Performance Inprovement Plan 2025-2026 Consultation - Easy Read

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What do you think?

Easy Read Performance Improvement Plan 2025 to 2026

Easy Read

Bold words

This is an Easy Read version of some information. It may not include all of the information, but it will tell you about the important parts.

This Easy Read booklet uses easier words and pictures. Some people may still want help to read it.

Some words are in bold - this means the writing is thicker and darker. These are important words in the booklet.

This word means….

Sometimes if a bold word is hard to understand, we will explain what it means.

Blue and underlined words show links to websites and email addresses. You can click on these links on a computer.

About this survey

This is a survey from Mid and East Antrim Borough Council.

We have written a plan for how we will work better in the next year.

We want to find out what you think of our plan.

In this booklet we will tell you:

• What our plan is.

• How you can tell us what you think of the plan.

About the plan


2025 to 2026


Working in better ways all the time is important to us.

We want to work more closely with other organisations to provide the best services for people who live here.

This plan says how we will do this over the next year.

It does not include all of the improvements we need to make, but it shows how we want to work on the biggest ones.

The plan will help Mid and East Antrim to be a strong, lively and safe place where everyone feels included.

Improvement Objectives


We have thought of 3 possible Improvement Objectives to work on in the next year.

An objective is something you plan to do.

We have also thought about some ways that we could work on each objective.

Final plan

We will say more about how we will work on the objectives in our final plan.

Improvement Objective 1

We will work with other organisations to improve the lives of the people who live here.

We could work on this by:

1. Providing different services to support people’s needs.

2. Providing ways for people to improve their skills so they can find a job.

3. Working with other organisations to help people feel safe and secure.

Improvement Objective 2

We will improve our local areas.

We could work on this by:

1. Putting more money and time into parks and open spaces.

2. Setting up a group for businesses and other organisations to work together to make the area have more money.

3. Working with other organisations to look after and improve our streets and towns.

4. Tell people about why they should visit Mid and East Antrim.

Improvement Objective 3

We will work in ways that are better for the environment and help people to look after it.

The environment is where we live. It includes the land, the sea, the air and everything that lives in and on it.

We could work on this by:

1. Talking to more people about how they can make changes in their lives to help the environment.

It is very important that you have a chance to tell us what you think of the plan.

Please fill in this survey to tell us what you think.

You can also fill in the survey on this website: council/policies-and-documents/ consultations

4 April 2025

Please send us your answers by 4 April 2025.

Questions for you to answer

Question 1: Do you agree with the council working on Improvement Objective 1?

Remember, Objective 1 is: We will work with other organisations to improve the lives of the people who live here.




I am not sure

Please tell us more about why you think this:

Question 2: Do you agree with the council working on Improvement Objective 2?

Remember, Objective 2 is: We will improve our local areas.


Yes No I am not sure

Please tell us more about why you think this:

Question 3: Do you agree with the council working on Improvement Objective 3?

Remember, Objective 3 is: We will work in ways that are better for the environment and help people to look after it. Yes No


I am not sure

Please tell us more about why you think this:


Question 4: If Mid and East Antrim Council could do anything to improve your life or the environment, what would it be?

Questions about you

Question 5: Which word best describes who you are?

Please only tick 1 box.

Resident - you live in Mid and East Antrim

Business owner

Part of a community group

Elected member

Other - please tell us:

Question 6: Which area do you live or work in?

Please only tick 1 box.




Other - please tell us:

Question 7: What is your age group?

Please only tick 1 box.

0 to 14

15 to 39

40 to 64

Over 65

That is the end of the survey.

Thank you for answering these questions. Thank you

What to do next

Please send your finished survey by 4 April 2025 to:

Performance Improvement Plan Consultation,

Mid and East Antrim Borough Council, 1-29 Bridge Street, Ballymena, BT43 5EJ

You can also hand in your survey at one of these places:

• Ballymena Showgrounds

• The Braid, Ballymena

• Seven Towers Leisure Centre, Ballymena

• Carrickfergus Amphitheatre

• Carrickfergus Civic Centre

• Larne Leisure Centre

Other information

Other ways of reading this survey

If you would like to read this survey in a different way, like large print or a different language, please email us: communications@midandeastantrim.

If you would like to tell us about something that needs to be improved at any time, please email us at:

Keeping your information safe

We are collecting some of your personal information as part of this survey.

We will follow the laws about how to keep your information safe.

If you want to find out more about how we keep your information safe, please go to our website:

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