Regeneration of St Patrick's Barracks, Ballymena
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Sensory Garden and Public Realm
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A new and upgraded path and carriageway network for pedestrians, cyclists and motorists will improve connections between the development and Ballymena’s town centre as well as with the adjacent communities. A new pedestrian and cycle bridge over the Braid River will provide extended access to the recreational parkland around the Ecos centre.
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Improved Connections
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Mid and East Antrim Borough Council along with a number of key strategic partners are aiming to deliver a high-quality regeneration scheme at the St Patrick’s site in Ballymena. This exciting project, led by the Department for Communities, will transform this area of Ballymena helping to create wider economic, environmental, social and cultural benefits across the Borough.
Regeneration of St Patrick's Barracks, Ballymena
Braid River Proposed Road
Improved Connections
Proposed Housing
The Department for Communities carried out extensive consultation work on the regeneration of the site in 2016/17. The results of this consultation were used in support of the Outline Planning Submission.
Proposed Civic Events Space Office Building Leisure, Health and Wellbeing centre Proposed Seven Towers Sculpture Feature Proposed Clock Tower Feature Proposed Sensory Garden Demesne Avenue
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The themes from the previous consultation, along with the principles embedded within the Outline Planning approval, have also been used as a baseline for developing design proposals for the public realm, recreational areas, office building, civic event space, and a pedestrian and cycle bridge across to Ecos Nature Park.
Proposed Bridge
Proposed Material Palette
Outline Planning permission for the redevelopment of the site was granted in 2019. This confirmed that the land was to be used for the creation of a shared, mixed use, housing-led regeneration scheme supported by infrastructure including a new road, footpaths and cycle ways. As pillars of regeneration, Council plan to construct a new Leisure, Health and Wellbeing facility and an Innovation Centre. Both will serve as a future hub for a Smart and sustainable district at St Patrick’s.
i4C Innovation Centre
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Previous Consultation
Regeneration of St Patrick’s Barracks, Ballymena
Aerial view of Masterplan Town Centre
Start of enhanced landscaped route linking Town Centre to St Patricks Barracks site and Ecos Park beyond
Seven Towers
Green Boulevard
Vertical structures that reference Ballymena’s Historic Seven Towers and creates a node point connecting town centre and St Patricks Barracks redevelopment
Ecos Park
Civic Events Space
Public Square Clocktower and sensory gardens
Pedestrian Bridge
Connecting Square to Ecos Centre over the Braid River
Ecos Visitor & Conference Centre
Regeneration of St Patrick’s Barracks, Ballymena
Aerial view of Barracks Site Redevelopment Proposed Leisure, Health & Wellbeing Centre
Proposed Office Building
Proposed i4C Innovation Centre
Regeneration of St Patrick’s Barracks, Ballymena Seven Towers - Concept
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Seven Towers feature The proposal for the Seven Towers feature is a monument to celebrate the famous Seven Towers of Ballymena. It consists of seven new towers representing the actual height of each historic tower. The towers are placed on the site geographically proportional to one another with the Braid River creating a reference point for the structures. The Seven Towers 1. Ballymena Castle 2. First Ballymena Presbyterian Church 3. The Old Parish Church 4. The Braid Water Mill 5. St. Patrick’s Church 6. Old Town Hall 7. All Saints Roman Catholic Church Presently there are only three of the original towers which remain – the All Saints, St. Patrick’s and the Old Parish Church.
Regeneration of St Patrick’s Barracks, Ballymena Seven Towers - Aerial View
View from Civic Events Space
View of Seven Towers from street
View from Seven Towers towards Clocktower and Sensory Garden
Regeneration of St Patrick’s Barracks, Ballymena
The first stage of the redevelopment of the site was the demolition of the old buildings. Mid and East Antrim Borough Council agreed with the Department for Communities to retain 10,000 bricks from the demolition works to be reused in a way to preserve the memory of the site’s former use. Consultation with veterans has produced a concept to reconstruct a clock tower that was formerly located on St Patrick’s Barracks.
The proposed clock tower is placed in a tiered sensory garden as part of the design including a reflective pool and squares. Each square is to depict a specific time period of the site; this would include early settlement history, St. Patricks Barracks, the current redevelopment and any future aspirations of the site.
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View of Historic St Patrick’s Barracks Clocktower over tiered sensory garden towards Civic Events Space
The image to the left denotes our initial concept. This is to be developed further with the help of an interpretative designer and include further consultation with all relative parties. 1 2 3-9 10 11
- Early Site - Construction of St Patricks Barracks - Regiments of the Barracks - Current Redevelopment of site - Future aspirations for site
Regeneration of St Patrick’s Barracks, Ballymena
Bridge to Ecos Centre
Regeneration of St Patrick’s Barracks, Ballymena Continuing Ballymena’s Innovation - Future Smart District Ballymena has a strong history of Innovation and to continue this we are investigating a number of themes to form a Smart District on St. Patrick’s Barracks. These themes and features may include: Technology & Data • Smart Sensors to monitor & improve services • Data to inform future planning & events • Dashboard Screens on Sustainability Statistics & Proportion of Events Green Energy • EV Charging Points • Green Energy Generation & Storage • Energy Management Systems Urban Design • Better Connections such as the Smart Bridge over the Braid including motion detecting lighting • Interpretative Green Energy Water Fountains • Smart Bins Transportation • Real-Time Bus Tracking Bus Stops • E-Scooter Stations & GPS