6 minute read
Outcome 3 Fostering vibrant sustainable communities
Plans 2018/19 Progress Plans 2019/23 CP Ref
Community Planning
Promote housing led regeneration through master planning proposals in urban and village centres.
DfC will continue to fund Areas at Risk, Small Pockets Of Deprivation (SPOD), and Neighbourhood Renewal programmes for 2018/19. NIHE continues to work with the council through the Community Planning process.
NIHE works in partnership within the Building Successful Communities (BSC) programme, as part of the DfC Housing Strategy for NI, supporting the development of 11 new build social homes at Regents Park, Doury Road, Ballymena. Triangle Housing Association has been nominated to take the new build forward. Promote housing led regeneration through master planning proposals in urban and village centres.
The masterplan for St Patrick’s Barracks, Ballymena is progressing. Radius Housing Association has been nominated to provide approximately 140 new social homes at this location.
A Tower Block strategy was approved by NIHE Board in May 2018. An extensive consultation exercise was undertaken with tenants, leaseholders, community and elected representatives and other stakeholders between June and December 2018. The findings of this consultation informed the final Action Plan, which is now with DfC for consideration. Latharna House in Larne is included in the strategy.
DfC has funded: £35k for Areas at Risk; £247k for Neighbourhood Renewal programmes and £72k for SPOD in the council area for 2018/19. DfC hopes to continue to fund the Areas at Risk, SPOD and Neighbourhood Renewal programmes for 2019/20. 5A
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Plans 2018/19 Progress Plans 2019/23 CP Ref
NIHE will work with rural communities to identify hidden or ‘latent’ housing need. These rural locations will be determined following annual review of the Housing Need Assessment and will take account of any requests from community representatives. NIHE will implement the Heritage in Housing scheme throughout NI to bring empty town centre properties back into use, addressing blight and providing accommodation for affordable rent.
NIHE will implement a match funding programme for the Rural Development Programme in 2018/19. NIHE will implement and promote the annual ‘Rural Community Awards’ competition There were no areas identified for a Latent Demand Test in 2018/19. Identify rural housing need/demand.
An additional year of the scheme will operate in 2019/20.
In 2018/19, eight projects were funded in rural areas with a total spend of £130K.
The 2018/19 Rural Community Awards were presented to the winning community groups in October 2018. The NI target for the 2019/20 scheme is to fund a minimum of three projects across the Townscape Heritage Initiative areas.
The target for the 2019/20 programme is to fund a minimum of seven projects across NI. NIHE hopes to offer the Rural Community Awards on an annual basis.
Plans 2018/19 Progress
Building Successful Communities
DfC will continue to invest in DfC is supporting Social Economy social enterprise growth to Enterprise growth in NI through increase sustainability in the Community Asset Transfer (CAT), broad community sector. Pilot Social Economy Projects, Social Enterprise Hubs and Social Innovation.
NIHE’s Social Housing Enterprise (SHE) Strategy will invest £0.5m in NI annually to support social housing enterprise developments.
Complete new Community Safety Strategy 2019-23. There were no awards made by the Social Housing Enterprise Strategy, during 2018/19, in Mid and East Antrim.
Members of the Social Investment Team are meeting with groups and another visit to the Housing Community Network is arranged to generate interest and discussion on possible future projects. Work is nearing completion on the new Community Safety Strategy.
Plans 2019/23 CP Ref
DfC will continue to invest in social enterprise growth to increase sustainability in the broad community sector.
NIHE’s SHE Strategy will continue to invest in local communities to support social housing enterprise developments. 1B 1D
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Consult on the new Community Safety Strategy, launch and implement. 4A 4B 4C
Plans 2018/19 Progress Plans 2019/23 CP Ref
Building Successful Communities
NIHE will work to prevent hate A hate harassment tool kit was crimes. launched in 2016. The Hate Incident Practical Action (HIPA) scheme continues to be available to address damage to properties. During 2018/19, five HIPA incidents were actioned in the council area.
NIHE will continue to be a designated agency in the PCSPs.
NIHE will assess funding applications from Community Groups, PCSPs and councils for a range of community safety initiatives.
NIHE will continue to partner on Anti-Social Behaviour Forum.
NIHE will deal with reported cases of ASB in its estates. NIHE Area Managers continue to attend their respective PCSP meetings. During 2018/19, £59k was awarded in the council area to: Ballymena Retailers Against Crime; Ballymena Larne and Carrickfergus Wardens Scheme; Mid and East Antrim Age Well Partnership; Mid and East Antrim PCSP for Bytes Detached Youth Work. Local office staff continues to work with statutory partners in addressing ASB issues and attends the Anti-Social Behaviour Forum with PSNI and Council to discuss cases of common concern. During 2018/19, NIHE dealt with 201 cases of ASB within the council area.
NIHE will work to raise awareness and promote integration through its Good Relations Strategy and Race Relations Policy. NIHE will promote Good Relations across the five cohesion themes of Race Relations, Communities in Transition, Interfaces, Flags, Emblems and Sectional Symbols. NIHE has provided Hate Crime training to staff across the organisation.
NIHE is committed to developing shared housing communities. In Mid and East Antrim two new build ‘Housing for All’ schemes completed in 2018/19.
The Bi-Lingual Advocacy Programme continued offering advice and translated information services to ethnic minorities in the area. Continue to work to prevent hate harassment.
NIHE will continue to be a designated agency in the PCSPs. NIHE will continue to assess funding applications and fund appropriate initiatives that address community safety issues in NIHE estates where money is available.
NIHE will continue to partner on ASB Forum.
NIHE will deal with reported cases of ASB in its estates. NIHE will implement bespoke training in good relations for staff and community groups.
The BRIC Programme has now completed. 4A 4B 4C
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Plans 2018/19 Progress Plans 2019/23 CP Ref
Building Successful Communities
Staff continue to participate with other statutory partners in the Mid and East Antrim Council Cultural Celebration Working Group and the operational groups which link with communities in the area.
NIHE will continue to fund Supporting Communities NI (SCNI) in their work with communities. NIHE funded: the TRY rugby project delivered by Carrickfergus rugby club; EID celebration event in Ballymena Islamic centre; Glynn Fun Day to celebrate the centenary of the RAF; Intergenerational Project in Greenisland; Cultural community fun day in Greenisland; reimaging in Harryville and Ballykeel 2.
NIHE is the delivery agent for almost £0.5m of Peace IV funding with the purpose of delivering three Local Area Networks (LAN) across 11 areas and 15 estates. Work to date with groups includes: action planning meetings in all three areas of the borough; developing Good Relations Plans; for ‘Your Freedom and Ours’ events and workshops; SIA training; LAN Together Event for all three networks to Crumlin Road Gaol and Belfast Interfaces; visit to Irish Military War Museum. New projects planned include: Digital Inclusion Programme & training and Carrickfergus Pageant/Royal Landings Festival.
SCNI continues to support community groups. There is a dedicated Supporting Communities worker for the local offices which allows NIHE to encourage new groups to form. To date staff engage with 34 4A 4B