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Outcome 2 Deliver better homes
Plans 2018/19 Progress Plans 2019/23 CP Ref
Identifying housing needs, increasing supply of affordable renting and assisting home ownership
NIHE will carry out an annual Achieved. The five year social NIHE will carry out an annual five year projected social housing need for the council five-year projected social 5A housing need assessment for area is 643. housing need assessment for the council area. the council area.
NIHE will annually assess demand for intermediate housing for the council area.
NIHE will commence a programme to deliver Housing Market Assessments (HMAs) across NI upon the completion of the housing market geographies research.
DfC will approve a gross, three-year 2019/22 SHDP.
NIHE will carry out site identification studies to examine sites for social housing as necessary.
DfC has committed funding of £100m to Co-Ownership for four years, which along with £65m of private finance will allow for the provision of 2,800 new homes in NI.
NIHE and housing associations will implement the House Sales and Equity Sharing Scheme. Achieved. The ten year intermediate housing need is 660.
New HMA boundaries have been agreed and NIHE plans to commission further research to undertake a factual analysis of housing systems within two of the new housing market areas with a view to extending this further to all new housing market areas.
There are 367 units on-site, of which, 136 units started in 2018/19. There were 206 units completed during 2018/19.
No site identification studies were identified for the council area. NIHE will annually assess demand for intermediate housing for the council area.
The Housing Executive has now appointed a research contractor to undertake Phase 2 of this research, to conduct a Strategic Housing Market Analysis for Belfast Metropolitan and Derry and Strabane Housing Market Areas. Both Housing Market Area reports are due to complete in March 2020.
The 2019/20 programme includes 266 units. DfC will approve a gross, three-year 2020/23 SHDP.
Site identification studies will be carried out where need is identified. 5A
In 2018/19, there were 45 properties purchased through Co-Ownership in Mid and East Antrim.
26 NIHE properties were sold to tenants under the House Sales Scheme during 2018/19. DfC has committed funding of £100m to Co-Ownership for four years, which along with £65m of private finance will allow for the provision of 2,800 new homes in NI. 4A 4B
NIHE and housing associations will implement the House Sales and Equity Sharing Scheme. 4A 4B
Plans 2018/19 Progress
Improving People’s Homes – NIHE Stock
Funding for NIHE planned In 2018/19, NIHE spent £3.98m maintenance schemes in on 20 planned maintenance 2018/19 is estimated at schemes in the council area. £5.89m for 27 schemes. NIHE completed planned maintenance works to 1,276 properties: 573 properties received ECM works; 162 kitchens; 62 received bathroom/kitchen replacements; 196 heating installations; 190 double glazing and 93 properties received roof improvement work.
Funding for NIHE stock improvement work in 2018/19 is £2.5m.
NIHE will complete response maintenance repairs within the required target time.
NIHE will carry out response maintenance repairs to customers’ satisfaction. In 2018/19, NIHE spent £1.3m on stock improvement work.
93.7% of NIHE response maintenance repairs in NI were completed within the required target time.
96.98% of NIHE response maintenance repairs in the borough were carried out to customers’ satisfaction.
Plans 2019/23 CP Ref
Funding for NIHE planned maintenance schemes in 2019/20 is estimated at £5.71m for 27 schemes. NIHE will carry out work to 2,382 properties: 1,557 properties will receive ECM works; 45 door replacements; 46 kitchen replacements; 84 properties will receive bathroom/kitchen replacements; 294 heating installations; 196 double glazing; 109 bathrooms; 25 roof improvement works; 14 properties will receive door entry scheme works and 12 capital scheme works. Funding for NIHE stock improvement work in 2019/20 is £1.35m.
NIHE will complete response maintenance repairs within the required target time.
NIHE will carry out response maintenance repairs to customers’ satisfaction. 1A 2A 2D 2E
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Plans 2018/19 Progress
Improving People’s Homes – Private Stock
NIHE will implement the In the council area, 458 Affordable Warmth Scheme. measures were carried out to Funding of £16m is available 242 private properties under for 2018/19 across NI. the Affordable Warmth Scheme in 2018/19.
NIHE will continue to administer the Boiler Replacement Scheme on behalf of DfC for the period 2016-19 with a budget of £550k for 2018/19 across NI. In Mid and East Antrim, 231 properties had boilers replaced at cost of £148k.
Plans 2019/23 CP Ref
NIHE will implement the Affordable Warmth Scheme with available funding of £12m for 2019/20 across NI, subject to change following current monitoring round outcome. NIHE will implement the Boiler Replacement Scheme 2016-19, with anticipated funding of £1m for 2019/20 across NI, subject to change following current monitoring round outcome. 1A 2A 2E 5A
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Plans 2018/19 Progress Plans 2019/23 CP Ref
Improving People’s Homes – Private Stock
Funding of discretionary Discretionary grant approval grants will continue in value in 2018/19 was £39k. 2018/19. Funding of discretionary grants will continue in 2019/20.
Repair notices issued by councils to private rental landlords can be recovered through a mandatory grant of up to £7.5k.
NIHE will continue to fund discretionary Home Repair Assistance (HRA) grants.
NIHE will register and inspect Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs) for building and management standards.
NIHE’s 2018/21 Energy Efficiency Programme includes 17 schemes at a cost of £7.3m. There were 29 mandatory repair grants approved in 2018/19, with an approval value of £55k. NIHE will issue mandatory repair grants as required.
HRA grants to the value of £21k were approved during the year.
At March 2019, there were 114 properties registered as HMOs in the council area. In the past year, a small number of Article 80 Notices (fit for number of occupants) and 21 Article 79 Notices (Management Regulations) were served.
In 2018/19, the Energy Efficiency Programme included 264 installations at a cost of £0.83m. NIHE will continue to fund discretionary Home Repair Assistance (HRA) grants.
Administration of HMOs has now passed to Belfast City Council and is no longer a Housing Executive function.
NIHE’s 2019/22 Energy Efficiency Programme includes 1,676 units at a cost of £4.8m.
NIHE aims to increase membership of the established Oil Buying Clubs Scheme. 4,900 households have become members of the 27 oil buying clubs established in NI. Bannvale Oil Buying Club is currently established in Ahoghill and Portglenone. Bryson Energy will continue to maintain the Oil Buying Clubs Scheme until the service transitions over to local community groups. 1D 2A 2d 2E
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