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Action Plan

Mid and East Antrim Labour Market Partnership Action Plan

2022/23 Action Plan

Strategic Priority 1: To form and successfully deliver the functions of the local Labour Market Partnership for the area Indicators: % of LMP members feel supported & informed in their role % LMP members better informed on future skills requirement for Cleantech sector (LMP)

Theme Aim and Description Key Activities

LMP delivery and development Effective delivery of the LMP Action Plan through the formation of the LMP, and the sub-groups to oversee the Regular LMP meetings scheduled, and sub-structures defined with clear Terms of Reference.

2022/23 Action Plan.

Management and administrative resource appointed by the Council.

Stakeholder consultation has confirmed that employers and delivery partners have a poor understanding of the MEA economically inactive beyond a basic level of analysis. Understanding the ’target market’ is critical to shape future interventions and LMP programme planning. Recruit an appropriate organisation to complete an in-depth research study of the economically inactive to gain better insight and allow intervention schemes to be tailored to meet the needs of target markets.

Future skills needs Cleantech Hub Skills strategy Developing a unique approach to a new skills pathway opening up vocational training routes and on-the-job training to candidates in an emerging industry. Appoint a specialist skills training consultancy to develop a future Cleantech skills training and SME accelerator programme course roadmap in consultation with Council and local industry and to inform future LMP Action Plans.

Review end of year progress and develop a new 3-year strategic plan and annual action plan for 2023-2024 Review the 2022/23 plan; the outputs from SP1.3 and develop forward LMP Strategic Plan 2023-2026 and annual Action Plan for 2023-2024.

Mid and East Antrim Labour Market Partnership

2022/23 Action Plan

Strategic Priority 2: To improve employability outcomes and/or labour market conditions locally

Indicators: # Job Benefit Claimant Count; % Economic Inactivity; % Female economic activity; £ MEA Full Time Median Annual Pay. Theme Aim and Description Key Activities

Supporting Access All Areas Brokerage service to connect employers with those Job Packaged support programme in partnership with employers, with disabilities/long-term health conditions. Claimants DfC, Disability and employer organisations to better connect Back to the people with disabilities and long-term health issues who are Workplace unemployed/economically inactive with placement, work tasters and employment opportunities.

Pilot new community/employer designed and led Community/employer design and led skills/employability interventions at the point of need skills/employability interventions. aimed at long term unemployed. Facilitation and training in the community to develop problem-solving skills locally to enable the design of pilot skills and employment interventions tailored to local needs.

Improving Access to Better Quality Jobs

Employment/Skills Academies

Intensive training interventions focused on developing practical industry knowledge and skills are proposed, targeting the unemployed, under-employed, those at risk of redundancy and those who want to skill up. By providing skilling up opportunities those who are under-employed can move into better jobs and open positions at entry level. Transport Academy

Hospitality/Tourism Academy

Female Advanced Manufacturing Skills Academy

Fibre Skills Academy

Improving Clean Tech Hub targeting participants who want to upskill Deliver Train the Trainer (Level 5) in KnowHy Access to and transition towards better quality jobs. Hydrogen Production Better Support MEA as the province’s leading region for the hydrogen Quality Jobs economy and for clean tech, supporting the regional skills ecosystem by upskilling additional trainers, technicians and new industry entrants.

Mid and East Antrim Labour Market Partnership 2022/23 Action Plan

Reversing the negative impact COVID has on the economically inactive

MEA Enterprise Pathway

Provision of enhanced enterprise development support for the unemployed/economically inactive, tailored to address individual needs and barriers, enabling participants to commence test trading. Will ‘wraparound’, complement and be additional to existing Go For It support. Individualised enterprise pathway to support participants to explore and test new business ideas, improve enterprise skills, develop new networks commence test trading and progress to starting a business.

Addressing the growing gender gap in economic activity

Women Returners Programme

Tailored women returners interventions will enable the target group to build their confidence to re-enter or enter the world of work. Delivery will be via a mix of outreach events and a longer-term engagement programme to inspire and motivate women interested in returning to work, and get them started on the returning journey. Intervention can support returners to move past their gap, understand how to approach looking for the right position, build confidence and more. Women Returners Programme

Mid and East Antrim Labour Market Partnership

2022/23 Action Plan

Strategic Priority 3: To support delivery of Employability NI (ENI)

Indicators: • # employers better informed. Theme Aim and Description Key Activities

Increased MEA LMPs strategic review and stakeholder Develop and agree a communication plan with DfC, DfE awareness of engagement exercise has evidenced that industry and LMP and ensure campaigns align to coincide with employability and awareness of Employability NI and available support programme launches, recruitment dates etc. targeting skills programmes schemes is low. participants and employers. and career The LMP will increase employer and participant pathways awareness of employability programmes through a communication plan agreed with LMP and DfC/DfE.

Increased awareness of employability and skills programmes and career pathways

Events used to support those seeking work to move into employment, training or education. Additionally to showcase work of LMP, Apprenticeships and Employability NI.

Event(s) will offer the opportunity for residents and young people to connect with employers and improve their knowledge of career pathways and opportunities. Health and Employability Events

NI Apprenticeship Week (NIAW) 2023

Hospitality Takeover Days

Clean Tech Takeover Day

Future First will give behind the scenes access to a range of local sectors for a pilot groups of young people (15-16) who are at risk of leaving education with no clear destination or becoming NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training).

Mid and East Antrim Labour Market Partnership

2022/23 Action Plan

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