Local Development Plan 2030
Draft Plan Strategy Schedule of Proposed Corrections
June 2021 www.midandeastantrim.gov.uk/planning
Introduction Following submission of the draft Plan Strategy (dPS) and supporting evidence to the Department for Infrastructure (DfI) on 29th March 2021 the Council has become aware of a number of drafting errors within the dPS that were not identified in the Schedule of Proposed Modifications (document reference DPS-143). The Council has taken account of the Department for Infrastructure’s ‘Development Plan Practice Note 10 – Submitting Development Plan Documents for Independent Examination (December 2019)’ (DPPN 10) and propose a number of additional minor changes. Corrections to text have been identified as follows:
text that is being removed is shown in red strikethrough
new or amended text is coloured blue
mapping corrections are identified by snips from the published maps.
Justification for Proposed Corrections Paragraph 7.4.26 of the draft Plan Strategy states “In line with the policy approach set out in the Introduction, the draft Plan Strategy has carried forward, with relatively minor modifications, the three existing ACMD designated through the Larne Area Plan 2010.” This explains the Council’s approach in identifying the ACMDs shown on District Proposals Maps 2 and 3 in the dPS. The Council can clarify that the ‘minor modification’ referred to in paragraph 7.4.26 of the dPS relates to a minor increase in the extent of the original ACMD considered appropriate by Council to include the entirety of the overlapping Area of Significant Archaeological Interest. The ACMD designated in Larne Area Plan 2010 (LAP 2010) was identified on LAP 2010 District Proposals Map 1 March 1998, this map was prepared in a nondigital format. In 2007 the zonings identified in the maps accompanying the Larne Area Plan and numerous other non-digital plans in Northern Ireland were digitised by the Department of Environment. This information was utilised by the Department and later transferred to Mid and East Antrim Borough Council in 2015. The digital files (shape files) provided by the Department were used by the Council in the preparation of dPS District Proposals Maps 2 and 3 to identify the extent of the existing ACMDs. It has now become apparent to the Council that an error occurred in 2007 when the Department misinterpreted the LAP 2010 District Proposals Map 1. LAP 2010 designated only 1 ACMD. However, the Department incorrectly identified and digitised 2 additional areas at Capanagh Wood and Ballyboley Forest as ACMDs and these have been transposed to the dPS District Proposals Maps 2 and 3. The confusion may have arisen due to the similarity on the 1998 map between Ordnance Survey’s standard shading to identify woodland and the shading used to identify the ACMD. It should be noted that the Council is raising this issue at this point in the plan process as it has only now become aware of the error. At no point since 2007 has the error been identified by the Department or any other party. While the issue of ACMDs in general has been raised in representations to the DPS, no representations have identified the difference between the proposed ACMDs in the dPS and the designated ACMD in the LAP 2010, as a result the Council consider the corrections to be minor in nature and no party is prejudiced by the correction of this error at this point in the Plan Process. The Council propose the following map corrections and related text corrections.
Proposed Corrections Proposed Correction Reference Number
Policy or Section
Summary of Issue
Proposed Change
District Proposals Maps 2 and 3
The ACMD at Capanagh Wood has been incorrectly transposed from the Larne Area Plan 2010.
Remove the Area of Constraint of Mineral Development covering Capanagh Wood, shown in the extract below from District Proposals Maps 2.
District Proposals Maps 2 and 3
The ACMD at Ballybolley Forest has been incorrectly transposed from the Larne Area Plan 2010.
Remove the Area of Constraint of Mineral Development covering Ballyboley Forest, shown in the extract below from District Proposals Maps 2.
7.4 Minerals Implementation Para 7.4.7
The ACMD at Capanagh Wood and Ballybolley Forest has been incorrectly transposed from the Larne Area Plan 2010.
At present, there are only three such areas, all falling The existing ACMD falls within the Antrim Coast and Glens Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (the AONB), and designated through the Larne aArea Plan 2010.
Policy MIN 4 J&A Para 7.4.26
The ACMD at Capanagh Wood and Ballybolley Forest has been incorrectly transposed from the Larne Area Plan 2010.
In line with the policy approach set out in the introduction, the draft Plan Strategy has carried forward, with relatively minor modifications the three existing ACMD designated through the Larne Area Plan 2010. All of these This areas falls within the AONB. Aside from their its exceptional landscape quality, they are it is designated for their its nature conservation importance, particularly for birds such as hen harrier and merlin. The largest ACMD also includes the boroughs only Area of Significant Archaeological Interest at Knockdhu. It should be noted that there are also other LDP policies to protect these this area from development in general (refer to Natural Environment, Historic Environment and AONB Landscape policies). 3
Local Development Plan Team Silverwood Business Park 190 Raceview Road Ballymena BT42 4HZ
Tel: 028 2563 3500