THEME 2: Play in the Community
Play space will be neutral and will provide a safe and shared environment for cross community contact. Play space and programmes will act as a tool for inclusion for children and families coping with physical and emotional health and wellbeing challenges. 2.3
THEME 2: Play in the Community Objectives
Recognising the role of play in contributing to stable and sustainable community relations.
Ensure that vulnerable and young people are supported in their play.
MEA Out to Play Strategy 2019-2023
Developing cross community and community cohesion programmes to establish play areas as shared spaces across the borough.
Responsible Department
Parks and Open Spaces Development Team
Increase participation in play and use of play resources in areas with low community infrastructure via nonfixed play opportunities.
2019 - 2023
Provision of accessible play facilities and programmes which reach those at most risk, including children with disabilities.
Play Development
2019 - 2023
Increase access to a range of play opportunities for children living in areas of greatest need.
Play Development
2019 - 2023
Work to support providers to ensure that the principles of inclusive play are built into the core of all our fixed play and other play opportunities .
Parks and Open Spaces Development Team
2019 - 2023
Identify key issues reducing accessibility play.
Play Development
2019 - 2023
Provide training on inclusive play for key stakeholders.
Parks and Open Spaces Development Team
Responsible Department
Engage with local communities to identify play needs.
Play Development
2019 - 2023
Develop a tailored programme of activity to increase participation.
Parks and Open Spaces Development Team
2019 - 2023
Development of community play pods and play rangers via training.
Parks and Open Spaces Development Team
Ensure that all children and young people across the borough have opportunity to access and benefit from shared play and leisure opportunities.
Engage with schools to develop partnership programmes where children come together to use play areas as shared space.
Parks and Open Spaces Development Team
2019 - 2023
Support intergenerational working.
Ensure partners are committed to intergenerational working.
Parks and Open Spaces Development Team
2019 - 2023
Inter-generational play activities such as gardening and biodiversity projects.
Parks and Open Spaces Development Team
2019 - 2023
Develop a single cross agency approach to dealing with queries from members of the community in relation to children’s play and leisure.
Parks and Open Spaces Development Team
2019 - 2023
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