Explore Social Seed Fund Name Home Address Postcode Telephone Email National Insurance Number Business Name Date Established / Planned to be established Business Registered Address Business Registered Postcode Telephone Email Website / Social Media details Describe your business activities
If successful, how will you spend your seed fund and how will this benefit your business?
Breakdown of costs (up to £1000) Please provide three quotes to show evidence that best value is being sought. Where only one supplier is available, please state this in the application. Please note we may only be able to award part of the requested items. Item
Cost 1
Cost 2
Cost 3
Eligibility Criteria To be eligible for consideration you should fulfil the following criteria Over 18 Will be working a minimum of 16 hours per week in my business I have a viable business plan and financial projections I have registered the company I nor any member of the organisation has a criminal record, current bankruptcy or current debt charges
Those who are successful will be issued with a written agreement stipulating that the Seed Fund will be paid by BACs into your Business Bank Account and will be used for business items acquired within the Mid and East Antrim area. Please share any additional information that you feel would be relevant and assist with the assessment of your application. Declaration I/We hereby apply for consideration to the Explore Social Seed Fund and declare that all information contained in this application is correct. I/We understand that information contained within this application will be used to assess eligibility and will be treated confidentially. By the authority and consent of the above group or organisation, we declare that the information provided is true, accurate and complete. I/We understand the terms and conditions of funding from Mid & East Antrim Borough Council and agree to comply with them. I/We understand that Mid & East Antrim Council may request further information at any stage of the application process. Signed:
Print name:
Please submit the application form to christine.barnhill@midandeastantrim.gov.uk no later than Friday 13 January 2023. If you have any queries please call 028 9335 8240 or 07768 252619