four parts of the Great and Little Knoackagh and also the four score acres viz:- one plot of land called the Little Knockagh some time in possession of John Savage Clement Forde Walter Hiliman and Richard O'Conlan. Bounded as follows, beginning at a little Glen east side of the said Little Knockagh and from thence leading along the Great Glen on the North side thereof in which Glen runs a river that parts the said Little Knoackagh and a piece of land called the Tongue and so West to a Forde called Tornenegrane on the said River which parts the arable lands and the Commons being in length from said little Glen on the East to the said forde 240 perches more or less then turning South westward by the mears and limits that part the said Little Knockagh from the Commons to the lands of the Great Knockagh 100 perches in length from said forde to said Great Knoackagh from thence turning South east between said Great and Little Knockagh to the South east end of said Little Knockagh 120 perches and from thence North eastward 200 perches to the little Glen where this boundary began. Also one other parcel called the Great Knockagh adjoining


181 westward to said Little Knockagh. And also four score acres of land on the North West side of the Great Knockagh. Bounded on the East by the said Little Knockagh being in length from said Forde of Toorenagrane to the Highway leading to Carnstall South 100 perches more or less from thence to the Highway west to a forde being in length 140 perches and from that forde Northwards to another forde upon the river that runs to Toorenagrene aforesaid 80 perches and from thence down said river East to the said forde of Tournagnane 140 perches (excepting out of said demise Highways and lawful passages heretofore rightfully used) together with the grazing of 23 cows throughout the unset commonable lands. From 1684 Rent ÂŁ12: 1: 3 English These lands were first granted to Andrew Willoughby on the 27th January 1653 for 99 years. (No. 47 Expired Leases) and are now held by the Representatives of Mary Massey

36 111 Charles Howard 22nd May 1721 Deed of one messuage or plot of ground adjoining the house of Alderman Ezekiel Davys Wilson (late the house of Alderman Samuel Davys) on the one side and the house late in possession of the Mrs Margt. Vivian then in the possession of Dr John Coleman on the other side in front 26 feet by 91 backwards. From 1721 for ever. 3s 4d There was formerly a Castle on this lot. In 1615 John Lugg sold it to Clement Ford who got a need deed in his own name. No. 91 and afterwards sold to Chas. Howard. Shortly after Howard got the grant he sold his interest to Anthony Horsman

182 for ÂŁ13. In 1818 it was held by E.D. Wilson who in 1820 sold to Admiral John Dawson. Now held by the Northern Banking Co. Ld. High Street.

37 115 John Brown, Burgess 1st November 1705 Deed of several parcels of land and tenements viz:- one house East side of the Street leading from the Market Place to the Quay containing om front to said Street 42 feet & extending back 110 feet commonly called Morra's house. Bounded on the North by the Jail of the County of Antrim and on the South by a house belonging to Brian McManus. Another house on the East side of West Street in front 40 feet and extending back 103 feet lately purchased from Savages heirs. Bounded on the East by the lands of Edward Lyndon & on the West by Maiden's Mount and then in possession of said John Brown. Also a plot of ground called Wills Park purchased from Wills heirs adjoining the House Barracks in the East containing in front 73 feet and extending back 472 feet. And also about 3 roods of land on both sides of the way leading to Belfast purchased from heirs of James Savage and adjoining the lands of Cornelius Crymble, Alderman. From 1705 15s 0d English The house on the East side of the Street leading from the Market Place to the Quay was formerly a Castle granted to James Russell and afterwards to John Davys No. 31. The East end of the building was taken about 1610 to build the County Antrim Jail (formerly the Jail of Carrickfergus now taken down). This end passed through several hands of Matthew Johnston who in 1635 got it granted to him for ever. No.77. In 1864

183 Johnstons heirs sold it to John Brown who got the above deed for ever: This is now Wm. Gorman Son's dwelling house and timber yard. Browns heirs sold the entire grant to Thos. Gunning. His heirs on the 3rd April 1863 conveyed the 60 acres purchased from Savage's heirs to the Marquis of Downshire subject to the payment of the rent of £1:14:11 (£1:17:0 Irish). The Belfast Water Commissioners acquired 25a: 2r: 25p compulsorily and an arrangement was come to between the Urban Council and the Marquis of Downshire that the rent should be reduced by 10= per annum which was carried out by deed dated 15th Feb 1907 (No. 428). See observations to that number.

38 78 Richard Conlan 10th September 1685 Deed of one fourth part of the Great Knockagh as it is now laid out with the means bounds and limits of the lands of Andrew Willoughby together with the fourth part of the Little Knockagh containing two several parcels which land is bounded in the North by a river which parteth the said Little Knockagh and the land called the Tongue and all other sides of the said fourth part of the Little Knockagh. Bounded by the lands of said Andrew Willoughby with common of pasture turbary in proportion. From 1685 £3: 0: 4 English This is now held by the Marquis of Downshire"

39 134 Henry Gill 30th November 1735 Deed of one plot of ground joining the South end of said Gills dwelling house South east side of the Street leading from

the Quay Gate to the Market Place containing in length 35 feet 9 inches by 32 feet in breadth. From 1735 6d

40 131 Catherine Scully 16th May 1614 Deed of a parcel of land allotted to her grandfather John Scully deceased between Glenarm Highway and Copeland water with common of turbary re in proportion. From 1614 Eng. 1s 6d This was regranted to her Grandson Richard O'Kane in the general deed dated 28th September 1685. No. 59"

41 130 James Savage 3rd February 1669 Deed of a tenement in Cheston's Lane containing 30 feet in front. Bounded on the North by the house late Thomas Tenneson's now in possession of Thomas Walsh Alderman or his tenants on the East by the house late James Crooks now in possession of William Burnett and extending back from said front to Well's Castle 46 feet 3 inches where it is in breadth at the lower end of the garden 31 feet 3 inches. From 1669 3s 4d In 1823 this belonged to Andw. Newton.

42 96 Thomas Dobbin 2nd July 1627 Deed of a parcel of land on the North side of the High way to Antrim adjoining the river Alternaghta on the East containing 46 acres more or less with common of pasture. From 1627 7s 0d This property which is situated at Aldoo became Edward Brice's who sold it to Wm Finlay whose grandson of the same name sold it to Sir Wm. Kirk - the Urban Council sold the rent in 1906 to Mr George E. Kirk under the Land Act.



43 104 Humphrey Johnston 10th November, 1st Year of James 1606 Deed of two parcels of land allotted to him as an Alderman's share of the towns lands now divided viz:- One parcel 180 parcels in length from a little river which parteth the lands called Carningsdale on the South to the lands of Philip Kelly on the North and 40 perches in breadth more or less. Bounded on the East by the Glenarm Highway and on the West by the lands allotted to Gregory Norton and James Byrtt, Alderman. Another parcel in length Northward towards the Hill 50 perches by 40 in breadth. Bounded on the South by the lands of Elizabeth Pierce, widow on the East by the Glenarm High way and on the West by the lands of the said Gregory Norton and James Byrtt. Also one half of all that land lying between Glenarm way aforesaid on the East and the land of Gregory Norton and James Byrtt on the West, extending Northward from the said parcel of ground and containing 50 perches in length as aforesaid unto the utmost bounds of the arable land belonging to the town. Also one other parcel containing 60 acres lying between a brook or glen which summeth into Woodburn water and parts the lands of Great & Little Duncrue on the East from the lands called Breaden Tongue and the High way to Masserene on the West extending in length from the South end of said Breaden Tongue to the lands of John Legg on the North From 1603 7s 0d

The following endorsement is on the back of the above deed viz:- Mem: That the conveyance of the within 60 acres of Breaden Tongue was produced by Solomon Faith before John Dalway, Mayor, Thomas Dobbin and Richard Johnston, Sheriffs &


some of the Aldermen the 11th July 1663. Signed John Dalway, Mayor, Edward Yeo, Town Clerk, Thos. Dobbin, Richard Johnston} Sheriffs.

The 60 acres lying between the brook which runneth into the Woodburn river were regranted to Solomon Faith by deed dated 2nd Feb 1664 at a rent of 4/6 No. 129 afterwards became the Marquis of Devonshires. The other plots were acquired by Peter Kirk and are now held by the Representatives of George E. Kirk. "

44 100 Henry Davys 1st January 1696 Deed of one messuage called Gravtt's house on the North side of West Street. Bounded on the West by the River running from the Mill Dam through the town to the Sea on the East by the house possessed by Marmaduke Newton Alderman and by the Church yard wall in front 49 feet by 270 in rere. Also two parcels of land formerly allotted to Richard Newton as his half share of the town's lands viz:- one parcel containing 60 perches in length by 39 in breadth. Bounded on the East by the lands of Thos. Hibbotts and Thomas Stevenson Alderman on the West by the lands allotted to Moses Hill Esq. on the South by the High way to Kilroot near the sea side and on the North by the lands allotted to Walter Holman Burgess. Another parcel 80 perches in length by 35 in breadth. Bounded as therein mentioned. From 1696




In 1609 a lease for 99 years was granted to Thomas Cooper which contained 73 feet in front and 80 feet in the rere. The West part of this was soon after set off to Thos. Gravatt and a part of his house being

187 built above the stream it was called Gravatt's river. In May 1621 Thomas Gravatt bequeathed it to his son of the same name. A grant for ever was afterwards made as above to Henry Davys who bequeathed it with his other lands to his heirs. In 1769 Charles Davys bequeathed it to Lord Blayney and in 1826 it was purchased by D. Bowman.

45 123 John Tadnall 5th May 1674 Deed of two parcels of land on the right hand of the Highway to Antrim containing 44 acres more or less whereof one parcel was purchased by Richard Cuney from Arthur McKearney and the other parcel from William Butler. Bounded as therein. From 1674 3s 6d English This is Prospect now held by the Marquis of Downshire. It was formerly granted to Arthur McKearney No. 114

46 55 Richard Taffee 28th October 1606 Deed of parcel of land containing in length 76 perches more or less lying and being at a ruinous building or Castle, Clough Loughry or Old Stone lately passed into Richard Conlin, Henry Spearpoint, Dudley Yerworth, Thos. McManus, Owen Magee, Richard Butler, John Wills & Dermott Haynes and is bounded on the East by the lands allotted to Margt. Dobbin (widow of Alderman William Dobbin deceased). Nicholas Dobbin, Christopher Doran, William Lydall and Thomas Bashford Burgesses of the same town on the North by the lands allotted to the Horsemen on the West by the Silver Stream and on the South by the High way leading to Belfast which said lands contain in all four whole Alderman's shares on the second division. Also one


other parcel of land containing in breadth 71 perches more or less. Bounded on the East at the Copeland Water by the lands of Kilroot on the South by the High way next to the Sea side on the North by the lands allotted to Mary Vaughan (widow of Thomas Vaughan Burgess deceased) and on the West by the lands allotted to John Dalway, Alderman which said parcel of land was allotted to Wm. Bath for his half share on the first division. From 1606 2s 0d This is now held by the Representatives of W.D.D. Wilson deceased.

47 58 William Dobbin 16th November 1608 Deed of a plot of ground at the East end of the town containing one acre more or less called Bullock Hall or Duff's Garden. Bounded on the East and North by the lands of the Spittal on the South by the High way leading to the Spittal and on the West by the lands of Robert Wills's heirs. From 1608 1s 0d English Bullock Hall was adjacent to where the Railway passes underneath the County Road from Carrickfergus to Larne. "

48 127 Richard Conlans 20th January 1608 Deed of three parcels of land vizt . one parcel containing in length 24 perches by 24 perches in breadth. Bounded on the East and North by the lands of John Savage Alderman on the South by the lands of Killacroft and on the West by the Highway to Massereene. Another parcel 100 perches in length by 40 in breadth. Bounded on the East by the lands of James Byrtt Alderman on the West by the lands of Rowland Matthews Burgess, and on the North and South by the lands of John Savage aforesaid. One other parcel

189 100 perches in length by 14 1/2 in breadth. Bounded on the East by the lands of said Byrtt on the West by the lands of Dermott Haynes Burgess on the South by the lands of John Savage and on the North by the Commons. With common of pasture. From 1608 2s



49 124 Richard Conlan 26th January 1669 Deed of a tenement North east of the lane leading from the Market Place to the Church in front to said lane 31 feet and extending back to 105 1/2 feet to a wall of a garden of Lord Donegall in possession of Henry Davys where it contains in breadth 20 1/2 feet. Bounded on the West by the lands of Patrick Savage and on the East by a house of William Hilditch. From 1669 3s 4d English

50 80 Gilbey Magee 28th April 1628 Deed of a parcel of land in the West suburbs containing three roods. Bounded on the South by the Highway to Woodburn on the West by the lands of William Wills on the North and East by the lands of Edward Lord Conway. From 1628 2s 0d English

51 Probate of Anthony Dobbins Will entered No. 51 in Commissioners Catalogue 1833 by mistake.

52 106 Thos. Hibbotts & Ann, his wife 10th November 1st James I See Extracts from Grants missing in 1911

53 8 Richard Pendleton 1st May 1674 Deed of one plot of ground near Silver Stream (now in occupation of Widow Garvin). Bounded on the West by the Silver Stream on the North by the new High way leading to


Belfast on the South by the Sea and extending in length from the said Silver Stream Eastwards towards Carrickfergus 64 perches. 6s 8d English This along with the Grant to Cornelius Crymble was purchased in 1792 by James Craig of Scout Bush and in 1832 was sold by his representatives to W.D. Wilson.

54 108 William Hilditch 1st February 1669 Deed of one house and a tenement North East side of the Lane leading from the Market Place to St Nicholas' Church in front to said Lane 41 feet and a half extending back to a garden belonging to Lord Donegall 140 feet at that gavell and next to a tenement late Humphrey Johnstons where it is 31 1/2 feet in breadth. Bounded on the West by a house of Richard Conlan and on the East by a house late Humphrey Johnstons. From 1669 3s 4d Eng. This is now held by John McVea.

55 9 Ezekiel Davys 4th May 1678 Deed of one plot of land being half a share of said towns lands upon the first division containing in length 84 perches more or less and in breadth 72 perches more or less. Bounded on the East by Copeland Water on the West by the lands of James Wills on the South by the lands of Morgan Woods (now in possession of John Magee) and on the North with the lands of Marshalltown. Also one plot of land with a house thereon built within the walls of said town (late in possession of Henry Ockford deceased) containing in front southward to a Lane from the Custom House to Cronaghbane 34 1/2 feet more or less and extending backwards to the lands of Hugh Lyndon (now in possession of Solomon Faith) and on the East by the lands of John


Lyndon Recorder. From 4th May 1678 2s 2d The first lot was formerly granted to Richd. Taaffe. No.9. The late E.D. Wilson exchanged the house with the late Dean Dobbs and in 1823 it was the property of the Revd. John Dobbs. The other lot was then the property of the Revd. R.D.D. Wilson.

56 59 Nicholas Dobbin 2nd October 1608 Deed of 3 parcels of land between Glenarm way and Copeland Water vizt: one parcel adjoining the four acres on each side of Bride's Well in breadth at the South and 39 perches extending North 99 perches to the lands of Anthony Dobbin on the East by the lands allotted to William Long Richard Taaffe John Scully, Henry Thompson and Widow Sandall and on the West by Glenarm way aforesaid. Another parcel of land 38 perches in breadth by 90 in length more or less. Bounded by said Glenarm way on the West. One other parcel of land 34 perches in breadth on the South by 100 perches in length. Bounded on the West by Glenarm way aforesaid with common of pasture. From 1608



These appear to be the lands on the East side of the North Road extending to North Lodge. Now the property of the Earl of Shaftesbury.

57 56 Richard Witter & Elizabeth his wife & Ellen Bowman 20th September 1608 Deed of one parcel of land allotted to Richard Beaumond Burgess deceased for his half share between Glenarm way on the East and the High way to Massereene on the West extending from the Glen of Duncrue on the South to the Commons

192 on the North 250 perches more or less by 38 in breadth near Maiden's Mount and 33 perches near the Commons. Bounded as therein with common of pasture reFrom 1608 2s 0d

It was intended to grant this lot to Richard Bowman but he died before the deed was perfected. Soon after his wife married Thos. Witter. She had a daughter by Bowman named Ellen and in their right above deed was made out. In December 1670 the lot was regranted for ever to James Savage No.3 at a rent of 1/6 and was again granted to John Brown by Deed dated 1st November 1705. No. 37. See observations to that number.

58 81 John Dalway 10th September 1685 Deed of 250 acres of Commonable lands more or less formerly allotted to Matthew Johnston. Richard Spearpoint. Thos. Whittaker & John Parke. Bounded on the North by the lands of Magheramorne on the East by the lands of John Dalway of Bally Hill Gentleman on the South by the Commonable lands yet unset & on the West by the lands of John Lyndon with common of pasture. From 1685 ÂŁ4: 3: 4 This was sold through the Land Court to Mr. M.R. Dalway in the year 1886

59 20 Richard O'Kane 28th September 1685 Deed of one plot of ground called Carnaglass containing 19 acres two roods in the East Division. Bounded as therein. One other small plot of ground called O'Kane's Hill containing 8 acres, 2 roods & 10 perches in the Division aforesaid Bounded as therein. Also one other parcel of

193 ground and three tenements situate in the East suburbs of Carrickfergus on the South side of the Highway or Street leading to Kilroot all containing in front to said Street or way 378 feet. Bounded as therein. One other plot of ground near the Spittal Park in the East suburbs on the North side of the way leading to Kilroot. Bounded on the East by the lands called Bullock Hall on the West by the lands of John Edgar on the North by the Spittal Park and on the South by the road leading to Kilroot containing in front to said Road 147 feet and extending back to the Spittal Park 420 feet.

Also two tenements and gardens with a small park backwards in the West Suburbs on the North side of the Highway leading to Belfast containing in front to said Highway on the South 132 feet and extending backwards to the lands of Michael Savage near Barley Hill on the North where it contains 22 perches. Bounded as therein. Also one other tenement and waste piece of ground in said West suburbs near the Pound on the South side of the High way leading to Belfast called Fegan's garden containing in front to said Highway 33 feet on the North and extending back to the Sea or Strand on the South. Bounded as therein.

Also one other small plot of ground called Lawless garden in the said West Suburbs backward of the tenement of the said Edmond Davys. Bounded on the East by the passage leading from the West Gate by the Town Wall and Pound towards the Strand. on the West by the lands of Sir Robt. Colville and extending back to the Sea on the South & on the North by the lands of Edmond Davys ranging just equal with the inner corner house on the West side of Cheston's Lane leading from the West Street to the Quay Gate.

Also one old House Castle or Pile called Sandell's Castle being the corner house on the West side of Cheston's

194 Lane leading from the West Street to the Quay Gate containing in front to said Lane on the East 30 feet & extending back in breadth from said Lane to the lands of Solomon Faith on the West 27 feet. Bounded on the South by the Street leading from His Majesty's Castle Gate to the Custom House and containing in breadth to said Street 27 feet & bounded on the North by the lands of the said Richard O'Kane. Also one tenement adjoining said Castle containing in front to said Street on East 33 feet extending back in breadth from said Lane to the lands of said Solomon Faith on the West 24 feet. Bounded on the South by said Castle and on the North by a tenement or stable belonging to said Richard O'Kane.

Also one tenement or stable adjoining to said last recited tenement on the West side of Cheston Lane containing in front to said Lane on the East 32 feet extending back in breadth from said Lane to the lands of the said Solomon Faith on the West 24 feet. Bounded on the South by the last recited house and on the North by the lands of Ezekiel Davys Alderman. Also one house on the West side of Cheston's Lane containing in front to said Lane on the East 21 1/2 feet and extending back in breadth from said Lane to the lands of said Solomon Faith on the West 20 feet . Bounded on the South by the lands of the said Ezekiel Davys on the North by the lands of Lieutenant James Dobbin.

Also two tenements on the East side of Cheston Lane containing in front to said Lane on the West 57 feet and extending backwards to the lands of the late Matthew Johnston on the North and North East 74 feet. Bounded on the North by the lands of said Faith on the South by the houses of Bishop Tennison. Also one tenement on the East side of Cheston Lane aforesaid containing in front to said Lane on the West 24 feet extending back from said Lane to the lands of

195 said Richard O'Kane on the East 34 feet. Bounded on the North by the lands of said Richard O'Kane on the South by the lands of Solomon Faith. Also one tenement being the corner house on East side of said Lane fronting said Lane on the West 18 feet and fronting and fronting on the North to West Street 35 feet on the East to the lands of Richard O'Kane and on the South to the lands of said Richard O'Kane. Also one tenement on the South side of the West Street leading from the West Gate to the Market Place containing in front to said West Street to the lands of said Faith on the South 40 feet. Bounded on the West by the last mentioned tenement and on the East by the lands of Richard Horsman. Also one corner house and staircase (commonly called Richard O'Kane's dwelling house) on the South side by the West St. containing in front to said Street on the North 42 feet the end of which house on the East fronts part of the Market Place and containing in breadth at said East end 20 feet. Bounded on the West by the old Castle or Pile belonging to the heirs of Nicholas Wills on the South East by a tenement of said Richard O'Kane lately held by Robert Witter. Also one other house lately held by said Witter fronting on the East & South East to the Street and Stains going up to the Shire Hall of the County of Antrim in front 32 feet adjoining the said Shire Hall on the South. Bounded on the West by the lands of Richard O'Kane & on the North by the last mentioned corner house. Also one other tenement called John Deer's fee farm on the South and South East side of the High Street near the Holsel in front to said street on the North 22 feet and extending back to the Town Hall on the South and South East. Bounded on the South West and West by the house of William Dobbin

196 and on the East by the Earl of Donegall's land formerly in possession of John Whittager. Also one small stripe of ground beyond and near Connyborough Bridge North side of the Highway to Belfast (being part of the Commonable lands). Bounded on the South by said Highway from said Bridge to the land of the late John Bulworthy and on the North and North East by the lands held by Mrs. Kane and Scout Bush with common of pasture. From 1685 ÂŁ1: 16: 10

The parcel of ground and three tenements on the South side of the road to Kilroot in the East Suburbs were formerly granted to O'Kane's Grandmother Catherine Scully Nos. 40 & 64. The fourth lot must be where the Horse Barracks were in Irish Quarter South portion of the site of the Carrickfergus Harbour Junction Railway.

X On the death of Colonel O'Kane about 1740 the property came to a Mr Craven who sold it to Dean Dobbs. It afterwards became the Revd. John Dobbs then Mr. C. E. Dobbs who in 1849 sold the 19 acres and 2 roods called Carnaglass (noe Oakfield) to Richard Battersby subject to the entire rent whose representations in 1908 leased it to James L. McFerran for 999 years.

60 63 Thomas Witter 7 or 8th January 1605 Deed of a parcel of land allotted to him for half a share on the first division on the North East side of Woodburn river containing in length from a small ditch on the South (dividing the same from John Lugg's land) Northward 150 perches being in breadth at the North end 60 perches and at the South end 30 perches. Bounded on the East

by 197 a small brook joining Lugg's land and on the West by Woodburn river with common of pasture From 1605 2s 0d

61 125 Carew & Margt. Harte 3rd November 1609 See Extracts from Grants missing in 1911

62 67 Wm. Isles & John McGaskey 5th January 1608 See Extracts from Grants missing in 1911

63 66 Garret Fitzsimmons 16th May 1614 Deed of a parcel of land called Killacroft containing 5 acres more or less. Bounded as therein. From 1614 7s 0d Eng.

64 61 Catherine Scully 19 04 1613 Deed of two plots of land on each end of the town with: - one parcel at the East end bounded on the East and West by the lands of Wills's on the South by the Sea and on the North by the Street leading to the Spittal. Another parcel at the West end of the Town bounded on the West by the Wills's land on the South by the Highway to Woodburn and on the North by the lands allotted to Rowland Matthews now in occupation of Sir Faulke Conway. From 1613 1s 6d English

This was afterwards regranted to Catherine Scully's Grandson Richd. O'Kane No. 59

65 69 Richard O'Kane 17th April 1637 Deed of two plots of land in Cheston's Lane with one plot on the East side bounded on the South by the land (late Hugh Fegans) now Thomas Tennisons on the North by the lands of Robert Savage (now possessed by Anthony Hall). Also another plot on the West side containing in breadth from part of

198 Robert Sandall's land (now occupied by James Smith) on the North to another part of Sandall's land on the South now Joseph Davys feet. From 1637 3s 4d English This was again granted in the general grant to Governor O'Kane No.59

66 117 Thomas Gravett 4th July 1631 Deed of that stone house lately built by said Thomas on the North side of High Street containing in breadth 42 feet and extending back from said Street on the South to the old Rampier on the North. Bounded on the East by the lands in occupation of Thomas Kirkpatrick Alderman and on the West by the house and lands of Anne, widow of William Stevenson. From 1631 2s 0d English This afterwards became William Cathcarts

67 38 Samuel Welby or Westby 30th May 1683 Deed of one plot of ground or garden with cabins thereto adjoining or belonging on the South side of the Lane leading from North Street to Joymount House. Bounded as therein From 1683 4d At Samuel Wilbys death he bequeathed this lot to his niece Dobbin who bequeathed it to McCartney from whom it became Lord McCartney's and Reynolds who sold it to the Revd. Richard Dobbs. In 1792 part of it was taken to widen the street adjoining the County of Antrim Jail.

68 32 John Lyndon 15th September 1681 Deed of all that parcel of land containing 358 acres more or less lying above Bradentongue. Bounded as therein. Also sundry parcels of land without that parcel of the Commonable lands

199 which was by division allotted to the late Richard Martin containing 40 acres. Also that parcel allotted to Thomas Grant containing 40 acres. Also a plot allotted to the late Richard O'Kane containing 40 acres. Also a plot allotted to the late Roger Lyndon containing 115 acres. Also a plot allotted to the late William Penry containing 80 acres. Also a plot allotted to the late Thomas Richardson containing 40 acres. Also a plot allotted to James Hugeers containing 40 acres. Also a plot allotted to Marmaduke Newton of 40 acres.

Also a plot allotted to Clement Bashford of 40 acres. And the plot of Commonable lands enclosed by said Roger Lyndon lying on the South and North West side of Loughmourne allotted to Christopher Forde.

John Edgar and Edward Johnston containing 100 acres more or less with the fishing and fowling of Loughmourne, all which parcels (except that of 100 acres on the South and West side of Loughmourne) are lying and being between the lands of Straid Bally Thomas on the West and the forty acres of said Commonable lands allotted to James Parks near the hill of Slinero on the East of the lands of the Territory of Ballynure on the North and outward parts of the Commonable lands no disposed of on the South with common of pasture.

Also all those tenements and plots of land lying without the West Gate of the said town with A brock house in the occupation of John Logan and all the tenements and waste ground in front of said street from said Logan's house on which Grace Fleming liveth and also the tenement Richard Dorman liveth in adjoining the river by the washingstone in said town.

Also a parcel of land without said West Gate with two mills thereon (called the West Mills) on the North side of the Street

200 leading to Antrim. And also the land lying between the Parson's Park and the Town Wall together with all waters and water courses running to said Mills From 1681 ÂŁ31: 8: 10 The tenants of said Mills are to grind the Mayor's grain toll free and for all others for the 16th part and the said John Lyndon is to keep in good repair that part of the Town Wall through which the water runs to the town and to keep in repair the sluice and also to furnish the said town with sufficient water from tome to time for ever.

69 83 Robert Welsh 2nd February, 16th Charles II Deed of a small tenement on the East side of North Street in front to said street 21 feet and extending 141 feet back. Bounded on the North by the lands of the late Edward Johnston Burgess on the West by said North Street on the East by the lands of Lord Donegall in possession of James Tracey Clerk and on the South by the lands of William Dobbin which said tenement was purchased by Welsh from Patrick the son of George Savage. From 1618 1s 8d This lot was previously granted to Dudley Yerworth, Patrick Savage, son of George who married Margaret Daughter of said Yerworth sold it to Welsh who got a new deed made out in his own name and afterwards sold it to William Dobbin

70 21 Thomas Calvert 8th December 1677 Deed of two plots of ground containing 22 1/2 acres more or less situate on the East side of the Highway leading to Antrim. Bounded

201 on the East by the lands of Richard Conlan and John Davys on the South by the lands of Looberlady (now possessed by John Hinch) on the West by the lands of Margaret Cuny (alias Tatnall) and on the North by the lands of Henry Davys Alderman now possessed by said Thomas Calvert. From 1677 1s 0d This became the property of James Craig of Scout Bush and was sold to R. McCreavy and afterwards to Mrs . Nicolay from whose representatives it was purchased by the Marquis of Downshire.

71 30 William Dawson 1st December 1670 Deed of two garden plots (called Julian's acres and Crooked Garden) bounded as follows with: - On the North 21 perches 6 feet joining the lands of James Dobbin (now in possession of Lord Donegall) from thence along a highway on the East 25 perches on the South by a small garden plot of the late John Davys 7 perches and 6 feet and more along by the lands of said James Dobbin in possession of said Dawson extending to the lands of the late John Davys 13 perches. And also more along the lands of said John Davys in possession of the heirs of the late John Matthews in length from a corner of said garden to a kiln of John Edgars 15 perches 8 feet on the West making in all 28 perches 8 feet containing 3 acres more or less. From 1670 3s 4d

Now held by E. L. Rowan Legg

72 62 Gildony Kelly & Elizabeth Pierce widow 10th November, 1st James. Deed of a parcel of land allotted to them for two quarter shares on the first division containing in length 100 perches by 40

202 in breadth. Bounded on the South by the lands of Philip Kelly Burgess on the North by Humphrey Johnston Alderman on the West by the lands of James Byrtt and Gregory Norton and on the East by the Glenarm Highway with two shares of the undivided lands out of Woodburn lands with common of turbary From 1603 2s


73 75 Richard Newton, Burgess 10th November 1603 See Extracts from Grants missing in 1911

74 103 Christopher Carleile 22nd March, 13th Elizabeth See Extracts from Grants missing in 1911

75 49 Richard Conlan 19th April 1613 Deed of sundry parcels of land viz: one parcel North side of the Street leading to the Spittal. Bounded as therein. One other parcel called the Friar's Garden. Bounded as therein. One other parcel bounded on the East by Lugg's land on the West by Wills's land on the South by the Sea and by the Street aforesaid on the North. One other parcel known by the name of New Hall Garden. Bounded as therein. One other parcel of said lands lying in the West with One parcel bounded as therein. Also a parcel of ground bounded on the North by the High way leading to Barley Hill From 1613 9s 0d English money

76 22 William Fitzanthony Dobbin 1st May 1654 Deed of a half burgage share of land situate on the North side of the Market Street late in the occupation of Moyses Hill Alderman containing in breadth in the front or street side (being the South) from a little lane by Nicholas Dobbins castle on the East to the lands of William

203 Savage Burgess on the West 37 feet and extending backwards to the lands of the late Nicholas Dobbin on the North 232 feet more or less at which end it containeth in breadth 48 feet more or less. Also one small garden in the East suburbs near St. Bride's Hospital (called Garrykeile) North side of the Highway leading to said Hospital. Bounded on the East by a garden plot sometime belonging to Thomas O'Conlan and purchased by John Edgar on the North by part of the Spittal lands on the West by Clement Bashford's land (called the Pringle) and by said Highway on the South From 1654 6s 8d

77 54 Matthew Johnston 29th July 1635 Deed of a new house by him lately built with a garden. Bounded on the East by the High Street leading to the Quay on the South by the lands of Thomas McManus, Burgess on the North by the Shire Hall of the County of Antrim containing in breadth to said Street 42 feet and extending back 123 feet to the lands of Richard O'Kane, William Wills at which end it only contains 36 feet in breadth. From 1635 3s 4d

See observations to No. 37

78 95 Sir Hercules Langford 2nd July 1627 See Extracts from Grants missing in 1911

79 172 George Walsh 1st November 1675 Deed of a plot of ground with houses thereon West side of North Street called Garden Cambe in front to said Street three score feet and extending back to a small stream on the West which divideth the premises from the Parson's land of Carrickfergus twelve score and twelve feet. Bounded on the South East by another house in possession of

204 said Walsh From 1675 5s 0d This appears to be a duplicate of a deed entered before See No. 7

80 136 Martha Glass 20th November 1735 Deed of two plots of ground at the Busken Burn with one plot on the West side of the Road towards Larne, the other on the East side of said Road with a cabin thereon. From 1735 6d Instead of the Road to Larne it should have been towards Glenarm that being the general description of the North Road in all the other deeds. On the death of said Glass these became Gill McGolpin's who in 1771 sold them to Marriott Dalway.

81 19 Moses Hill Esq., Alderman of said town & Alice his wife & her heirs 10th October 1608 Deed of one plot of ground containing 60 acres lying within the liberties of said town at upon or near Braide Tongue. Bounded as therein. From 1608 0d 6s This is situate on the West side of the Bryanstang road formerly held by Addison and Magee under Lord Downshire. It was first granted when Moses Hill was Mayor (No. 25) and he probably discovered afterwards it was not good in law.

82 43 William Dobbin 27th February, 5th James I See Extracts from Grants missing in 1911



John McCarne

10th November, 1st James

205 Deed of two parcels of land vizt: One parcel allotted to him for a half share of the towns lands now divided in length by estimation 105 perches by 39 in breadth more or less. Bounded as therein. Also one other parcel in length 150 perches by 8 perches in breadth more or less. Bounded as therein with half share of undivided lands West of Woodburn with common of pasture From 1603 2s 0d

These lands were bought by John Johnston who also bought Carrs. Wm. Storr or Storys & Dudley Yerworth's (No. 164 & 166 missing in 1786). These formed the lands sold by John Moore in 1823 to James Cowan for £2.600- Johnston left these lands to his grandson of the same name whose heirs settled at Falmouth and made a sale or some transfer to Joseph Legg and John Moore. They originally comprehended the farm belonging to John Legg tenanted by Widow Irvine. Northward of Moore's. Moores in 1823 contained 26 acres 3 roods and 4 perches. On 12th April 1770 Thomas Johnston sold his farm to John Moore subject to an annual rent of £10 - to Legg and 12/6 to the Corporation. It does not appear how the rent of £10 was contracted. The 12/6 is now paid by James Taylor Sons Ltd.

84 76 Thomas Bashford 13th April 1607 Deed of two parcels of land formerly allotted to William Lydall Burgess between Woodburn and Copeland Water with: One parcel containing in length 105 perches by 39 in breadth more or less. Bounded as therein. Also a parcel of land eight perches and a half in breadth by 115 in length more or

less. Bounded as therein. From 1607 2s


85 48 John Dalway 3rd December 1604 Deed of two parcels of land at the East of Carrickfergus vizt: - One parcel in length from the Sea to the land of Owen McEdmond Magee and John Wills Northward 200 perches by 39 perches in breadth. Bounded on the West by the lands of Thomas Stevenson and Thomas Hibbotts and on the East by the lands of William Bathe and Mary Vaughan. Also one other parcel bounded on the South by the lands of said Wills and Magee and on the North by the Commons in length 145 perches by 33 perches in breadth more or less. Bounded on the East by the lands of Sir Arthur Chichester called Marshalltown and on the West by the lands of Thomas Stevenson and Thomas Hibbotts aforesaid with common of pasture. From 1604 4s


This was sold to M. R. Dalway through the Land Court in the year 1886

86 120 Robert Wills 19th April 1613 Deed of five plots on either end of the town vizt. One plot near the Spittal bounded on the East by the lands of William Dobbin on the West by the lands of Richard Conlan on the South by the Highway to the Spittal & on the North by the Spittal Park. Another plot on the North side of the Street leading to the Spittal. Bounded on the East by the lands held by Nicholas Dobbin on the West by the lands of Richard Conlan on the South by the Street aforesaid, and on the North by the lands of Thomas Stevenson. Also another plot on the said East end Bounded on the East by the lands of Thomas Stevenson aforesaid on the West by Catherine Scully's land on the South by the Sea and on the North by the Street aforesaid. Two


207 other plots on the West end of the Town vizt- One of them bounded on the East by the lands of Richard Conlan on the West by the lands of Catherine Scully on the South by the Highway to Woodburn and on the North by Rowland Matthews land, now in possession of Sir Faulke Conway. The other plot bounded on the East by the lands of Catherine Scully aforesaid on the West by lands now in possession of Walter Kilman on the South by the Street leading to Woodburn and on the North by the lands in possession and occupation of Sir Faulke Conway From 1613 Rent 2s



87 139 John Dobbin 2nd July1627 Deed of one plot of ground in the East suburbs North side of the High Street leading to the Spittal containing in breadth to said Street 70 feet. Bounded on the West by Robert Wills on the East by the lands of Dudley Yerworth. From 1627 0d English 3s

88 42 Hugh Fegan - Burgess 29th April 1622 Deed of one plot of ground East side of Cheston's Lane in front 30 feet extending back Eastward 45 feet to the lands of Charles Wills (in possession of John Conlan) and on the South by the lands of said Wills in possession of Cornelius O'Kane From 1622 2s 0d English This was afterwards granted to Richard Tennison. See No. 15

89 10 Ann Davies 3rd February 1678 Deed of one plot of ground within the West suburbs South side of the Street leading from the West Gate towards the Brick yard or Barley Hill containing in front to a small river

208 running through said suburbs 130 feet Northwards extending backwards towards the Sea or way leading from the town to Woodburn where it contains in breadth 55 feet and in length from North to South 440 feet Bounded on the West by the lands of Michael Savage on the South West by the lands of Richard Conlan and on the North East by the lands of Lord Donegall From Nov 1648 6s 8d Now held by the Representatives of D.D. Wilson

90 72 Clement Forde 20th September 1608 See Extracts from Grants missing in 1911

91 44 Clement Forde 20th October 1615 Deed of the Castle or house called Lugg's Castle in the High Street adjoining to the house late in occupation of John Savage deceased on the North East side of the High St. aforesaid on the West by John Dalway's house (now in possession of Thomas Powell) on the South West and extending back to the Town Wall towards the Sea From 1615 2s 0d This lot had been John Luggs who sold it to Clement Forde in 1615 who hot the above deed in his own name. He afterwards sold it to Charles Howard who also got a new grant made out to him (No. 36). This is now in possession of the Northern Banking Co Ld.

92 36 James Dobbin 2nd July 1627 Deed of one Castle called Dobbins Castle North West side of the Street leading to Castle Worragh. Also a garden on the North of Mr James Byrtt's garden and of the same breadth together with 4 feet of land on the West of said garden reserved

209 out of the garden plot bequeathed by Nicholas Dobbin to his reputed son Thomas Dobbin. Also one stone house or hall on the South East side of said Street now in the tenure of Sir Moses Hill. Also one plot of land called Julians acres. From 1627 4s



This became Anthony Dobbins & afterwards Dr James Dobbins of London who sold it along with other property to Sir Wm. Kirk. Now held by the Representative of George E. Kirk. The house on the South side of High Street os tenanted by Joseph Dean"

93 33 William Dobbin 14th September 1681 Deed of three plots of land vizt. One tenement in the East suburbs (now in possession of William Dawson) North side of the Street or way leading to the Old Hospital or Spittal house in front to said Street 66 feet more or less extending back to a parcel of land called Crooked Garden (now in possession of William Dawson) 170 feet. Bounded as therein. One other parcel called Garry nebonoge on the said East suburbs 130 feet in length by the same in breadth more or less. Bounded as therein. Also one Shade adjoining in front of a house East side of High Street near Castle Worragh belonging to said James Dobbin now in possession of Henry Burns (formerly in possession of Sir Moses Hill) which said Shade or pole extends the whole breadth of said house and runneth 6 feet and 3 inches into the Street.

From 1681 8s 0d


This afterwards came into the possession of Anthony Hall who got a new deed in his own name. No. 152 Grants missing

210 in 1786. The Shade in front of the house in High Street is now in occupation of Mr. Edward Davey

94 122 Thomas Lougge 19th April 1613 Deed of three plots of land in East end of the town vizt. One plot South side of the Street leading to the Spittal House Bounded on the East by the lands of the Wills's on the West by the lands sometime possessed by the Birds now in the tenure of Robert Ellis Burgess on the South by the Sea and on the North by the Street aforesaid. Another plot on the South side of said street. Bounded on the East by the lands of John Megaskey on the West by the lands of Richard Conlan on the South by the Sea and on the North by the Street aforesaid. Another plot on the North side of said Street. Bounded on the East by the lands of John Clarke on the West and North by the lands of Thomas Stevenson and on the South by the Street aforesaid. From 1613 0d Eng. 3s This was afterwards granted to Nicholas Wills on 1st December 1670. See No. 1

95 85 Richard O'Kane 17th April 1637 Deed of an old Castle called Sandall's Castle on the West side of Cheston's Lane. Bounded on the West by lands in the tenure of Anthony Hall on the South by Washingstone St. and on the North by the lands of Robert Sandall. From 1637 3s 4d This was regranted in the General Deed to Governor O'Kane No. 59

96 73 Thomas Cooper, Burgess & Alice his wife and her heirs 10th November 1603 See Extracts from Grants missing in 1911


97 79 Robert Williams 15th May 1699 Deed of one tenement in the Street leading from West Gate to Essex's Mount alias Cronaghbane in front to said Street 42 feet and extending back to the garden of John Brown forty feet. Bounded as therein. From 1699 Rent 13s 4d with two fat hens at Christmas. This plot had been leased to Richard Russell on 20th January 1611 for 61 years from whose Representatives it was purchased by John Johnston in 1638. The lease to Russell has been lost and the one to Johnston is not referred to in the Catalogue of 1786. The tenement came into the possession of Robert Williams who got the above grant

98 107 Moses Hill Esq. 25th September 1608 Deed of all that parcel of land between Glenarm Way & the Copeland Water containing in breadth 52 1/2 perches by 580 in length Bounded on the East by the lands of Richard Newton Alderman and of Thos. Hibbitt Recorder and of John Clarke Burgess extending from the Kings High way near the Sea on the South to the utmost bounds of the towns arable lands towards Loughmourne on the North with common of pasture. From 1608 0d 12s

Now held by the Marquis of Downshire

99 77 Captain Thomas Dobbin 2nd July 1627 Deed of three parcels of ground in the Town and Suburbs vizt. One plot purchased from William Savage on the East side of North Street extending backwards from said Street the breadth of Anthony Dobbins house and of the Castle Garden (except the number of 4 feet reserved to James Dobbin). Also one plot or tenement leased by

212 Nicholas Dobbin to Jasper Happer late Burgess. And one other plot in the East parts called the Wheat Garden set by said Nicholas Dobbin to Richard Child Burgess deceased. From 1627 3s 0d English

100 40 Thomas McManus 2nd July 1627 Deed of a plot or parcel of ground allotted to Michael White as a half share on the first division containing 20 acres more or less. Bounded as therein through which lands there is always to be left and reserved a sufficient Highway to the Town and the Commons for the use of Richard Butter and Matthew McCarney their heirs and assigns for ever. From 1627 2s 0d

101 47 Robert Ellis & Alice his wife 6th July 1607 Deed of one parcel of land between Woodburn and Copeland Water allotted unto them as a half share of the towns lands first divided beginning at the Glen of the Tongue and bounded on the East by the lands of James Savage till it joins the Commons by the space of 110 perches in breadth at the North end joining the Commons 90 perches till it comes to the Glen aforesaid and along the River or Glen aforesaid on the West 70 perches. With common of pasture. From 1607 5s 0d Now held by the Marquis of Downshire

102 74 Patrick Savage 10th August 1671 Deed of one parcel of land containing 12 acres more or less in the North East fields. Bounded as therein. Also a tenement North East side of the Lane leading from the Market Place to the Church joining the Church yard in front to said Lane 25 feet extending back to the lands of Lord Donegall 98 feet and bounded on the East by a tenement and

213 garden of Richard Conlan. From 1671 3s 10d Eng. Now the Representatives of A. Cornwall. The tenement in the Lane from the Market Place to the Church is now occupied by Wm. Robinson Sons as a stable

103 71 John Clarke 20th January 1608 See Extracts from Grants missing in 1911

104 91 James Byrtt 1st January 1695 Deed of one plot of ground with the house thereon built. North East side of North Street near the North Gate in front to said Street 67 feet and extending back 156 feet. Bounded on the North by the Bowling Green of Lord Donegall on the East by the house (late Redworth's) now in possession of Thomas Williams and Peter Steele on the South by North Street and on the West by the Old Guard House reserving a passage of 3 feet between said Guard House and the premises. From 1695 15s



This was originally held under a lease for 99 years (Expired Leases No. 19) and called 54 feet to the Street and 162 feet rere. It was sold in 17 to Sir William Kirk and is now held by the Representatives of George E. Kirk. This is the Old Arch Tavern and adjoining premises.

105 29 John Chaplin 1st November 1705 Deed of the Salmon Fishery from Bonneybefore to the Cunywarren together with 3 1/2 roods of ground adjoining the foot of Woodburn river for drawing up his nets re. salvo jure

214 ceyus cunque. From 1705 6d This is now held by E.L. Rowan Legg



Sir Faulke Conway 26th September 1608 Lieutenant Governor and Alderman of said Town. Deed of a tenement containing 3/4 of a burgage of land (sometime in the occupation of Edward Brown) on the North side of High Street between the lands of William Dobbin on the West and the lands of Richard Conlan on the East containing in breadth to the Street 63 feet and extending back to the Rampier or Town Ditch towards the North From 1608 1s 0d This was sold by Lord Conway to John Davys and afterwards came into the possession of Lord Blayney

107 99 Sir Arthur Chichester 10th November 1603 See Extracts from Grants missing in 1911

108 137 Robert Lyndon 1st August 1617 Deed of that parcel of land joining the North end of the lands allotted to said Robert Lyndon, John Lugg and William Savage now in possession of said Lyndon containing 20 acres. Bounded on the South by the aforesaid lands of Robert Lyndon and on the North by a Dyke, Gurt and Bog. From 1617 15s 0d English Now held by the Marquis of Downshire

109 126 Robert Lyndon 4th November 1606 Deed of that parcel of land between Glenarm and Mayareene Highways containing 340 perches from the Highway to Mayareene on the South to the uttermost bounds of the arable lands on the North and 80 perches in breadth more or less at the

215 North end from the River or Glen of Great Duncrue unto the River or Glen of Maiden's Mount and at the South end 35 pers in breadth and running by the top of the Glynn of Woodburn and so over Drumrover to the Glynn of Maiden's Mount aforesaid. Bounded as therein. From 1606 English 4s 6d Now held by the Marquis of Downshire

110 82 Dermott Haynes - Burgess 10th November 1603 Deed of three parcels of land allotted to him for his half share in the first division between Glenarm way & Woodburn River vizt. One parcel in length 33 perches by 39 in breadth. Bounded as therein. Another parcel lying as aforesaid containing in length 87 perches by 40 in breadth lying near a place called Carnracey. Bounded as therein with half share of lands near Woodburn. Another parcel 100 perches in length by 12 in breadth extending from the lands of said Dermott Haynes on the South to the utmost bounds of arable and pasture lands on the North West by the lands of Rowland Matthews with common of pasture. From 1603 2s



111 50 James Russell 19th April 1613 Deed of a parcel of land on the West end of the Town. Bounded on the East by the West Mills and the Pond thereof on the West by the lands of Thomas McManus, Rowland Matthews and Mary Vaughan Widow on the South by the High way leading to Barley Hill and on the North by the Stream running to said Mills. From 1613 1s 4d

112 64 Michael Newby 3rd November 1615 Deed of a tenement and garden on the North side of High Street. Bounded on the West by the lands of Nicholas Wills's heirs (now in the tenure of Thomas Kirkpatrick) on the

216 East and North East by lands in the occupation of Ezekiel Davys in front 34 feet and extending back to the Old Rampier 230 feet more or less. From 1615 2s 0d English About 1620 this became the property of Wm. Dawson, tanner who about 17 sold same to Lugg (supposed to be the name now called Legg). In 1823 it belonged to John Legg, tanner. It is now held by the Baptist Congregation as a Manse under E. L. Rowan Legg.

113 135 James Blackwood 29th July 1736 Deed of a tenement at the West Gate within said town. Bounded by the garden of Anthony Horsman and the way leading to the Water Pout on the South by the said Gate on the West by the Town Wall and extending Northward to the first Bastion From 1736 6d English 1s This was the ground nearest the opening or passage called the Irish Gate. In 1784 a James Blackwood sold it to John Lee who in 1795 built a large three storey house on it and in 1803 sold it to Messers. Joy Holmes Thom and William Johnston, Merchants, Belfast who in 1804 or 1805 sold same by public auction to Henry Eccleston for ÂŁ400. It was removed about 1840 by the Grand Jury for the purpose of widening West Street & Cork Hill

114 13 Arthur McKearney 22nd June 1613 Deed of his half share of the towns lands first divided between the River of Woodburn and Copeland Water that is to say one parcel of 25 perches in length by 45 in breadth more or less Bounded as therein. Also one other parcel 56 perches

217 in length and in breadth at the upper end 36 perches. Bounded as therein. One other parcel of ground 75 perches in length by 45 in breadth. Bounded as therein. From 1613 2s


This is part of the lands of Prospect now held by the Marquis of Downshire. Arthur McKearney sold to Richd. Cuney and it afterwards came into the possession of John Tadnall who got a new deed in his own name No. 45

115 18 Henry Davys, Alderman 10th August 1671 Deed of one tenement or housestead near the Market Place containing in front to the Street leading from said Market Place towards the North Gate 66 feet. Bounded on the North by a tenement in possession of Baptist Boyd Taylor on the North East by a house of William Dobbin (now in possession of Matthew Johnston) and containing in front to said Market Place South East 27 feet. Also one plot of ground (now in possession of John Childs) in the North East Division called Little Edengraney containing 4 acres more or less. Bounded on the South East and North East by the Sea on the West by a small stream running into the Sea and on the North West by the High way leading towards Kilroot.

From 1671 10s



The plot of ground in the North East Division was granted in 1610 to Ezekiel Davys for 61 years (No. 41 Expired Leases) The tenement near the Market Place became Lord Blayneys and was sold in 1825 to Daniel Blair from whom it descended to Mr. James Alexander whose

218 representatives sold it to James Bell who pays the foregoing rent. The land was sold to William Cupples along with other lands.

116 102 Arthur Lord Chichester 5th April 1619 See Extracts from Grants missing in 1911

117 11 Ingram Horsman 1st May 1625 Deed of one plot or parcel of ground bounded on the North by the lands of the late John Hutchison on the South by the High way which parteth the lands of the late Robert Lyndon on the East by the River or Stream which parteth the lands of the said Horsman and on the West by the High way leading to Massareene. From 1625 6s 8d Anthony, son of Ingram mortgaged this lot to Henry Magee whose daughter Ann married Francis Shaw from whom they were purchased by V.W. Magill. It afterwards came into the possession of his sister Margaret who married Austin Cornwall. It is now held by his representatives

118 16 Henry Clements 3rd October 1677 Deed of lands called Maiden's Mount (alias Lang's land) now in said Clement's possession containing 30 acres more or less. Bounded on the West by the lands of Duncrue & other lands of John Lyndon on the South and East with the lands of James Savage and on the North by the Commons. From 1677 1s 6d

119 94 John Orpin 1st May 1656 Deed of a quarter burgage of land on the North side of the High Street extending back towards the Rampier or wall of the

219 town on the North 257 feet. Bounded on the North East by the lands of Lord Chichester and on the South East by the tenement late Thomas Gravatts (now possessed by William Cathcart). From 1656 2s 0d


This lot became the property of his son William Orpin, Dublin, who died without a will leaving one daughter Mary who died a minor and her property became John Orpin's of Dublin, her uncle. In March 1768, Rolleston Humphrey Dublin let it off to John Campbell for 999 years Rent half a guinea. In 1823 it belonged to his nephew J. Campbell. This is now the Post Office in possession of James O'Gorman. No rent however seems to be paid"



Henry Clements 1st December 1670 Deed of all those lands commonly called The Encroached Lands of Straid containing by estimation 400 acres more or less together with six score acres adjoining on the East being 3 shares of the commonable lands formerly allotted to Wm. Bashford, Ralph Hillman and William Cathcart measured & bounded according to the ancient bounds thereof with common of pasture turbary fuel. From 1670 ÂŁ6: 0: 0 English This became the property of Henry Ellis and was purchased from his representatives by the Marquis of Downshire"

121 86 Robert Walsh 17th December 1666 Deed of the land called the Old Bowling Green situate without the North Gate with the small parcel of land adjoining. Bounded on the West with the way leading from said


North Gate to Alderman Byrtt's house containing in breadth 340 feet on the North by the field of Captain Solomon Faith containing in length 400 feet on the East by the small parcel of land belonging to the heirs of Thomas Gravitt 200 feet and on the South by the Causeway leading to Loughmourne containing in length 415 feet . From 1666 3s


122 15 Andrew Clements 20th August 1678 Deed of one house and garden (now in possession of said Andrew Clements on the South side of the Street leading from the Market Place to the West Gate containing in front to said Street under the lower story 23 feet and the other or upper storey 29 feet extending backwards to the garden wall of a house belonging to the executors of the late Humphrey Johnston (now in possession of Thomas Murray Clarke) 71 feet where it contains in breadth 44 feet. Bounded on the East with a house belonging to James Willls (now in possession of Randall Bane) and on the West with a house belonging to Richard Horsman (now in possession of James McCullough) From 1678 3 6 This became the property of H.C. Ellis and was purchased from his representatives by the Marquis of Downshire by whom it was leased to the late Robt. Carnaghan

53 123 Robert Ellis 5th February 1609 Deed of a parcel of land in the East suburbs South side of the Street or Causeway leading to the Spittal containing in breadth 140 feet. Bounded on the East by a burgage of land in the tenure of John Lugg Burgess on the West by a small stream running into the sea, and extending back from said Street on the North to the Mean Sea on the South From 1609 2s 0d

221 The foregoing parcel was regranted to Solomon Faith. No. 131

124 3 Matthew Johnston 13th October 1686 See Extracts from Grants missing in 1911

125 138 Robert Lyndon 10th November 1603 Deed of that whole parcel of land between Glenarm way and Woodburn River containing in length 340 perches and in breadth 7 perches on the South end towards the Sea and over against Maiden's Mount 20 perches and at the utmost bounds towards the North 40 perches. Bounded on the East by the lands allotted to William Savage Burgess and on the West by Woodburn River and the lands allotted to John Lugg Burgess and extending in length from the Highway to Massareene over the Drumitamer to the utmost bounds of the towns arable lands on the North. Another parcel lying between Woodburn River on the East and North side of the High way to Massareene on the South and West side containing 10 acres more or less and one half share of the arable lands undivided West of Woodburn River with common of pasture turbary fuel

From 1603 2s



126 14 Samuel Davys 2nd February 1664 Deed of a parcel of ground containing 74 acres being one plot of Duncrue (late in tenure of Christopher Russell) Bounded on the East by the lands of Roger Lyndon Esq. on the West by the lands formerly belonging to the said Edmund Davys and on the North by the Commons and on the South by the lands of Anthony Horsman Alderman with common of pasture turbary, fuel. From 1664 11s 6d English Now held by the Repvs of W. D.D. Wilson decd. "


127 5 William Savage 1st August 1677 Deed of a plot of ground in the town of Carrickfergus in possession of Hugh Henry containing in front to the Street leading from the West Gate to Cronaghbane 70 feet and extending back to the Town Wall 75 feet more or less. Bounded on the East by the Street aforesaid on the South by Cronaghbane on the West by the Wall aforesaid and on the North by waste ground belonging to Henry Davys From 1 August 1677 3s 4d Tradition says this lot became William Hilditch's my marriage who mortgaged it to Henry Gill (On it is built two double houses of his charity)

128 92 Solomon Faith 13th February 1653 Deed of a tenement or quarter burgage on the East side of Cheston Lane in breadth from said Lane to the houses of Richard O'Cahan on the South 21 feet and extending back to the lands of Ingram Horseman 72 feet. Bounded on the South by the lands of Richard O'Cahan and on the North by the lands of Thomas O'Kane From 1653 3s 4d English This formerly belonged to Anthony Hall and Matcalffe. It became the property of Jane Pottinger daughter of said Solomon Faith whose descendants sold to Sir Wm. Kirk

129 34 Solomon Faith 2nd February 1664 Deed of two parcels of land vizt. One parcel called Briantang containing 60 acres more or less. Bounded on the East by the lands of Anthony Horsman on the South by the High way to Antrim on the West by the lands of Thomas Dobbin and on the North by a small river called Tang river. One other parcel containing two quarter shares on the High way to Glenarm containing

223 32 acres more or less (formerly called Gideon's land). Bounded on the East by said High way to Glenarm, together with common of pasture turbary From 1664 English 4s 6d The first parcel was granted in 1606 to Humphrey Johnston No.43

130 51 James Byrtt 2nd November 1607, 5th of James 1st. Deed of two parcels of land between River Woodburn and Copeland Water (being two whole Alderman's Shares) allotted unto said James Byrtt and Captain Gregory Norton Alderman of said town) vizt One parcel containing in length from the Commons on the North of the ditch of the Parson's Park and the lands of Carnansandall on the South 546 perches in breadth at the upper end next the Commons 48 perches in the middle 46 perches and at the lower end next the Parson's ditch and the lands of Carnansandall 40 perches more or less. Bounded as therein. One other small parcel in length from the said Byrtts lands on the North to the High way on the South 18 perches and in breadth from the lands of Carnansandall aforesaid on the East to the Parson's Park on the West 4 perches more or less with common of pasture turbary heath

From 1607 8s 0d In 1784 Robert Byrtt Belfast sold these lands to Sir Wm. Kirk. They were then called by the general name of Caldharne and described as containing a150: r3;p32 which are now occupied by Daniel McGookin and others as tenants. The house in High Street No 159 Grants missing in 1786 that had been the family house was sold to Sir William at the same time. The rent of both is mentioned as being nine shillings and four pence.


131 Solomon Faith 2nd March 1669 Deed of sundry parcels of lands and tenements vizt One parcel containing 60 acres, 30 of which are commonly called Ellis land and the other 30 Duncrue Beg. Bounded as therein. Also a housestead and garden in the East suburbs or Scotch Quarter (late Robert Ellis's) in front to the High way leading to Kilroot 150 feet. Bounded on the West by the river running from Lord Donegall's mill on the South by the Sea and on the East by the lands of Nicholas Wills. Another plot called Long's garden in the suburbs aforesaid containing in front to said High way 140 feet. Bounded on the East by the lands of John Gardiner on the South by the Sea and on the West by the lands of Richard Conlan.

Another plot being part of Lang's garden in the suburbs aforesaid. Bounded on the East by a little High way leading to John Johnston's Kiln on the north by the lands of Henry Davys Alderman, on the West with the lands of James Dobbin Alderman and on the South by the High way or Causeway aforesaid containing in front to said Causeway 250 feet

From 1669 ÂŁ1 0s


The second lot was formerly granted to Robert Ellis No.123. The Street at that time ran far South of where it does at present and this lot is mostly if not all washed away by the Sea. This grant came to Jane Pottinger wife of Edward Pottinger a daughter of Solomon Faith's. It afterwards became Mr Veseys from whom it was purchased by Sir William Kirk. In September 1906 Mr George E. Kirk having sold the Agricultural land to the tenants, the Council sold 10/9 of the rent & reserved the balance of 10/= on the holdings in the Scotch Quarter.


132 Robert Gardiner 1st November 1707 Deed of 48 acres of land called Jordan's land in the West Division. Bounded on the West by the lands of Henry Davys called Legnabroghill on the East by the lands of Alderman Cornelius Crymble on the North by part of Knockagh mountain and on the South by Lord Donegall's land. Also 6 acres more taken off the Commons more or less. Bounded on the East and West by John Edwards land and Bulworthy's town now called Gardiner's town on the South by the High way leading to Belfast and on the North by Bulworthy's alias Gardiner's town. Also three tenements in the East suburbs called Scotch Quarter in front 100 feet more or less. Bounded on the East by the river on the South by the Sea on the West by the tenement of Richard Conlan deceased on the North by the High way

From 1707 ÂŁ1 10s



This was leased in 1681 to William Jordan (No. 56 Expired Leases) and again to John Bulworthy (No. 7 Expired Leases). It afterwards became Robert Catherwoods who in 1811 sold 20 acres of the land to Sir William Kirk subject to the rent of 10/= which is still paid by the Representatives of George E. Kirk and the other portion ÂŁ1:0:6 (Irish) equal 18/11 sterling being paid by John Horsman. The tenements in the Scotch Quarter became James Allan's then his daughters Mrs Kidley

133 Marriott Dalway 3rd June 1771 Deed in trust for the Dissenting Minister of Carrickfergus for the time being of a tenement on the East side of North Street. Bounded on the South by John Flock's house on the North by William Jones's tenement in front 50 feet by 164

226 feet back to the Bowling Green From 1771 15s 0d This was formerly held by John Redworth under Lease (Expired Leases No.16) who sold it to Henry Burnes who sold it to the Revd Timothy Taylor. The rent was reduced to a Peppercorn by an order of the Assembly passed on 24th Sep 1789

134 Richard Dobbs - Dean of Connor 12th May 1780 Deed of all the tenements known by the name of the Church Yard Lane in front 202 feet and back to the Town Wall. Bounded on the East by Daniel Kirk's garden and the Meeting house on the North and North West by said Town wall and on the South West by Hugh Mullholland's grass garden and on the South East by the Church Yard wall. From 1780 Rent ÂŁ12 None of the occupiers of these tenements paid any rent to the Corporation, nor had they any leases. A suit was instituted by one of the occupiers named George Mongle and the Dean relinquished. Mongle had to sell one of his tenements to pay his expenses of the suit. The others refused to pay anything. The Dean never got possession

135 Alexander Gunning 27th September 1771 Deed of a tenement South side of West Street and leading to West Gate 38 feet in front and extending back & fronting Essex Street by 61 1/2 feet. Bounded on the South by Captn. Ellis's house in Essex Street and on the East by Mrs Catherine Gunning's house in West Street. From 1771 10s 0d This lot was formerly Richard Russell's

227 Expired Leases No. 17 and afterwards Jasper Happers. In 17- it was granted to John Chaplin No. 148 Grants missing in 1786 at 6/8 rent. In 1823 it was a Brewery. It is now held by the Representatives of Daniel Mogey.

136 James Cobham 24th May 1773 Deed of one tenement South side of West Street. Bounded as therein in front 41 1/2 feet and extending backwards West 46 feet and East 24 feet. Also 2 tenements in Cork Hill 49 feet in front. Bounded as therein. Also a tenement in the Irish Quarter North side of the road leading from Irish Gate to Straid 50 feet in front and extending backwards to Town Wall 20 feet. Also another tenement adjoining the same on North side of Irish Quarter 58 feet in front and extending back 126 feet. Bounded on the East by the Town Wall on the South by the Road to Straid on the West by William McKeown's house. From 1773 ÂŁ4 9s 1 1/2d

The two tenements in the Irish Quarter were first held by Charles Magee. He bequeathed them to his nephew John Hinch who in 1661 got a lease for 99 years. (Expired Leases No. 39) who sold it to Amos Derby for ÂŁ5 who got a new lease in his own name (Expired Leases No. 31) Now held by the Marquis of Downshire.

137 Alexander Kirk 13th May 1777 Deed of a tenement in West Street South side 42 feet in front extending backwards 99 1/2 feet to ground of A Vesey. Bounded on the East by Arthur Adair's house and on the

West by Widow Gunning's house. From 1777 18s 0d This holding is now in possession of the Representatives of Johnston Bowman

138 Abraham Woods 19th June 1787 Deed of a tenement on the North side of West Street formerly Robt. Wills's. Bounded on the South by West Street & extending to the Church Yard on the West with Lord Donegall's houses and on the East by house of Ezekiel Davys Wilson Esq. From 1787 10s 0d This was leased on 1st May 1627 to Robert Wills (No.25 Expired Leases) for 99 years. On 22nd May 1721 it was released to Wm. Wills for 99 years (No. 28 Expired Leases) who sold to Abraham Woods who then got the above grant for ever. On his death it came to his daughter Sarah. In 1790 said Sarah sold to John D. McQuillan and it descended to his widow and from her to her second husband John Barryhill whose Representatives sold to William Robinson Flesher now representatives of said William Robinson.

139 Thomas Powell 3rd November 1609 Deed of sundry parcels of land vizt. One parcel on the North side of Woodburn Highway containing in length from the land of Rowland Matthews to said Highway 10 perches by 9 in breadth. One other parcel south side of said High way containing in breadth 9 perches by 18 in length from said Highway to the Sea side both which parcels on the lower side of said Highway are bounded as therein. Also one other parcel of land bounded on the North by said Highway and on the South by the Sea and is in length


229 by said High way 66 1/2 perches from the lands of said Wills to Woodburn aforesaid and along by the Sea side 73 perches and in breadth from the Sea side to the High way aforesaid 38 perches which said lands are now or were late in the occupation of Faulke Conway.

From 1609 ÂŁ1: 0: 0 English The first two lots are the East end of what was called the Long Meadow. The last lot is that called the Rhanbuoy. These became Lord Blayneys who about 1819 sold one of them (the town parks) to George Burleigh for ÂŁ900. It was sold free of rent. Rhanbuoy is now in the possession of the Representatives of A. J. A. Lepper. No rent appears to be paid to the Council.

140 Solomon Faith 13th February 1653 Deed of two tenements South side of West Street formerly belonging to John Powell. Bounded on the North by said West Street in front to said West Street 77 feet more or less extending back to a brick wall 92 feet where it contains in breadth 77 feet more or less which said tenements said Lyndon purchased from said Powell and exchanged it for lands called Killacroft and other lands with Solomon Faith From 1653 8d English 6s This was previously two lots held by John Powell and John Hall. On the East was the house of John Roy which was granted to him in 1628. He sold it to John Hall. In 1653 these lots were held by Roger Lyndon and called 77 feet in front which he soon after exchanged

230 with James Byrtt for 5 acres of land called Killycroft. Soon after they came into the possession of Solomon Faith who had the foregoing deed made out in his own name. They afterwards became Jame Pottingers, A. Vesey's, Revd. Richard Dobbs and the Revd. John Dobbs. This appears to be the premises occupied by J & D Weatherup as a Coal store under E.L. Rowan Legg

141 Solomon Faith 4th February 1675 Deed of one plot of land within the Town of Carrickfergus near Cronaghbane on the East side of the Street containing in front to said Street leading from the West Street to Cronaghbane 80 feet more or less. Bounded as therein. Also one plot of ground whereon one half of the house now in possession of Solomon Faith standeth purchased by Hugh Lyndon from Mary Piers alias Ockford and Annie Ockford. From 4th February 1675 ÂŁ1: 3: 4 This afterwards became Jane Pottingers, A. Veseys & Revd. Richard Dobbs who in 1822 sold it to A. Gunning for ÂŁ120

142 Solomon Faith 14th July 1684 Deed of one house stead and several parcels of land vizt:Two parcels near and without the North Gate late in the tenure of Matthew Johnston & Thos. Kirkpatrick Alderman. Bounded on the East by the lands of Lord Donegall on the South by the Town Wall on the West by the Shoulder of the Flanker of said wall and on the North West by the High way to Glenarm. One other parcel without North Gate aforesaid near Sandall's Park. Bounded on

231 the East by the High way to Glenarm containing 8 perches in length on the South West by the lands of Ezekiel Davys where it contains 7 perches and on the North by Sandall's Park aforesaid being 8 perches. Also one house stead or garden plot containing three roods and a half lying in the West Division. Bounded on the West by a small ditch on the North by the lands of Lord Donegall now in possession of said Solomon Faith on the East by a little river on the South by the High way to Belfast with common of pasture turbary .

From 1684 Rent for the lands without the North Gate 7s 8d Rent for the House stead 3s 4d = 11s 0

Observations: The parcels without the North Gate were held under lease for 99 years from 1664. No. 50 Expired Leases

143 Solomon Faith 2nd February 1664 See Extracts from Grants missing in 1833

144 Daniel Kirk 13th September 1779 Deed of parcel of ground in the West Division called Waggis Brae. Bounded on the West by the lands of Lord Donegall tenanted by Edward Craig and Troopers Loaning South East by the Road to Belfast. Also 4 parcels of ground or tenements on the West side of North Street containing to said street & leading to the North Gate 210 feet and extending back and fronting the lane leading to the Church Yard 132 1/2 feet being Kirks Brewery and Dwelling houses, Meeting house and green & his garden. And also the Malt Kiln opposite the North Gate with the field of land adjoining the said Kiln on the West side and the little garden opposite the Kiln door and joining the Town wall containing two acres Irish

232 measure. From 1779 3s 3d The Brewery and Dwelling houses were on 3rd Dec. 1835 conveyed to David Legg in trust for the Committee appointed for building a New Market Place and on 23rd April 1857 were conveyed by John Legg and others to the Municipal Commissioners for said purpose. (Catalogue No 407)

145 William Boyle 13th September 1779 Deed of a parcel of ground in the Middle Division containing three roods Irish Plantation measure then in his possession. Bounded on the West by the lands of Captain Ellis & on the South by the Road to Antrim. 11s 4 1/2d This is Luberlady now held by the Reptvs of William Hamilton. It was granted to John White on 22nd May 1721 for 99 years. No. 52 Expired Leases.

146 Conway E. Dobbs & John B. Gilmore Trustees of the Will of E.D. Wilson deceased 2nd January 1836 Deed of tenement in Bonneybefore on the North side of the road leading to Larne. Bounded on the East by the river on the West by the tenement formerly Robert Donaldson's containing in front 19 feet and extending backwards 50 feet as formerly demised to Hugh McDowell. Also a tenement and garden containing 37 feet in breadth and 87 feet in length on the North side of the road leading to Straid and far end of the Irish Quarter. Bounded on the South East by the garden formerly Hugh Hannah's and on the North West by the Mill lands. Also a tenement on the South side of the Irish Quarter formerly in the


possession of Charles Adamson containing in front forty eight feet and extending backwards 70 feet. Bounded on the West by a house formerly in the possession of James Boyle and on the East by what was formerly the Pound. Also tenements situate on the South side of the Irish Quarter on the road leading to Belfast. Bounded on the West by what was formerly waste ground on the East by a little river containing in front 185 feet and extending backwards to the Shore. Rent ÂŁ1: 5: 2 3/4

The above tenements are those comprised in the four leases dated 23rd September 1771 No.148, 159, 164 and 165 to Wm. Brodby, Hugh McDowell and E.D. Wilson (2) for which a deed for ever was ordered to be made by resolution dated 23rd August 1779.

147 Thomas Ludford Stewart 2nd May 1804 Deed of a parcel of land heretofore used as a common part whereof commonly called the Whin-nows in the lower part of the West Division situated on the South East side of the road leading from Carrickfergus to Belfast. Bounded on the South East by the said Thos L. Stewart's farm called the Coneyborough farm in his possession on the North by the High road and on the West by the old bed of the river or stream that formerly divided the said Commons and Whin-nows from a piece of land called the Jointure land containing in the whole one acre and twenty two perches. ÂŁ1: 2: 9

The above grant is not referred to in the Catalogue of 1833. This extract is taken from a certified copy dated 15th March 1858. The rent paid by the Grantee up to 1837


was £2:2:0 (£2:5:6 Irish). At that date there was a sum of £21 due as arrears which was written off. After that the rent was 10/6 and 1/6 of Tithe Rent Charge which was paid by John Oudin up to 1866 where it was sold to him through the Landed Estates Court. It was then described as being held under equitable right to a lease for 99 years from 3rd April 1804 as there is a resolution on that date directing such Lease to be granted.

235 Extracts from Fee Farm Grants missing in 1786

Note: The following Extracts are taken from the Catalogue of 1738. The original Deeds have been lost or mislaid and were so at the time of making the Catalogue of 1786. Nothing further could be learned respecting them than what appears in that Catalogue. No. in Catalogues of 1738 and 1786.

24 Samuel Davys Deed of fifteen acres for keeping the Tholsel in good and sufficient Repairs It was ordered by the Assembly on the 10th April 1775 that on payment by Mr Wilson the then inheritor of ÂŁ60 he should be discharged from this covenant

41 Thomas Bashford Deed of three plots or parcels of land between Glenarm Road and Copeland Water 1s 6d Lapsed

140 William Penny or Peny Burgess Deed of a plot or parcel of land (encroached by his father Alderman William Penny or Peny from the Corporation lands) called Ballymunach alias Lis Glass. ÂŁ2 This afterwards became the property of Charles Crymble of Ballyclare and is now held by Major Thompson

141 Thomas Orpin Deed of one plot or parcel of land lying near the road leading to Straid & is bounded as follows on the East by the lands of James Byrtt on the North and South by the lands of Tatnall and on the

236 East by the lands of John Lyndon 2: 0 There is a receipt for this Grant from James Kirk, Town Clerk dated 11th August 1721. See parcel lettered C. No. 4

142 Francis Clements Alderman Deed of one plot or parcel of ground commonly called and known by the name of the Parade late in the possession of James Savage and Thomas Savage deceased and of Ann Henderson situate lying and being within the town and bounded by the Town wall on the South by the Street leading to the Quay Gate on the West and by the Street leading from the King's Castle on the North East. As also of another messuage or tenement situate on the South West side of the road leading from Upper Woodburn river up Bryan Tang Brae commonly known and called by the name of Joy's Castle within the County of said town 6s 8d

In 1612 the Parade was granted to Robt. Savage for 61 years No. 14 Expired Leases and in 1682 to John Edwards for 99 years. No. 12 Expired Leases and in 1682 to John Edwards for 99 years. H. C. Ellis acquired the above grant and he sold he Parade to the Government free of rent. Joy's Castle was afterwards purchased by the Marquis of Downshire who pays the above rent.

143 Ezekiel Davys Wilson Alderman 25th August 1739 Deed of all that plot or parcel of ground between the Pound and the West Gate excepting & reserving a sufficient High way and passage into said Pound

237 with a proper gutter to convey the water into said Pound. 6d

144 Thomas Stevenson Deed of all that the moiety or one half of that whole part or parcel of arable lands meadow and pasture which is now allotted unto the said Thomas Stevenson and Thomas Hibbotts Alderman of the said town for two whole Alderman's shares of the Towns lands now divided lying and being within the liberties of the said town in a fold between Glenarm way and Copeland Water which whole plot or parcel of arable lands meadows and pastures containeth 39 perches in breadth or thereabouts and 600 perches in length be it more or less and is bounded as in extract extending in length from the High way near the Sea side on the South to the utmost bounds mears and limits of the arable lands meadows and pastures belonging to said town lying and being on the West side Woodburn water which is yet undivided. 3s 0d

The rent must be a mistake a whole share being generally 4s/=d and a half share 2/=. There is a receipt for this grant from James Kirk, Town Clerk dated 16th -- 1719. See Parcel lettered C No. 5. This plot was acquired by the Marquis of Donegall and sold to Lord Shaftesbury under the Land Purchase Acts.

145 Michael Savage Deed of all that five plots or parcels of land vizt. One plot or parcel of land with one moiety or half deal of the Fuller or Juck Mill thereon built with the one half or moiety of the lands laid out and reserved unto the said Fuller or Juck Mill which plot or parcel of land is bounded on the East by the lands of

238 James Byrtt Alderman where it contains in length the number of eight score and one perches on the West by the lands of Patrick Savage son and heir unto George Savage deceased and William Savage brother to said Michael Savage where it containeth in length likewise the number of eight score and one perches on the South by the lands of Killacroft now in the occupation of James Byrtt aforesaid where it containeth in length the number of 20 1/2 perches and on the North by the lands of Thomas O'Conlin of the town aforesaid Burgess where it containeth in breadth likewise the number of 20 1/2 perches.

Another plot or parcel of land now in the tenure and occupation of John Willoughby Bounded on the East with James Byrtts lands where it containeth in length the number of three score and eleven perches on the West by the lands of Lord Conway and Dermott Haynes Burgess where it containeth in length in length four score and ten perches on the South by the lands of Thomas O'Conlin & containing in breadth 48 perches and on the North with Patk. Savages land containing in breadth likewise 46 perches.

One other plot or parcel of land called and known by the name of Altavady and bounded on the East by the lands of Thomas O'Conlan and by estimation the number of seven score perches in length or thereabouts. Bounded on the West by the lands of Richard Spearpoint Burgess and the said Dermott Haynes containing in length likewise the number of seven score perches on the South by the lands of Patk. Savage containing in breadth 34 perches on the North by the Commons of Carrickfergus where it likewise containeth 36 perches.

One other plot or parcel of land known & called by the name of Barley Hill and bounded by the High way leading to Antrim on the East Lord Conway's land on the North and West and the said Thos. O'Conlan's

239 land and lands of Robert Wills on the South. Fifth & last parcel of land Bounded on the East by the lands of the said Thomas O'Conlan containing in length eighteen perches on the West by the lands of Richard Spearpoint containing in length 20 perches on the North by the lands of William Savage containing in breadth 8 perches and butting on the South by the lands of said Thos O'Conlan containing in breadth 12 perches.

3s 0d

There is a receipt for this Grant from James Kirk dated 11th August 1721. See parcel lettered C. No. 4.

The parcels called Allivady and Barley Hill appear to be those now held by the Trustees of Gill's Charity. On the latter parcel a row of his houses are erected.

146 Murtagh Woods Deed of two plots or parcels of land meadow and pasture within the fields and liberties of Carrickfergus that is to say between Woodburn and Copeland Water and both contain in length the number of 4 score and 4 perches & in breadth 3 score and 12 perches. Bounded as in Extract through which two parcels of land there is always to be left & reserved a sufficient High way leading towards the town and to the Commons for the use of all people who are corporators and are joining in one lot with said Murtagh Woods and for the use of the heirs executors and assigns of them 2s


There is a receipt for this Grant from James Kirk dated 16th -1719. See parcel Lettered C No. 5


147 John Torbitt - Malster Two plots of ground situate and being and joining the outside of the North Gate commonly called and known by the name of the Flankers one of said plots in possession of Philips Gayer, Clerk, and the other in possession of Danl. Kirk. 7s 6d These were afterwards held by the Revd. Philip Gayer and Daniel Kirk. In 182. the one on the East was held by James Craig the other by the Revd. Richard Dobbs. In the same year the latter was sold to Daniel Blair who in 1823 built three story house on it.

Blair had a deed of Gayers but it was not signed by any person. It was subsequently acquired by the Marquis of Donegall and sold by the Urban Council to Lord Shaftesbury.

The above mentioned house is now occupied by James McAllister as a Blacksmiths forge & dwelling house.

148 John Chaplin - Burgess A tenement on the South East side of the West Street formerly Richard Russell's. Bounded with John Brennan's, Burgess house on the East with the Street on the West and with Mrs Jane Pottinger's tenement in Essex Street on the South. 6s 8d This tenement previously belonged to Richard Russell and afterwards to Jasper Happer. It was again granted to Alexr Gunning in 1771 (No. 135 Fee Farm Grants) at a rent of 10/=. In 1823 it was a Brewery.


149 Henry Davys Two tenements situate within the town. Bounded by Brian McManus house on the East and with Charles Wills Castle and tenements on the West and the Street leading to the Castle on the South 13s 4d These afterwards became Charles Davys who in 1786 sold them to Lord Blayney whose representatives about 1880 sold to Mrs Mary Stuart North St Carrickfergus. They are in the occupation of Robt. McCarroll, publican and others.

150 Morgan Woods One Castle or pile in the High Street bounded with James Byrtt's house on the West with the house of Sir Faulke Conway on the East now tenanted by George Spaight Alderman and on the South by the Main Street. 3s 4d This afterwards became Richd. Conlan's. In 1683 it was held by Matthew King, Merchant whose daughter Ann bequeathed it to Ezekiel D. Wilson and Miss Spaight. E.D.Wilson gave Miss Spaight ÂŁ20 for her claim. Now the dwelling house of Mr. Robert Cambridge

151 Brian McManus A house and garden now in possession of William Scannell Glazier, bounded with Matthew Johnston's house on the East and with Capt. John Davys tenement on the West and fronting the Street leading to the King's Castle 3s 4d

This lot was formerly Michael Whites & afterwards became Thos. McManus' who bequeathed it to his son Brian who


got the above deed in his own name. Bryan sold it to William Scannell who bequeathed it to his Granddaughter Ann Burns who left it to her niece who sold it to Sir William Kirk. Now held by the Representatives of George E. Kirk and occupied by Daniel Lawlor & Alexr Forsyth

152 Anthony Hall For Thomas Dobbins house & Shade now inhabited by William Brown Burgess. Bounded on the South West by a house of Henry Gill Alderman and which he now lives in and on the East by the tenements lately Thomas Bashfords Burgess and in right of his wife (daughter of Thomas Arthur Adair) 4s


This house was formerly Thomas Dobbins and called his house and Shade from a wooden Shade in front that projected into the Street. He sold it to Anthony Hall had the above deed granted in his own name. It became a joint property and its rent was long paid as for the heirs of Michael Harrison. Dr Stewart of Lisburn held it for some time in right of his first wife. It is believed he sold his right to Sir Wm. Kirk. Now held by the Representatives of George E. Kirk tenanted by Edward Davey as Licensed premises called the Victoria Hotel.

153 Richard Hampston A quarter share of land West of Woodburn 5s 0d This was acquired by the Marquis of Donegall and sold by the Urban Council

243 to Lord Shaftesbury

154 Arthur Chichester 769 Acres of Letice lands situate on the right hand of the road leading to Belfast in which quantity of lands is that parcel commonly called and known by the name of Bullworthy's town. And all those lands of the Knocker that extend to the Earls meadows now the property of the Earl of Donegall

ÂŁ1: 18: 6 See Note to No. 153

155 Widow Birds Part of the lands West of Woodburn now the Earl of Donegall's 1s 8d See Note to No. 153

156 Arthur Chichester A parcel of land called Marshallstown containing 140 acres. 6s 6d See Note to No. 153

157 Arthur Chichester A plot of ground within the town called Raven's gardens. Bounded on the West with the Church Yard with Robert Walsh's tan yard on the North and with North Street on the East and with Sir Hercules Landfords great house (now Captain John Davyses) on the South. Now the Earl of Donegall 10s 0d See Note to No. 153

158 Earl of Donegall For the East Mills 11d See Note to No. 153

159 James Byrtt One tenement in High Street bounded on the West by a house of Dr. James Dobbin and on the East with a house of Ann Kings 3s 4d See Note to No. 130


160 Henry Davys A plot or parcel of ground on which there was formerly tenements and a Lime Kiln near which Allister Duff lived. Bounded with the waste ground opposite the Horse Barracks on the West by the lands of Thomas Powell called the Ranboy (now Captain John Davys) 5 0 This was previously held by Gowry Duff. No. 63 Expired Leases. It is now swept away by the Sea.

161 Hercules Langford - Mr Long and Mr Taffe One whole share of land situate and being in the West Division of this town near Thompson's Point. Now the Earl of Donegall 3s 0d See Note to No. 153

162 Shane McCarney A quarter share of land purchased by John the Goodneighbour alias John Johnston now his Grandson's John Johnstons, his tenant Robert Moore 9d See Note to No. 83

163 Richard Newton A plot or parcel of ground commonly called and known by the name of Lyndon's garden. Bounded on the East with a piece of Waste ground (belonging to Henry Gill) on the South West with the entrance to the King's Castle on the South East with the Sea, with the Street leading to the Castle North West ÂŁ1: 6: 8 This lot previously belonged to William Piers. Richard Newton sold to one of the Davys who made a freehold of it to John or Edward Lyndon at a rent

245 of £12 - who gave a deed of it to the King at a yearly rent of £29 - It afterwards came into the possession of Lord Blayney whose representatives about 1880 sold to Mr. Keen, Islandmagee

164 William Storr A quarter share of land purchased by John Johnston now his grandson's John Johnston, his tenant is Robert Moore. 9d See Note to No. 83

165 Edward Russell All that plot or parcel of ground on the South side of High Street. Bounded with Captain John Davys (where Mr. Fitzpatrick lived) on the West. Dr. James Dobbin's house on the East with the Sea on the South. Now the Earl of Donegall's £1: 3: 4 See Note to No. 153

166 Dudley Yerworth A part of his half share of lands purchased by John Johnston, now his grandsons John Johnston. Tenanted by Robert Moore 6d See Note to No. 83


Extracts from Fee Farm Grant missing in 1833

Note: The following extract is taken from the Catalogue of 1786. The original deed was lost or mislaid and was so at the time of making the Catalogue of 1833.

"No. in Catalogue of 1786.

143 Solomon Faith 2nd February 1664 Deed of two tenements vizt: One near Sandall's Castle late in tenure of Anthony Hall in front to the Street 42 feet the like breadth all along backwards. Bounded on the East by Sandall's Castle aforesaid on the West by the lands of Roger Lyndon Esq. on the North by the lands late in occupation of John Hall on the South by the street leading to the Quay. One other tenement in West Street late in tenure of John Hall 30 feet in front and the same breadth backwards. Bounded on the East by the lands of James Dobbin (late Sandall's) on the North by the West Street of said town and on the West and South by the lands of said Solomon Faith. Also a parcel of land called Sandall's Park (without the North Gate) containing 14 acres more or less. Bounded on the East by the way leading to Glenarm on the North by the lands of Timothy Taylor and John Byrtt Alderman on the West by the Highway leading to said Byrtts Mills and on the South by a small bye High way with common of pasture fuel. From 1664. During the lives of Soloman Faith and his wife Catherine and after their death to their son & heir apparent Samuel Faith and his heirs and failing heirs to the heirs of Catherine 13s 4d English

For this Deed there is a receipt of the

247 Revd. R. Dobbs dated 14th October 1822. See parcel lettered 'C' and a copy of it has been lodged proved by Peter Kirk to be a true copy he having at one time had the custody of the original which he afterwards handed back to Mr. Dobbs. This is No.143 and is in Bundle No. 3.

The first lot appears to be the premises formerly occupied by Samuel Norris, Tinsmith and now as a Coal store by Messrs J & D Weatherup.

The second lot is the Shop occupied by the late Mr. J. D. Weatherup.

Portions of the land called Sandall's Park are now occupied by the Railway Station premises. Prospect and Victoria Streets.

248 Extracts from Fee Farm Grants missing in 1911

Note: The following Extracts are taken from the Catalogue of 1833, the Counterparts except No. 124 having been handed to Lord Shaftesbury who had acquired the premises comprised therein when the Rents were sold to him under the Land Purchase Acts. No. 124 was handed to the Representatives of H.G. Wilson who also purchased the Rent under the same Acts.

No. in Catalogue of 1834

8 William Dobbin 4th May 1670 Deed of one plot of ground North East side of the North Street. Bounded as in extract containing in length from North Street to Joymount House 128 feet and in front to North Street 48 feet more or less. Also one other plot of ground on the North East side of the North Street. Bounded as in extract, being in length from said North Street to Tracy's garden 128 feet more or less and in front to said North Street 48 feet. ÂŁ1: 0: 0

In 1739 this was in the possession of William McCartney of Belfast. There is evident confusion in the records of the former date so that it is alleged to be the same held by Edwd. Johnston No.11 Expired Leases and sold by Lord McCartney to Sir WIlliam Kirk. This must be a mistake as it was sold to Lord Shaftesbury under the above Acts.


26 Anthony Dobbin 25th September 1608 Deed of three parcels of land between Glenarm way on the West and Copeland Water on the East vizt. One parcel bounded on the South by the lands allotted to Nicholas Dobbin, Burgess and extending Northwards 64 perches in length to the other parcel of Nicholas Dobbin by 38 in breadth. Bounded on the East by the lands allotted to William Long, Richard Taffe, John Scully, Henry Thompson and Andrew Sandall. on the West by the High way to Glenarm. Another parcel adjoining to said Nicholas Dobbin on the South and extending Northwards unto the other plot of Nicholas Dobbin 94 perches by 37 in breadth. Bounded on the West by said High way to Glenarm. One other parcel 100 perches in length by 37 in breadth. Bounded on the North by the Commons said three lots being one Alderman's share at first division with common of pasture, for one Alderman's share 4s 0d

27 William Liddall 10th November 1603 Deed of 2 parcels of land between Glenarm Port and Woodburn (should be Copeland) water vizt: - One parcel containing 105 perches in length by 39 in breadth. Bounded as in extract. Another parcel containing in breadth 8 1/2 pers by 50 in length. Bounded as in extract on the North by the utmost bounds of the arable lands together with an half share of all the arable lands meadow and pasture belonging to said town on the West side of Woodburn river which is yet undivided with common of pasture turbary and heath proportionable to half a share in as ample a manner as any other freeman free of an half share of said town may or ought to enjoy the same by virtue of any grant from Queen Elizabeth or otherwise 2s 0d English


29 Dudley Yerworth 25th July 1613 Deed Poll of sundry parcels of land vizt. One called Millmount Acre or Mill Moate hill together with a parcel of waste ground adjoining thereto. Bounded as in extract. 4s 0d English

52 Thomas Hibbotts & Ann, his wife 10th November, 1st James I. Deed of one half of that whole parcel of ground now allotted to said Thomas Hibbotts and Thomas Stevenson Alderman for their whole shares of the Towns lands now divided between Glenarm way and Copeland water which whole parcel containeth in breadth 39 perches by 600 in breadth. Bounded as in extract, and extendeth in length from the High way near the Sea side on the South to the uttermost bounds of the towns arable lands on the North. And also one Alderman's share of the arable lands meadow & pasture on the West side of Woodburn river not divided with common of pasture turbary From 1603 to him and his wife and their heirs. 0d 4s

61 Carew Harte 3rd November 1609 Deed of one fourth part of that whole parcel of land now allotted to Thomas Cooper and John Hooper Alderman and William Story Burgess for two Aldermens shares containing 39 perches in breadth by 600 in length more or less. Bounded as in extract and extending in length from the High way near the Sea side to the utmost bounds of the arable lands on the North together with half an Alderman's share of the undivided lands west of Woodburn with common of pasture. From 1609 2s 0d

62 William Isles & John McGaskey 5th January 1608 Deed of a parcel of land at the East end

251 of the Town containing the eight part of an acre more or less. Bounded on the East by the Spittal Stream on the West by the lands occupied by John Lugg on the South by the Sea & on the North by the Causeway leading to the Spittal 1s 6d English

73 Richard Newton, Burgess 10th Novr. 1603 Deed of 2 parcels of land vizt. One parcel containing in length 60 perches by 39 in breadth more or less. Bounded on the South by the Kings High way leading to Kilroot near the Sea side on the North by the lands allotted to Walter Holman between Copeland Water and Glenarm High way & extending in length 60 perches from the High way south unto Walter Holman's land on the North. Also one other parcel on the East side of Glenarm in breadth 35 perches by 80 in length Bounded as in extract with a half share of undivided lands near Woodburn with common of pasture. From 1603 2s 0d

74 Christopher Carleile Esq., Governor of the forces in Ulster and Seneschal of Claneboy & the counties next adjoining 22nd March 13th Elizabeth. Deed of all that house called the Palace formerly the Abbey Priory or Friary of St Francis within the walls of said town. Also one piece of land near adjoining and by us challenged as part of the Borough containing six acres more or less according to the ancient ditch or trench heretofore belonging to said Palace or Abbey. Also one other piece without the town wall on the North East, bounded as follows:- the number of 50 yards in length from that part of the Town Wall which cometh from said Palace South east ward to the round bulwark or

corner turrett stretching 40 yards in breadth from the ditch of the Abbey grounds South east ward towards the Sea till it comes as low as the said turrett leaving the breadth of said turett without said piece of land to the end that said turrett may still serve as a flanker on which said piece of land said Christopher Carleile proposes to build a double water mill for the grinding of corn.

And whereas the said Carleile now dwells in said Palace or Abbey it being in many places greatly decayed and ruined and therefore hath requested for his encouragement in repairing the same to have the premises granted to him in the Fee Farm for ever which is accordingly granted in consideration of ten shillings yearly rent and of the Queen's consent being obtained to give over the ordinary use or service of said Palace or Abbey provided that if the said Christopher Carleile, his heirs shall suffer any tenants to dwell on any part of said 6 acres, the said tenants during their occupation of the same shall be under the rule and government of the Mayor Aldermen Burgesses and pay such duties & charges as other inhabitants of like qualitys and abilities. From 1592 10s


78 Sir Hercules Langford 2nd July 1627 Deed of that stone house or castle in which he now dwells with gardens North West side of High Street. Bounded on the East by the Street leading to Glenarm Gate on the West by the lands of Humphrey Johnston Alderman and Thomas O'Conlan Burgess and on the North West by the lands of Lord Chichester and on the South East by the High Street aforesaid. From 1627 2s 0d English

82 William Dobbin 25th January, 5th James I. Deed of 30 acres more or less on the West side of Woodburn


253 river. Bounded on the East by the High way leading to the Tongue on the North by the river or Glen that parts the little Knockagh and the lands of the Tongue on the West by the lands of the Little Knockagh and on the South by the High way leading to Little Knockagh with common of pasture From 1608 4s


90 Clement Forde 20th September 1608 Deed of lands formerly allotted to John Hooper late Alderman Thomas Cooper and William Story Burgesses, being two Alderman's shares on the first division in breadth 39 pers by 600 in length. Bounded as in extract extending in length from the High way near the Sea side on the South to the utmost bounds of the arable and pasture lands on the North with common of pasture From 1608 4s 0d

96 Thomas Cooper, Burgess & Alice his wife and her heirs for ever 10th November 1603 Deed of a fourth part of that parcel of ground allotted to Thomas Cooper, John Hooper and William Story between Glenarm way and Copeland Water, 39 perches by 600. Bounded as in extract, extending in length from the High way near the Sea side on the South to the utmost bounds of the arable and pasture lands on the North with share of the undivided lands near Woodburn with common of pasture From 1603 2s 0d

103 John Clarke 20th January 1608 Deed of a parcel of ground between Woodburn and Copeland Water in length 60 perches by 30 in breadth more or less. Bounded as in extract. Also a parcel of land 166 perches in length by 37 in breadth next the Commons. Bounded on the North by the Commons with common of pasture.


From 1608 2s


107 Sir Arthur Chichester 10th November 1603 Deed of two parcels of land vizt: - One parcel in the North East Division containing 300 perches in length by 60 in breadth at the south end and 45 at the North. Bounded on the East by the Copeland Water and on the North by the Commons. Also a whole share on the West side of Woodburn water not yet divided with common of pasture From 1603 4s 0d

116 Arthur Lord Chichester 5th April 1619 Deed of two tenements North side of the West Street vizt. That one half burgage 42 feet in front and extending back to the Church Yard late in possession of Thomas Pierson. Bounded on the East by the lands of Richard Taffe Alderman and on the West by lands in the occupation of John Plunkett. Also that half burgage of land Bounded on the East by the aforesaid half burgage and on the West by the house in which Thomas Cooper Alderman now liveth in front to said street 42 feet and extending back to the Church Yard. From 1619 ÂŁ1 English These are the premises now occupied by P. Conway, Robert Robinson & others

124 Matthew Johnston 13th October 1686 A Deed of a field containing 11 acres more or less in the Middle Division late John White's deceased. Bounded on the East by the High way leading to Glenarm. Another field in the possession of John Magee containing 40 acres more or less in same Division. Bounded on the East by the High way leading to Glenarm and on the North by the Commons. Also a plot of ground North East side

255 of the Street leading to Glenarm Gate containing in front to said Street 62 feet more or less to the lands of the Earl of Donegall now in possession of Nicholas Gabbits. Bounded as in extract with grazing on the Commons From 13th Oct 1686 11 6

256 Extracts from Leases for years made by the Mayor Sheriffs Burgesses and Commonalty

148 William Broadly 28th September 1771 Lease of a tenement and garden on the North side of the Road leading to Straid at the farther end of the Irish Quarter 37 feet broad by 80 feet long. Bounded on the South East by Hugh Hanna's garden and on the North West by the Mill lands For 99 years from 1770 6s 8d This was purchased by Ezekiel Davys Wilson and in 1836 a Fee Farm Grant (No. 147) was given to the Trustees of his will.

149 Richard Thomas Stacey 23rd September 1771 Lease of a tenement and garden on the West side of the road leading to Straid. Bounded on the North by James Cobhan's fields on the South by Felix Hanna's garden and Richard Stacey's garden. For 99 years from 1770 13s 4d This was leased in 1671 to Richard Stacey (No. 27 Expired Leases) and in 1855 was again leased to William Blain. No. 186. The Carrickfergus & Larne Railway Company acquired it shortly afterwards for the purposes of their undertaking.

150 Daniel McCay 23rd September 1771 Lease of a tenement in Bonneybefore on the North side of the road to Larne. Bounded on the East by John Donaldson's house on the West near the river 20 feet and extending

257 backwards 17 feet. Also another tenement in Bonneybefore bounded on the West by John Donaldson's house and on the East by Robert Donaldson 36 feet in front and extending backwards 29 feet. For 99 years from 1770 4s 0d Now held by Whiteside Thompson as a monthly tenant & by John Magill to whom the Council have agreed to grant a Lease.

151 Thomas Logan 27th November 1773 Lease of a tenement on the South side of West Street near the Irish Gate containing 35 feet in front and extending backwards to Gunning's garden adjoining Edward McCann's house on the East and the passage by the Town Wall on the West. For 99 years from 1773 17s


This was formerly held by Matthew Johnston. See Observations to No. 60 Expired Leases. It was re-leased in 1872 to Mary C. Wheeler No. 197. Now held by Mrs David Kerr.

152 William McKeown 23rd September 1771 Lease of a tenement in the Irish Quarter on the North side of the Road leading to Straid. Bounded on the East by Andrew Hare's house and on the West by Hugh McDowell's house containing in front 30 feet & extending backwards 80 feet For 99 years from 1770 7s 6d This was re-leased in 1870 to Henry Laverty No. 208

153 James Blackwood 23rd September 1771 Lease of a garden on the North side of West Street adjoining the lane to the Spout on the West. Bounded on the South by William Picken's garden on the East

258 by Mr. Shaw's garden and on the North by James McQuillan's garden For 99 years from 1770 5s 0d In 1870 this lot was divided into three and leases for 75 years granted to Jane Robinson, Eliza Wortley and Sarah and Catherine Dickson. Nos, 198, 201 & 202

154 Edward Dawson 24th May 1773 Lease of sundry tenements in Cork Hill containing in front 120 feet by 106 back to the river. Bounded on the East by John Bowman's holding on the South by James Cobham on the North by the Spout. Also 3 1/2 roods of land near the two mile stone in the West Division. Bounded on the South by the High way to Belfast on the North East and West by the lands of Lord Donegall. For 99 years from 1772 ÂŁ1: 2: 9

The tenements in Cork Hill was formerly held by Edward Hodgson and John Edwards (Expired Leases No. 78 & 57). In 1872 portion of it was released to John Haggan, George McKeown, Andrew Apsley & William Mehaffey. No. 203, 204, 205 & 206. The other portion was let to monthly tenants until 1880 when it was leased to the Trustees of the First Presbyterian Congregation (No. 210) and on it is erected the Albert Hall. The land in the West Division was leased in 1845 to Charles Kelso No. 188 and is now held by the Repvs of Robert Kelly deceased.

155 Daniel McIntosh 23rd May 1773 Lease of a tenement on the East side of North Street containing

259 in front 175 feet. Bounded on the North by John Spooner's house and on the South by Mary Campbell's gate For 99 years from 1772 ÂŁ1: 10: 0 On the expiration of this lease the premises were let for some years under a weekly tenancy - and afterwards leased to James Bell and William Byrtt. Nos. 212, 224, 211, 221 & 222.

156 John & Elizabeth Donaldson 23rd September 1771 Lease of a tenement on the North side of Bonneybefore. Bounded on the East and West by two tenements of Daniel McCay containing in front 47 feet and extending back 29 feet For 99 years from 1770 4s 0d This was released to Alexr. Donaldson in 1870. No. 193

157 Hugh Hanna 23rd September 1771 Lease of a garden in the Irish Quarter on the North side of the road to Straid. Bounded on the East by the Brick Yard on the West by William Broadby's garden, containing in front 50 feet and extending backwards 60 feet For 99 years from 1770 2s 2d

This was released in 1870 to Joseph Apsley. No. 209

158 Felix & Hugh Hanna & Richd. Stacey 23rd September 1771 See Extracts from Leases missing in 1911

159 Hugh McDowell 23rd September 1771 Lease of a tenement in Bonneybefore on the North side of the

260 road. Bounded on the East by the river and on the West by Robert Donaldson containing in front 19 feet & extending backwards 50 feet. For 99 years from 1770 3s


This was purchased by Ezekiel Davys Wilson and in 1836 a Fee Farm Grant No. 147 was given to the Trustees of his will.

160 Richard McComb 23rd September 1771 Lease of a tenement and field near the two mile stone on the North side of the Road leading to Belfast containing 2 roods and 25 perches. Bounded on the North and East by James Karey's lands. For 99 years from 1770 6s 8d This was leased in 1862 to John Bell Junr. For 58 years. No. 189. Now held by the Representatives of Robert Kelly deceased.

161 Edward McCann 27th November 1773 Lease of a tenement on the South side of West Street near the Irish Gate and also two tenements and gardens in Essex Street adjoining the Poor houses For 99 years from November 1773 ÂŁ2: 5: 6 This was formerly held by Thomas White & Matthew Johnston. Expired Leases No. 79 & 46. About 1796 McCann sold his part to James Cobham whose son Alexander sold it to Charles Murphy in 1818. It afterwards became Hugh Catherwoods who in 1857 applied for a renewal which was granted for 75 years. No. 184 & 185. This is now held by T.L. McCartney (184) and William Vint Sons 185


162 Daniel McCay 22nd September 1771 Deed of a tenement and garden on the North side of the Road leading to Larne. Bounded on the East by said High way on the West by said Daniel McCay's lands containing in front 100 feet and extending backwards 15 feet. For 99 years from November 1770 8s 0d

It is stated in the Landed Estates Court Rental, prepared in 1867 that this rent has not been paid for many years. Now held by Alexr. Donaldson No. 193

163 Hugh Mulholland 12th May 1780 Lease of a plot or field of ground in the Town. Bounded on the East by the house where Daniel McFall lives then in possession of Dean Dobbs on the West by the Water course leading from the Mill Dam on the North by the Town Hall and on the South by the Road. For 99 years from Nov. 1779 12s 0d This was previously held by Humphrey Davenport, Thos. Pemberton, John Torbery. Expired Leases No. 70 and by Neal Mulholland. In 1866 it was leased to Jane Gunning No. 207

164 Ezekiel Davys Wilson 23rd September 1771 Lease of a house on the South side of the Irish Quarter then in possession of Charles Adamson containing in front 48 feet and extending backwards 70 feet. Bounded on the West by James Boyle's house and on the East by the Pound. For 99 years from Nov. 1770 0d 12s In 1836 a Fee Farm Grant (No. 147) was given to the Trustees of his will of this and the next lot.


165 Ezekiel Davys Wilson 23rd September 1771 Lease of all those tenements on the South side of the Irish Quarter on the Road leading to Belfast. Bounded on the West by waste ground on the East by a little river containing in front 185 feet and extending back to the shore. For 99 years from Nov. 1770 5s 0d See observations to No. 164

166 Sir William Kirk 5th June 1812 See Extracts from Leases missing in 1911

167 Henry C. Ellis 5th January 1812 Lease of two plots of ground on the Road leading to Carrickfergus from Woodburn Bridge to Prospect Avenue containing by survey a0:r1:p15 and one lot on the road leading from Carrickfergus to the water course across the road below Prospect to the pillars on the road on the mearing of Mr Ellis's meadow containing by survey a0:r1:p8 and also a lot of ground on the road from Carrickfergus to Belfast adjoining the mearing of Slate House ÂŁ1: 10: 2 1/2 The above is taken from the Minutes of 3rd April 1804 as it is a fuller description of the premises than is in the Lease.

168 William Stevenson 17th February 1820 Lease of two tenements and gardens on the North side of West Street. Bounded on the West and extending backwards from the Street 208 feet by the Methodist Chapel and the gardens of Cork Hill on the North being 46 feet by the Lancasterian and Sunday School house and Gravatt's rivulet on the East about 185 feet by the aforesaid William Stevenson's tenement & which measurement includes that part of said Stevenson's tenement called the

263 Mill house which intersects these premises and on the South by West Street being 45 feet or thereabouts which is more particularly described by the map attached For 99 years from 1819 ÂŁ7: 0: 0 This was first leased to Henry Upton in 1628 (No. 80 Expired Leases). In 1721 the plot was divided the East end being leased to Edmund Williamson and the West to William Bell. The West end was purchased by John McDowell whose representatives afterwards purchased the East end. McDowell bequeathed it to his brother Andrew who bequeathed it to his daughter Jane who was married to James Thompson. He is January 1817 sold it to William Stevenson, tanner. In 1820 the Assembly granted the above lease to him. Now held by W. A. & D. Woodside.

169 Robert Hanly, William Hanly, John Hanly & Hugh Hanly 21st April 1798 Lease of all that farm or parcel of land commonly called the Trooper's Lane containing 124 acres 3 roods and 17 perches Plantation measure more or less. Bounded on the North by Massey's mountain on the South by James Anderson's farm on the East by John Hanley's farm and on the West by William Corry's farm. Excepting and reserving a sufficiency of grass for 4 cows out of Green Mountain. Also excepting and reserving a sufficiency of grass for 6 horses or cows unto the Dean of Connor For 21 years from 1st November 1797 ÂŁ150 This is the land reserved for the Horsemen. It was again leased in 1835 to William

264 John and Jane Hanly. No 172, 173 and 174.

170 William Picken 23rd September 1771 Lease of a tenement on the North side of West Street. Bounded on the East by an old Wall Stead belonging to Mr Francis Shaw and on the West by the Lane leading to the Spout containing in front 22 feet and extending backwards 40 feet. For 99 years from Allsaints last past 14s 8d This was regranted on 1871 to Robert Gibb No.199

171 Charles McDowell 23rd September 1771 Lease of a house, smith's forge and 2 acres and 2 roods of land at Bonneybefore on the North side of the Road leading to Larne. Bounded on the South by the said Road on the North by George McKinney's farm on the West by the Commonable lands belonging to the town on the East ending at said Charles McDowell's house. For 99 years from Allsaints last past ÂŁ2 A portion of this lot was taken by the Carrickfergus Larne Railway Co. under the powers in their Act. The remainder was leased in 1871 to Ellen Corken and Elizabeth A. Johnston No. 192

172 William Hanly 31st January 1835 Lease of a tenement and parcel of land being part of the lands known as 'Troopers Land' situate in the West Division. Bounded on the North by Massey's land in the tenure of the Revd. John Dobbs on the East by another part of said Lands called 'Troopers Land' in the occupation of Jane Hanly widow and by Parks Lane in the occupation of John Hanly on the West by another part of said Lands

265 called 'Trooper's Land' in the occupation of the said John Hanly and on the South by lands of the Marquis of Donegall in the occupation of David Feelton. Excepting and reserving the parcel of ground known by the name of the 'Inside' and on which the house of the said William Hanly stands containing 2 acres. Also reserving all Mines Minerals, Quarries of Slate and Stone and other Royalties.

For 61 years from 1st November 1834 ÂŁ48: 17: 5 This is now held by Johnathan Logan as a Second term Judicial tenant

173 John Hanly 29th January 1835 Lease of one third part (in his possession) of the parcel of Land called the Trooper's Land the whole containing 124 acres 3 roods and 14 perches Plantation measure said third part being the western of said divisions. Bounded on the North by the lands formerly called Massey's mountain belonging to the Revd. John Dobbs on the East by the central division of said Troopers Land now held by William Hanly on the South by the lands formerly held by James Anderson and now held by Robert Johnston & Thomas Johnston and by a holding in possession of James Bailey and on the West by a farm of land formerly occupied by William Curry and now occupied by James Haggan. Saving and reserving all Mines Minerals and Royalties whatsoever.

For 61 years from 1st November 1834 ÂŁ48: 17: 5

This is now held by the Representatives of Wm. Logan as a 1st Term Judicial tenant

174 Jane Hanly 29th January 1835 Lease of the one third part (in her possession) of the parcel of

266 land called the 'Troopers Land the whole containing 124 acres 3 roods and 17 perches Plantation measure said third part being the eastern of the divisions of the said Troopers Land. Bounded on the North by lands formerly called Massey's mountain belonging to the Revd. john Dobbs on the East by a farm formerly held by John Hanly and now held by William Hanly, John Hanly and Jane Hanly on the South and West by said William Hanly's farm. Saving and reserving all Mines Minerals & Royalties whatsoever For 61 years from 1st November 1835 ÂŁ48: 17: 5 This became James Walkers and on the expiration of the Lease the occupier (Robt. McCammon) was taken as the tenant and he now holds as a first time Judicial tenant.

175 Hugh McDowell 20th August 1790 Lease of a messuage and tenement in Bonneybefore in his possession. Bounded on the North West by the Great Road leading from Carrickfergus to Larne and on the North East and South West by the lands belonging to the heirs of the late Colonel Davys in possession of Wm. McDowell For 99 years from 1st May 1790 2s 0d

176 James Cobham 23rd September 1771 Lease of two tenements in Cork Hill in his possession containing in front 49 feet. Bounded on the South by James Blackwood's garden on the North by Edward Dawson's garden and extending backwards to William Clement's garden 64 feet. For 99 years from Allsaints last past ÂŁ1 A Fee Farm Grant (No. 136) of this and other premises was made in 1773. It is now held by the Marquis of Downshire


177 Lord Blayney 28th October 1814 Lease of Farm tenement and parcel of land known by the name of Coopers land otherwise called the Nine Score Acre containing by admeasurement 193 acres 3 roods and 20 perches Plantation measure or thereabouts. For 99 years from 1st November 1814 ÂŁ30 This was acquired by the Belfast Water Commissioners under their Act of 1899

178 Ezekiel Davys Wilson 23rd Septr. 1771 This is the original of No. 164

179 Elizabeth Dobbs & Helen Shaw 19th April 1824 Lease of two pieces of ground extending along the East side of the Road from Carrickfergus to Straid between Bessy's Brae and the top of Bryantang Bide containing together one acre and thirty six perches situate in the Middle Division For 99 years from 1st May 1808 14s 8d

This is now held by the Representative of Austin Cornwall

180 James Cobham 23rd September 1771 Lease of a tenement on the South side of West Street. Bounded on the East by a tenement in the possession of Miss O'Brians on the West by a tenement in the possession of Alexander Watson containing in front 41 1/2 feet and extending backwards on the West 46 feet and on the East 24 feet. For 99 years from Allsaints last past ÂŁ1: 11: 1 1/2 A Fee Farm Grant (No. 136) of this 9 & the following Lease was given in 1773


181 James Cobham 23rd September 1771 Lease of a tenement in the Irish Quarter from the Irish Gate on the North side of the road leading to Straid containing in front 50 feet and extending back to the Town Wall 20 feet. Another tenement adjoining the same on the said North side of the Irish Quarter containing in front 58 feet and extending back 126 feet. Bounded on the East by the Town Wall on the South by the Road leading to Straid on the West by William McKeown's tenement and the head of Hugh McDowell's garden on the North by the Mill Pond. For 99 years from Allsaints last past ÂŁ1: 7: 0

See observations to previous number

182 William Hanly 15th December 1835 Lease of all that part of the farm at present in the occupation of the said William Hanly called the 'Inside Land' consisting of two small pieces or parcels of land containing 5 acres 2 roods and 33 1/2 perches statute measure or thereabouts with the dwelling house and offices thereon. Bounded respectively on all sides by the land already demised to the said William Hanly and are situate lying & being at or near the Knockagh. Excepting and reserving all Mines Minerals, Quarries of Slate and Stone and other Royalties For 61 years from 1st Nov. 1834 ÂŁ5 This is now held by Johnathan Logan as a Second term Judicial Tenant and the above rent appears to be included along with that fixed on the land comprised in No. 172

269 Extracts from Leases referred to in the Catalogue of 1833 but which are now (1911) missing.

No. in Catalogue of 1833

158 Felix & Hugh Hanna & Richd. Stacey 23rd September 1771 Lease of a tenement on the West side of the Road leading to Straid. Bounded on the North by Richard Stacey and on the South by vacant ground near Mr Campbell's gate containing in length along the Road 240 feet and extending backwards 31 feet.

For 99 years from November 1770 ÂŁ1: 2: 9 This tenement was sold to Charles McIlroy on the 15th April 1867

166 Sir William Kirk 5th June 1812 Lease of four several plots of commonable land on the North and Briantang Roads. For 99 years from May 1808 ÂŁ2: 2: 6 The above plots were sold to the Misses Kirk on the 15th April 1867

270 Particulars of Leases which were not referred to in the Catalogue of 1833 and which are now (1911) missing.

Trustees of the Methodist Society 22nd Septr. 1808 Lease of a parcel of ground on the North side of West Street containing 80 feet by 40 in front reserving a road to the garden in the rere. For 99 years from November 1808 6s 8d

This was granted to Roger Lyndon about 1606 and in 1693 to John Bulworthy (No. 61 Expired Leases). In 1656 it was granted to Anthony Horsman. See Observations to No. 61.

It was sold to Johnston Bowman and others on behalf of the Congregation on the 15th April 1867.

On this plot was erected the old Chapel. In 1882, the Trustees purchased the interest in the two leases granted to Jane Robinson and Robert Gibb (Nos. 198 & 199) and with the consent of the Lords of the Treasury a lease for 999 years was made to them (No. 200) & on this ground their present Chapel is erected.

Noah Dalway 16th September 1815 Lease of a stripe containing 2 acres 3 roods 24 perches extending along the West side of the Road leading from Carrickfergus to Larne by the Mountain For 99 years from May 1808 ÂŁ1: 12: 10 This was sold to George McAuliffe on the 15th April 1867

271 271 Extracts from Leases made by the Municipal Commissioners and the Urban District Council

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183 Samuel Davys Stuart & Robert Alexander, Trustees for the Carrickfergus Gas Co. Ltd. 1st Feby. 1855 Lease of the several Streets Lanes Courts Ways Paths and Passages. Provided that if the said Gas Co. fail to carry out their contract for lighting the Streets it shall be lawful for the Commissioners to reenter and the same to have again repossess and enjoy. For 31 years from 1st Feb 1855 1d

184 Hugh Catherwood 4th February 1858 Lease of a parcel of ground tenements and premises situate on the West side of Essex Street containing in front to said Street 50 feet 6 inches and extending backwards 70 feet or thereabouts. Bounded on the North by the yard & premises of William Vint on the East by Essex Street aforesaid and on the South by Gills Almshouses For 75 years from 1st November 1857 £2: 10: 0 This was formerly held by Thomas White & Matthew Johnston. Expired Leases No. 79 & 46 and afterwards by Edward McCann No. 161. See observations to these Leases. It afterwards came into the possession of Thomas Johnston from whose representatives it was purchased by Thos. J. McCartney, West Street.

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185 185 Hugh Hugh Catherwood Catherwood 4th 4th February February 1858 1858 Lease Lease of of aa parcel parcel of of ground ground tenement tenement and and premises premises situate situate on on the South side of West Street the South side of West Street containing containing in in front front to to said said Street Street



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30 feet 8 inches and extending backward to the yard and premises the property of William Vint 58 feet 8 inches or thereabouts. Bounded on the North by West Street aforesaid on the East by Essex Street and on the South and West by the property of the said William Vint. Lessee to erect a Building or Buildings on the said demised premises of greater yearly value than the premises hereby demised.

272 272 Jo !l �Lt-0 � �tdbo/ �� :ti ;t/4, 1� cvtd /vc-en� tk _/;+q oj-� CJ.rrf/k)cf-t, �k &V I




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See Observation to previous Lease. This is now held by Wm. Vint & Sons

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/�b �/2 -4k///2_.t]��l(fJ; L o;, I 186 William Blain 2nd August 1855 Lease of a plot or parcel of ground situate in Clipperstown on the Bryantang Road containing in the whole 38 perches or thereabouts at present in the actual possession of the said William Blain. Bounded on the North by the Bryantang Road on the East by a plot of ground in the possession of Charles McIlroy on the West by the property of Thomas Thompson and on the South by the lands of William Burleigh. Lessee to expend a sum of not less than fifty pounds sterling in the erection of a Building or Buildings on the demised premises. For 75 years from 1st Nov 1854 £1: 8: 6 This was leased in 1671 to Richard Stacey (No. 27 Expired Leases) and in 1771 to Richard and Thomas Stacey No. 149. The Carrickfergus & Larne Railway Co. acquired it for the purpose of their undertaking.



187 Thomas Caicy 14th May 1857 Lease of part of the waste or unset Lands situate to the East of the North Road and is commonly called or known as part

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273 of the Great Commons. Bounded on the North by lands of the Marquis of Downshire on the East by Loughmourne and the property of Marriott Dalway on the South by other lands the property of the Marquis of Downshire & by lands belonging to the Marquis of Donegall, Miss Crymble and the Representatives of Peter Kirk and on the West by the Road leading to Larne, known as the North Road.

For 2 years from 1st May 1857 10s 0d This lease was made to enable the Freemen to test the right of the Commissioners to let the Commons and resulted in the Law suit which went to the House of Lords. See Page 7.

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188 Charles Kelso 18th March 1845 Lease of a parcel of ground situate lying and being at Carrey's Brae on the North side of the Road leading to Belfast in the West Division containing 1 acre 1 rood and 18 perches Statute measure together with the Dwelling house and buildings standing thereon For 75 years from 1st November 1845 £6: 1: 0 This was leased in 1773 to Edward Dawson No.154 and is now held by the representatives of Mr. Robt. Kelly

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Icf {j 189 John Bell Junr. 22nd May 1862 Lease of a parcel of ground situate on the North side of the Road leading to Belfast formerly known as Dicky's Park in the West Division containing 1 acre and 30 perches Statute measure or thereabouts. Bounded on the North by land the property of Lord Donegall on the East by other property of the Commissioners at present in the tenancy of the said John Bell Junr. on the South by the Public road and on the West by land at present in the possession of John


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Hughes. Lessee to expend not less than one hundred pounds in erecting a building or buildings on the thereby demised premises. For 58 years from 1st Nov. 1861 £4: 13: 4 This was leased in 1771 to Richard McComb & is now held by the Repvs of Robert Kelly

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190 /4ld� on✓ ��,,� a� William Molony 1st November 1851 Lease of a parcel of ground -u� situate on Governors Walk extending in front facing the said Street 30 feet 6 inches and Wth in the rere 28 feet 9 inches and extending back from front to f # -�lfl� � 07// rere on the East side 38 feet 4 &/b � �/ � inches and on the West side 36 feet be the same more or less. li,Cl ,,., d,, 7 ✓ LMk ov �. /i'cxv,t.dl_cl 070 Bounded on the South by the Public Road or Street called Governor's Walk and on the t&rLM North by a store in the occupation of James Barnett e-�/ /,J_/o-t� .t,✓,�, and on the East by a lane separating the said plot from the tenements called Gills eu �t,b Q�,,o/' � Charity houses called Lowe's Lane and on the West by a 7(/ Lane called Sailors Row. Lessee -:a;V/7/� � �- � to expend not less than £50 in erecting a building or M a buildings on the demised premises.

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For 75 years from 1st May 1850 £2: 10: 0








The above premises were subsequently sold to W.D.K. Taggart M.D. and by his executors to the Urban Council and are now the Councils stable.


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191 George Harrison 11th August 1864 Lease of a parcel of ground tenement and premises situate on the West side of the Street known as Sailors Row containing in front to said Street 62 1/2 feet or thereabouts & extending backwards to the Lane known as Pound Lane. Bounded on the North by a tenement in possession of Donald McMillan on the West by Pound Lane aforesaid on the

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South by a tenement belonging to William Molony L.L.D. and on the East by Sailors Row aforesaid. Lessee to erect forthwith a building or buildings on the premises of greater value than the premises. For 75 years from 1st November 1863 £3: 2: 6



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192 Ellen Corken & Elizabeth A. Johnston 3rd August 1871 Lease of a parcel of ground situate near Bonneybefore in the North East Division.


For 31 years from 1st November 1870 £3: 2: 0





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193 Alexander Donaldson 3rd August 1871 Lease of two parcels of ground. First Parcel situate in Bonneybefore in the North East Division containing 29 1/4 perches or thereabouts measuring in front to the road running through Bonneybefore aforesaid 132 feet in the rere 164 feet 6 inches and from front to rere on the East side 46 feet and on the West side along the road from Bonneybefore aforesaid to Carrickfergus 67 feet or thereabouts. Bounded on the South by the said road running through Bonneybefore on the North by land the property of the Marquis of Donegall on the West by the said Road leading from Bonneybefore to Carrickfergus and on the East by other property belonging to the Municipal Commissioners. Second parcel of ground situate in Bonneybefore aforesaid containing 7 1/2 perches statute measure or thereabouts and measuring in front to the road running through Bonneybefore 50 feet 6 inches in the rere 42 feet and extending from front to rere on the East side 78 feet or thereabouts and on

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276 the West side 82 feet 9 inches or thereabouts. Bounded on the South by the said Road running through Bonneybefore on the North by property belonging to Snowden Corken and on the East and West by other property belonging to the Municipal Commissioners. Lessee to expend not less than £100 in erecting on the premises firstly demised a Dwelling house or Dwelling houses and not less than £50 on the premises secondly demised on raising and improving the house and buildings at present thereon.

For 75 years from 1st November 1870 £5: 10: 0

194 James Kirk 2nd May 1872 Lease of a parcel of ground situate at Bonneybefore in the North East Division containing 7 1/2 perches Statute measure or thereabouts and measuring in front to the Road running through Bonneybefore 57 feet in the rere 57 feet and from front to rere on the East side 62 feet and on the West side 72 feet 6 inches be the same more or less. Bounded on the South by the Road running through Bonneybefore on the North by land belonging to the Representatives of Snowden Corken deceased and on the East and West by other property of the Municipal Commissioners. Lessee to expend not less than £60 in raising and improving the buildings at present on the said parcel of ground. For 75 years from 1st May 1872 £3: 0: 0

277 195 Alexander Taylor 1st November 1873 Lease of a parcel of ground tenements and premises with the houses and appurtenances thereunto belonging situate in the East suburbs of Carrickfergus commonly called or known by the name of 'The Pringle' containing 1 acres, 3 roods and 8 perches Irish measure be the same more or less. Bounded on the North by the lands of William Johnston on the East by the lands of John Edgar and by the Spittal Park on the South by the Sea and on the West by land commonly called Millnot's acre. Excepting and reserving the piece or parcel of ground occupied by the Carrickfergus & Larne Railway and on which contain works of the said Company have been erected. Lessee to expend before the 1st August 1876 not less than ÂŁ300 in the erection of Dwelling houses with suitable offices and outhouses.

For 75 years from 1st November 1873 ÂŁ18 This had been leased to Sir Robt. Colville No. 58 Expired Leases. It became the property of Richard Newton and afterwards of Andrew Newton. At a meeting of the Assembly held on 3rd June 1771. It was resolved to grant a renewal of the Lease to Andrew Newton but no renewal was ever executed. In 1872 an application was made for a further renewal & a difference of opinion arose as to whether the second lease was to commence from the expiration of the first or from the date of the resolution. Eventually Alexr. Taylor purchased the interest of the Newtons & the above lease was made to him. Agreement dated 11th June 1872 between the Municipal Comms and Margt. Jane & Andrew W. Newton is in the bundle along with the Counterpart of the above Lease.


196 Paul Rodgers 14th February 1878 Lease of a parcel of ground portion of the Foreshore containing 2 acres and 6 perches Statute measure or thereabouts situate between High and Low Water marks. Bounded on the North West by the Shipbuilding yard of the said Paul Rodgers and on all other sides by other portions of the said Foreshore. Lessee covenants that the premises are to be used for the purposes only of building and repairing Ships and Boats & not for the purpose of loading or unloading vessels (save for his own use) or for any other purpose of trade or commerce. If any goods are landed at the premises or at his Shipyard for his own use the same harbour dues tolls and charges are to be paid to the Carrickfergus Harbour Commissioners as would be payable had the same been landed at the Quay and Harbour. Lessee further covenants to pay the Register Tonnage Dues on all vessels brought into the premises or his Shipyard for repairs in like manner as if the vessels had been brought into the Harbour, nor allow any vessel to enter the demised premises light or without cargo unless the same come thereto for repairs and on breach of the last covenant the demise shall absolutely determine Further that if shall be lawful for the Harbour Commissioners & their officers and servants and any person appointed by them to enter on the premises with a view to ascertain that the covenants have been duly observed and performed. And further if any portion of the Wave Screen, Breakwater Pier or Harbour or any erection built or to be built shall become detached and cause damage to any premises of either the Lessors or the Carrickfergus Harbour Commissrs. the Lessee shall make good all damages and costs occasioned thereby & shall forthwith remove such detached portions. Further that the Lessee shall keep a proper Register of all vessels entering the premises with the respective

279 Register Tonnage Dues, the names of the Captains thereof from whence the same has arrived, the cargo (if any) & the purpose for which such vessels entered, which shall be open to all reasonable times for inspection by the Harbour Commissioners, their officers and servants and if they require taking extracts therefrom. For 31 years from 1st November 1877 £3 This came into the possession of Robt. Kent and afterwards John Hilditch. It has now been arranged to grant a lease to the said John Hilditch for 31 years at the rent of £1:15: 0

197 Mary C. Wheeler 6th February 1873 Lease of a parcel of ground situate in the West Street and Sailors Row containing in front to West Street aforesaid 35 1/2 feet or thereabouts and in the rere fronting to Sailors Row aforesaid 60 feet or thereabouts. Bounded on the North by West Street aforesaid on the East by other premises of the Lessors leased to William Vint on the West by Sailor's Row aforesaid and on the South by other premises in occupation of the said William Vint. Lessee on or before the 1st November 1875 to remove and take down the house at present occupied by her and expend not less than £200 in erecting on the premises a good and substantial dwelling house which shall be uniform with the adjoining premises on the East side and also within the aforesaid period remove the cabins at the rere of said house so as to make yard accommodation for the house so to be erected.

For 75 years from 1st Nov. 1872 £13 This was previously leased to Matthew Johnston & Thomas Logan (No. 60 Expired Leases and 151 Leases. Now Mrs. D. Kerr


198 Jane Robinson 1st November 1870 Lease of a parcel of ground situate in West Street containing in front to West Street aforesaid 22 feet 6 inches and in the rere 24 feet and extending from front to rere on the East side 82 feet 6 inches be the same more or less. Bounded on the South by West Street aforesaid on the North by other premises belonging to the Lessors about to be demised to Elizabeth Wortley on the East by premises in the possession of the Wesleyan Methodists and on the West by other premises belonging to the said Lessors about to be demised to Robert Gibb. Lessee on or before 1st Nov. 1872 to remove the buildings now standing and erect a Dwelling house & outhouses said Dwelling house to be not less than two storeys high and measure 18 feet at least from the ground to the eave. For 75 years from 1st Nov. 1870 ÂŁ2: 5: 0 This is portion of the premises leased to James Blackwood in 1771. No. 153. This and the following Lease were acquired by the Methodist Congregation and a new Lease was, with the consent of the Lords of the Treasury, made to them for 999 years. No. 200

199 Robert Gibb 1st November 1870 Lease of a parcel of ground situate in West Street and Albert Road containing in front to West Street aforesaid 22 feet 6 inches in the rere 23 feet 8 inches and extending from front to rere on the West side along Albert Road aforesaid 67 feet be the same more or less. Bounded on the South by West Street aforesaid, on the North by other premises belonging to the Lessors about to be demised to Eliza Wortley on the West by Albert Road aforesaid on the East by other premises belonging to the said Lessors about to be demised to Jane

281 Robinson. Lessee on or before 1st November 1871 to remove the buildings at present standing and lay out and expend £200 at least in erecting a Dwelling house and outhouses said Dwelling house to be not less than two storeys high and measure 18 feet at least from the ground to the eave.

For 75 years from 1st Nov. 1870 £5: 5: 0

This is what was leased in 1771 to Wm. Pecker No. 170.

This lease was also acquired by the Methodist Congregation and with the consent of the Lords of the Treasury, the following Lease was made to them. Their present Chapel is erected on the ground comprised in the two above Leases

200 Trustees of the Wesleyan Methodist Congregation 5th July 1882 Lease of 2 parcels of ground. First parcel situate in West Street and Albert Road demised to Robert Gibb on 1st Nov 1870 No. 199. Second parcel situate in West St. demised to Jane Robinson on 1st November 1870. No. 198. For 999 years from 1st May 1882 £7: 10: 0 These parcels are those comprised in the two foregoing Leases

201 Eliza Wortley 1st November 1870 Lease of a parcel of ground situate in and fronting to Cork Hill or Albert Road containing in front to Albert Road or Cork Hill aforesaid 19 feet 4 inches and in the rere 21 feet extending from front to rere 47 feet 8 inches more or less. Bounded on the West by Cork Hill aforesaid on the East by premises in the possession of the Wesleyan Methodists on the North

by other premises belonging to the Lessors about to be demised to the Representatives of the late Mary Lowe and on the South by other premises belonging to the said Lessors about to be demised to Robert Gibb and Jane Robinson. Lessee to raise on before the 1st August 1872 the present house standing on the premises to the same height at least as the adjoining houses in the possession of the Representative of the said late Mary Lowe For 75 years from 1st November 1870 ÂŁ1: 18: 8 This is portion of what was leased in 1771 to James Blackwood No. 153 and is now held by the Trustees of the Methodist Congregation

202 Sarah & Catherine Dickson 1st November 1870 Lease of a parcel of ground situate in and fronting to Cork Hill or Albert Road containing in front to Cork Hill or Albert Road aforesaid 19 feet 8 inches and in the rere 18 feet 9 inches and extending from front to rere 49 feet be the several admeasurements more or less. Bounded on the West by Cork Hill aforesaid on the East by premises in the possession of the Wesleyan Methodists on the South by other premises belonging to the Lessors about to be demised to Eliza Wortley and on the North by premises the property of the Marquis of Downshire. For 75 years from 1st November 1870 ÂŁ1: 19: 4 This is portion of what was leased in 1771 to James Blackwood No. 153 and is now held by Thomas Hunter

203 John Haggan 2nd May 1872 Lease of a parcel of ground situate on the East side of Albert Road containing in front to Albert Road aforesaid 16 feet. Bounded on the


283 West by Albert Road aforesaid on the South by property belonging to the Marquis of Downshire on the North by other property of the Lessors in the occupation of George McKeown and on the East by premises in the occupation of the Messrs Woodside. Reserving unto the Lessors all watercourses, drains and sewers with free right of sewerage and watercourse with liberty for the Lessors their servants and workmen to enter upon trespass free for the purpose of making, repairing and cleaning same. And also reserving to the Lessors and their undertenants occupants of the adjoining houses with the consent of the Lessors liberty and commonable use free of all boundary walls and gables of houses erected or to be erected. Lessee before the 1st Nov. 1873 to remove the present building and erect one Dwelling house and offices two storeys high to correspond in elevation and external finish with the house lately erected by Henry Laverty in Albert Road. Also to make a barrel sewer at the rere for the use of the demised and adjoining premises and such other pipes and drains as may be necessary and concur with the tenants of the adjoining premises in making such boundary or party walls, fences, channels, sewers, pipes & watercourses to be used in common as the Lessors or their Surveyor may think proper and in renewing, repairing and cleaning the same and allow a reasonable proportion of the expenses incurred by the Lessors or the occupiers of the adjoining premises in making, repairing or cleaning the same, such proportion to be determines by the Lessors. Lessee not to erect without the consent in writing of the Lessors any other dwelling house except the one agreed on and will not without such consent convert the same into more than one Dwelling house and shall not without such consent make any window or other opening in any boundary

284 wall. For 75 years from 1st Nov 1871 ÂŁ1: 4: 0

204 George McKeown 2nd May 1872 Lease of a parcel of ground situate on the East side of Albert Road containing in front to Albert Road aforesaid 15 feet 3 inches or thereabouts. Bounded on the West by the said Street on the South by other property of the Lessors in the occupation of John Haggan on the North by other property of the said Lessors in the occupation of Andrew Apsley and on the East by premises in the occupation of the Messrs Woodside. Reserving unto the Lessors all watercourses, drains and sewers with free right of sewerage and watercourse with liberty for the Lessors, their servants and workmen to enter trespass free for the purpose of making, repairing and cleaning same. And also reserving to the Lessors and their undertenants occupants of the adjoining houses with the consent of the Lessors liberty and commonable use free of all boundary walls and gables of houses erected or to be erected. Lessee before 1st November 1873 to remove the present dwelling & erect a Dwelling house and offices said Dwelling house to be two storeys high and to correspond in elevation and external finish with the house lately erected by Henry Laverty in the Albert Road. Also to make a barrel sewer at the rere of the house for the use of the demised and adjoining premises and such other pipes and drains as may be necessary and concur with the tenants of the adjoining premises in making such boundary or party walls, fences, channels, sewers, pipes and watercourses to be used in common as the Lessors or their Surveyor may think proper and in renewing, repairing & cleaning the same and allow a reasonable proportion of the expense incurred by the Lessors or the occupiers of the adjoining premises in making, repairing or cleaning

285285 the same such proportion to be determined by the Lessors. Lessee not of erect without the consent in writing of the Lessors any other Dwelling house except the one agreed on and will not without such consent convert the same into more than one Dwelling house and shall not without such consent make any window or other opening in any boundary wall. For 75 years from 1st November 1871 ÂŁ1: 3: 0 This is now held by the Representatives of James Parks

205 Andrew Apsley 2nd May 1872 Lease of a parcel of ground situate on the East side of Albert Road containing in front to Albert Road aforesaid 15 feet 8 inches or thereabouts. Bounded on the West by the said Street or Road on the South by other property of the Lessors in the occupation of George McKeown on the North by other property of the said Lessors in the occupation of William Mehaffey and on the South East by premises in the occupation of the Messrs Woodside. Reserving unto the Lessors all watercourses, drains and sewers with free right of sewerage and watercourse with liberty for the Lessors, their servants and workmen to enter trespass free for the purpose of making, repairing and cleaning same. And also reserving to the Lessors and their undertenants occupiers of the adjoining houses with the consent of the Lessors liberty and commonable use free of all boundary walls and gables of houses erected or to be erected. Lessee before the 1st November 1873 to remove the present building & erect a dwelling house and offices, said Dwelling house to be two storeys high and to correspond in elevation and external finish with the house lately erected by Henry Laverty in the Albert Road. Also to make a barrel sewer at the rere of the house for the use of the demised and adjoining premises

286 and such other pipes and drains as may be necessary and concur with the tenants of the adjoining premises in making such boundary or party walls, fences, channels, sewers, pipes and watercourses as the Lessors or their Surveyor may think proper and in renewing, repairing and cleaning the same & allow a reasonable proportion of the expenses incurred by the Lessors or the occupiers of the adjoining premises in making, repairing or cleaning the same, such proportion to be determined by the Lessors. Lessee not to erect without the consent in writing of the Lessors any other dwelling house except the one agreed on and will not without such consent convert the same into more than one Dwelling house and shall not without such consent convert the same into more than one Dwelling house and shall not without such consent make any window or other opening in any boundary wall.

For 75 years from 1st Nov. 1871 ÂŁ1: 3: 6

206 William Mehaffey 02 05 1872 Lease of a parcel of ground situate on the East side of Albert Road containing in front to Albert Road aforesaid 21 feet 6 inches or thereabouts. Bounded on the West by the said Street or Road on the South by other property of the Lessors in the occupation of Andrew Apsley on the North & North East by other property of the said Lessors now in the occupation of Mrs. Graham and on the East terminating in a point by premises in the occupation of the Messrs Woodside. Reserving unto the Lessors all watercourses, drains and rivers with free right of sewerage and watercourse with liberty for the Lessors, their servants and workmen to enter trespass free for the purpose of making, repairing and cleaning same. Also reserving the Lessors and their undertenants, occupants of the adjoining houses with the consent of the Lessors liberty and commonable use free of all boundary walls and gables of

287 houses erected or to be erected. Lessee before the 1st Nov. 1873 to remove the present building and erect a Dwelling house and offices said Dwelling house to be two storeys high and to correspond in elevation and external finish with the house lately erected by Henry Laverty in the Albert Road. Also to make a barrel sewer at the rere of the house for the use of the demised and adjoining premises and such other pipes and drains as may be necessary & concur with the tenants of the adjoining premises in making such boundary or party walls, fences, channels, sewers, pipes and watercourses as the Lessors or their Surveyor may think proper and in renewing, repairing and cleaning the same and allow a reasonable proportion of the expenses incurred by the Lessors or the occupiers of the adjoining premises in making, repairing or cleaning the same, such proportion to be determined by the Lessors. Lessee not to erect without the consent in writing of the Lessors any other dwelling house except the one agreed on and will not without such consent convert the same into more than one Dwelling house and shall not without such consent make any window or other opening in any boundary wall.

For 75 years from 1st November 1871 ÂŁ1: 12: 3

Now held by James Bell, Stationer

207 Jane Gunning 3rd May 1866 Lease of a parcel of ground on the North side of Lancasterian St. containing in front to said Street 114 feet in the rere 111 feet and from front to rere on the West side 52 feet and which includes the present site of that part of the old Town Wall which adjoins said premises be the several admeasurements more or less. Bounded on the North by the premises of David Pasley and theirs on the South and

South West by Lancasterian Street aforesaid and on the West by George Eccleston's premises. Lessee before the 1st November 1868 to erect a building or buildings of quarter yearly value than the ground demised and will at all time whenever required permit the Lessors to remove the paving at present standing opposite the houses in Lancasterian Street and allow the Street to be widened to the extend shown in the map annexed without being entitled to any compensation.

For 75 years from 1st Nov. 1864 ÂŁ3: 6: 2 This was formerly held by Humphrey Davenport. In 1675 it was again leased to Thomas Pemberton & John Tobery No. 70. Expired Leases. In 1729 a new leased was made to Neal Mulholland for 21 years and in 1780 to Hugh Mulholland No. 163.

208 Henry Laverty 5th May 1870 Lease of two tenements and premises situate in the Irish Quarter West containing in front to said Street 50 feet or thereabouts & in depth from front to rere on the East side 84 feet and on the West side 82 feet and in the rere 30 feet or thereabouts. Second. Parcel of land situate on Albert Road and on part of which the old Town Wall stands containing in front to Albert Road aforesaid 93 feet 6 inches and extending from front to rere 27 feet or thereabouts with liberty to the Lessee to take down and dispose of the buildings on either of the premises. Lessee on or before 1st Nov 1872 to remove the present buildings and erect Dwelling houses of a like class to those adjoining the premises secondly demised. For 75 years from 1st November 1869 ÂŁ4: 7: 6 This is what was leased in 1771 to Wm. McKeown No. 152. It was afterwards


289 found he had been granted the entire of the ground occupied by the old Town Wall whereas the Commrs had only power to lease one moiety of such ground and the rent was reduced to the sum of five shillings per annum by Resolution dated the 6th February 1873.

209 Joseph Apsley 5th May 1870 Lease of lands tenements and premises situate at Minorea containing in front to Minorea aforesaid 67 feet or thereabouts. Lessee to erect before the 1st November 1874 good and substantial Dwelling houses two storeys in height at the least. For 75 years from 1st November 1869 ÂŁ6: 14: 0 This is what was leased to Hugh Hanna in 1771 No.157

210 Trustees of First Presbyterian Congregatn. 11th March 1880 Lease of a parcel of ground situate on the East side of Albert Road and on the South side of Lancasterian Street containing in front to Albert Road aforesaid 105 feet or thereabouts. Bounded on the West by Albert Road aforesaid on the East by premises in the possession of Messrs. Woodside Bros. on the North by Lancasterian Street aforesaid and on the South by other premises belonging to the Lessors in possession of William Mehaffey. Lessees before 1st November 1880 to remove the present buildings and expend a sum of ÂŁ300 at the least in erecting a School house and out offices and that the premises are not to be used for any other purpose whatever than that of a School or Schools together with Teachers residences or for purposes of a like nature. And in the event of their not being used for there purposes for

290 a period of 3 years the Lessors have the power to reenter. The buildings to be erected to be held in trust for the First Presbyterian Congregation so long as the said Congregation shall remain under the jurisdiction of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland and shall profess and maintain the doctrines contained in the Larger & Shorter Catechisms. For 999 years from May 1879 £3: 17: 6 This ground was formerly held by Edwd. Hodgson & John Edwards Nos. 78 abd 57 Expired Leases. In 1872 the other portion leased to them was released to John Haggan, George McKeown, Andw. Apsley & Wm. Mehaffey. No.203, 204, 205 & 206

211 William Byrtt 7th November 1895 Lease of a parcel of ground with the houses and buildings thereon situate on the East side of North Street. Bounded on the West by North Street aforesaid on the North by other property of the Lessors in the occupation of Edward Gee on the South and East by property in the possession of the Lessee and extending along North Street aforesaid 16 feet 6 inches and in the rere or East 16 feet 6 inches and on the North and South sides 22 feet 3 inches. Lessee within 5 years to expend the sum of £120 at the least in the erection of good and substantial buildings on the premises and keep the same insured in a sum equal to the fuel value. From 75 years from 1st August 1895 £2: 17: 9 This is portion of what was leased to Daniel McIntosh in 1773 No. 155

212 1st Augsut 1895

James Bell Lease of a parcel of ground with the houses and buildings thereon situate in North Street. Bounded on the West by North Street

291 aforesaid on the North by other property of the Lessors in the occupation of John Moore on the South by other property of the Lessors in the possession of the Lessee and extending along North Street aforesaid 45 feet and on the rere or East side 45 feet, on the South side 23 feet and on the North side 23 feet. Lessee within 5 years to expend in erecting buildings on the premises the sum of £200 at the least and keep the same insured in a sum equal to the full value

For 75 years from 1st May 1895 £7: 10: 0 This is portion of what was leased to Daniel McIntosh in 1773 No. 155

213 Jonathan Logan 5th May 1881 Lease of a parcel of the Lesser Commons situate at or near Troopers Lane in the West Division containing 21 Statute perches or thereabouts. Bounded on the North West by the High Road and on all other sides by land the property of the Marquis of Donegall. Lessee before 1st November 1882 to lay out and expend the sum of £20 at the least in the erection of good and substantial buildings on the premises For 75 years from 1st Nov. 1880 5s 0d

214 James Greer 1st November 1873 Lease of a parcel of ground portion of the Lesser Commons situate at Trooper's Lane in the West Division containing in the whole 1 acre, 2 roods and 7 perches Statute measure or thereabouts. For 75 years from 1st November 1870 £1: 0: 0 This is now held by James Milliken

215 James Bailey Lease of a 2nd May 1872 parcel of the Lesser Commons called or known by the name of Gallows Green situate in the West Division containing (exclusive of the portion over which the Lessors reserve a


right of way and marked on the map by the letters AB and CD and EF and GH respectively) 1 acre, 1 rood and 12 perches Statute measure or thereabouts. Bounded on the South and West by the High Water mark along the Sea shore at ordinary tides on the North by the High way leading from Belfast to Carrickfergus and on the East partly by other portion of the said Gallows Green, the property of the Lessors in the occupation of Wm. Rowan Legg and partly by premises in the occupation of Samuel Milliken. Lessee before 1st May 1876 to expend the sum of £100 at the least in erecting on the premises a Dwelling house and offices. For 75 years from 1st May 1872 £5: 6: 0 This is now held by John Lavery who purchased it from the Lessee

216 William Rowan-Legg 3rd August 1871 Lease of a parcel of the Lesser Commons commonly called or known by the name of Gallows Green containing 31 Statute perches or thereabouts. Bounded on the South by the Sea shore on the East by other portions of the said Gallows Green agreed to be leased to William McGee M.D. on the West by a right of way running from the Road leading from Carrickfergus to Belfast to the Sea and separating the demised land from other portion of the said Gallows Green agreed to be demised to James Bailey and on the North by property belonging to the said Lessee situate in the West Division For 31 years from 1 May 1871 £1

This is now held by E.L. Rowan Legg as a yearly tenancy


Mrs Margery Connell 3rd August 1871

Lease of a parcel of the Lesser Commons called or known

293 by the name of Gallows Green situate in the West Division containing 2 roods and 16 perches Statute measure or thereabouts. Bounded on the South and East by the Woodburn river on the North partly by property belonging to William McGee M.D. partly by other property in possession of the Lessee and partly by the road leading from Belfast to Carrickfergus and on the West by other portion of the said Gallows Green the property of the Lessors.

Reserving unto the Lessors a right of way from the said Road leading from Belfast to Carrickfergus to the said Woodburn river. Lessee before 1st May 1876 to expend upon the demised premises £60 at the least in building a Dwelling house with offices suitable for the same. For 75 years from 1st May 1871 £5: 10: 0

This is now held by Robert Stevens

218 William McGee M.D. 3rd August 1871 Lease of a parcel of the Lesser Commons called or known by the name of the Gallows Green containing 31 Statute perches or thereabouts. Bounded on the South by the Sea shore on the East by other portion of the said Gallows Green agreed to be demised to Mrs Margery Connell on the West by other portion of the said Gallows Green agreed to be demised to William Rowan Legg and on the North by property belonging to the said Lessee and others situate in the West Division. For 31 years from 1st May 1871 £1: 0: 0

No rent is now received for this, the Lessee alleging it is swept away by the Sea.

219 Hugh Hopkins 5th June 1905 Lease of a parcel of ground in the North East Division situate on the South side of the Road 21 feet wide in Bonneybefore

294 containing in front to the said Road 214 feet 3 inches on the West 22 feet 6 inches on the East 79 feet and on the South 158 feet 6 inches, 50 feet and 70 feet or thereabouts. Bounded on the North by the Road running through Bonneybefore on the West by other property of the Council in the possession of Mary Ann McDowell on the South by property in the possession of Alexr. Donaldson and on the East by other property of the Council in possession of Thos. McAllister. Excepting and reserving all Mines Minerals and Royalties whatsoever. Lessee to expend on or before 1st Nov 1906 the sum of ÂŁ200 in erecting upon the premises one or more Dwelling houses and office houses in accordance with plans to be approved of the Council or their Surveyor and keep same insured against damage by fire .

For 75 years from 1st November 1904 ÂŁ4: 0: 0

220 James Logan 21st November 1894 Lease of parcel of ground portion of the Slobland near Bonneybefore. Bounded on the East by other portion of the said Slobland on the North by the lands of Thomas McAllister on the South by the B. & N.C. Railway and on the West by other property of the Lessors in the occupation of John Donaldson situate on the North East Division. Reserving unto the Lessors all Mines and Minerals with the right to dig up work and carry away the same and a free right of way to all persons to or from the Sea shore or to or from other property at the South side of the said Railway. Lessee before 1st November 1899 to erect on the premises good & substantial buildings and will not suffer any obstruction whatever to be erected on the Roadways shown on the map annexed whereby the right of the Lessors shall in any manner be interfered with or be at any place less than 15 feet wide

295 and shall not sublet without the consent in writing of the Lessors nor obstruct the Arch under the B.& N.C. Railway. For 75 years from 1st November 1894 £1: 0: 0 This is now held by Thos. McAllister

221 William Byrtt 4th February 1897 Lease of a parcel of ground with the house and buildings thereon situate in North Street. Bounded on the West by North Street aforesaid on the North by other property of the Lessors on the South and East by property in the possession of the Lessee and extending along North Street aforesaid 26 feet 4 inches and in the rere or East 26 feet 4 inches and on the North and South sides 25 feet 6 inches. Lessee to expend in buildings and improvements within 5 years the sum of £150 at the least and keep same insured to the full value thereof For 75 years from 1st November 1896 £3: 19: 0 This is portion of what was leased to Daniel McIntosh in 1773 No. 155

222 William Byrtt 4th December 1905 Lease of a parcel of ground on the East side of North Street containing in front to the said Street 28 feet in the rere 28 feet and on the North and South sides respectively 21 feet 6 inches. Bounded on the West by North Street aforesaid on the East by premises belonging to George Kirk on the North and South by premises in the occupation of the Lessee. Reserving all Mines Minerals and Royalties whatsoever. Lessee to expend on or before 1st November 1910 in buildings and improvements the sum of £100 and keep same insured in the sum of £200 at the least. For 75 years from 1st Nov. 1905 £2: 6: 8 This is portion of what was leased to

296 Daniel McIntosh in 1773 No. 155

223 Carrickfergus Gas Co. Ld. 5th August 1907 Wayleave of the Streets under the control of the Council for the laying of Gas mains and pipes. For 20 years from 1st November 1906 1s 0d Extended for 10 years from 1st November 1926. Same terms

224 James Bell 2nd August 1910 Lease of a parcel of ground on the East side of North Street measuring in front to said Street 58 feet and extending backwards on the North and South sides 22 feet 6 inches and in breadth at the rere 58 feet. Bounded on the West by North Street aforesaid on the North by premises in the occupation of Wm. Byrtt and on the South by other premises in the occupation of the Lessee and on the East by property of the late George E. Kirk in occupation of the said Lessee. Lessee to pull down the present houses and expend the sum of ÂŁ500 at the least before the 1st November 1912 in erecting Dwelling houses or Shops thereon and keep same ensured against damage by fire in the like sum and shall not carry on the trade of a retailer of wine, beer or other fermented liquours or the manufacture of any business whatever which may prejudicially affect the adjoining property or be deemed a nuisance without the consent in writing of the Lessors For 75 years from 1st November 1910 ÂŁ2: 18: 0 This is portion of what was leased to Daniel McIntosh in 1773 No. 155

225 Margaret Patterson 5th October 1908 Lease of a parcel of ground situate at Woodburn on the North side of the Road leading from Carrickfergus to Ballynure containing about 26 perches Statute measure or thereabouts together with the Licensed premises erected thereon. Bounded


on the South by the Road on the East by premises belonging to the County Down Weaving Co. on the North and West by premises in the occupation of the said County Down Weaving Co. Excepting and reserving all Mines Minerals Royalties whatsoever. Lessee to keep the premises insured in the sum of ÂŁ300 at the least and in case of the destruction or damage by fire all monies received in respect of such insurance to be laid out in rebuilding the same and in case same shall be insufficient the deficiency shall be made good by the Lessee. No works or manufactory which shall be deemed a nuisance or public inconvenience to be erected or built without the previous consent of the Lessors first being obtained the trade of a Licensed Vintner not to be considered an infringement of this covenant. Lessee further covenants not to commit any breach of the Licensing Acts or suffer any act whereby the Spirit License attached to the premises may become prejudicially effected on the renewals withheld and will pay all Excisable duties thereon and all other monies necessary for keeping the license in force and attached to the said premises.

For 31 years from May 1908 ÂŁ15



This was previously held by James Addison under Resolution agreeing to grant a lease for 99 years. Pages. It afterwards came into the possession of Robt. Forsythe of Ballynure from whom it was purchased in December 1867 by George Patterson. The licensed premises occupied by Robert Smith are portion of the property erroneously described in the Lease as being situate in the West Division whereas it is in the Middle.


225A John W. Dunlop 1st December 1880. Lease of a portion of the Foreshore between High and Low water mark at ordinary tides extending from a line drawn in continuation of the western boundary of the Ship yard to Thompsons point and a line drawn seaward therefrom at right angles to the Belfast and Carrickfergus High Road with the right to dig up and carry away any sand or gravel that may be found thereon not exceeding 60 tons per week on an average. Reserving to the Lessors and the Harbour Commissioners a right to dig up and carry away sand, gravel and stones for any work which either of them may intend to construct and also a right of ingress, egress and regress for the public at all times. For 2 years from 1st March 1881 ÂŁ20

The Great Commons 30th Sept. 1875

On the above date leases of the Great Commons were made with the consent of the Lords of the Treasury for 61 years to the parties and the rent mentioned in the following schedule.

Each Lease reserved to the Lessors all Mines Minerals Limestone and other Stone, Sand and Gravel with the right to enter work and take away the same making reasonable compensation for any damage. Also all springs, streams and waters with the right to enter and divert such portions of same for the drainage of the premises or for supplying other portions of the said Great Commons and to make and maintain drains and watercourses through same making reasonable compensation for all damage. Also a right of way for all persons to or from the Great

299 Commons over the roadway called the 'Commons Ditch' or as near thereto as may be convenient. Also all game and right of hunting, fishing and shooting over the premises. Also a right to make any road through the said parcel of ground which the Lessors may think advisable. Lessees before the 1st November 1875 to join with the Lessees of the adjoining premises in constructing fences between the demised premises and the adjoining portion or portions half of the material to be taken from the demised premises and the other half from the adjoining portion or portions and also construct good and substantial fence or fences with the necessary

gates along such intended Roadway and any other portion of the said Great Commons by which the premises are bounded which shall not have been demised to any other tenant and

will not place any obstruction whatever on the said intended Road away or do so suffer to be done anything whereby the right of the Lessors and all other persons having occasion to go to & from the said Great Commons

or adjoining land shall be interfered with or said Roadway shall be less than 21 feet. Also that the premises shall not be subdivided or sublet or any part thereof without first obtaining the consent in writing of the Lessors. Provided that if at any time any Public or County Road shall be made through the said premises the Lessees shall not seek to obtain any compensation for the

portion which may be taken or claim any damage in respect thereof. Also if the Lessors shall make any road or roads through the demised premises for their own use or the use of their tenants a proportionate reduction shall be made in the rent and in such cases the Lessors shall make proper fences along said road or roads. Provided if the Lessees make use of said road they shall not be entitled to any reduction in their rent therefor and shall keep the

300 fences erected by the Lessors in proper order.

Schedule above referred to







Particulars of Leases granted since 1833 now (1911) missing.

1 James Connor 5th February 1857 Lease of a plot of ground containing 2 acres lying between the Belfast Road and the back entrance of Scout Bush and also a small parcel on the South side of the Road leading to Belfast. For 75 years from November 1856 ÂŁ3: 10: 0 The minutes of 5th February 1857 state that Connor refused to take this Lease alleging there was no way to the Shore.

James Lockhart 30th September 1874 Lease of Lot No. 96 of the Great Commons For 61 years from 1st November 1874 ÂŁ2: 10: 0 This Lessee was evicted and the lot released to Joseph Templeton No.322

307 Particulars of lands held under Resolutions agreeing to grant Leases.

1 Thomas L. Stewart 3rd April 1804 Plot of land containing 1 acre, 3 roods and 14 perches lying on the South side of the Road leading from Carrickfergus to Belfast and nearing the farm called Connyberry then in possession of Thomas L. Stewart For 99 years from 3rd April 1804 0d 12s This plot was sold to John Owden on 7th July 1867 for ÂŁ87:11:8

2 James D. Wilson 27th August 1808 Plot of land containing three roods and thirteen perches situate on the North Road immediately above the entrance to Thornfield For 99 years from 1st April 1808 0d 7s This plot along with the land comprised in the Fee Farm Grant dated 13th Oct 1686 to Matthew Johnston (No.124 Grants missing in 1911) was sold to the Reps of N.G. Wilson under the Land Purchase Acts.

3 Anna & Helena Lyndon 27th August 1808 Strips on the North and Bryantang Roads containing in all 2 acres 2 roods and 22 perches. For 99 years from 1st May 1808 6d 19s English These are now held by the Marquis of Downshire"

4 James Addison 27th August 1808 Plot of land containing 35 perches situate at Bryantang

308 For 99 years from 1st May 1808 6d This was leased to Margaret Patterson in 1908. No. 225

5 Lord Downshire 27th August 1808 Plot of land containing 1 acre 3 roods and 11 perches situate on the Bryantang Road in the West Division For 99 years from 1st May 1808 5s 5d

6 Andrew Forsythe 1st December 1856 Plot of land containing 1 rood and 21 perches lying between the Belfast road and the back entrance to Scout Bush For 31 years from 1st November 1856 5s 6d This plot was sold to James Torrens on the 15th April 1867. The Landed Estates Court Rental of 1867 contains maps showing the situation and boundaries of all the foregoing lots.

7 D. Bowman 6th September 1814 Small plot of ground to square his garden at Woodburn according to a plan submitted. For 99 years 1s 0d No rent appears to have ever been paid

309 Extracts from the Title Deeds of the property acquired by the Municipal Commissioners and the Urban District Council

405 The Marquis of Downshire 11th September 1856 Fee Farm Grant of a parcel of ground part of the lands of Prospect situate in the Middle Division on the South West side of the Division Road which is the North Eastern boundary of the lands of Prospect aforesaid containing one acre Irish Plantation measure or thereabouts. Bounded on the North East by the Division Road aforesaid and on all other points of the compass by other parts of the said lands of Prospect

ÂŁ6: 6: 0 The premises comprised in this Grant were on 2nd August 1866 reconveyed to Lord Downshire and by the next mentioned grant other premises were conveyed to the Municipal Commissioners for the purposes of a Reservoir at Prospect

406 The Marquis of Downshire 2nd August 1866 Fee Farm Grant of parcel of ground known as part of the lands of Prospect situate in the Middle Division on the West side of the Division Road which is the Eastern boundary of that portion of the lands of Prospect aforesaid containing 2 acres and 20 perches Statute measure or thereabouts. Bounded on the East by the Division Road aforesaid on the North by lands the property of John Coates and on the West and South by other parts of the said lands of Prospect with full and free liberty for the Municipal Commissioners their

310 Agents Stewards and Workmen to open a trench or drain in the said other lands of Prospect for the purpose of diverting the stream of water into the intended Reservoir. And also with full and free liberty of ingress and egress by the Division Road aforesaid to lay down water pipes and to repair and renew the same and for cleaning and keeping in good order the said drains making reasonable

compensation for any damage sustained in consequence of such ingress or egress. Excepting and reserving unto the said Marquis all Game, Fish, Mines and Royalties with full and free liberty of Fishing and Fowling upon the said premises and to keep and moor a boat thereon and to perambulate the outmears and view and survey the same. The Grantees to make a good Dyke wall or other Fence about the premises as shall be necessary for enclosing and securing the premises and keep the same and also the Banks of the River for 20 yards below junction of the bye wash with the river in good & sufficient repair and make full compensation for any damage caused in the making or bursting or overflowing of the said Reservoir or feeders. It was expressly agreed that if at any time the premises shall be used for that purpose than that of a Reservoir or cease to be used for that purpose or if there shall be built upon the premises any house without the consent of the Marquis immediately thereupon the grant shall cease and determine. ÂŁ4: 5: 0 This was acquired for the purpose of a Reservoir.

407 John Legg & others 23rd April 1857 Conveyance of First Part of the tenement on the West side of North St whereon was formerly the Brewery house Dwelling house and Gardens of Daniel & Wm. M. Kirk containing in front

311 to North Street aforesaid 120 feet and extending backwards 126 1/2 feet. Bounded on the South by Lancasterian Street and on the North by the Presbyterian Meeting House. Second parcel of ground tenement and premises being the garden and site of the Cow house in the rere of the two

houses in Lancasterian Street next adjoining the market and lying on the South Western side of the wall of the New Market Place extending in a South Eastern direction from that part of the garden of Joseph Hamilton which is on the West part thereof along the present wall of the New Market Place and also along part of the said Joseph Hamilton's garden and tenements which is on the South West of said parcel of ground 49 feet 6 inches. Bounded on the North West and South West by the garden & tenements of the said Joseph Hamilton on the North East by the New Market Place aforesaid and on the South East by the remainder of the ground & yard behind the house of Agnes Close and between the house occupied by Mary Goorley or Howard in Lancasterian Street. For ever

This is a Conveyance of premises in North Street for Market purposes.

The first mentioned premises are those demised to Daniel Kirk by the Fee Farm Grant dated 13th Sept 1779. No. 144.

The following documents are in the bundle with the Conveyance Certified copy of Fee Farm Grant dated 13th Sept 1779 from the Corporation to Daniel Kirk.

Conveyance dated 20th May 1793. Daniel Kirk to Wm. Mortimer Kirk. Conveyance dated 27th May 1843. Agnes Keating and Jane Close to Peter Kirk

312 and others Trustees of Carrickfergus Market Conveyance dated 3rd December 1835. John B. Kirk and others to David Legg.

Disclaimer of the Trusts of the Will of David Legg by Wm. Burleigh James K. Jackson and Valentine W. Magill dated 14th February 1857.

Search against John Kirk dated 7th Dec. 1835

408 James Bell 3rd May 1888 Lease of parcel of ground situate in the rere of the premises at the corner of High Street and North Street running at the rere of certain premises in North Street aforesaid the property of the Lessees containing in breadth 14 feet or thereabouts and in length 57 feet 6 inches or thereabouts. For 13 years from 1st November 1886 ÂŁ4: 0: 0 This was a lease of premises in the rere of the Commissioners house property in North Street for the purpose of providing yard accommodation. After the expiration of this Lease the Council granted a building lease of the old houses fronting to North Street to said James Bell & consequently the above rent ceased.

409 William Byrtt 3rd May 1888 Lease of parcel of ground situate in or adjacent to the rere of the premises in North Street at present in occupation of the Lessees containing in breadth next the premises of Mrs. Catherine McIlroy 16 feet and in the rere 14 feet 6 inches. For 11 years from 1st November 1886 ÂŁ1 These premises were leased to the

313 Commissioners for purposes similar to the lease made by James Bell and after its expiration the Council granted a lease of the premises fronting North Street to said William Byrtt and consequently the above rent ceased.

410 Mrs Julia Alice Taggart and Campbell Taggart 22nd August 1902 Assignment of parcel of ground situate on the Governor's Walk extending in front facing the said Street 30 feet 6 inches or thereabouts in the rere 28 feet 9 inches and extending back from front to rere on the East side 38 feet 4 inches and on the West side 36 feet. Bounded on the South by the Governor's Walk on the North by a store in the occupation of James Barnett (now leased to George Harrison) and on the East by a Lane separating the said premises from Gills Charity Houses called Lowe's Lane and on the West by a Lane called Sailors Row. For the remainder of the term of 75 years from 1st May 1850 ÂŁ2: 10: 0

This Deed refers to premises in Governor's Walk (now used by the Council as a stable) formerly leased to Wm. Molony for 75 years at a rent of ÂŁ2:10:0.

Afterwards sold by him to Dr. Taggart and by the executors of the latter assigned by this deed to the Council.

The following documents are in the bundle with this deed.

Lease from the Municipal Commissioners to Wm. Molony dated 1st Nov. 1851. Assignment from William Molony to David Taggart dated 24th Dec. 1872.


411 James Barbour & James Taylor & Sons Ltd. 2nd June 1902 Assignment of First Parcel of ground and premises situate in the North East Division containing 5 acres Statute measure. Bounded on the East by the Division Road and on the North South and West by other property of the said James Taylor Sons Ltd. Second Parcel of land lying on the West side of the Division Road leading from the New Cemetery to the County Road being 18 feet wide and containing half an acre to make the said Division Road 30 feet wide. Bounded on the North by the said New Cemetery on the South by property of the Earl of Shaftesbury on the West by other property of the said James Taylor Sons Ltd. and on the East by the Division Road. Excepting and reserving to the said James Taylor Sons Ltd. a right of sewerage and a free right of way for all purposes and at all places along the said strip of ground and to all persons requiring to use the same.

The Council to remove the fence dividing the said strip from the Division Road and use the said strip for widening the said Road and keep same a width of 30 feet opposite the lands of James Taylor Sons Ltd. and lay down said strip a 9 inch sewer and erect and keep in repair for 7 years from the date of its completion a proper fence 4 1/2 feet high.

The stream on the East side of the Division Road and the Weir on same to be in no way interfered with and be carried under the Road and the Council shall not permit any water from the proposed Cemetery to enter said Stream. To hold the premises firstly assigned for the interest of the said James Taylor Sons Ltd as tenants from year to year and the premises secondly assigned for the residue of 999 years granted by Lease from the Earl of Shaftesbury to James Taylor Sons Ltd dated 28th Oct 1901. This is an Assignment of the interest

315 of Messrs James Taylor Sons Ltd in the premises acquired by the Council for the Victoria Cemetery containing 5 acres Statute measure of which they were tenants from year to year under the Earl of Shaftesbury

& an additional piece of ground containing half a Statute acre which they held under Lord Shaftesbury for 999 years from 1901

the latter having been acquired by the Council for the purpose of widening the approach to the Cemetery.

The following documents is tied up in the bundle vizt. Agreement dated 3rd June 1910. The Earl of Shaftesbury 1st part. James Taylor Sons Ltd. 2nd part Urban District Council 3rd part.

412 The Earl of Shaftesbury & Others 2nd July 1902 Conveyance of parcel of ground containing 5 acres Statute measure situate on the West side of the Division Road known as Houston's Road. Bounded on the East by the said Road on the North South and West by other property of the said Earl of Shaftesbury and in the occupation of James Taylor Sons. Grantees not to interfere with the free use of the waters and watercourses comprised in an Indenture of Lease dated 28th Oct 1901 and made between the said Earl of Shaftesbury and James Taylor Sons Ltd. and will not permit any water whatever from the site of the intended Cemetery to enter any part of the Stream running on the East side of the said Division Road opposite the said site.

This is a Conveyance of the ground now used as the Victoria Cemetery. The Council

316 applied to the Commissioners of Public Works in Ireland for a loan of £2500 to enable them to provide a Cemetery. This having been sanctioned on the 6th January 1902 a Mortgage of the Urban Rates was executed by the Council to said Commissioners to secure this amount.

Of this sum the Council obtained £1540 leaving £960 available for further Cemetery purposes on which no interest is being paid. Mr Hugh G. Legg of Capetown, South Africa formerly of Carrickfergus made a gift to the Council of £1000 to be applied towards the outlay connected with the provision of the Cemetery.

This latter sum with the above mentioned sum of £1540 making together £2540 was applied by the Council in paying the purchase money of the lands walling in and laying off two acres of same for the present Cemetery making roadways and providing a Caretakers house.

413 Samuel McAllister & Isabella Wilson 31st December 1909 Assignment of parcel of ground lying on the West side of North Street containing in front to said Street 27 feet 5 1/2 inches in the rere 27 feet 5 1/2 inches and extending backwards on the North side 3 feet 10 inches and on the South side 3 feet 10 inches. Bounded on the East by North Street aforesaid on the West by other portion of the premises in possession of the said Samuel McAllister on the North by Lancasterian Street and on the South by premises belonging to the Earl of Shaftesbury. For the residue of 999 years from 1st November 1906 This Deed is an Assignment of a piece of ground in North Street acquired by

317 the Council for the purpose of widening said Street at its Junction with Lancasterian St.

414 George E. Kirk & Others 31st December 1906 Conveyance of parcel of ground in Antrim Street & Back Lane and which said parcel of ground as to its abuttals measurements and boundaries is more particularly described on the map or ground plan thereof thereon endorsed and coloured Pink.

This is a Conveyance of a parcel of ground in Antrim Street and Back Lane acquired by the Council for the purpose of widening said Street.

415 Trustees Union Hall 1st March 1909 Lease of 4 rooms on the ground floor of the building known as the 'Union Hall. Lessees to keep the interior of said premises and doors and windows unless damaged by other tenants of the Lessors in good repair and permit the Lessors and their Architect or Agent to enter and view the conditions thereof and shall within three months after notice in writing repair and make good such defects as shall be specified by notice in writing.

And also permit the Lessors their Agents and Workmen to empty or cleanse channels, sewers or drains and do such repairs as they may be liable to upon the premises or upon the premises adjoining. Lessees will not use or permit to be used the premises otherwise than for the purposes of the Carrickfergus Technical School nor for any purpose which may be a nuisance or annoyance to the Lessors their tenants or occupiers of adjoining houses nor lodge any goods or do any act or thing which might invalidate any insurance from fire made by the Lessors and

318 will not assign or sublet the premises or any part thereof without the consent in writing of the Lessors such consent not to be unreasonably withheld. For 21 years from 1st August 1909 ÂŁ35: 0: 0 This is a lease taken by the Council for the purposes of a Technical School to be managed by the Carrickfergus Urban Technical Instruction Committee.

319 Extracts from Miscellaneous Deeds

416 James Wilson & Sureties 1st February 1854 Bond of ÂŁ400 sterling that the said James Wilson during his continuance as Treasurer shall well and truly execute such duties as prescribed by Law or Resolution or Bye Law made or hereafter to be made and receive all Rents forming the Town Fund without any default and pay and disburse the Town Fund and properly account and verify such account and on his discontinuance of said office or his executors or admins in

case of his decease shall deliver up within a reasonable time all books, papers and vouchers in his custody and hand over to his successors all monies appearing in his hands

417 James Wilson & Sureties 13th January 1858 Bond of ÂŁ400 sterling for the due performance of the office of Treasurer on the same conditions as mentioned in No. 416

418 Copy Deed Poll 1st August 1861 Ratifying and confirming the Fee Farm Grant dated 24th May 1773 to James Cobham No. 136

419 The Marquis of Downshire 2nd Aug 1866 Reconveyance of part of the lands of Prospect comprised in the Fee Farm Grant dated 11th Sep 1856. No. 405

420 Belfast Water Commissioners 2nd May 1878 Deed of Covenant whereby the Belfast Water Commissioners agree in the event of their taking

320 any of the waters of the Loughmourne and Copeland District they shall within one month from taking the same provide for the inhabitants of Carrickfergus at the point specified a metal pipe for delivery at the North Gate 40000 gallons of water per day of 24 hours free of all cost. The Municipal Commissioners undertaking to pay the one half the cost of laying and repairing the piping required for the said supply of 40000 gallons and they further consent that the powers vested in them by the 22nd section of the Belfast Water Act 1874 may be limited to the right to

demand a supply in excess of the 40000 gallons not exceeding 60000 gallons per day such excess to be paid for and at the price and subject to the terms in said 22nd Section of the said Act and agree to pay the full cost of all extra piping required for the extra supply in the event of the existing pipes not being sufficient. And further to indemnify the said Belfast Water Commissioners against any proceedings taken against them by any parties claiming to be entitled to any of the Green Street supply and pay any amount for damages and taxed costs which they may have been obliged to pay or be unable to recover from any Plaintiff. And further agree by Petition or otherwise but at the expense of the Belfast Water Commissioners to do all Acts necessary to have said Agreement ratified by Act of Parliament. See Section 22 of Belfast Water Act 1874

421 Belfast Water Commissioners 1st November 1882 Deed of Covenant whereby the Municipal Commissioners undertake they will not at any time make any claim from the Belfast Water Commissioners for damage which may be done to the water pipe of the said Municipal Commissioners which they have laid across the Copeland Conduit and which


the Belfast Water Commissioners deny their right to do. And further will at all times hereafter indemnify the said Water Commissioners from all actions and damages owing to the stoppage or failure of the Water supply to Carrickfergus occasioned by injury to the said Water pipe by the bursting of the Copeland Conduit and will indemnify the said Water Commissioners from all damages they may sustain or be put at owing to any injury the said Conduit may receive through leakage by proximity of the Pipe aforesaid.

422 Order of the Master of the Rolls 8th Feby 1887 That the Accountant General do transfer and pay to the Municipal Commissioners the respective sums of £57: 19: 6 Government New three per cent Stock and £3: 9: 8 Cash in Court to the credit of this matter of this matter as in the Schedule thereto annexed. And this Court doth order that the Belfast Water Commissioners do pay to the said Applicants their costs of the said motion this order thereon and proceedings thereunder when taxed and ascertained.

The original letter from the Secretary of the Lords of the Treasury referred to therein is enclosed

423 Order of Land Judges Court 9th Feby 1887 That the Accountant General do sell the sum of £297:19: 4 Government New three per cent Stock at present standing in the books of the Accountant General of that Court to the credit of a matter entitled 'Marriott R. Dalway and others 'owners William King Petitioner and the separate credit of the Municipal Commissioners of the Borough of Carrickfergus and in the matter of the Municipal Corporation Mortgages

322 Act 1860 in accordance with the provisions of said 'Act 23 Vie Cap 16' and out of such proceeds and the cash now in Court draw on the Bank of Ireland in favour of Messrs W.D. & H. Johns Solicitors for the taxed and certified

amount of all costs and charges incident to the application including the costs of the memorial presented to the Lords of the Treasury for obtaining their consent to said application and of this order and pay the residue of the said proceeds & Cash to the Municipal Commissioners or their Attorney lawfully authorised the said Municipal Commissioners undertaking to pay the same to the Belfast Water Comms towards payment of the amount due then for one half the cost of piping water to the Town the Municipal Commrs undertaking not to apply the money to any other purpose. The above mentioned sums were paid to the Belfast Water Commissioners in accordance with the above order.

424 Belfast Water Commissioners 3rd May 1881 Conveyance of sundry parcels of ground. 1st Parcel of ground situate in the West Division containing 3 roods and 18 perches Statute measure numbered in the map and schedules lodged in pursuance of the Belfast Water Act 1874 1 and 3. 2nd All that permanent Easement or Way leave situate in the West Division containing 1080 lineal yards extending out to the Public Road and numbered 6 and 6A. 3rd All that the occupation Road being an 'Easement or right of way to Public Road' situate in the North East Division extending 267 lineal yards & numbered 15. 4th The waters of French Park stream flowing through or over the Middle Division and numbered on the said Map and Schedules 105, 98 & 90. Excepting a supply for Steam Engine feeding purposes from No. 105 to the

323 Belfast Mining Companys works and subject to all tenancies, rights and easements affecting the said lands waters and premises at the date of the Arbitrators Award and still existing.

425 Carrickfergus & Larne Railway Co. 8th July 1861 Deed in confirmation of Agreement whereby the Railway Co. covenant 1st That they shall interfere as little as possible with the gradients of the Public Road & in particular shall not raise the Road from Carrickfergus to Ballynure more than 18 feet above its present level and shall not lower the North Road more than 3 feet below its present level. 2nd That due regard will be taken not to injuriously affect the right of the Commissioners to convey water to the Town. 3rd The Company shall make and maintain one crossing for carriages to the Sea with sufficient excess to the Strand at the first furlong of the third mile on the plan. 4th The Company shall make the Station in Mr Smyth's field at the North Gate and before opening the Railway make a Road from the North Gate to the first Lamp Post at the Eastern extremity

of Cork Hill 45 feet broad the Company giving the land as far as possible the Commissioners procuring the land between same and the said Lamp Post. 5th In case a Tramway should be made from the Harbour the Company to raise no technical difficulty to making a Siding connection

same with the Railway by availing themselves of the provisions of Section 76 of the Railway Clauses Consolidation Act 1845 such Siding to be made by the proprietors of the Tramway under the supervision of the Railway Co's Engineer and in case of dispute as to the mode of making same or the compensation to be paid to the Company for their ground the matter to be left to the arbitration of a referee

324 or referees appointed by the Board of Trade

426 Belfast Water Commissioners 18th July 1876 Conveyance of parcel of land streams waters and premises situate in the West and Middle Divisions containing in the whole 88 acres, 3 roods and 7 1/2 perches Statute measure as numbered in the map annexed thereto and all springs streams currents rivulets water watercourses and rights of water and water ways arising flowing in over through and upon the said lands hereditaments and premises. And also all that permanent Easement or way leave extending 1537 lineal yards in through or under the aforesaid premises. Subject to all tenancies, rights and Easements affecting the said premises at the date of the award and still subsisting.

427 John Smyth to Archibald Robinson 24th March 1848 Conveyance of tenement and garden or house and background situate on the North side of West Street in the actual possession of the said John Smyth or his undertenants containing in front next the said Street 22 feet 6 inches and extending in the rere 43 feet. Bounded on the North by a parcel of ground formerly belonging to John Lee on the East by the Methodist Chapel on the South by the said Street and on the West by a tenement occupied by Roger Robinson as a carthouse and store.

428 The Marquis of Downshire 15th Feby 1907 Release of a part of the lands of French Park comprised in Fee Farm Grant dated 1st Nov 1705 (No. 37) of the sum of ten shillings per annum being the amount agreed upon to represent the rent on 25 acres, 2 roods

325 and 25 perches taken by the Belfast Water Commissioners under the Belfast Water Act of 1899 The Release recites that the lands were held under a Fee Farm Grant dated 1st Nov 1705 subject to the yearly rent of £1:14:11. The only Grant of that date is the one to John Brown No.37 but the rent reserved by it is only 15/10.

Some other Grants must therefore have been acquired making the above rent of £1:14:11 but these cannot be traced.

429 Belfast Water Commissioners 7th March 1910 Agreement whereby the Belfast Water Commissioners undertake to fix the guage on the pipes at the Mile Bush to deliver into the pipes leading to the North Gate and there deliver a supply of water at the rate of Eighty thousand gallons per day of 24 hours. The Council agree to pay the Commissioners by equal quarterly payments the sum of £60 per year for such additional supply of 40,000 gallons. And it was further agreed that in case at any time thereafter the Council should

require the extra supply to be increased to 60000 gallons the Commissioners on receiving a requisition therefor under the hands of the Chairman and Clerk shall give such extra additional supply for which the Council agreed to pay an additional sum of £30 per year. The Council further agree to pay the Commissioners the full cost of purchasing laying and repairing any extra piping which may be required to enable the Commissioners to deliver the extra supply.


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