Mid and East Antrim Housing Investment Plan 2019-23
Outcome 2 – Deliver better homes Plans 2018/19
Plans 2019/23
CP Ref
Identifying housing needs, increasing supply of affordable renting and assisting home ownership NIHE will carry out an annual five year projected social housing need assessment for the council area.
Achieved. The five year social housing need for the council area is 643.
NIHE will carry out an annual five-year projected social housing need assessment for the council area.
NIHE will annually assess demand for intermediate housing for the council area.
Achieved. The ten year intermediate housing need is 660.
NIHE will annually assess demand for intermediate housing for the council area.
NIHE will commence a programme to deliver Housing Market Assessments (HMAs) across NI upon the completion of the housing market geographies research.
New HMA boundaries have been agreed and NIHE plans to commission further research to undertake a factual analysis of housing systems within two of the new housing market areas with a view to extending this further to all new housing market areas.
The Housing Executive has now appointed a research contractor to undertake Phase 2 of this research, to conduct a Strategic Housing Market Analysis for Belfast Metropolitan and Derry and Strabane Housing Market Areas. Both Housing Market Area reports are due to complete in March 2020.
DfC will approve a gross, three-year 2019/22 SHDP.
There are 367 units on-site, of which, 136 units started in 2018/19. There were 206 units completed during 2018/19.
The 2019/20 programme includes 266 units. DfC will approve a gross, three-year 2020/23 SHDP.
NIHE will carry out site identification studies to examine sites for social housing as necessary.
No site identification studies were identified for the council area.
Site identification studies will be carried out where need is identified.
DfC has committed funding of £100m to Co-Ownership for four years, which along with £65m of private finance will allow for the provision of 2,800 new homes in NI.
In 2018/19, there were 45 properties purchased through Co-Ownership in Mid and East Antrim.
DfC has committed funding of £100m to Co-Ownership for four years, which along with £65m of private finance will allow for the provision of 2,800 new homes in NI.
4A 4B
NIHE and housing associations will implement the House Sales and Equity Sharing Scheme.
26 NIHE properties were sold to tenants under the House Sales Scheme during 2018/19.
NIHE and housing associations 4A will implement the House 4B Sales and Equity Sharing Scheme.